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Tigbauan Site
Tan Pael, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines

Name: Yaoki O. Galaraga Course & Year: BSMT 2-Irreg

MGMT 1 Prelim Research

Research Output for Prelim 

1. Explain the Error Chain? Name the five (5) factors indicating the error chain

Error chain refers to the idea of numerous contributing variables or events that
frequently result to an accident rather than a single event directly causing the mishap. It is a
series of interconnected factors that, when combined, can result in a negative outcome and
these contributing variables are caused by human-factor errors rather of mechanical
problems. This chain of events can be broken down into five factors that indicate the
development of an error chain. The first factor is the presence of a trigger event. This could
be something as simple as a miscommunication or a malfunctioning piece of equipment. The
second factor is the absence of effective communication. If team members are not
communicating effectively, it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. The third factor is
the lack of situational awareness. If team members are not aware of their surroundings and
potential hazards, they may make decisions that lead to errors. The fourth factor is human
error. These are the actions taken by individuals that contribute to the development of an
error chain. Examples include taking shortcuts or not following established procedures.
However, even with proper training and procedures in place, humans are prone to making
mistakes. The final factor is organizational influences or culture. These are factors related to
the overall culture and structure of an organization, such as pressure to meet deadlines or
lack of resources. If an organization does not prioritize safety and risk management, it can
create an environment where errors are more likely to occur. Ultimately, it is essential to
identify potential sources of errors and take measures to mitigate them in order to prevent the
error chain from occurring and causing harm or damage. This includes providing adequate
training for personnel involved in the process and ensuring that equipment is maintained
properly. Understanding the Error Chain and its five factors can help organizations identify
potential risks and take steps to prevent catastrophic events from occurring.

2. Describe Complacency in four (4) or five (5) sentences. 

Complacency is a state of being content with one's current situation and not feeling
the need to strive for improvement. It is often characterized by a lack of motivation, ambition,
and initiative. Complacency can be dangerous as it can lead to stagnation and a lack of
progress. When individuals become complacent, they stop pushing themselves to achieve
their goals and may miss out on opportunities for personal and professional development.
Therefore, it is essential to recognize when complacency sets in and take steps to overcome
it. This includes setting new goals, seeking out new experiences, challenging oneself
regularly, and embracing change as an opportunity for growth. By doing so, individuals can
avoid the pitfalls of complacency and continue to thrive in all aspects of life.

3. Enumerate Seven (7) Leadership Qualities of “Great Leaders” and give the meaning of
every quality in just one (1) sentence.

Great leaders are those who possess certain qualities that set them apart from the
rest. These qualities are what make them effective in leading their teams toward success.
Here are seven leadership qualities that great leaders possess:

1. Visionary: Great leaders have a clear vision of where they want to take their team or
2. Decisive: They are able to make tough decisions quickly and confidently, even in
uncertain situations.
3. Inspirational: Great leaders inspire and motivate their team members to achieve their
goals and reach their full potential.
4. Empathetic: They understand the needs and concerns of their team members and show
empathy towards them.
5. Communicative: They communicate effectively with their team members, providing
clear direction and feedback.
Tigbauan Site
Tan Pael, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines

6. Strategic Thinkers: Great leaders think strategically and plan for the long-term success
of their organization or community and always looking for ways to improve processes
and achieve better results.
7. Resilient: Great leaders are resilient in the face of challenges, bouncing back quickly
from setbacks and failures.

In conclusion, great leaders possess a combination of these qualities that enable

them to lead effectively and achieve success for themselves and their teams.

4. Explain the meaning of Situational Awareness. Identify an understanding of what is

happening around you, and what is likely to happen. Name at least three (3) factors. 

Situational awareness is the ability to perceive and understand one's surroundings,

including potential threats, opportunities, and challenges. It involves being aware of what is
happening in the environment around us, as well as our own thoughts and feelings.
Situational awareness is essential for making informed decisions and taking appropriate
action in any given situation. Furthermore, in order to have a clear understanding of what is
happening around us and what is likely to happen, there are three key factors that must be
considered. Firstly, it is important to be aware of the current situation and any relevant
information that may impact it. This includes understanding the context in which events are
occurring, as well as any historical or cultural factors that may influence them. Secondly, it is
essential to have a deep understanding of human behavior and psychology. By analyzing the
motivations and actions of individuals involved in a given situation, we can gain valuable
insights into their likely future behavior. Finally, an understanding of broader societal trends
and patterns can help us predict future outcomes with greater accuracy. This includes
analyzing economic trends, political developments, and social changes that may impact the
situation at hand. By considering these three factors together – situational awareness,
human behavior and psychology, and societal trends – we can develop a comprehensive
understanding of what is happening around us and make informed predictions about what is
likely to happen next.

5. Introduce the Organization for Shipboard Training and enumerate the seven (7)
different functions in concise manner.

The Organization for Shipboard Training (OST) is a non-profit organization that

provides training and education to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the
maritime industry. The OST was founded in 1983 with the goal of improving the safety and
efficiency of ships at sea by providing high-quality training programs. The OST offers a
comprehensive training program that covers all aspects of shipboard operations, including
navigation, safety, and maintenance. In addition to its training programs, the OST also
provides support services to students, including job placement assistance and career
counseling. The organization has partnerships with many maritime companies around the
world, which helps graduates find employment opportunities after completing their training.
Overall, the Organization for Shipboard Training plays a crucial role in preparing individuals
for successful careers in the maritime industry. Its commitment to high-quality education and
support services make it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in pursuing a career at

The OST has seven different functions that are designed to ensure that its students
receive the best possible training and education. These functions include:

1. Curriculum Development: The OST develops and updates its curriculum regularly to
ensure that it meets the changing needs of the maritime industry.
2. Instructor Training: The OST provides its instructors with ongoing training to ensure
that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver high-quality instruction.
3. Student Recruitment: The OST actively recruits students from diverse backgrounds
who are interested in pursuing a career in the maritime industry.
4. Student Support Services: The OST provides a range of support services to its
students, including counseling, tutoring, and job placement assistance.
5. Industry Partnerships: The OST works closely with industry partners to ensure that its
curriculum reflects current industry practices and trends.
6. The OST conducts research on emerging trends in the maritime industry to inform
Research and Development: its curriculum development efforts.
Tigbauan Site
Tan Pael, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines

7. Accreditation: The OST is accredited by various regulatory bodies, ensuring that its
training programs meet rigorous standards for quality and effectiveness.

In conclusion, the Organization for Shipboard Training plays an essential role in

preparing individuals for successful careers in the maritime industry through its
comprehensive training programs and commitment to excellence across all seven of its

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