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Last update: 12/10/2022

Version: 8.7

1 Release notes NaviEdit 8.7 ............................................................................................ 3

1.1 Formatting conventions .............................................................................................. 3

1.2 Database version ....................................................................................................... 3
1.3 New features .............................................................................................................. 4
1.3.1 Geodesy............................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Bug fixes ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Tips & Tricks ............................................................................................................. 10
1.6 Workflow Manager improvements ............................................................................ 10
1.7 Workflow Manager bug fixes .................................................................................... 10

2 Known limitations ......................................................................................................... 10

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1 Release notes NaviEdit 8.7
NaviEdit 8.7 is a major release and remains backwards compatible with previous versions of

You can find compatibility details via the EIVA Download Site, see Utility.

Figure 1 Three multi-beam echo sounders (MBE) used in a tunnel inspection

1.1 Formatting conventions

Items formatted in bold are properties, buttons, or other elements in the NaviEdit software.

1.2 Database version

This NaviEdit version does not includes any database upgrade of the NaviEdit database
version and is hence directly compatible with both NaviModel 4.6 and NaviModel 4.5.

The Microsoft SQL Server included in this NaviEdit installer is SQL Server 2019 Express.
This SQL Server requires Windows 10 64-bit.
You can still install NaviEdit on a Windows 7 computer – if you download the free SQL
Server 2012 Express version or connect to a SQL Server on another computer. If you want
to install NaviEdit on a Windows 7 computer, select the Select this option to connect to a
SQL Server on another computer option during installation.

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Last update: 12/10/2022
1.3 New features

• Added import of the Reson S7K logging format

Figure 2 Sample data logged in the Reson S7K format

• Added import of the EdgeTech jsf logging format

• Added import of the seismic UKOOA/IOGP P1/11 format
• Included an export of Speed over Ground (SoG)
• Licence Server support through the Licence Activator
• When creating a new SVP Correction from the Data Editor, names the new SVP
Correction block after the name of the survey block
• Added a Copy Gyro from other Block action
• Added an option to choose between specifying depth relative to sea surface or
relative to multi-beam head when applying a sound velocity correction. Previously
all depths were relative to the sea surface. For the time being this Depths are
relative to the MBE heads option is working with online sound velocity or a single
sound velocity profile (either just a single one present or as a result of choosing use
nearest profile), but not yet working with interpolated profiles.

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Figure 3 A single multi-beam swath of an area of flat seabed with a pipe in the middle – note
that it shows upward curving sides like a happy smiley, which is because it lacks the right
sound velocity profile and therefore the outer beams are refracted wrongly when mapped to
the seabed

Figure 4 The sides are no longer distorted after using the Sound Velocity Correction tool
with the option Depths are relative to the MBE heads

• Better error message on merge time mismatch

• Added Reson pipe detect word coordinates export of the 5 flags
• The Data Editor is now defaulting to show the legend in the different sensor views
• The LAS Export now includes an option to specify the WKT version of the geodesy
• The LAS Export has been improved so it is now doing the export faster
• Show the id of a user defined offset in the JobPlanner, Edit, User Offsets dialog
• Add Demo Version to the NaviEdit Data Editor and the Header Editor when a
currently valid dongle is present
• Added support for the PingDSP echosounder in NaviScan SBD files
• Added support for SBG Systems in NaviScan SBD files
• Added support for the WaterLinked DVL in NaviScan SBD files
• During import of Imagenex P83 files, also extract Heading and Motion from the P83

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Last update: 12/10/2022
• Added support for SPRINT-Nav Mini
• NaviPac Interpreter also imports positions of dragged objects
• Added the option to use the relative time stamp in the NaviScan SBD files by
creating a DWORD registry key at
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Eiva\NaviEdit and setting it to 1
• A possible time difference between the relative time stamp and the absolute time
stamp normally used in SBD files is written in the report

Figure 5 Report showing time difference

• Added a /NOSQL switch for bypassing MS SQL installation, ODBC and database
attachment during installation of NaviEdit. Should be used with the silent switch /S
like /S /NOSQL.
• Added the option to quickly select or deselect all blocks open in the PointEditor

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Figure 6 Added the option to select/deselect all blocks in the PointEditor

1.3.1 Geodesy

• Upgraded the geodesy database. The source for the geodetic data is the IOGP’s
EPSG database version 10. A single file database, EPSG_SQLite.db, is included
during installation. The file is located in the directory
C:\ProgramData\Eiva\Geodesy\ along with other common geodetic files such as the
NADCON datum shift tables.
This methodology ensures that the latest geodetic data set can be made available
without the need for a new release of NaviEdit. The geodetic data can also be
imported from a user’s own SQLite EPSG v10 compliant database or from a user-
hosted SQL database. The source for the data can be specified in the user-editable
XML file GeodeticSource.conf as detailed below. If any errors are detected when
loading a user-specified dataset, or NaviEdit does not recognise the database
structure, a minimal subset of geodetic data is used ensuring the application will still
load and is useable.

