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Uranus - The Awakener In astrology, Uranus is considered as the planet of revolution.

It gives the need to break out and break free. It serves to support the urge inside every one of us to break the rules that describe our environment. When the force of Uranus is strong, either by birth or by the passage of time, we might find us wanting to be outstanding. An incident may happen that will require our boldness or an unplanned inner determination could come up inside us to expose us to risk. Uranus is a planet that orbits beyond the planet Saturn which symbolizes states of awareness which go more than what Saturn rules. This means that Uranus rules on laws which surpass those created from our egos urges, wants, values and needs. Like other planets such as Neptune and Pluto, Uranus also takes orders from a portion of our Higher Self or our Universal Mind the part of us which reconciles our ego and divine awareness. This part is compelled by impulses that go beyond our conscious intentions, making this planet confusing and powerful. People who are born during times when Uranus was high up in the sky are possibly more comfortable with Uranus clarion call than other people. Through pure familiarity, a person that is born with the rising of Uranus will have a tendency to be less distracted when confronted by sudden disruption. These people are good role models for everyone. They have gradually learned how to live life in stride and will not be surprised when life gives them a nudge. In astrology, Uranus is among those which rely so much on the correct approach. When a persons outlook is sufficiently isolated, Uranus can be utilized to help us keep us on our toes and reminds us to remain flexible. Since we know that things change even without warning, we have to always expect the worst. Our experiences will then teach us to stay calm and to let change find its way to us.

On the other hand, if we come forward our natal Uranus without a perspective, our desires should be blamed when we feel something disrupting our comfort zone. This is misusing Uranus intentions. This depends on the fallacy that the factors creating changes operate in another universe, different from our plans. The fallacy can break down if we let ourselves take a look at the way the events throw us changes, or look for an obvious pattern which suggests a lifelong theme, one which we can readily follow instead of resist. For example, a person born under Uranus in the 6th house who responds with disappointment to each change in their jobs might like to think of reasons why instability affects their work life. For this type of person, their work context should be continuously changed in order to be always refreshed and energized. For other people not born under Uranus, they might have to undergo such stress to the point that it wont work for them. Those born with Uranus in the 7th house who constantly attracts erratic, unreliable partners might take the idea of astrological projection. In the seventh house of relationships, this can take form by projecting his unconscious requirement for originality and eccentricity onto the other person or their partner. What you need to know about projection is that the situation can go more smoothly when we withdraw qualities that we are giving away. Remember that like attracts like. Uranus The Farthest Planet That Can Be Seen Without a Telescope Uranus is the Greek King of Gods before his son Saturn cast him out of his throne. He is also the ancient god of the Heavens. In astronomy, planet Uranus is the 7th planet in terms of distance from the sun and the 3rd largest planet in terms

of diameter. This planet is also the 1st planet that is found during the recent times and was found by British astronomer William Herschel while observing the heavens with a telescope on the fateful day of March 13, 1781. Uranus is made up of mostly rock and ice, and contains only 15% of hydrogen and some helium as opposed to Saturn and Jupiter which are composed mostly of hydrogen. Uranus atmosphere is composed of methane, helium and hydrogen. Uranus has a bland blue color which is mainly due to the absorption of red light brought by the presence of methane in its upper atmosphere. This planet is a huge, plain and bluish planet which can be seen by the naked eyes on a clear and dark night. Uranus has 21 moons, which orbit in almost circular patterns around the planets equatorial plane. The satellites are also tilted peculiarly (similar to the planets strange axial tilt), at an angle perpendicular to the planets orbit. The core of this planet is very much alike to Jupiters and Saturns cores without the huge liquid metallic hydrogen encasing the core. The diameter of Uranus is 4 times bigger than the Earth and has a mass of 14 times than that of the Earth. This planet is best known as the tilted planet or the planet that spins on its side since it has an odd axis tilt with respect to its orbit of rotation. Uranus Rings The planets rings were found from ground observations of Voyager 2 in 1977. These rings are faint ring systems that are made up of dark rock matters that can reach up to 10 meters in diameter. There are 11 identified rings which are all faint, with the brightest one named as Epsilon ring. This knowledge is of importance because it lets us know that rings are common features of different planets and not Saturn alone has rings. Uranus rings are narrow but dark, unlike

Saturns which appear bright. Although there are 21 known satellites of the planet, it may have around 27 which can be located within and outside of its rings.

Uranus Orbit The planet Uranus travels around the sun in 84 Earth years. This planet is typically hotter at the equator than at the poles. Uranus appearance has changed since Voyager last saw it. It is not just a bland object anymore. A singularity of Uranus is its axial tilt since it is tilted at 98, almost perpendicular to its orbits plane. The planet is also the most distant object that can be seen with the naked eyes. Uranus is a huge ball of gas and it radiates an equal amount of heat into space as much as it gets from the sun. The planet is made up of mostly water in the liquid form, ammonia, and methane. The peculiar axis of Uranus is the same as Venus. Also, Uranus rotates from the east to the west just like Venus. Uranus has a north pole that points almost towards the sun.

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