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Project Title

A Minor Project Report Submitted to

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

Towards partial fulfillment for the award of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted by
1. Gaurav Yadav (0818CS201053)
2. Rohit Raj (0818CS201148)
3. Shekhar Kumar Singh (0818CS201159)
4. Sparsh Jaiswal (0818CS201172)

Under the supervision of

Mr. Pradeep Baniya
Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Indore Institute of Science and Technology, Indore
Session 2022-2023
Indore Institute of Science and Technology, Indore (M.P.)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


We student of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering discipline, Indore

Institute of Science and Technology, Indore (M.P.), hereby declare that the work presented in this
project entitled “Ideas Corner” is the outcome of my own work, is bonafide and correct to the best
of my knowledge and this work has been carried out taking care of Engineering Ethics. The work
presented here does not infringe any patented work and has not been submitted to any other
university or anywhere else for the award of any degree or any professional diploma.

1. Gaurav Yadav (0818CS201053)

2. Rohit Raj (0818CS201148)

3. Shekhar Kumar (0818CS201159)

4. Sparsh Jaiswal (0818CS201172)

Date: 10-04-2023
Indore Institute of Science and Technology, Indore (M.P.)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


This is to certify that the work embodied in this project work entitled “Ideas Corner”, being
submitted by Gaurav Yadav, Rohit Raj, Shekhar Kumar Singh , Sparsh Jaiswal (0818CS201053,
0818CS201148, 0818CS201159, 0818CS201172) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering discipline, to Rajiv Gandhi
Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P.) during the academic year 2020-24 is a record of
bonafide piece of work, carried out by his/her under my supervision and guidance.

Guide Name Dr. Sathish K. Penchala

Pradeep Baniya HOD CSE
Project Guide

Forwarded by:

Dr. Keshav Patidar

Principal, IIST, Indore
Indore Institute of Science and Technology, Indore (M.P.)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


The Project entitled “Ideas Corner” being submitted by Gaurav Yadav, Rohit Raj, Shekhar Kumar
Singh , Sparsh Jaiswal (0818CS201053, 0818CS201148, 0818CS201159, 0818CS201172) has been
examined by us and is hereby approved for the award of degree Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science & Engineering discipline, for which it has been submitted. It is understood
that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement
made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but approve the dissertation only for the
purpose for which it has been submitted.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)

Date: 10-4-23 Date: 10-4-23

After the completion of this project, words are not enough to express my feelings about all those
who helped me to reach my goal; feeling above this is my indebtedness to the almighty for
providing me this moment in life.
In this project we have received constant support from Dr. B. K. Joshi, Dean Academics, Head of
Department Dr. Sathish K. Penchala. Also, I am heartily indebted to the constant support and
guidance of Mr. Pradeep Baniya Without his guidance and scholarly suggestion an urge to bring
out the best would not have been possible. I hope to propagate his scientific, industrial, and
professional fervors to the best of my abilities. His/her clear view and knowledge provided help
during every phase of Project Development. His perpetual motivation, patience, and excellent
expertise in discussion during progress of the project work have benefited us to an extent, which
is beyond expression. His/her in-depth and breadth of knowledge of Computer Engineering field
made me realize that theoretical knowledge always helps to develop efficient operational software,
which is a blend of all core subjects of the field. He/she was major support to me throughout my
project, being available with his/her odd ideas, inspiration, and encouragement. It is a through his
masterful guidance that I have been able to complete my Project.

I am also thankful to all the teaching and non-teaching staff from Department of Computer Science
and Engineering and friends and people who helped me directly or indirectly for the completion
of this project, with success.

The successful completion of a project is generally not an individual effort. It is an outcome of the
cumulative effort of many people, each having their own importance to the objective. This section
is a vote of thanks and gratitude towards all those persons who have directly or indirectly
contributed in their own special way towards the completion of this project.

1. Gaurav Yadav (0818CS201053)
2. Rohit Raj(0818CS201148)
3. Shekhar Kumar Singh(0818CS201159)
4. Sparsh Jaiswal(0818CS201172)

In this era of computer the most important thing is to make safe our information from
malicious users. Cryptography is a science which secure information by different type of principle
like encryption algorithm, authentication and authorization technique. Encryption techniques are
widely used for information hiding. It has also different techniques of encryption and substitution
technique is one of them.

