Researchpaper Modelling and Analysis of A Very Low Head Kaplan Turbine Runner

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Modelling and Analysis of a very Low Head Kaplan Turbine Runner blade

Article  in  International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research · July 2014

DOI: 10.14299/ijser.2014.07.006

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4 authors, including:

Muhammad Abubakar Saeed Badshah

Jiangsu University International Islamic University, Islamabad


Dr Noor Rahman
International Islamic University, Islamabad


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 905
ISSN 2229-5518

Modelling and Analysis of a very Low Head

Kaplan Turbine Runner Blades for Rural Area of
Muhammad Abubakar, Saeed Badshah, Talal Ahmad, Noor Rahman

Abstract— The world have a huge potential of small hydro kaplan turbine power plants. The world energy demands are increasing. In this sen-
ario the micro hydro Kaplan power plants gains special attention. The development of micro hydro kaplan power plants on large scale will gener-
ate enough energy for the world inhibitants.This paper presents the modeling and Analysis of the runner of a low head Kaplan for a specific site
at RD 216+852 Jhang branch Canal in Punjab, Pakistan where the net head and rated flow of water is 1.16m and 7.07m /s respectively. The tur-
bine is Single regulated Kaplan turbine with runner diameter 1.25m, hub diameter is 0.36m, runaway speed is 13s and net power capacity is 60
KW. The Kaplan turbine runner was modelled in 3-D model of runner of Kaplan turbine in Pro-E engineer software and after calculating the blade
operating conditions from the hydrodynamics properties of the water flow at the jhang branch canal in Punjab we performed Analysis on runner
blade in ANSYS 14 software.

Index Terms— Kaplan Turbine; Low head; Jhang branch canal; runner; stress; blade; net head

——————————  ——————————


Kaplan turbine’s high efficiency under low pressure and head with a hub diameter of 0.36 m. The Maximal Net Head for the
accounts for its growing popularity today because many in- turbine is 1.12 m. The nominal speed of the turbine is 144 RPM
stallations have high flows but very low head. [1]. Micro hy- and run away speed of the turbine is 300 RPM. The turbine
dro power is one of the major sources of renewable energy and electricity production at the above
also it is major contributor of electricity for all over the world. Classification of turbines the low head Kaplan turbine at the
However, during last two decades Government of different Jhang branch Canal in Punjab, Pakistan is a micro hydro pow-
under developing countries are renewed their interest in the er turbine.
development of micro hydro power projects due to its long
lasting benefits specially in environment handling and ability
to produce power in rural and hilly areas where access of gov-
ernment is impossible [2]. Small hydro power plants are very
suitable in less populated areas where they can serve to many
scattered communities as well. Pakistan is very rich in these
sites where we can easily install thousands of small hydro
power plants, the Himalayans and Hindukash range of moun-
tains, major canals of Punjab, Sindh are the considerable po-
tential sites which could be utilized by micro hydro power.[3]
Turbines are the most important component of any hydro
power plant. They cover about 15-35 percent of the total pro-
ject cost[4].
The low head Kaplan Turbine at Jhang branch Canal in Pun-
Fig.1. Layout of Kaplan Turbine at Jhang branch Canal in Punjab, Paki-
• Muhammad Abubakar is currently pursuing masters degree program in
electronics engineering(power electronics and renewable energy) in
IIU,Islamabad, Pakistan, PH-03227745460 Some features of the low head Kaplan turbine are the follow-
• Saeed Badshah is currently the chairman and Associate Professor in Me- ing
chanical engineering Department in IIU, Islamabad, Pakistan, PH- • Turbine runner Diameter D = 1.25m
• Runner Hub Diameter is d = 0.36m
• Talal Ahmed is currently pursuing PHD degree program in Mechanical
engineerning (computational Fluid dynamics) in NUST, Islamabad, Paki- • Net Head water H=1.16m
stan, Ph-03215127797, • Rated water flow Q= 7.07m3/s
• Noor Rahman is currently lab engineer in Mechanical engineeringDepart-• Velocity of water v = 1.86 m/sec.
ment in IIU, Islamabad, Pakistan, PH-03121507909. E-mail: n- • Nominal speed n = 144 RPM
• Run away speed n r = 300 RPM
jab, Pakistan consists of four blades operating at low head. The
• Maximum Power Capacity P = 60KW
flow rate at this specific site is 7.07 m3./sec and the velocity of Turbines are the most important component of any hydro
water is 1.86 m/sec. The turbine runner diameter is 1.25 m power plant. They cover about 15-35 percent of the total pro-
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 906
ISSN 2229-5518
ject cost. [5] discussed the hydropower on small scale, or mi- [14] created and applied a qualitative and quantitative selec-
cro hydro, is one of the most cost-effective energy techniques tion criteria approach and resolute that a single jet turgo tur-
to be considered for rural electrification in less developed bine would be the most appropriate technology for 1.3 kW
countries. Micro hydro is one of the most environmentally power generation with a 3.5 m operating head, 304 rpm run-
friendly energy technologies available. ning speed, and 435 mm diameter wheel . A test rig is current-
[4] discussed the key factors for success of village hydroelec- ly under construction and will be used to optimize the design
tric programs. He addresses the key technical, organizational before field testing and grid connection.
and economic factors for successful village hydroelectric pro- [15] has done the performance analysis of very low head
grams in order to promote a wider and more sustainable use Kaplan turbine. The rated head and discharge rate for the tur-
of small-scale hydro power for rural development. bine design is 1.5 m and 7.03 m3/s to develop a required
[6]. Cost of the electro- mechanical equipment is very essential Kaplan type turbine model at Indian institute of technology,
part of micro hydro power plant and this cost can b kept down Roorkee, India And rated output power is 100kw.
by the carefully selection, standardization and local manufac-
ture. In Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan locally manufactured tur- 2. TURBINE SELECTION
bines are available at less than one tenth of the cost of import- Selection of the hydraulic turbines type is not always easy
ed models. for the system design as we can use various turbine types
[7]discuss in this paper about the conducted a review of very in different applications. The selection of the turbine usu-
low head hydro-electric equipment including several conven- ally depends upon the following factors.
tional propeller designs. It was analsys that propeller turbines • Net head
are very suitable for the micro hydro applications, commonly • Flow rate of water
due to high rotational speed that allow the turbine to direct • Rotational speed
couple with the generators. This results in dense design with
• Cavitation problem
enhanced efficiency, lifespan and reduced costs and mainte-
• Cost

