Veda Bread1

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1 lb White Bread Flour

1 tsp Roasted barley Malt Flour
2 tsp Nut Brown Malt Flour
1 tsp instant yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 tbs. oil
1 tbs. teaspoon malt extract
1 lattreacle or molasses
200-250 mls. warm water


A teaspoon of warmed treacle/molasses


Mix all the ingredients together using 200mls of the water. If it seems a little dry
add a little more water just a drop at a time. It should be a soft-ish slightly sticky
dough. Knead for 10 minutes by hand or five in a stand mixer with a dough
hook. Form into a ball and place in an oiled bowl covered with cling film
Leave somewhere warm to rise for about an hour until doubled in volume.
Gently pull the dough out of the bowl onto an oiled worktop and dimple out with
your fingers to disperse the gas.

Fold the dough over towards yourself bit by bit firming each roll with your
thumbs as you go. When you have a sausage fold it into thirds like a business
letter. Turn it over and tease the sides down and under until you get a cob
Place this into a greased 2 lb loaf pan and squash it down until it fills the base.
Place the tin inside a plastic bag and leave for 30-40 mins until it has risen again.
You will know when it is ready if you very gently shake the end of it trembles a
bit like a jelly. Brush gently with the glaze and bake for approx. thirty minutes.
The loaf will sound hollow when tapped on the underside when it is done. If not
pop it back in the tin and bake for a further five minutes and check again.

Oil your hands and the worktop when working with the dough. It stops it sticking
to you and everything else



12 oz. wholemeal/whole wheat flour

4 oz. oats/oatmeal + a handful for topping
200 mls. buttermilk or ordinary milk soured with lemon juice + 50mls milk just in
case you need it
2 oz. butter
1 egg beaten
1 teaspoons baking soda
1 heaped teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tsp salt
2 tbs. maple syrup or honey

Place the oats, butter, salt and maple syrup in a bowl. Heat the milk in the
microwave or a saucepan until quite warm.

Pour onto the oat mixture and leave for half an hour stirring occasionally. Do not
be tempted to skip this and throw the dry oats into the me
you will just get a very dense loaf.

Now stir in half of the beaten egg, the flour, baking soda and cream of tartar.
You should have a spongy slightly sticky mix.
Don't worry about rushing this bit. Letting the dough sit around for a few
minutes is quite beneficial.

Spoon the dough into your prepared loaf tin/sandwich tin

If forming by hand, flour your hands well and form the dough into a round on
your baking sheet. If your dough seems a little soft for that just add a little flour
to the mix.....simple.

Brush some of the beaten egg over the top then sprinkle generously with oats.
Now, sponge the rest of the egg over that. Using a sharp knife draw a deep
crevice the full length if the tin. If you are doing a circular loaf cut a deep cross.
It's to let the fairies out...........yes it is.

Bake for 30-40 mins or until a skewer comes out clean. If it is getting a little too
brown place a tin foil hat over the loaf after it has formed a skin.
Turn the loaf out onto a wire rack to cool.

Don't forget to cut that thick warm slice and butter it. Enjoy!


A great way to use up last night's left over mashed potatoes. You can of course
boil them up fresh for the occasion but if you are anything like me you will
always have left over mash.

Knead the mash until it becomes like a soft dough. Use about a third of its
volume in plain flour. Knead again to combine. It will become easier as the flour
is incorporated. Roll out into a circle about 1.5cms thick and place in the hot
griddle pan. Cut a deep cross in it to divide in four. Bake for three or four
Minutes. Flip over to do the other side. Remove to a cooling rack and watch
them disappear. Lovely fried later too with eggs and bacon


This can also be used as oven soda. It's not as popular as the whole meal variety
known as wheaten bread. Soda Farls done on the griddle are the thing. They are
so good split and toasted too. Don't bother with recipes that tell you to use a
pound of flour. Far too much. The Farls will be too thick and take too long to


12 oz. Plain Flour

1 oz butter
1 tsp salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
1-2 tsp sugar
1/2 pint Buttermilk


In a large bowl mix together the dry ingredients. Rub in the butter.
Add enough buttermilk to make a firm but soft dough (think scone here) err on
the side of dryness. You do not want it wet.
Knead quickly and lightly on a well-floured surface and roll into a round about
1/2 inch thick.

Place on the griddle and cut deeply into four. Cook for about 5-7 mins on each
side. Split one of the farls to check if they are done. The dough will be dry inside.
Don't worry too much if they don't go quite right the first time. Sometimes the
griddle can be too hot or the dough too wet. A good way to see if the griddle is
hot enough is to sprinkle flour on and it will brown quickly when the griddle is
hot enough.

Remove to a cooling rack and cover with a tea towel. Eat them while still warm.
Toast or fry them later with an egg


These can of course be made with sweet milk and baking powder but somehow
they are not the same.


4 oz plain flour
Pinch salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 oz. caster sugar
1 egg
1/4 pint buttermilk


Put all the ingredients into a food processor and whizz until smooth.
Heat the griddle or frying pan over a moderate heat then rub the surface with
white fat (not butter as it will burn). Drop tablespoons of the batter onto the pan
spaced well apart. When they start to go bubbly flip them over with a spatula
and cook the other side for a minute or two. Keep them warm in a tea towel
while you cook the rest. They won't last long mind you. If there are any left they
are also nice with the Ulster fry when they are past their best.