We have created an online website named ‘Ideas Corner’. It is an educational learning

repository website. IDEAS CORNER is an educational website to learn coding and technical
skills. It’s an online website for student and keen learners who want to learn and explore the
field of computer science. This website provide the information about the courses , lectures,
articles from paid and free platforms which are available on the internet.
Website contains different types of platforms from where we can learn different types of
technical skills related to Tech field. We created a secure , user-friendly website where users
can give there feedback. Ideas corner is a one-stop destination for programmers.
This system is completely secure because each user is assigned a unique user ID and password,
preventing unauthorised access.




Project Approval Sheet




Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Graphs

List of Acronyms


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Objective

1.3 Scope

2.1 Literature Review

2.2 Problem Statement

2.3 Solution

2.5 Chapter Summary


3.1 Hardware Requirements

3.2 Software Requirements

3.3 Client-Side Languages: -

• Front End
• Back End

3.4 Functionality Requirements

3.5 Performance Requirements


4.1 Proposed Method

4.2 Proposed Methodology Data flow diagram

4.3 Proposed Methodology Use Case Diagram

5. Design Specification

5.1 Front End

5.1.1 Home Page

5.1.2 Learn Page

5.1.3 Contact Page

5.1.4 Login Page

5.1.5News Feed Page


6.1 Conclusion

6.2 Limitation

6.3 Future Work


Web programming, also known as Web Development, is the creation of dynamic

web applications by using this Technology we are creating a Website which will
help the beginner in the world of programming. This is a platform which include
all the information a beginner needs to start programming.

IDEAS CORNER is an educational website to learn coding and

technical skills.

It’s an online website for student and keen learners who want to learn and
explore the field of computer science.

This website provide the information about the courses , lectures, articles
from paid and free platforms which are available on the internet.

Website contains different types of platforms from where we can learn

different types of technical skills related to Tech field.

We created a secure , user-friendly website where users can give there


Ideas corner is a one-stop destination for programmers.


• To properly design a coding platform for the student for overall development
of student.
• To implement the hard-work of every student in fruitful way so that they can
improve their coding knowledge.
• To overcome most of the common issues for students while learning any
programming languages.
• Perform proper analysis on each student results and keeping the records of
how much they improved.
• To provide a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for novices to access
and navigate the website.
• To incorporate a personalized learning feature that adapts to each user’s
progress and learning style, providing customized feedback and
• To ensure that the website is accessible to all users, including those with
disabilities, by adhering to accessibility standards.
• To continually improve and update the website’s content and functionality
based on user feedback and emerging trends in the subject matter.
• To provide user support through various channels such as email, chat or a
dedicated help centre to address user queries and issues.
• To provide a clear and concise onboarding process that guides user through
the website’s features and functionality.

1.3 Scope

Here the server-based coding platform is developed for performing coding

practices in an easy way. As Programming is one the most important assets in a
student’s life. Our project provides the facility of proper execution of codes, report
error or output to the students and provide an interesting view for the
A newbie tech learner searches for courses lectures and articles over the
internet and get confused about from where to he or she wants to learn.
This online repository will resolve there problem by saving there time , a
lot of there time is wasted in searching and finding the write course by
using this platform there problem will be resolved. The whole concept of
learning technical skills online will become easier using this website .

Overall, the scope of Ideas corner is to provide a comprehensive and accessible

learning platform that helps novices develop their skills and achieve their learning


2.1 Literature Review

A great way to improve your skills when learning to code is by solving coding
challenges. Solving different types of challenges and puzzles can help you become
a better problem solver, learn the intricacies of a programming language, prepare
for job interviews, learn new algorithms, and more. There are many websites
which are providing services for their specialized technology, such as,,,, etc. However,
there is no such website found which customized path for beginners exists, which
consists of every technology under the same tree.

Accessibility and inclusivity are also important considerations in online learning.

The Ideas corner website aims to ensure that the platform is accessible to all
learners, including those with disabilities, by adhering to accessibility standards.
In conclusion, the literature suggests that online learning platforms, such as Ideas
Corner , can be effective in promoting learning outcomes, fostering collaborative
learning, and improving accessibility and inclusivity. However, more research is
needed to explore the specific factors that contribute to the effectiveness of online
learning platforms and to identify best practices for designing and implementing
such platforms.