[8] this paper compares large, small and Pico hydropower
The specified table completely describes the detail availa-
generation and focused on relative adverse environmental and
ble for each type of the turbine on the basis of net head.
social effect of each and their economic performance. Cost and
Table 1
population densities were based on data for Pakistan and Pe-
Range of heads for specific type of turbines[16]
ru. The results show that investment is recouped 25% more
quickly where a number of very small hydro schemes are used
instead of one large scheme, this paper concluded that micro KAPLAN AND PROPELLER 1<HN< 40
and Pico hydro can be cost effective for supply of rural elec-
tricity. FRANCIS 25 <HN< 350
[9] In addition, as with any new technology, capacity training
and proper management of the system is required. This is de- PELTON 50 <HN< 1'300
ficient in many occurrences and has led to the miscarriage of
the system and wasting of CROSSFLOW 50 <HN< 200
[10] has develop a micro hydro turbine to be used for specif-
ic site of lower head as run of river, which head is less than 1.2 TURGO 50 <HN< 250
meter ,flow rate is 293.15 l/s and the power generated is 20kw
with 293.11 N-m torque , 90% efficiency. A simple civil con-
The figure below describes the various regions for which
struction is need for the development of this micro hydro site
turbines are typically used for head and flow ranges.
that resulting the economical viable.
[11] design of two different specific speed micro hydro tur-
bines operating at head 6m to 12m at small scale and up to
head of 50m at large scales. These turbines are mixed and ra-
dial flow members of a family of turbines developed to cover
the micro hydro range from 2 to 50m of head with the efficien-
cy of 70% for all type of models.
[12] present a model of micro hydro turbine with working
head 6.7m and flow rate of 86 m3/sec and the hydraulic effi-
ciency is 80% located at Nandi Pur near Gujranwala. He has
done the optimizing of the blades by using static and dynamic
analysis by using the software Ansys. And the maximum
power output is 4.6MW.
[13] the department of mechanical engineering of the Univer-
Fig 2 typical flow rate for various type of turbine with respect to net
sity of Canterbury developed a propeller turbine with a 2.8m
operating head, 0.4 m3/s flow rate and a speed of 612 rpm. The
Calculated earlier the net head and rated flow of water is
rated power is 3.7 kW with an overall efficiency 20%.
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 907
ISSN 2229-5518
1.16m and 7.07m3/s respectively. By putting all the value, which are previously calculated we
From this calculation it is concluded that best turbine for this can get the value of runner diameter 1.25m, which is very im-
site(RD 216+852) is propeller type Kaplan turbine. portant for the design of the turbine.
The hub diameter can be calculated by the following equation
Specific speed is very important in selecting the desire water
 
