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1 Read the web chat. Choose the correct person.
0 Carla / Lizzie123 hasn’t got a lot of free time. Carla

1 Jon2006 / Bookman doesn’t need other people. I know it’s good to have hobbies, but I’m so busy. I haven’t got
time! My teachers give me so much homework, and my parents
2 PaulaM / Lizzie123 enjoys studying. always want me to do housework. Please help! What do you do
in your free time?
3 Funnygirl / Bookman likes music.

4 LlamJones / Marcus loves making food. Jon2006

Join a club! I’m in a football club. It’s great, and doing sports
5 PaulaM / LlamJones loves fashion.
is a great way to have fun and make new friends.
6 Funnygirl / PaulaM likes dancing.
7 Jon2006 / Bookman enjoys meeting other people.
Some people haven’t got hobbies, and that’s OK. It sounds
strange, but I like being on my own, and watching TV or
 7 reading. I rarely go out, and I hate being in clubs.
I have fun by myself.

2 Read the web chat again. Complete the PaulaM

sentences with one word in each gap. You have
Do you like dancing? I’m learning to dance at the moment,
the first letter of each word.
and I’m having a lot of fun. The only problem is that I study
0 Carla wants a hobby. all week, and then on Saturday, I go to ballet lessons. So, on
Sunday, I always stay in bed until 11 o’clock!
1 Carla does a lot of homework and
h . Lizzie123

2 Jon2006 loves playing f . What’s wrong with homework? I love homework! It’s great
exercise for the brain. I always ask my teachers for more!
3 Bookman enjoys staying at h .
4 PaulaM gets up late on S . Funnygirl
Do you play an instrument? I do – the piano! It’s a good way
5 Lizzie123 thinks that homework gives her to relax and it always makes me smile.
b exercise.
6 Funnygirl plays the p . LIamJones
Go shopping! I like spending time in shops, looking at
7 LlamJones likes going to c shops. all the new designer clothes. There’s only one problem.
I haven’t got a lot of money …
8 Marcus c books about food and

 8 I really enjoy cooking. It helps me to relax. I enjoy collecting

cookbooks and recipes, and I always make something when
I get home from school. I’m making a cake at the moment.

  Level 1  Skills Test 1 Basic PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct words.
0 Jon’s life is always the same / different.

1 Lisa’s hobby helps her to relax / travel.

2 David always / rarely stays at home.

3 Jon has a camera / calculator on his phone.

4 Esme likes / doesn’t like writing poems.

5 David hates / loves reading poems.

6 Jon enjoys / doesn’t like writing.

7 Jon thinks that Esme’s idea is bad / great.


4 Listen again. For each question, choose the correct answer (A or B).
0 What does Jon want?

A a new hobby. B more homework.

1 Lisa’s hobby is

A travelling the world. B cooking.

2 Jon isn’t good at

A cooking. B teaching.

3 At the weekend, David

A takes photos. B meets people.

4 Jon thinks that his camera is

A not very good. B OK.

5 Jon doesn’t like

A taking photos. B being alone.

6 Esme has a

A blog. B problem.

7 Esme wants Jon to

A keep his life the same. B write for her blog.

8 She wants Jon to

A write about his feelings. B take photos.


  Level 1  Skills Test 1 Basic PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2021

5 Read the blog post from Tom. Write a comment (about 35 words) to answer his questions.

Hi! Here are things that I love doing and my
hobbies. I love listening to music every day and
writing on my blog. What about you? What things
do you love doing and do you have any hobbies?
Write a comment!

6 Complete the dialogue with words. In pairs, practise the dialogue

cool instrument every day going hobbies often

Jenny: Hi, Tim! What (1) have you got?

Tim: I play an (2) in a music club! I play the piano.
Jenny: (3) ! Do you have fun at the club?
Tim: Yes, I do! I love (4) to the club.
Jenny: Great! How (5) do you play the piano?
Tim: I play it (6) . It helps me to relax.

7 Work in pairs, A and B. Ask each other about different hobbies and what you like doing and what
you can’t stand doing. Use the information to help you.
I can’t stand … I really like … I occasionally … I hate … I like … I … twice a week.

1 A – ask B questions about hobbies. 1 B – answer A’s questions about hobbies.
• Ask what B does in their free time. • take photos
• Ask how often they do it. • every day
• Ask what they like / can’t stand doing. • 
like: collecting things
can’t stand: reading magazines
2 A – answer B’s questions about hobbies. 2 B – ask A questions about hobbies.
• play the guitar • Ask what A does in their free time.
• twice a week • Ask how often they do it.
like: listening to music • Ask what they like / can’t stand doing.
can’t stand: going shopping



  Level 1  Skills Test 1 Basic PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2021

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