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Name : Muhammad Naufal Kurniawan

NIM : 2201421074

Class : Literary Reading (207)

TEXT 1 (End of the line’ by Alison Landall)

1. List the difficult word you may found on the text and look up from the meaning in the
 Postmaster (Kepala kantor pos) - the person in charge of a post office (line 12)
 Suspenders (Suspender) - straps or bands worn over the shoulders to hold up
trousers (line 29)
 Scrawny (Kurus) - unattractively thin and bony (line 33)
 Cavern (Gua besar) - a large underground chamber, typically one with stalactites and
stalagmites (line 51)
2. List of literary technique you may identify on the texts and provide with the excerpt form the
 Similie: When Frank and I stepped through the post office doors, there was a crowd
gathered, gawking at the new fixture on the wall like a chorus of wide-mouthed
frogs. (line 1-2)
 Personification: "the thought of talking into that box – of making my voice sail
through wires in the sky – it took over my brain" (line 17-18)
 Imgery: I stepped inside, my arms turning to goose bumps from the chill. The air
smelled of mildew and rotted beams, but also of horse sweat and wood smoke.
Strange. That mine had sat empty for years. (line 41-43)
 Suspensed: "I’d come up right behind Frank when, ting, his boot connected with
metal. He stooped, grabbed, and when he stood, his palm held more than we’d
hoped. A gold coin. Frank’s eyes nearly popped. ‘Where did that come from?’ I
whispered and reached out a finger to touch. Just then, voices sounded in the next
cavern over: ‘Zed, hold it higher.’ Two men stepped through a gap in the far wall."
(line 47-52)
3. Note at least two literary tones from each texts and describe how the tone is created by the
author. Support your answer using evidence from the text.
 Excitement
Excitement through the protagonist's fascination and admiration for the new phone that
was just installed in their town (Frank and I). The protagonist is described as having fallen
in love with her: "I gazed at that gleaming wood box and something happened inside me.
Something – I can only guess – that might be like falling in love.”(line 16-17)
 Determined
The author creates a determined tone by using language that shows the protagonist's
unwavering commitment to achieving her goal. The tone is established through lines
such as "I have to use that telephone"(line 19) and "I'll bet we could find some at North
Creek – in the mine."(line 30-31) These lines convey a sense of determination and
resolve that drives the protagonist to take action and pursue her goals, despite the
obstacles he may face.
TEXT 2 (The Legendeer: Shadow of the Minotaur by Alan Gibbons)

1. List the difficult word you may found on the text and look up fro the meaning in the
 Hooves (Kuku kuda/tapak kuda)- the horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal,
especially a horse. (line 3)
 Gleaming (Gemerlap) - shining brightly, especially with reflected light. (line 14)
 Anglepoise (Lampu sudut)- a type of desk lamp with an adjustable arm and shade that
can be moved to direct light where needed. (line 42)
 Incense (Dupa/Kemenyan) - a gum, spice, or other substance that is burned for the
sweet smell it produces. (line 50)
2. List of literary technique you may identify on the texts and provide with the excerpt form the
 Alliteration: "The beast began to stamp forward, its hooves clashing on the stone
floor."(line 16)
 Hyperbole: "In his mind’s eye, he could see himself impaled on the points of those
evil-looking horns, his legs pedalling feebly in the air, his head snapped back, his eyes
growing pale and lifeless." (24-25)
 Personification: " Its charge was hot, furious, unstoppable." (line 37)
 Similie: He knew he was gushing, babbling like a little kid, but he didn’t care. (line

3. Note at least two literary tones from each texts and describe how the tone is created by the
author. Support your answer using evidence from the text.
 Fear
The fear tone is created through the use of descriptive language, such as when the
author describes the beast in the archway as "hideous" (line 13) and "monstrous" (line
8), with "sharp, curved teeth" (line 5) and " horns, glinting and sharp" (line 7). The
author also uses sensory details to convey fear, such as the sound of the beast's hooves
clashing on the stone floor and the boy's fear of being impaled on the horns.(line 16-17)
The fear tone is further emphasized by the protagonist's thoughts and actions, such as
his realization that he has dropped the ball of string, which symbolizes his loss of control
(line 19-20), and his desperate plea for help. For example, the boy says, "Get me out of
here!"(line 38) and "Please, somebody help me."(line 35)
 Disbelief
Is created by the author's use of contrasting language to reveal the truth behind the
game. The protagonist initially believes that the game is real and is shocked when he
discovers that it was only a sophisticated piece of software. The disbelief tone is evident
in the the boy's reaction, such as when he asks, "It really is just a game?"(line 61) and
when his father gives a superior smile and says, "That's all."(line 62-63)
TEXT 3 (The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon)

1. List the difficult word you may found on the text and look up fro the meaning in the
 Foamy (Berbusa) - covered with or full of foam. (line 8)
 Itch (Gatal)- an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch. (line
 Snug (Nyaman)- fitting closely and comfortably. (line 21)
 Swishing (Mendesir) - move with a hissing or rushing sound. (line 51)
2. List of literary technique you may identify on the texts and provide with the excerpt form the
 Imagery: "the dirt outside turns into a beautiful ocean. As red as the sun and as
deep as the sky." (line 3-4)
 Alliteration: "their faces pushing against the flaps." (line 9-10)
 Irony: Queeny says they aren’t real beds, but just old army cots and even older army
blankets. (line 10-11)
 Hyperbole: "the whale was as old as the universe and as big as this whole country."
(line 47)
3. Note at least two literary tones from each texts and describe how the tone is created by the
author. Support your answer using evidence from the text.
 Hopeful
The author creates a hopeful tone by portraying the beauty of the ocean and the
animals that accompany it. in this text Subhi believes that the land outside turns into
a beautiful ocean at night, and he can hear the waves crashing on the tent.(evidence
line 3-4) He even found shells washed ashore, which he described as "hot and salty
fish, like the bottom of the ocean". (evidence line 13-14)
 Imaginative
The author also creates an imaginative tone by describing Subhi's belief in “The
Night Sea with Creatures”. Subhi draws a picture of it and writes about it on
Queeny's paper. (evidence line 16-18) He also shares his treasures with Eli and
believes that his ba is sending them to him. (evidence 34-35 line)

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