D  0.25+ * D
turbine; this could be one of the methods to classify the water
turbine. The specific speed is define as
=  e
i n
 QE 
n Q
 (5)
n = A hub diameter of .36m is calculated from the above
QE E 3/ 4 equation.[16]
Cavitation is the natural phenomenon affecting the operation-
al restrictions of the fluid flow in pips, particularly liquids. In
fact, the vapor pressure of a liquid overdoes the hydrodynam-
E specific hydraulic energy of the machine [J/kg]
ic pressure of water in the turbine, a small part of water
n rational speed of the turbine [s-1]
changes into vapor state cause the development of steam bub-
The specific hydraulic energy of machine can be determined
bles. As the pressure of the fluid increase the steam bubbles
with the following equation:
are not able to withstand the higher pressure and they con-
E= H n * g
dense in a collapsing manner. This collapse releases very quick
micro streams and pressure peaks up to some hundred MPa.
H n is net head [m]
Cavitation occurs usually when air added by some mean to
the water at lower pressure end. In the case of Kaplan turbine,
n = 2.294 the inlet of the runner is relatively subject to it. Due to high

QE H n0.486 water flow velocity cavitation might also occur in Kaplan tur-
There are many disadvantages of cavitation on the turbine.
Since the rational speed is unknown, the specific speed has to
First it decreases the efficiency and creates crunching noise.
be calculated with the up mentioned equation. Hence, the cal-
However, the main problem is the distortion or the damage of
culated specific speed is 2.09.
the turbine part specifically turbine blades. Cavitation does
The rational speed can be calculated by the specific speed
not just leads towards the distortion but also changes the
equation. The calculated value for the rotational speed is 5s-1.
chemical properties of the material.
The runaway speed is the maximum speed which a turbine
The suction head H s is the head where turbine actually in-
can attain theoretically, this speed can be achieved when tur-
stalled; if the suction head is positive, the turbine is positioned
bine run on no load. Following table gives us the guidelines to
above the path of water; if it is negative, the turbine is located
determine the runaway speed.
under the path of water. To avoid cavitation, the range of suc-
tion head is restricted. So, we can calculate the maximum suc-
tion head by using the following equation.
patm − pv c42
H + −σ * Hn
ρ*g 2* g (6)
TURBINE P atm (atmospheric pressure) = p v (water vapor pressure) =101,300[Pa]
ρ (water density) = 998 kg/m3 [kg/m3]
g (acceleration of gravity) = 9.81m/s2 [m/s2]
TURBINE c 4 (outlet average velocity) = 2m/s [m/s]
H n (net head) = 1.2m [m]
The selected turbine for this project is single regulated Kaplan σ (cavitation coefficient) [-]
turbine, so from the above table we can calculate the runaway
speed.[16] The cavitation coefficient calculated by the model testing, is
n max = n * 2.6 (3) usually given by the turbine manufacture. However, the cavi-
n max = 5 * 2.6 tation coefficient for the Kaplan turbine can also be calculated
n max = 13s-1 by the following equation.
Runner diameter can be calculated from the following equation: 2
H =σ 1.5241* n 1.46
+ 4
=D 84.5*(0.79 + 1.602*n )* n QE
2* g * H
e QE 60* n (4)
n (7)

IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 908
ISSN 2229-5518
Where n QE is specific speed [-] Although, the blades should be as thin as possible to minimize
The specific speed is known from the equation (1) and has the effect of cavitations characteristics; normally Kaplan tur-
2.09s-1. Thus a cavitation coefficient of 4.6 is calculated. bine blade is thicker towards the flange and becoming thinner
101300 − 9112.67 22 and thinner near the tip. In addition, the blade has to be dis-
=Hs + − 4.6*1.2 torted on the basis of the tangential velocity. The “airfoil theo-
1000*9.81 2*9.8 ry” also plays an important factor in defining the shape of the
Hence, the maximum suction head of 4.1m result from the above profile and distortion of the blade.
equation (6). Suction head of 2.9m is chosen.
Centrifugal force occur on blade of the turbine which is define as,

F c = mrω2 (8)
m= mass of the blade
r = Radius of the runner
ω= angular velocity
Total mass of the blade is 525kg and radius of the runner is .625m.
Angular velocity, ω = 2*π∗n = (2*3.14∗5) = 31.4s-1
Where: Fig.3: Blades leading and trailing edge
n= rotational speed
F c = 525*0.625(31.4)2 = 323518.125N 4. Drawings of the proposed Turbine
Water force on the blade is the Force due to water is define as,
F w=ρQV=ρQ(r) (9) In this section, detail drawings of the Kaplan turbine are discussed
Where: which is modeled in pro 5.0 and creo 1.0. Which are based on above
ρ Density of water

calculations? Detail of the Kaplan turbine drawing is as follows.
Q Discharge flow of water
r Radius of runner
ω Angular velocity

ω= (2*3.14∗5)= 31.4s-1
F w = 1000*7.07*0.625*31.4 = 138748.75N

Suppose the blade is at 20then the axil and tangential com-

ponents of water force is given by[15]
Fig. 4 Turbine geometry detail
Tangential component of water force 4.1 Runner of Turbine
F wt = 138748.75(cos19.1o) = 130381.18N (10) Runner of the turbine consists of shaft, hub, and blades. Detail of
runner design mentioned in the following drawing.
Axial component of water force
F wa =138748.75(sin19.1o) =47454.87N (11)

F wa is the total force that is induced due to the action of water.

So the total force acts on blades are 47454.87N and for single
blade we can take the force by dividing on number of blades
of our turbine.
Table 3:
Total Forces
1 WEIGHT 17640 Ν
Fig.5: Detail of Kaplan turbine Runner
3 WATER FORCE 138748.75 N
4 WATER FORCE(AXIAL) 130381.18 N
4.2 Guided vane catcher
The complete model of the low head Kaplan turbine is prepared
in the Pro-E software. Every Part of the turbine is sketched sep-
Design of the blade just does not depend on the stress analy- arately
sis. Many other factors are also involved for the design of the
blades. The properties of blades should be like the leading
edge is thicker than the trailing edge for a streamlined flow.

IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 909
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig.10 Draft Tube

Fig.6: Guided vane catcher

4.3 Inlet Bend RUNNER
The complete model of the low head Kaplan turbine is pre-
pared in the Pro-E software. Every Part of the turbine is
sketched separately in the Pro-E and then all parts are assem-
bled using the assembly command in the Pro-E. We save the
IGS file of the model for further processing.

Fig.7: Inlet Bend

4.4 Chamber

Fig.11 Kaplan Turbine Runner (Blades) in Pro-E

Fig.8: Chamber

4.5 Upper cover

Fig.12 Kaplan Turbine Assembly in Pro-E


Fig.9: Upper cover The analysis on the Kaplan Turbine Runner was performed in the
4.6 Draft tube ANSYS 14. The Pro-E file is not directly incorporated in the ANSYS
14. We opened the IGS file in the ANSYS 14 and performed all the
required analysis on it.


For meshing of the Kaplan Turbine Runner we used the sweep meth-
od. The numbers of nodes are 83564 and the numbers of elements
are 18937.

IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 910
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig.15 Maximum Principle Stress on runner

Fig.13 Meshing of Kaplan Turbine Runner in ANSYS The maximum principle stress on the hub is 51.959 Mpa while
Table 4 the ultimate tensile properties of the hub (AISI 4140 alloy
Summary of Mesh data steel) material is 1242 Mpa. Hence the factor of safety for the
Total No. of nodes Total No. of element hub is 23.90.
Shaft 14214 2764
Runner blades 69350 16173
both 83564 18937


Turbine is analyzed under the head of 1.2m and discharge rate
of 7.07m3/s. equivalent force of hydraulic load on blade is
calculated (eq. 4.) and applied on 4 blades in ANSYS14.0.
Beam rod is fixed at point A and forces is applied on the

Fig.16 Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress on runner hub
blades at point B,C,D,E respectively
The equivalent (Von-Mises) stress on the runner shaft is 10.34 Mpa
7 STATIC STRUCTUAL ANALYSIS OF RUNNER while the runner shaft material (S355) tensile strength is 355Mpa.
BLADE Hence the factor of safety for the runner shaft is 34.33.
The maximum stress on the blade is 244 Mpa while the ulti-
mate tensile strength of the blade material (16Cr-5Ni) is 890
Mpa. He the factor of safety is 3.64. The blade will work safely
at this stress.

Fig.17 Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress On runner shaft

The maximum displacement in the blades of the runner is

0.0077 m at the edges of the blades. The blades behave like a
Fig.14 Blade Stress on one blade fixed beam and show no failure or major events during the
The Maximum principle stress on the blade shown in the be- analysis.
low diagram is 302 Mpa and the ultimate tensile strength of
the blade material (16Cr-5Ni) is 890 Mpa. He the factor of
safety is 2.94. The blade will work safely at this stress.

Fig.18 Total Deformation in the shaft

IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 911
ISSN 2229-5518
The designed turbine operates at 144RPM so the correspond-
ing working frequency is 13.53 Hz. By performing modal
analysis, the following mode Global mode shapes are ob-


In first mode shape the designed turbine operates at 144RPM
so the corresponding working frequency is 13.53 Hz and the
natural frequency of the runner blade is 40.055 Hz. As turbine Fig.21 Max Total Deformation in the blade in Third Mode Shape
runner blades working frequency and the turbine runner
blade natural frequency do not match so the turbine structure
has no tendency of resonance. The Maximum displacement in
the structure if the structure exhibits this model shape is
shown in first figure.
In second Mode shape the designed turbine operates at 144
RPM so the corresponding working frequency is 13.53 Hz and
the natural frequency of the runner blade is 41.66 Hz. As tur-
bine runner blades working frequency and the turbine runner
blade natural frequency do not match so the turbine structure
has no tendency of resonance. The Maximum displacement in
the structure if the structure exhibits this model shape is

shown in second figure.
Fig.22 Max Total Deformation in the blade in FourthMode Shape

In third mode shape in the above diagram the designed tur-

bine operates at 144 RPM so the corresponding working fre-
quency is 13.53 Hz and the natural frequency of the runner
blade is 41.99 Hz. As turbine runner blades working frequency
and the turbine runner blade natural frequency do not match
so the turbine structure has no tendency of resonance. The
Maximum displacement in the structure if the structure exhib-
its this model shape is shown in third figure above.
In fourth mode shape the designed turbine operates at 144
Fig.19. Max Total Deformation in the blade in First Mode Shapes
RPM so the corresponding working frequency is 13.53 Hz and
the natural frequency of the runner blade is 43.833 Hz. As tur-
bine runner blades working frequency and the turbine runner
blade natural frequency do not match so the turbine structure
has no tendency of resonance. The Maximum displacement in
the structure if the structure exhibits this model shape is
shown in fourth figure above.

The analysis in ANSYS is very important prior to the fabrica-
tion of the turbine. The static structural and modal analysis is
carried out in the ANSYS 14 software for low head Kaplan
turbine runner. The stress (Von-Mises) and maximum stress
developed at the runner blades are maximum at joints be-
Fig.20 Max Total Deformation in the blade in second Mode Shape
tween the hub and runner blade whoever their valves are less
the ultimate tensile strength of the runner blade material. The
factor of safety for stress (Von-Mises) and Maximum stress are
3.64 for stress and 2.94 respectively. Maximum principle stress
is also in the safe limits. Hence all the stresses developed at the
turbine runner blades are safe and no major failure is recorded
during the static structural analysis. The modal analysis shows
no resonance in any of the four mode shapes. The natural fre-
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 912
ISSN 2229-5518
quency of all mode shape does not match with the natural
frequency of the runner blade. Hence no resonance produced
during the modal analysis. The blade acts as a fixed cantilever
beam during the modal analysis where the displacement is
high but in safe limits at the edges of the runner blade for all
mode shapes.

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