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SESSION - 2023-24


Q. 1 Fill in the blanks:

a. The components of food which are necessary for our body are called _______________
b. Green plants synthesize their own food themselves by the process of __________________.
c. ______________________ is the mode of taking food by an organism and its utilization by the body.
d. Complex chemical substances such as ______________ are the products of photosynthesis.
e. ___________________ gas is produced during photosynthesis.
f. Organisms that are dependent on others for their nutrition are called ______________________
g. _________________ are the tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves and are surrounded by guard cells.
h.  ____________________is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.
i. Organisms which derive their nutrition from dead decaying matter are called _______________.
j. Some organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients, this is called _____________________.
k. Carbohydrates are made up of _________,__________ and __________.
l. Green plants are called __________ since they synthesize their own food.
m. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as __________.
n. In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called ___________.
o.  During photosynthesis plants take in ___________and release ___________.
p. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as______________
q. Proteins contain ________________

Q. 2 Name the following :

a. A bacterium that can take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form.
b. An insectivorous plant.
c. The mode of nutrition in mushrooms.
d. The indicator used to test the presence of starch in leaves.
e. A parasitic plant with yellow, slender and tubular stem.
f. A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition.
g. The pores through which leaves exchange gases

Q. 3 Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II:

Column I Column II
Chlorophyll Bacteria
Nitrogen Heterotrophs
Amarbel Pitcher plant
Animals Leaf
Insects Parasite

Q. 4 Complete the following equation representing photosynthesis:

CO2 + H2O→
Q. 5 Mark 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if it is false:
a. Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis.
b. Plants which synthesise their food themselves are called saprotrophs.
c. The product of photosynthesis is not a protein.
d. Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis.

Q. 6 Label the following diagram:

Q. 7 Answer the following questions:

(a) Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. But farmers who cultivate pulse crops like green gram, bengal gram, black
gram, etc. do not apply nitrogenous fertilizers during cultivation. Why?
(b) Wheat dough, if left in the open, after a few days, starts to emit a foul smell and becomes unfit for use. Give a reason.

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