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Academic Year 2022-23

Professional Elective- I
Internet Programming
Project Report

Multimedia Sharing Website

Team Members Details

Rushikesh Gharat 40 (TE COMP A)
Khushi Gupta 46 (TE COMP A)
Chaitanya Jadhao 51 (TE COMP A)
Sahil Jadhav 52 (TE COMP A)

Faculty In charge
(Dr. Anand Khandare)
Deputy HOD, COMP Department, TCET

I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where others'
ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I
also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not
misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand
that any violation of he above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can
alsoevoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom
proper permission has not been taken when needed

Chaitanya Jadhao (Roll No 51)

Khushi Gupta (Roll No 46)

Sahil Jadhav ( Roll No 52)

Rushikesh Gharat (Roll No 40)

Signature of Faculty

Date :

Multimedia sharing websites face several technological challenges, such as managing

large amounts of data, providing fast and efficient access to content, and ensuring user
privacy and security. This project aims to address these challenges by developing a
multimedia sharing website with a user-friendly interface and efficient database
management system.

The project's success will be measured by several parameters, including the website's
loading speed, user engagement, content upload and download times, and website
uptime. The database management system's efficiency will be measured by its ability
to handle large amounts of data and provide fast content search and retrieval.

The results reported in the literature survey indicate that several multimedia sharing
websites have successfully overcome these challenges by implementing efficient
database management systems, providing user-friendly interfaces, and using advanced
technologies such as cloud computing and machine learning. The project aims to build
on these successes and develop a website that meets the highest standards of user
experience and data management

Overall, this project has the potential to provide a valuable service to users by
providing fast and efficient access to multimedia content and contributing to the
growing field of multimedia sharing technology
 List of Figures i
 List of Tables ii
 Abbreviations and symbols iii

Chapter No. Topic Pg. No.

Chapter1 Overview 04
1.1 Introduction 04
1.2 Background 04
1.3 Importance of the Project 04

1.4 Perspective of stakeholders and customers 04

1.5 Objectives and Scope of the project 05

Chapter2 Literature Survey 06

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Literature Survey Table
2.3 Problem definition

Chapter3 Design 08

3.1 GUI screenshot

3.2 Database screenshot

Chapter4 Implementation and results 09

4.1 Actual Results
4.2 Future Scope (further phases)
4.3 Testing

Chapter 5 Conclusion 10
5.1 Conclusion

Style of list in references of some standards are as below;
[1] Text book references
[2] Journal references
[3] Web references

Chapter 1: Overview

Overview: This chapter will provide an introduction to the multimedia sharing

website project and its goals. It will outline the challenges faced in developing
such a website and how the project aims to address them

1.1 Introduction
The internet has transformed the way we communicate, share information, and
consume media. Multimedia sharing websites are online platforms that allow
users to share various types of multimedia content, such as videos, images, and
audio files. These websites have become increasingly popular over the years, with
millions of users sharing their creative works on them.

1.2 Background
Multimedia sharing websites have been around for quite some time. Some of the
early websites in this category include Flickr, YouTube, and Vimeo. These
platforms provided users with a way to share their photos and videos with others
online. As the internet evolved, so did these websites, with many new features and
capabilities being added.

1.3 Importance of the Project

The aim of this project is to develop a multimedia sharing website that will
provide users with an intuitive and user-friendly platform to share their
multimedia content. The website will be designed to support a wide range of
multimedia formats, including images, videos, and audio files. This project is
important because it will provide users with a platform to showcase their
creativity and connect with like-minded individuals.

1.4 Perspective of stakeholders and customers

The stakeholders for this project include the developers, investors, and end-users.
The developers are responsible for designing and implementing the website. The
investors provide the necessary funding to develop and launch the website. The
end-users are the individuals who will be using the website to share and consume
multimedia content.

1.5 Objectives and Scope of the project

The main objectives of the project include the following:
 Develop a user-friendly multimedia sharing website
 Support a wide range of multimedia formats
 Provide users with a platform to showcase their creativity
 Allow users to connect with like-minded individuals
 Implement robust security measures to protect user data
The scope of the project will be limited to the development of the website and its
associated features. The website will be designed to support a wide range of
multimedia formats, including images, videos, and audio files. Users will be able
to upload and share their content on the website. The website will also feature a
user-friendly interface that will make it easy for users to navigate and find the
content they are looking for.
Chapter 2: Literature Survey

Literature Survey: This chapter will review the existing literature on multimedia
sharing websites and the technologies and strategies they use to overcome the
challenges. It will also identify the gaps in the literature that the project aims to

2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will conduct a literature survey to gain a better understanding
of multimedia sharing websites and their features.

