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1. What kind of emergency does the man NOT mention?

A. power failure
B. snowstorm
C. tornado

2. Which idea was stated in the conversation about water?

A. You should buy spring water in bottles in advance.
B. Having a water filter to clean water can be helpful.
C. Bacteria in water can cause serious illness.

3. What is one basic principle behind food in a 72-hour kit?

A. Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.
B. Cooking warm meals can lift people's spirits.
C. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.

4. What is the woman's image of an emergency shelter?

A. people working together in a difficult situation
B. a very overcrowded building that is dirty
C. a facility lacking adequate food and drinking water

5. What advice does the man have for people with small children?
A. pack plenty of snacks and treats
B. carry a portable DVD player with movies
C. be prepared with some basic art materials

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Correct answers:
1. tornado
2. Having a w ater filter to clean w ater can be
3. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.
4. a very overcrow ded building that is dirty
5. be prepared w ith some basic art materials

1. What reason does the girl give for needing a cellphone?

A. She can use it to check her email.
B. She can call family in case of an emergency.
C. She can make cheaper long-distance calls with it.

2.What is one major feature of the calling plan?

A. 1000 anytime minutes
B. unlimited weekday minutes
C. 1000 free weekday minutes

3. What is the term of service for this plan?

A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months

4. Why does the girl suggest that her father buy a new car too?
A. Their current car is in bad shape, and it doesn't look good.
B. The cellphone's power supply won't work in an older car.
C. Their car isn't big enough to ride in with all her friends.

5. What do customers receive when they purchase the cellphone mentioned in the conversation?
A. a cellphone adapter for the car
B. money back for buying the phone
C. other cellphone accessories

Score =
Correct answers:
1. She can call family in case of an
2. 1000 free w eekday minutes
3. 6 months
4. Their current car is in bad shape, and
it doesn't look good.
5. money back for buying the phone
1. How old is the minivan the woman is looking at?
A. three years old
B. five years old
C. seven years old

2. What is the vehicle's mileage?

A. 55,000 miles
B. 65,000 miles
C. 75,000 miles

3. What is the problem with the minivan's door?

A. It has several scratches in it.
B. It will not open properly.
C. It is missing the door handle.

4. What is one thing the extended warranty would NOT cover on the vehicle according to the
A. a faulty oil pump
B. a malfunctioning gage
C. a worn out brake drum

5. If the manager lowered the price as the salesman suggests, what would the final price be?
A. $15,475
B. $15,575
C. $15,675

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Correct answers:
1. three years old
2. 75,000 miles
3. It w ill not open properly.
4. a w orn out brake drum
5. $15,575

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?

A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.

A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.

A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

Score =
Correct answers:
1. She`ll be required to register again for school.
2. some food
3. in a national park
4. earning a decent living
5. is involved in a serious relationship

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