8 oz wholemeal flour
8 oz plain flour - or you can use all plain flour for plain scones.
9 oz buttermilk or fresh milk soured with about 1 tbs lemon juice if you don't
have buttermilk.
1 beaten egg
1 rounded teaspoon Baking Soda /Bicarbonate of Soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tbs. sugar or honey if you want sweet scones
1oz butter (optional)


Sieve the plain flour salt and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl. Add the
wholemeal flour and stir to mix. Rub in the butter if using Add the sugar if using.
Pour in the butter milk and beaten egg and combine quickly. You want a soft
workable dough. If it is too wet add a little more flour. If it is too dry add a little
more milk. When it is combined tip out onto a floured worktop and form into a
round patting it in shape very gently with your hands.

You need it to be approx. 2.5cms/1 inch thick. Cut out with a 2 1/2 inch/5 cm
cutter and place on a baking tray. Pop into the oven for 15-20 mins until golden
brown. Cool on a wire rack with a tea towel over them.


Northern Irish fridge cake with digestives, marshmallows and glacé cherries


15 digestive biscuits
15 marshmallows
15 glacé cherries, cut in half
200ml condensed milk
200g desiccated coconut, to coat


Crush the digestive biscuits in a food processor or in a plastic bag with a rolling-
pin, then put them in a large mixing bowl. Chop each marshmallow into 4 pieces
and add to the bowl with the cherries and 175ml condensed milk. Mix until the
ingredients are well combined and you have a sticky mixture. If it’s too dry, add
a splash more condensed milk.

Sprinkle most of the coconut over a large piece of cling film (or foil). Tip the
mixture onto the coconut and shape into a long sausage, about 30 x 5cm.
Sprinkle more coconut over the top of it and wrap the cling film tightly around,
twisting the ends together. Leave in the fridge to chill for 4-6 hrs. and then cut
into 15 slices and serve. Will keep in the fridge for up to 1 week wrapped in cling


9oz self-rising flour

1 tsp. baking powder
4 eggs
9oz butter
9oz caster sugar
Broken up mini Oreo cookies, plus more for topping
Buttercream frosting
1 tsp. vanilla extract
12oz butter softened
16oz icing sugar


Preheat oven to 350F degrees. Line cupcake trays with 18 papers.

Soften butter in microwave for a few seconds. Sieve flour, baking powder and
caster sugar into the bowl with softened butter. Crack eggs into a glass and then
add to the main mixture.

Mix on high with hand mixture until pale and creamy. Mix in broken Oreos with a
spoon. Using a teaspoon, spoon the mixture evenly into the cup cake papers and
check that they are all even.

Bake for 15 minutes at 350F and then turn round the trays in the oven and bake
for an additional two to four minutes or until they are springing back to the touch
when you press lightly with a finger. Leave to cool.

To make the buttercream, soften butter well in microwave and then beat with
hand mixture. Gradually add the icing sugar and vanilla and beat together until
pale and fluffy. Frost cup cakes with a palette knife or piping bag and nozzle and
top with an Qreo cookie.



For pie crust:

4oz ordinary salted butter
10oz plain flour

For pie filling:

17oz tinned pumpkin purée (available in Sawyers, Belfast)

1 egg
230ml evaporated milk
7oz caster sugar
2oz muscovado sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. plain flour


Rub the butter into the flour until you get a sandy consistency. Add a tablespoon
of cold water and mix with an electric mixer until you have an even dough. Add a
more water in tiny quantities if the mix is too dry.
Tip out and knead on a floured surface with your hands. Wrap in cling film and
leave to rest in the fridge for an hour & heat oven to 350F.

Roll out chilled dough on a floured surface until it's around 3mm thick. Line a
23cm pie dish with the dough and trim your edges with a sharp knife.
In a deep bowl, combine the pumpkin purée, evaporated |milk, egg, cloves,
cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, salt, sugar and flour. Pour the mixture into your
|unbaked pie crust and bake for 35 minutes. The filling should be set and springy
to the touch, with no wobbling.

Leave to cool completely and serve with good vanilla cream or ice cream. A little
splash of rum in the cream won’t hurt anyone either.



7oz unsalted butter, room temperature

4oz light brown sugar
4oz granulated white sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
7oz peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)
10oz plain flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
A Handful of chopped peanuts


Beat the butter and both sugars until light and fluffy (about five minutes). Beat
in the peanut butter. Add the egg and vanilla extract and mix to combine.
In a separate bowl sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Slowly stir into
the peanut butter mixture and mix until incorporated. Stir in the chopped
peanuts. If the batter is too soft, put in the fridge to firm up.

Spoon large tablespoons of mixture onto baking parchment or a silicone mat.

Make sure you space them far enough apart as they will spread out during
baking. Place on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake for about 10-12 minutes or
until they are browned on the edges but chewy on the inside. Leave to rest on
the tray for a few minutes until you can move them onto a wire rack to cool.

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