2.2 Problem Statement

The problem addressed by Ideas corner is the lack of accessible and

comprehensive learning resources for beginners in various fields. Many beginners
struggle to find high-quality learning materials that cater to their learning style and
level of expertise. Traditional classroom-based learning can be expensive,
inflexible, and inaccessible for some learners due to geographical or financial

You are a beginner in the world of programming and want to start your coding
journey in minimum time possible with maximum efficiency. You went to some
senior or mentor and as you are a complete beginner, he suggested you start with
Hacker Rank or Skill Rack for practice and asked you to switch the platform
whenever you are comfortable. Now, you are very curious to know where to switch
and why, he further explains you would need to practice DSA and would require
practicing problems, so switch to a better platform Geeks-for-Geeks , similarly
there are platforms for different technologies like Leet-Code for interview
questions, Code Chef or Code forces for competitive Programming, etc.
Therefore, the problem statement for Ideas corneris to provide an accessible,
comprehensive, and effective learning platform that addresses the learning needs of
beginners in various fields.

2.3 Solution

We have come up with a solution that why not all of these could be implemented
over the same platform, so that the extra time spend over switching platforms and
understanding their usage could be saved. Moreover, it will also help the novice
programmers not to get confused over and over again, preventing them to
committing same mistakes again and creating more opportunities for them.

Moreover, our platform would be customized for all the user with different uses, so
that they don’t have to switch platforms and have more exposure to different
technologies, within the minimum possible time.

We would be implementing our project as web app first, and our aim would be to
make it responsive for devices of every size. However, the problem section would
be more compatible to computers first and then smaller devices, for an ease in
programming. We would be using Java Script as our main language for the
development and then switch other language for adding different functionalities.

To ensure accessibility, Ideas cornerwould adhere to accessibility standards, such

as providing closed captioning, alternative text, and keyboard navigation for users
with disabilities. The website would also provide an intuitive user interface and a
responsive design that can adapt to different devices and screen sizes.
To ensure quality content, Ideas cornerwould collaborate with experts and
organizations in the field to provide the latest research and industry developments.
The website would also provide opportunities for learners to connect with one
another, share resources, and collaborate on projects, fostering a sense of
community among learners.

2.4 Summary

IDEAS CORNER is an educational website to learn coding and

technical skills.

It’s an online website for student and keen learners who want to learn
and explore the field of computer science.

This website provide the information about the courses , lectures, articles
from paid and free platforms which are available on the internet.

Website contains different types of platforms from where we can learn

different types of technical skills related to Tech field.

We created a secure , user-friendly website where users can give there


Ideas corner is a one-stop destination for programmers.

Online learning repository is service that provides a digital platform for tech
learners to learn different programming and development related technical skills.
This platform provide its users the courses, articles , lectures, from paid and free
platforms which are available on the internet. Usually a student or learner who
looking learn about some programming or technical skills is clueless about from
where he or she should learn or practice his or her skills. Our website ‘Ideas
Corner’ provide them various quality courses from top education providers of the
world who educate through students in different languages.

The problem addressed by Ideas corner is the lack of accessible and

comprehensive learning resources for students in various fields. Traditional
classroom-based learning can be expensive, inflexible, and inaccessible for some
learners due to geographical or financial barriers. Ideas corner aims to address
these challenges by providing a personalized, accessible, and comprehensive
learning platform that caters to the needs of novices in various fields.

The solution provided by Ideas corneris to offer a comprehensive and accessible

learning platform that incorporates personalized learning features, diverse range of
learning materials, collaboration opportunities, and adherence to accessibility
standards. Ideas cornerwould continually improve and update the website's content
and functionality based on user feedback and emerging trends in the subject matter.
The website would aim to provide a personalized, accessible, and engaging
learning experience that helps learners achieve their learning objectives and stay
up-to-date with the latest developments in their field.

3.System Requirement

A specification is a requirement or procedure that is detailed enough to implement

or action. Specifications are a basic business tool that are used to implement
strategy and manage operations. The following are common types of specification.

