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City & Guilds 2393-10


City & Guilds Level 3 Award

in the

Installation of Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Scheme 2399-11

Issue 1.0

Prepared by Trans-Euro Engineering Services Ltd

City & Guilds 2393-10


Summary of City & Guilds 2399-11 Course ............................................................................................ 3 Learner pre-requisite entry requirements .................................................................................... 3 UNIT Summaries ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Unit 201 Know the fundamental working principles, installation options and regulatory requirements for micro-renewable energy and water .................................................................. 4 Unit 311 Know the requirements to install, commission and handover small scale solar photovoltaic systems ................................................................................................................... 5 Unit 312 Install, commission and handover small scale solar photovoltaic systems .................. 6 Administrative Arrangements ................................................................................................................... 7 Equal Opportunities .................................................................................................................................. 7 Trans-Euro Staff ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Complaints and Appeals ........................................................................................................................... 8 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Data Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Version: Issue 1.0

Page 2 of 8 Trans-Euro Engineering Services Ltd. Tel +44 (0) 1327 353800

Approved FD/SR

City & Guilds 2399-11


Summary of City & Guilds 2399-11 Course

To achieve the City & Guilds 2399-11 Level 3 Award in the Installation of Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Systems candidates must achieve 8 credits from three mandatory units (201, 311312). Unit 201 Know the fundamental working principles, installation options and regulatory requirements for micro-renewable energy and water 2 credits Unit 311 Know the requirements to install, commission and handover small scale solar photovoltaic systems 3 credits Unit 312 Install, commission and handover small scale solar photovoltaic systems 3 credits The course will be completed over a period of 5 days: Day 1: Day 2-5: Unit 201 Units 311 and 312

Learner pre-requisite entry requirements

N/SVQ 3 in Electrical Installation (Buildings and Structures) or equivalent earlier certification that provides evidence of competence In addition, if not included in the above current certification: BS 7671: 2008 Requirements for Electrical Installations (17th Edition) Certification

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Approved FD/SR/PLS

City & Guilds 2399-11


Unit Summaries
Unit 201 Know the fundamental working principles, installation options and regulatory requirements for micro-renewable energy and water
Unit aim The purpose of this unit is to enable learners to develop a fundamental knowledge of microrenewable energy and water conservation technologies. The aims of this unit are: To allow learners to develop the knowledge required to be able to communicate with others in relation to the fundamental working principles, potential to install and regulatory requirements for micro-renewable and water conservation technologies To prepare eligible learners to progress to the specialist knowledge and competence units for the installation, commissioning, handover, inspection, service and maintenance of microrenewable energy and water conservation technologies. There are four learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will be able to: 1. Know the fundamental working principles of micro-renewable energy and water conservation technologies 2. Know the fundamental requirements of building location/building features for the potential to install micro-renewable energy and water conservation systems to exist 3. Know the fundamental regulatory requirements relating to micro-renewable energy and water conservation technologies 4. Know the typical advantages and disadvantages associated with micro-renewable energy and water conservation technologies Assessment This unit will be assessed by an on-line multiple-choice GOLA test (2399-201).

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Approved FD/SR/PLS

City & Guilds 2399-11


Unit 311 Know the requirements to install, commission and handover small scale solar photovoltaic systems Unit aim
The purpose and aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop the underpinning knowledge required prior to progressing to assessment of occupational competence. The unit focuses upon the knowledge required to plan and prepare for, install (including testing and commissioning) and handover of grid connected solar photovoltaic systems that are within the scope of Engineering Recommendation G83/1 with an electrical output of up to 5 kilowatt peak (kWp) connected to both single and threephase installations. The unit also includes fundamental design awareness and component selection. Learning outcomes There are twelve learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will: 1. Know the health and safety risks and safe systems of work associated with solar photovoltaic system installation work 2. Know the requirements of the relevant regulations/ standards relating to practical installation, testing and commissioning activities for solar photovoltaic system installation work 3. Know the fundamental differences between A.C and D.C circuits within solar photovoltaic systems 4. Know the purpose of solar photovoltaic system components 5. Know the types, silicon characteristics and typical conversion efficiencies of solar photovoltaic modules 6. Know the fundamental design principles used to determine solar photovoltaic system module array size and position requirements 7. Know the preparatory work required for solar photovoltaic system installation work 8. Know the layouts and the requirements for installing solar photovoltaic module arrays 9. Know solar photovoltaic system D.C and A.C circuit installation layouts within the scope of the relevant Engineering Recommendation for grid tied systems 10. Know solar photovoltaic system protection techniques and components 11. Know the requirements to test and commission solar photovoltaic systems 12. Know the requirements to hand over solar photovoltaic systems Assessment This unit will be assessed by an on-line multiple-choice GOLA test.

