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© University of Sydney, Dr Elise Elbourn (2020) Client Management Guide

Analyse data & diagnose Considerations Toolkit items

Helpful guide to going from raw data to a discussion with CE, case conference and /or report

1. Auditory comprehension – listening and understanding

Client understands: Y/N qs / single words / simple instructions / complex instructions / conversation

Has difficulty with: phon. discrim / lexical / semantic/ non-canonical, passive, reversible, wh-

Example of errors: ____________________________________________________ Is aware / not aware of errors?

Benefits from: gesture / repetition / pausing-slower speed / visual, cog support / context (any self initiated?)

Contributing factors: hearing / auditory memory / agnosia / attention / depression / ?dementia / CALD / CP behav

Severity: mild / mild-moderate / moderate / moderate-severe / severe / profound

Impacts on: (e.g., ability to understand staff instructions or TV news / conversations) __________________________

2. Verbal expression – talking

Client talks in: nonverbal / single words / phrases / sentences / discourse with average MLU __________________

Has difficulty with: word finding / paraphasias (semantic, phon) / neologisms / jargon / pauses / false starts /
struggle part word repetitions / nonword, word, phrase fillers / perseverations / word, grammatical morphemes &
sentence forms (e.g., aux verb, -ing, SVA, non-canonical, passive, reversible) - ?omitting, ?substituting or ?both /
cohesion /

Example of errors: ____________________________________________________ Is aware / not aware of errors?

Benefits from: gesture / drawing / Cueing: semantic, phonological incl repetition / circumlocution / visual (pics, word,
word form) support / text to speech device / context (any self initiated?)

Contributing factors: dyspraxia-arthria / agnosia / attention / depression / dementia / CALD / CP behav

Severity : mild / mild-moderate / moderate / moderate-severe / severe / profound

Impacts on: (e.g., ability to communicate healthcare needs / conversations) _________________________________

3. Written comprehension – reading

Client understands: letters / single words / phrases / sentences / short paragraphs / page length material

Has difficulty with: reg vs irreg / nonwords / high vs low freq / sem or phon errors / length/ content / function words

Example of errors: ____________________________________________________ Is aware / not aware of errors?

Benefits from: pausing-slower speed / read aloud / spelling out words / context (any self initiated?)

Contributing factors: visual acuity / visual field / neglect / attention / depression / ?dementia / CALD / CP behav

Severity: mild / mild-moderate / moderate / moderate-severe / severe / profound

Impacts on: (e.g., ability to understand health material / reading as a hobby) _______________________________ Version (2020) - Learning & Teaching materials: educational use only, CSCD3075 & CSCD5075 Aphasia - Page 15
© University of Sydney, Dr Elise Elbourn (2020) Client Management Guide

4. Written expression – writing

Client writes/copies: letters / single words / phrases / sentences / short paragraphs / page length material

Has difficulty with: reg vs irreg / nonwords / high vs low freq / sem or phon errors / length/ content / function words

Example of errors: ____________________________________________________ Is aware / not aware of errors?

Benefits from: saying phoneme aloud / spelling / txting /copying / dictionary / scaffolding (any self initiated?)

Contributing factors: motor hemiplegia-paresis / visual acuity - field / attention / depression / ?dementia / CALD /
CP behav

Severity: mild / mild-moderate / moderate / moderate-severe / severe / profound

Impacts on: (e.g., leaving messages / planning tasks / email a friend ) _____________________________________

5. Pragmatics – social communication skills

Client: initiates / maintains / terminates conversations / uses a variety of speech acts appropriately. Appropriate in
Quality / Quantity / Relation / Manner (Grice’s maxims) and humour/sarcasm, eye contact and affect.

Has difficulty with: initiating / maintaining / terminating conversations / reduces no. of speech acts. Problems with
Quality / Quantity / Relation / Manner (Grice’s maxims) and humour/sarcasm, eye contact and affect.

Response to breakdown: tries to repair, acknowledges communication partners struggles / facial expression / gesture

Example of errors: ____________________________________________________ Is aware / not aware of errors?

Contributing factors: visual acuity - field / depression / ?dementia / CALD / cognitive issues? Refer?

Severity: mild / mild-moderate / moderate / moderate-severe / severe / profound

Impacts on: (e.g., participate in conversation) ________________________________________________________

Communication partner behaviours: partially supportive/ mostly supportive / highly supportive

7. OVERALL diagnosis, severity mild / mild-moderate / moderate / moderate-severe / severe / profound

Client and CPs view on participation/QOL: __________________________________________________



Level of concern about communication impact: minor / moderate / significant (+ CPs)

Level of insight/awareness: poor /satisfactory / excellent or difficult to determine



Impact Version (2020) - Learning & Teaching materials: educational use only, CSCD3075 & CSCD5075 Aphasia - Page 16

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