Gen 005 - P3 Exam - Del Rosario

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John Maynard Del Rosario

BSED Main 1
1. Explain the concept of Global Interstate System and Global Governance.
Global Interstate System is the whole system of human interactions. The modern
world-system is structured politically as an interstate system –a system of competing and
allying states. Political Scientists commonly call this the international system, and it is the
main focus of the field of International Relations. All world-systems are composed of multiple
interacting polities. Whereas, The goal of global governance is to provide global public goods,
particularly peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets
and unified standards for trade and industry.
2. Discuss the foreign direct investment. What are the different types of foreign direct
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a category of cross-border investment in which an
investor resident in one economy establishes a lasting interest in and a significant degree of
influence over an enterprise resident in another economy. There are 3 types of FDI: Horizontal,
Vertical and Conglomerate.
With a horizontal direct investment, a company establishes the same type of business
operation in a foreign country as it operates in its home country. A U.S.-based cell phone
provider buying a chain of phone stores in China is an example.
In a vertical investment, a business acquires a complementary business in another
country. For example, a U.S. manufacturer might develop an interest in a foreign company that
supplies it with the raw materials it needs.
In a conglomerate type of foreign direct investment, a company invests in a foreign
business unrelated to its core business. Since the investing company has no prior experience in
the foreign company's area of expertise, this often takes a joint venture.
3. What is Technological Innovation? Explain the different types of technological Innovation?
Any new development is known as innovation. There would be no progress without
invention, and with no innovation, there can be no progress. If people and technology don't
progress, they will quickly become irrelevant and outdated in a larger scheme of things.
Technological innovation strives to improve an existing product, like to provide a new product
or process with new technological features to set it apart from the competition. When the new
updates are introduced to the market, they are regarded as innovations, benefiting the broader
public and the company. Innovation courses help individuals understand the workings and need
for innovation in technology to make life easier for people at large.
4. Explain the concept of the Risks of Globalization. Give at Least ( 5 ) advantages of
globalization and (4) disadvantages of globalization.
Risks of instability associated with the ability of capital to migrate easily to different
locations as a result of change in risk return configurations, indeed information, technology and
other technological advances have significantly lowered the response time of capital and
especially financial capital.
What are the Advantages of Globalization?
1. Access to New Markets
2. Spread of Knowledge and Technology
3. Enhanced Global Cooperation and Tolerance
4. Promotes Economic Growth
5. Increased Competition
What Are the Disadvantages of Globalization?
1. Unequal economic growth
2. Lack of local businesses
3. Increases potential global recessions
4. Exploits cheaper labor markets
5. Causes job displacement.

5. What is the Emergence of Economic System. Give the different types of economic System.
An economy is a complex system of interrelated production, consumption, and
exchange activities that ultimately determines how resources are allocated among all the
participants. The production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services combine to
fulfill the needs of those living and operating within the economy. Economic systems can be
categorized into four main types: traditional economies, command economies, mixed
economies, and market economies. The different types of economic system are: Traditional
economic system, Market economic system, and Mixed system.
1. Traditional Economic System - In traditional economies, fundamental economic decisions,
such as the production and distribution of goods and services, are determined by tradition and
societal needs rather than by their potential for monetary profit. People in societies with
traditional economies typically trade or barter instead of using money, and depend on
agriculture, hunting, fishing, or a combination of the three for their livelihoods.
2. Mixed Economic System - Pure market economies rarely exist in the modern world since
there's usually some degree of government intervention or central planning. Even the United
States could be considered a mixed economy.
3. Market Economic System - A market economic system is defined as a system where the
production of goods and services are set according to the changing desires and abilities of the
market players. It allows the market to operate freely in accordance with the law of supply and
demand, set by individuals and corporations, as opposed to governments.
4. Martial Law - Martial law is the substitution of a civil government by military authorities with
unlimited powers to suspend the ordinary legal protections of civilian rights. A state of martial
law may be declared in response to a crisis or imposed during a coup.
5. Equality – Equality in economy is about a level playing field where everyone has the same
access to the same wealth. Some policymakers see contradictions between equality and
economic growth, believing that inequality is good for growth. Achieving all of the Sustainable
Development Goals means quashing any such contradictions.
6. National Sovereignty - Nationally, the idea of the 'separation of powers' has meant that, in
liberal democracies at least, there is no sovereign.
7. Sustainability - Sustainability consists of fulfilling the needs of our generations without
compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic
growth, environmental care and social well-being.
8. Global Food Security – Global food security has a wide definitions, but it’s official context is
the availability at all times of adequate world food supplies of basic foodstuffs to sustain a
steady expansion of food consumption and to offset fluctuations in production and prices.
9. Allocation – The allocation of food in economic, social, and political mechanisms are
governing when, where and how food can be accessed by consumers and on what terms.
10. Food Utilization - Food utilization is one of the three dimensions of food security. It is the
ability of the human body to ingest and metabolize food through adequate diet, clean water,
good sanitation and health care to reach a state of nutritional well-being where all physiological
needs are met.

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