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W&T Day Two Woronzoff Homework Review/ Genthes A Slave Girl / Pinskys The Shirt/Group Poem This session

continues the themes of defining truth and work discussed in previous workshop. The goal is to explore these themes by 1.thinking about different ways of representing the experience of hard work 2. considering which representations appear/feel more truthful to viewer/reader and why 3. writing a Group Poem on the topic of hard work Homework from previous evening: What is Hard Work? Ask a family member to define hard work, or to describe a difficult work experience. Record your response to this description in your journal; then write your own response to the question (for you, is hard work physical, emotional, or cerebral in nature?). Go to http://www.marquette.edu/haggerty/exhibit_2011_01_photo_portraits.shtml View YouTube video from the Haggerty Museums The Truth is Not in the Mirror Photography and a Constructed Identity January 19 - May 22, 2011 Copy the paragraph of text that accompanies video into your Reading Journal. We will respond to it in class. 9:OO Free-write 9:10 Thought chain with previous nights HW One student begins chain by reading aloud her response (or family members response) to the question What is Hard Work, second student connects to previous speaker by paraphrasing I hear you but/and 9:20 Process writing: Write a process on last nights assignment (writing about your family members and/or your own definition of hard work). Was the assignment enjoyable/instructive in any way? 9:30 Examine: Genthes photograph A Slave Girl in Holiday Attire p. 15 9:35 FFW Respond to photo using two prompts, one from perspective of woman, and one from perspective of viewer Loop: I am the girl in the photograph, I am thinking

Loop: I am the viewer, I see 9:45 Share responses 10:00 Process writing: Which exercise is more interesting/enjoyable to you: imagining this girls thoughts from her point of view, or describing her from an external perspective? Which perspective is more truthful? 10:10 Share some responses 10:20 In the YouTube video you viewed last night, you saw photographs of people from an exhibit where, according to the curators, the artists are telling a story, communicating a message to the viewer. Have a student read aloud following passage from exhibit (in RJ): As the title, The Truth is Not in the Mirror... suggests, photography has the power to imply, construct, and/or deny a narrative. Many of the photographers are contemporary storytellers and, in this sense, their work reflects facets of our ever-changing precepts about family, identity, truth and fiction. FFW Believing and Doubting (a response to this title) (5 minutes) I believe that truth is not in the mirror (5 minutes) I doubt this statement: truth is in the mirror 10:30 Break 10:40 Share responses 10:50 FFW: Most of you have an opinion about this statement; what did you learn or experience from viewing the statement from the opposing side? 10: 55 Sporadic share 11:00 Silent read: Pinskys The Shirt 11:05 Read out loud, each student 3 lines Workshop leader reads again, students underline important phrases/words 11:10 FFW Choose one of the words/phrases you noted, write about it, limit response to 2-3 sentences 11:20 Text explosion

11: 35 FFW: Poem/Photo: How does this poem about sweatshop labor sweatshop make you feel? Is your response similar to or different from your response to a picture of a girl in ethnic holiday dress labeled Slave Girl? How/Why? 11:45 Share responses with class 12:00 -12:15 Poetry Play We have read two poems (What Work Is and The Shirt); students will use them to write a group poem about hard work. Choose words, or a phrase from either poem and rework them into a new line of poetry. Students read their lines. One volunteers to write their line on the chalkboard. Each student takes a turn writing another line directly underneath. Read finished poem

This topic can be continued in second half of workshop with Figueroas, The GAP & Sweatshop Labor in El Salvador [J.Yanira Viera] (Year 1 Anthology p. 36) and Steve Martins Writing Is Easy (Year II Anthology p. 16).

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