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Activity Description Accomplished Date and time of

(yes/no/on- Accomplishment
hanging out with friends since ive been thinking yes august 27, 2022
and missing about them
lately, i decided to meet
and catch up with them
since its been a couple of
months that we didn't see
each one of us..

cooking chicken curry my cousins birthday is yes august 29, 2022

about to come and she
ask me if i can cook her
favorite dish, a chicken
curry and so without
hesitation i automatically
said yes.

going to salon lately ive got this feeling yes august 23, 2022
that i want something
new for my self and when
i was looking myself at
the mirror i noticed that
my hair is kinda long,
thats when "new" pops
up into my head and told
myself i should get a new

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