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Approved FD/SR/PLS

City & Guilds 2399-11


Unit 312 Install, commission and handover small scale solar photovoltaic systems
Unit aim The purpose and aim of this unit is to enable learners to demonstrate occupational competence. The unit focuses upon the occupational competence required to plan and prepare for, install (including testing and commissioning) and handover of grid connected solar photovoltaic systems that are within the scope of Engineering Recommendation G83/1 with an electrical output of up to 5 kilowatt peak (kWp) connected to both single and threephase installations. Learning outcomes There are five learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will be able to: 1. Plan and prepare for the installation of a solar photovoltaic system 2. Install solar photovoltaic system components 3. Inspect and test a new solar photovoltaic system installation 4. Commission a new solar photovoltaic system installation 5. Hand over a new solar photovoltaic system installation

Assessment This unit will be assessed by a practical assignment

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Approved FD/SR/PLS

City & Guilds 2399-11


Administrative Arrangements
The course and the exam are normally held at Trans-Euros premises at 186 Watling Street, Towcester, but the location can be at client premises by prior arrangement. Normal times of attendance are from 09:00 to 17:00, with lunch from 12:15 to 13:00. Refreshment breaks are taken as necessary during the morning and afternoon. Towcester is centrally placed and is conveniently accessible by road, rail and air. Accommodation and parking are easily arranged. Full details are available from the Course Secretary. Participants with special needs should advise the Course Secretary 21 days before the start of the course. See Equal Opportunities, below. Safety Warning Note that the Trans-Euro emergency assembly area is the Magistrates Court car park, across the main A5 Watling Street. This is a busy trunk road therefore extreme caution is required.

Equal Opportunities
Trans-Euro supports equal opportunities in education, training and employment, and takes positive action to achieve this. We are committed to giving delegates who want to gain an award an equal opportunity of achieving it irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical abilities, learning capabilities, eyesight, hearing etc in line with current UK legislation and EU directives. Delegates with impairment(s) should make their requirements known in advance of booking courses in order to provide time for specialised staff external to the Centre to be made available to assist and for additional exam time to be sought where appropriate, eg for dyslexic or deaf delegates. The formal, detailed, Trans-Euro Equal Opportunities Policy statement is available on request, held by the Course Secretary.

Trans-Euro Staff
The following Trans-Euro staff are involved with running the 2399-11 course: Course Tutor Course Assessor Invigilator Course Secretary Internal Verifier Quality Assurance Coordinator

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Approved FD/SR/PLS

City & Guilds 2399-11


Complaints and Appeals

Any complaint or appeal should be made in the first instance direct to the Trans-Euro employee involved. It should be escalated to the assessor or internal verifier/quality assurance coordinator if satisfaction is not obtained. City & Guilds will not accept complaints or appeals made directly to them unless this process has been exhausted. The full company Appeals Policy is available on request from the Centre Secretary. To obtain independent, informal advice before escalating to C&G HQ, our City & Guilds External Verifier contact details are:

Tony Massey email: phone: 01480 890 538

Achieving the C&G 2399-11 qualification does not provide any guarantee of workmanship, performance, quality or status of the candidate during future endeavours such as plying his/her trade, applying for membership/enrolment of trade bodies/institutions, or for job seeking etc

Data Protection
Any personal information Trans-Euro holds will only be used in the context of the business we conduct with the candidate. This information comprises the candidates name, date of birth, sex, employer and contact details. The formal, detailed, Trans-Euro Data Protection Policy statement is available on request, held by the Company Secretary.

Version: Issue 1.2

Page 8 of 8 Trans-Euro Engineering Services Ltd. Tel +44 (0) 1327 353800

Approved FD/SR/PLS

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