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Last update: 12/10/2022
• Added the option to do a NADCON datum shift during import of NaviScan SBD files
with geographical coordinates
• Fixed an issue with the Danish System 34 projection
• Added missing False Northing in the GUI for the RSO Borneo projection
• Added a projection Method description to the Geodesy Selector – This screenshot
shows the new projection description in the Header Editor:

Figure 7 New projection description in the Header Editor

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1.4 Bug fixes

• Import of SBD files avoid time jumping more than 2 hours back (extreme negative
relative time)
• SVP import: no longer adds a lot of zeroes for the ctd channels
• Fixed fail to import second head of dual head Kongsberg kmall files
• Fixed fail to load motion data for some Reson S7K files
• Fixed XTF import using wrong timestamp on second and following files
• Removed the restriction on not being able to recalculate a bathy named Height by
• Fixed a bug where dots were not shown in the Position view in the Data Editor when
zooming very close in
• Avoided an error message that occurred when saving sound velocity profile
corrections and hitting both Apply and Ok
• Until now it has not been possible to detach or delete a database from the
JobPlanner, if the database has been the active database in the current JobPlanner
session without closing and restarting the JobPlanner. Now you can detach or
delete a database which has been the active database during the current
JobPlanner session, but you cannot and will never be able to delete or detach the
current active one
• Milliseconds, which were previously not imported, are now saved when importing an
XYZ file (still not shown in import wizard)
• Fixed crashing upon import of an empty Kongsberg kmall file
• Removed the unused GUI for include deleted beams setting during import of multi-
beam files and in the Header Editor
• Removed the requirement to set computer time to UTC when merging TerraPos
NMA files
• Fixed an issue where deletion of very large UKOOA P6 bin grids blocks could fail
• Fixed that copying Motion/Bathy/Position from another block previously did not set
dataflag if data type was not already present
• Specification of a datum shift in the Header Editor is now disabled for P6 bin grids
• Now imports bathy depth even if the value is invalid, as the pressure might be valid
and useful for a RecalcBathy
• Fixed that the GSF export exported incorrect values for across and along track
• Fixed an issue in the JSF importer where the import was aborted if the last
messages could not be read
• When importing GSF files, a Draft sensor is now included. The option whether the
survey is a surface-based or a sub-surface survey is now automatically set.
• Degree and micro signs are now shown correctly in the Data Editor
• Fixed an issue with TSS 350 pipe tracker coil strength values where the values are
in scientific notation
• Now allows import of SBD files even with NaN TSS values
• If several blocks are open in the Header Editor with a different number of
sequences, ensures the sequence is not changed to a non-existing sequence, if a
sequence is changed for another sensor type

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Last update: 12/10/2022
1.5 Tips & Tricks

• In the NaviEdit Data Editor, if you hold down the X or Y button while scrolling the
scroll wheel on the mouse, you can change the zoom in the X-axis or Y-axis
direction respectively, without affecting the zoom in the other axis

1.6 Workflow Manager improvements

• Added the option to activate the LAS/LAZ export from the Workflow Manager
• Enabling the gap handling of Kongsberg files from the Workflow Manager
• Added option to specify offset directly in EXYExport-based exporters like ETrack
• Renamed MaxSecPreviousBlockEnd attribute to maxSecondsPreviousBlockEnd in
the NaviEditTask/GapHandling task for consistency with
WaitForPreviousNaviEditBlockTask (old attribute name is read if new does not
• Added WaitForPreviousNaviEditBlockTask
• Added an export of the Report
• Added an ApplyGeodesyNow action (ApplyNow element on the SetGeodesy
• Added the option to enable/disable Bathy, Heave and InducedHeave from the
Workflow Manager
• Enabled more exporters
• Included WKT in the LAS export
• When merging navigation files, use the name specified in the Source element in the
NaviEdit Merge Task as the name of the sensor

1.7 Workflow Manager bug fixes

• For datum shifts the scaling factor should be in PPM (before this fix the value was
wrongly divided with a million before being used as PPM)
• Fixed an issue where disableBathy="no" was not respected when importing SBD

2 Known limitations
There are no known major limitations to this release.

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