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Answer 1-
In succession planning, key responsibilities within a company are identified and action plans
developed for persons to fill them. You can guarantee that you have the appropriate people in
the right positions now and in the future by taking into account both current and future
objectives in a comprehensive manner. Planning for one's future is a kind of security. This
isn't the first time it's happened. Every year or as business demands dictate, it should be
reevaluated and adjusted. Such an approach aims to identify and develop future leaders inside
and outside the firm, as well as to evaluate each leader's competencies.

By identifying critical jobs and flagging prospective vacancies, long-term succession

planning helps the organization's overall competence. After determining the qualities and
skills that are crucial to the company's survival, individual growth is focused on satisfying
future business demands.

Luis is 52 years old, so he needs to start planning for his retirement and choosing a new
leader for his well-established carwash business right away. He needs to start planning for the
business's future right away so he knows who will take over. Before picking a new leader,
you need to know about succession planning. His three sons were Luis Jr., age 27, Eduardo,
age 25, and Alejandro (age 22). Junior has an MBA from a well-known business school in the
world and has worked for big companies. Luis thought that Junior's great organizational skills
in areas like analysis, planning, and organization made him cold and logical.

Eduardo had gone to college and studied both philosophy and literature. He had been on the
House of Senators' Ethics Committee when he worked in the office of the Senator from
Sinaloa. Eduardo quit his job in the Senate to become a part-time lecturer when he got
married. Alejandro Martnez was the youngest of three brothers and sisters. He went to law
school and loved business law. He worked as an intern in an attorney's office and as an
internal auditor at a car wash. Based on the qualifications, Luis Jr. is the best choice to take
over the business, and his degree will help him run the business the best.
Luis thought Alejandro was the best choice since Luis Jr. wasn't interested in the family
business. Luis agreed with Alejandro that he was honest and moral. Luis could see himself in
Alejandro. Alejandro, on the other hand, wanted to start a law firm while still being involved
with the company. He may be interested in the business, but he can't run it, so Eduardo is the
only other option. Eduardo doesn't work in business, but he has taken many business classes
and is working toward a master's degree in philosophy. He has also worked in the company
before, and he helped Luis find a way to clean a car without using water.

When Eduardo got back home, he took over the job of making The Martinez Car wash’s
Waterless Division better. Businesses and other organizations whose employees didn't have
time to wash their cars during the week could get their cars cleaned at this location without
using water. Considering all the evidence, I think Eduardo is the best person to take over the

Answer 2-
Luis may provide his sons the following additional experiences and training to help them
succeed and continue the business:

These are some of the common skills he can provide to their sons-

• Skills, skills, skills – Initially, you will be required to wear several hats, including inventory
management, maintenance, and accounting. Not only will an open-minded, can-do attitude
get you through, but it will also offer you with important insight into all business elements.

• Professional with exceptional interpersonal skills- You will use them every day.
Occasionally, you'll encounter a dissatisfied customer. The tone of your organization will be
determined by how you respond to adversity. Dealing with a dissatisfied customer may be
challenging, but if you are a successful car wash entrepreneur, you may be able to restore the
relationship and create future opportunities. Additionally, you must be open, friendly, and
communicative while interacting with personnel. Develop a reputation for being trustworthy,
sensible, and patient. Ensure that your personnel are well-versed in the essentials, such as
customer service and product knowledge, and that they are rewarded for doing a good job. A
well-trained, skilled, and valued staff is more likely to remain with you over time, providing
you with a competitive edge.
• Stay organized –Bookkeeping and accounting tasks may be assigned to a professional in the
long term. You must comprehend the principles of financial flow, including incoming vs
outgoing funds. In order to correctly report and submit income, you will also need to keep
your tax records organized and be aware with local tax regulations. You should constantly be
informed of your company's financial performance. Knowing where your money is in the
event of an unexpected change, such as a short service period or an unforeseen repair, may
provide you with additional alternatives.

• Select the suitable suppliers – Locate a reliable vendor and double-check that the equipment
is installed appropriately. Preventive maintenance should be undertaken, and professionals
should be called when repairs are necessary.

• Know how to choose the optimal spot -The philosophy of the real estate business is
"location, location, location." The same should apply to our industry. Choose the best site
possible for a car wash business, since location is crucial.

Since Luis' three sons have very different skill sets, it is challenging to instruct all of them in
the same manner. One-on-one guidance tailored specifically to each of the three kids' needs
would be the most effective way to help them strengthen the skills in which they now
struggle. The oldest son, Luis Jr., is a whiz at running the family company, but he is heartless
and indifferent to others' feelings. Although the leaders of companies may not want to be
seen as emotional, it is essential for them to be so to connect with their employees and avoid
giving the impression that they are uncaring. The staff would leave since snarky managers are
disliked by everyone. For there to be healthy connections amongst employees, there must be
a significant amount of emotion and empathy. Eduardo, the second son, is the one in charge
of the waterless area of the carwash and already has a bachelor's degree in philosophy to his
name. In addition to his studies in philosophy, he has also taken courses in many aspects of
business. Luis is of the belief that Eduardo has the necessary personality traits as well as the
management abilities to succeed him as CEO of the firm. After Eduardo completes his
education in management, business operations, and organizational leadership, he will be the
ideal candidate to take over the family business. At the age of 22, Alejandro, the oldest of the
three kids, is now working toward earning a degree in law. Luis saw a lot of himself in
Alejandro, the most motivated member in the group, since Luis is also very determined.
Because of the very sensitive character he has, he often gives off the impression of being
immature. Since he also serves as the car wash's internal auditor, he is in need of direction
about how to manage the firm and communicate with customers. Others won't take him
seriously until he can reign in his feelings and impulses.

Answer 3-
Two possibilities are open to Luis: he may hand over the management of the firm to his sons,
or the business can be owned by his sons but managed by specialists. This is the greatest
choice if the firm is owned by the sons. Giving one of the sons controls of the whole firm is
one possibility; the other is to divide the company into three equal pieces. Luis Jr. would be
the best choice if the company could only be handed on to one child, since he has the most
experience and a degree that would be most useful in running the business. His lack of
enthusiasm in operating the company meant that Eduardo, his younger brother, and
successor, could not take the reins. At the same time, he was assisting his father's new
product development efforts by enrolling in business school. In addition to his inexperience,
Alejandro, the organization's newest employee, was also in school at the time. There were
two other options: The younger brother, a law student with an interest in accounting, would
take care of the money side of things. Having a master's degree in philosophy, Eduardo is the
greatest candidate to lead the crew. The operations may be effectively managed by Luis Jr.,
who has the greatest expertise and a business background. Alternatively, the firm is owned by
the sons but managed by outside experts they've hired. If no one in the family has the
managerial skills to continue the company's operations in the event of a change in executive
leadership, we may consider hiring a professional. Developing a succession plan and
identifying a new CEO for every family-owned business is now a top priority. To begin, it is
important to understand that succession is a dynamic process rather than a set outcome. An
additional consideration in the recruiting process is whether the new CEO will have the same
core principles and leadership style as the current leader.”

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