3.1 Hardware Requirements

• 4GB+ RAM

• 512GB+ ROM

• i3 5th+ Gen. & Above

3.2 Software Requirements

• OS: Window 8.1+

• IDE: VS Code
• Node v16.0+
• MongoDB v4.6+
• Docker v20+

3.3 Client-Side Language

Front End

• Bootstrap
• Javascript

3.4 Functionality Requirements

• User registration and login functionality to access the platform

• A diverse range of learning materials, such as tutorials, videos, and
interactive modules, to cater to different learning styles and levels of
• An intuitive user interface and a responsive design that can adapt to different
devices and screen sizes.

3.5 Performance Requirements:

• The website should be fast and responsive, with quick page load times and
minimal lag
• The platform should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users
without crashing or slowing down
• The platform should be available and accessible 24/7, with minimal
downtime for maintenance and updates


5. Proposed Mythology

• Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a visual representation of how data flows through a

system or process. In the case of Ideas Corner , a hypothetical training platform for

beginners, a DFD could help to map out the flow of information between different

components of the platform.

• Level 0 DFD

• Level 1 DFD
At a high level, Ideas corner might consist of several key components: a user

interface for learners, a database for storing user data and training materials, and a

backend system for managing user accounts and tracking progress.

The stepwise workflow of this working methodology using data flow diagram
shown above is mention below. These steps completely describe the above
working methodology.

Stepwise Workflow of working system:

Step 1:
Registration for adding new student
Step 2:
Student login to perform their respective practical.

Step 3:
Select practical to perform.

Step 4:
Take input (program code) from student.

Step 5:
Save it in a respective
files (C/C++/Java).

Step 6:
Compile (Execute the file).

Step 7:
Take the output from the compilation process and send it back to the user.

Step 8:
Report any error and total compilation time.

Step 9:
Submit the program code.
Perform Analysis of student practical based on their submitted code and comments
on particular practical perform.

• Use Case Diagram: -

A use case diagram is a visual representation of the different actors, use cases, and

relationships involved in a system. In the case of Ideas Corner , a hypothetical

training platform for beginners, a use case diagram could help to identify the

different types of users and the specific actions they can perform within the


At a high level, Ideas cornermight have several key actors: learners and instructors.

Each of these actors would have different use cases, or specific actions they can

take within the system.

A user would require logging in with his/her credentials or create his account for

solving any of the listed problems, and all his data would be stored in the database

after validation. Similarly, he/she may access any course, if its free then could
easily be accessed otherwise, user may have to make a payment for the course, also

if he had paid for the course earlier then he may access the course. Moreover, there

would be contests, which a user may compete using his credentials, however the

leader board would be made public so that he may analyse himself and ultimately


In terms of relationships, the use case diagram would show how these different

actors interact with one another and with the system as a whole. For example,

learners might be able to enroll in training modules created by instructors, and

administrators might be able to generate reports on learner performance using data

from both learners and instructors.

By creating a clear visual representation of the different actors and use cases

involved in Ideas Corner , a use case diagram can help to ensure that all

stakeholders have a shared understanding of the platform's functionality and can

help to identify potential areas for improvement or further development.

6. Design Specification

a. Front End: -
i. Home Page

The home page of Ideas corneris the first page that users will see when they log in

to the platform, and it should provide an engaging and informative introduction to

the system. The primary goal of the home page is to help users quickly find the

resources and information they need to start learning or teaching on the platform.

ii. Learn Page

The Learn Page of Ideas corner is where users can access the training modules,

quizzes, and assignments that are available on the platform. This page is designed

to help users easily find and navigate the available resources and start learning new

skills and knowledge.

The Problem Page of Ideas corneris where users can access the training modules,

quizzes, and assignments that are available on the platform. This page is designed

to help users to solve various questions with the help of a online compiler and start

learning new skills and knowledge.

iii. Contact Page

The Profile Page of Ideas corneris where users can view and manage their personal

information and settings on the platform. This page is an important tool for helping

users stay organized and engaged with the platform, as it allows them to customize

their experience and track their progress.

iv. Login Page

Ideas Corner is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses to

help learners develop new skills and improve their knowledge. The login page of

Ideas Corner is an essential component of the platform, as it provides a secure

entry point for registered users to access their accounts and start learning.
Registered users can enter their username and password in the respective fields and

click the "Login" button to access their account. Users who have forgotten their

password can click the "Forgot Password" link located below the login form. This

will redirect them to a password recovery page where they can reset their password

using the email associated with their account.

