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QUESTION BANK (International Business)

Qns - [very short @ 2 marks]

-20 Marks
1. What is the full form of the RTA ?
2. What is the full form of the IMF ?
3. Write 4Ps in International Marketing ?
4. What is full form of PESTEL ?
5. How many forces mentioned by Michel Porter?
6. MNC stands for.?
7. Give Example of Two Indian MNCs ?
8. Give Three MNCs in India from Automotive Sector?
9. .What is a global brand?
10. Name 5 global companies/
11. Which is the most important Global Currency.?
12. .Name top three Global Currencies.?
13. What is Product differentiation?
14. .What is full form of PLC in International Marketing?
15. .What stage comes after Product Saturation in Market?
16. SWOT Stands for ..?
17. What is full form of PEST ?
18. Which tool is used to study international business Environment ?
19. .How Political stability is important for International Business ?
20. Write Two main strategies for success of Product.
21. Why life cycle of product is becoming shorter?
22. What is Bench Marking?
23. Full form Of GATT.
24. What are 4 Ps.?
25. What are Triple Bottom line or 3Ps used in International Business.
Qns.-2[Short Questions] @ 5 marks]
1..Define International Business.?
2.Write the advantages of International business.
3.Define objectives of International Business.
4.Write the need for strategic planning?
5.Meaning of Global Strategy.?
6.What is the advantages of Strategic planning.
7.Explain PESTEL analysis.
8.Why sustainability is crucial for Global Business.?
9. What are the three most prevalent philosophies of international business strategy
10.What is the difference between Vision and Mission of the Organization.
Qns.-3 [Answer in detail} @ 10 marks
1.What is a global brand? What is Branding?
2. Name 5 global companies/Why they are Global?
3.Which is the most important Global Currency.? Explain Why?
4..Name top three Global Currencies.?
5.What is Product differentiation? Why it is Important?
6.What is full form of PLC in International Business?

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