2.2 Literature Survey Table

[1] Multimedia sharing websites are popular platforms for users to share
their creative works with others online
The most popular multimedia sharing websites include YouTube, Vimeo,
and Flickr
[2] The success of a multimedia sharing website is dependent on its user
interface and user experience

Users are more likely to use a website that is easy to navigate and has a
visually appealing design
[3] Multimedia sharing websites require robust security measures to protect
user data and prevent unauthorized access

Websites that do not implement adequate security measures are at risk of

data breaches and hacking
[4] The ability to search and discover new content is an important feature of
multimedia sharing websites.

Users should be able to find content easily based on keywords, tags, or

[5] Multimedia sharing websites should be designed to support a wide range
of multimedia formats to cater to all users

Common multimedia formats include images, videos, and audio files

2.3 Problem definition The development of a multimedia sharing website

requires careful consideration of several design and implementation issues. These
issues include website usability, content management, and database design. The
project will aim to address these issues through careful design and
Chapter 3: Design

Design: This chapter will describe the design of the multimedia sharing website,
including its user interface, database management system, and the technologies
used to implement it. It will also discuss the website's architecture and its

3.1 GUI screenshot Figure 3.1: GUI Screenshot

The GUI design for the multimedia sharing website will be developed to be user-
friendly and easy to navigate. The design will include a simple and intuitive
interface for content upload, content sharing, and content search.

3.2 Database screenshot Figure 3.2: Database Screenshot

The database design for the multimedia sharing website will be developed to be
efficient and scalable. The database will include tables for multimedia content,
user data, and website statistics.
Chapter 4: Implementation and Results

Implementation and Results: This chapter will describe the implementation of the
website and its performance results. It will present the website's loading speed,
user engagement, content upload and download times, and uptime. It will also
evaluate the database management system's efficiency and its ability to handle
large amounts of data

4.1 Actual Results The multimedia sharing website was successfully designed
and developed, with all the features described in the project objectives being
implemented. The website was tested extensively, and all bugs and issues were
resolved. The website is currently live and accessible

The development of the multimedia sharing website was completed successfully.

The website includes all the features described in the project objectives, such as
user registration, content upload, content sharing, and content search. The website
was designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, with a simple and intuitive
GUI. The database was designed to be efficient and scalable, with tables for
multimedia content, user data, and website statistics

4.2 Future Scope (Further Phases) The multimedia sharing website has several
opportunities for further development. Some of the future scope for the website
 Integration with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and
 Developing mobile applications for the website
 Providing premium content for users
 Developing an advertising platform for businesses
 Enhancing website security measures
These future phases will improve the website's functionality, user experience, and
revenue generation.
4.3 Testing The multimedia sharing website was tested extensively to ensure its
functionality and usability. The testing was performed by both developers and
external testers. The testing included functionality testing, usability testing,
performance testing, and security testing. The website passed all the tests, and all
issues and bugs were resolved.
Chapter 5: Conclusion

Conclusion: This chapter will summarize the project's goals, methods, and results.
It will discuss the contributions of the project to the field of multimedia sharing
technology and suggest future directions for research and development

5.1 Conclusion The multimedia sharing website is a user-friendly and efficient

platform for users to upload, share, and access multimedia content. The project
aimed to develop a website that is easy to use, has an efficient system for content
management, and is scalable for future development. The website's success is
evident in its functionality, user experience, and positive feedback from users. The
future scope of the website provides ample opportunities for further development
and revenue generation.
References: [1] Shetty, S., & Saldanha, L. (2016). Multimedia Sharing Website
Design and Development. International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Technology Research, 4(1), 13-23.
[2] O'Brien, M. (2018). Multimedia Sharing Websites: Designing for User
Experience. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1, 1-15.
[3] "YouTube." YouTube.
[4] "Flickr." Flickr,
[5] "SoundCloud." SoundCloud,
[6] "Instagram." Instagram,
IEEE standard references format
[1] J.F.Curtis,(Ed.),ProcessesandDisordersofHumanComm-unication.NewYork: Harper
and Row, 1978.
[2] J.Schroeterand,M.M.Sondhi,“Techniquesforestimatingvocal-tractshapesfromthe
speechsignal,”IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 133–150, 1994.
[3] J. M.Pardo,“Vocal tract shape analysis for children,”in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
Acoust., Speech, SignalP


We sincerely thank to our guide Mr. Dr. Anand Khandare

for his guidance and support for carrying out our project work.

Chaitanya Jadhao COMP A 51

Sahil Jadhav COMP A 52
Khushi Gupta COMP A 46
Rushikesh Gharat COMP A 40

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