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DIGESTIVE SYSTEM:  Peritoneum – serous membrane of abdominal

Composed of: o Visceral – external
 Alimentary canal- Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus, o Parietal – lines the body wall
Stomach, Small and Large Intestine o Peritoneal cavity – lubricates organs,
 Accessory digestive allows them to slide
o Mesentery – double-layered
Essential Processes peritoneum
 Ingestion – eating
 Secretion
 Oral or Buccal cavity
 Mixing and Propulsion- push the bolus along o Bounded by lips, cheeks, palate, and
the tract tongue
 Digestion- o Oral orifice = anterior opening
o Mechanical- teeth o Continuous with oropharynx
o Chemical- enzymes posteriorly
 Absorption  To withstand abrasions:
 Defecation o Stratified squamous epithelium
Water, carbohydrates = no need for digestion o Keratinized gums, hard palate, dorsum
of the tongue
HISTOLOGY OF ALIMENTARY CANAL  Labial frenulum – lips to gums
 Hard palate – palatine bone
 Mucosa – innermost epithelia layer that lines
the lumen, Secretion of mucus, absorption of  Soft palate – posterior, attachment of uvula
the end products of digestion, Protection  Tonsil – lingual (2) and palatine (2) tonsil
against infectious diseases TONGUE
o Lining epithelium – secrete protective
mucus  Composed of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles
o Lamina propria – connective tissue that  Gripping and repositioning food during chewing
supports and nourishes the mucosa  Mixing food with saliva and forming bolus
o Muscularis mucosae – involuntary, helps  Initiation of swallowing and speech
with propulsion o Lingual frenulum = secures tongue at the
 Submucosa – connective tissue containing floor of the mouth
elastic fibers, blood, lymphatic vessels, lymph o Superior surface bears 3 types of papillae:
nodes, and nerves (regulate activity)  Filiform – give the tongue roughness
 Muscularis externa – Resonsible for and provide friction
segmentation and peristalsis  Fungiform – scattered widely over the
o Skeletal muscle = mouth, pharynx, superior tongue and give it reddish hue
and middle esophagus, external anal  Circumvallate – V-shapes row in back
sphincter of tongue
o Smooth muscle = help break down food,
mix with digestive secretions, propel it
along the tract  Parotid – lies anterior to the ear, minsan
 Serosa – nagsswell
o forms a portion of the peritoneum,  Submandibular
o visceral peritoneum,  Sublingual
o superficial layer of suspended digestive
structures in the abdominopelvic cavity, TEETH
o replaced by the fibrous adventitia in the
 Incisors – chisel shaped, cutting and nipping
 Canines – fanglike teeth that tear and pierce


o Teeth  Structural modifications (inc. in surface area)
o Aid digestion as enzymes o Circular folds – ridges that causes chime to
o Voluntary stage = swallowing o Villi – fingerlike extensions of mucosa
o Pharangeal stage = pharynx to esophagus o Microvilli
o Esophageal stage
NOTE: 2 hours bago makarating ng large intestines
PHARYNX yung chymes

 Oropharynx and laryngopharynx = digestive and LARGE INTESTINE

respiratory functions
 Subdivided into the cecum, colon, rectum, and
 Chemical digestions and propulsion
anal canal
ESOPHAGUS  HAUSTRUM = sausage-like structure of L.I
o Haustrations = localized mmctx and stx
 Tubular conduit for food transport from mouth  Mass movements (peristalsis) = propels fecal
to stomach matter triggered by stretching or distention. (10
 Enters mediastinum anterior to the vertebral – 30 mins, 1-3x a day)
column  Functions:
 Upper and lower esophageal sphincter o Absorption of water and electrolytes
STOMACH from chime
o Storage of fecal matter until it can be
 Mechanical and chemical breakdown of bolus expelled
converted to chime  Regions:
 PARTS: o Ascending colon
o Cardia – superior opening o Hepatic flexure
o Fundus – dome-shaped o Transverse colon
o Body – mid portion o Splenic flexure – spleen = eliminate
o Pyloric – antrum, canal, pylorus dead blood cells
o Greater and lesser curvature o Descending colon
o Rugae - folds o Sigmoid colon
o Goblet (mucus secretion) cells = alkaline DIGESTIVE ENZYMES
mucus (HCO3) – bi-carbonate INSERT TABLE HERE ZZZ
o Gastic glands = inside gastric pits; secrete
gastric juices; mucus; gastrin = hormone
 Chief cells = pepsinogen; becomes
Mouth – absorb carbohydrates
pepsin = precursor
 Parietal cells = gastric lipase, HCL, and
intrinsic factor
 Mucus neck cells = mucus
 Enteroendocrine = gastrin
 Runs from pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal
 Bile and pancreatic duct join the duodenum for
 The ileum joins the large intestines at the
ileocecal valve
 3 subdivisions:
o Duodenum
o Jejunum
 Rectum is mostly empty of feces = sphincter
and angulation bet. The sigmoid colon and
 Types of sphincter:
o Internal anal sphincter – involuntary
o External anal sphincter – voluntary
 Mass movement forces feces into the rectum,
desire for defecation occurs immediately.
 Reflex control:
o Intrinsic myenteric reflex = distention of
rectum -> initiate peristaltic waves of large
intestines -> feces towards anus -> relaxes
internal anal sphincter.
o Parasympathetic defecation reflex =
distention of rectum -> stimulate nerve
endings -> signals to spinal cord -> reflexive
activation of large intestine peristalsis and
internal anal sphincter anal canal.

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