In conclusion, the login page of Ideas Corner is a user-friendly and secure entry

point that allows registered users to access their accounts and start learning. The

simple design, intuitive layout, and easy-to-use features make it easy for users to

navigate and use the platform, while the strong security measures ensure that their

personal information is protected.

v. News feed page

A news feed page typically displays a list of recent news articles, blog posts, or

other types of content that a user might find interesting. The content may be

arranged in chronological order, with the most recent articles appearing at the top

of the page, or it may be sorted by relevance, popularity, or some other metric.

The page may also include images or videos to accompany the articles, as well as

headline summaries or teasers to give users an idea of what each piece of content is
about. Many news feed pages also allow users to filter or customize their feeds

based on their interests, preferences, or past behavior.

In addition to news and editorial content, some news feed pages may also include

advertising or sponsored content. This can help publishers generate revenue while

providing users with access to free or low-cost content. However, it's important for

users to be aware of the presence of advertising and to exercise caution when

clicking on links or interacting with sponsored content.

6. Conclusion and Future work


In conclusion, Ideas corneris a hypothetical training platform for beginners that

could provide a range of features to support effective learning and engagement.

Through the use of data flow diagrams and use case diagrams, we can visualize

the flow of data and interactions between different actors within the platform,

including learners, instructors, and administrators.

Ideas cornercould provide learners with access to a range of training modules,

quizzes, and assignments to help them build new skills and knowledge.

Instructors could use the platform to create and publish their own training
content, monitor learner progress, and manage assignments and quizzes.

Administrators could oversee the overall performance and availability of the

system, as well as generate reports on learner performance and engagement.

By using these diagrams and other development tools, Ideas cornercould be

refined and optimized to provide an effective and engaging learning experience

for users. Whether used in a corporate training setting or for individual learners

seeking to build new skills, Ideas cornercould be a valuable resource for anyone

looking to develop new expertise and stay competitive in a rapidly changing job


In today’s world we require everything online so this “Ideas Corner ” is the best

solution for students and the best platform to study various programming

languages and increase their knowledge in the world of programming.

6.2 Limitations

• There is a lack of system security, reliability, standards and some

communication protocols
• Insufficient telecommunication bandwidth.
• The software development tools are still evolving and changing rapidly.
• It is difficult to integrate the internet and EC software with some existing
applications and databases.
• It takes time to build confidence among the customers.
• Limited Memory
• Ideas cornermay struggle to maintain user engagement over time,
particularly if users become bored or disinterested in the available training
• As with any online platform, Ideas cornercould face technical issues related
to platform performance, user connectivity, or other issues that could impact
user experience.
• Ideas cornermay be limited in its ability to cover all topics and domains of
knowledge, which could impact its usefulness for learners seeking a
comprehensive learning experience.

6.3 Future Planning

There is always space for improvement in every project. This project can be
further developed and additional features like debugging the code, providing
practice competition, other high-level courses and we can improve this by
adding various programming languages in future. We are also planning to
develop this system into an IOS devices. So that it can reach to a much
larger audience.
As a hypothetical training platform for beginners, Ideas cornercould be
further developed and expanded in several ways to improve its functionality
and usefulness for learners, instructors, and administrators. Some potential
future planning points for Ideas cornercould include:
• Expanding the scope of training modules: To better meet the needs of
learners seeking a comprehensive learning experience, Ideas
cornercould be expanded to cover additional topics and domains of
• Enhancing the user interface: By improving the platform's user
interface, Ideas cornercould become more intuitive and user-friendly,
which could improve user engagement and satisfaction.
• Integrating with other platforms: Ideas cornercould be integrated with
other learning platforms, such as online course marketplaces or job
boards, to help learners connect with additional resources and
• Incorporating gamification elements: To make the learning experience
more engaging and interactive, Ideas cornercould incorporate
gamification elements, such as badges, achievements, or leaderboards.

• Providing additional instructor support: To support instructors in

creating and publishing high-quality training content, Ideas
cornercould provide additional resources and support, such as content
templates, instructional design guides, or peer review systems.


• Stack Overflow: -

• GitHub: -
• Dev Community: -
• NodeJS: -
• ReactJS: -
• API: -
• Geeks for Geeks: -

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