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As per the response collected

● 68.9% of people think breaking study sessions into smaller chunks is

strategy for reducing stress
● 14.8% of people think cramming the night before an exam is strategy for
reducing stress
● 14.8% of people think staying up late and getting less sleep can reduce stress
● 1.5% of people think focusing on too many subjects at once is strategy for
reducing stress
As per the response collected

● 67.2% of the people think setting realistic goals can help to manage their
study stress
● 14.8% of the people think ignoring the importance of selfcare can help to
manage their study stress
● 11.5% of people think avoiding social support can help
● 6.5% of people think avoiding talking to professor or advisors about
academic struggles can help.
As per the responses

● 37.7% of people think overloading your schedule with too many classes can
contribute to study stress
● 27.9% of people think taking frequent breaks during study sessions can
contribute to study stress
● 18% of people think setting realistic goals can contribute to study stress

● 16.4% of people think engaging in physical exercise can contribute to study

As per the response collected

● 55% of people sought help for stress related issues while in collage
● 45% of people did not sought help for stress related issues
As per the response collected

● 31.4% of people sought counselling,medication, support groups

● 27.5% of people sought counselling
● 23.5% of people sought medication
● 17.6% of people sought support groups
As per the response collected

● 36.7% people say good to collage support for mental health

● 30% of people say fair for collage support
● 18.3% of people think poor for collage support for mental health
● 15% of people think excellent for collage support
As per the response collected

● 38.3% people think college should provide stress management workshops

● 33.3% of people think college should increase access to counselling services
● 20% of people think college should encourage for the healthy lifestyle
● 8.3% of the people think college should address systematic issues such as
financial aid and academic pressure.
As per the response collected

● 56.7% of the people get academic pressure, financial problems, and time
management difficulties because of the stress
● 15% of people get financial problems because of stress
● 15% of people get time management difficultie.
● 13.3% of people get academic pressure
As per the response collected

● 35% of the people do exercise, socialize and meditate,

● 31.7% of people socialize when they are in stress
● 20% of people do exercise when they are in stress
● 13.3% of people meditate.
As per the response collected

● 41.7% of the people over think when they are in stress,

● 25% people feel irritated when they are in stress
● 20% people get angry when they are in stress
● 13.3% people get impatient when they are in stress.
As per the response collected

● 29.5% of the people feels pressure when they are in stress

● 27.9% of the people feels cause headache when they are in stress
● 23% of the people feels decreased in morale when they are in stress
● 19.7% of the people feels overwhelming when they are in stress.
As per the response collected

● 63.3% of the people feels that stress is both feeling & emotion
● 21.7% of the people feels that stress is a feeling
● 15% of the people feels that stress is a emotion.
As per the response collected

● 55% of the people feels depression is the long-term effects of stress

● 31.7% of the people feels the anxiety is the long-term effect of stress
● 13.3% of the people feels the weight gain is the long-term effect of stress
As per the response collected

● 59.3% of the people feels headache can be short term effect of stress
● 22% of the people feels fatigue can be short term effect of stress
● 13.6% of the people feels insomania can be short term effect of stress
● 5.1% of the people feels body aches can be short term effect of stress.
As per the response collected

● 53.3% of the people feels the positive attitude in stressful situation

● 46.7% of the people feels the negative attitude in stressful situation.
As per the response collected

● 71.7% of the people feels that stress is more harmful for our

mental health

● 28.3% of the people feels that stress is little harmful for our mental

As per the response collected

● 93.3% of the people feels more harmful when they are in stress
● 6.7% of the people does not feels harmful when they are in stress.
As per the response collected

● 70% of the people feels body shaming can also the reason for stress
● 30% of the people does not feels body shaming can also reason for stress
As per the response collected

● 78.3% of people feels that exams are primary source of stress

for college students
● 21.7% of people feels that exams are not primary source of stress
for college students.
20. what's the most stressful situation you've faced?40 responses
During exam preparation and viva
Facing exams with extra burden of responsibilities.
Mostly because of assignment pressure
Pressure of competition
To avoid talking to my loved ones even for that matter my parents as, In stress the most difficult
thing for me is that I cause a lot of trouble to others I get angry, irritated, I break things, I talk on
topics or say things that shouldn't be as they hurt others.
My most stressful situation was when i overthink about the answers written in exam about how much
I had written
Lack of recognition
Not talking to my girlfriend

Can't express
At every stage of life, we students face severe problems which impacts us, also due to
family pressure one may face such situation.
overburden of tasks or assignment which need to be submitted on the same dates.
Jee paper was one of the most stressful situations in my life
At the time of exams.
When I'm alone... then I overthink then... the thoughts coming are sometimes stressful
After I failed in my exam
Result in college viva
I had faced many situations in my relationship
An accident
During exams.
Fear of feeling In Exam
While preparing for exam
Preparation of exam with 0 support
Assignment completion
Messing with senior
Exam stress
Nothing yet, I think it will come soon
Being ignored by love ones, it was stressful situation which I faced
Project submission
It depends on different situations
Managing time while solving any difficult paper in exam
I don't want to disclose


Stress as an inescapable part of life generally touches a wide range of groups

of population with no regard to their age, gender, educational status or
socioeconomic status. Despite this fact, stress depression and anxiety are
prevailing mental health problems among college students [Kitzrow, 2003]
Marthoents, Meutia, Fathiariari, & Sofyan 2018) College students undergo
numerous educational, social, environmental and psychological adjustment
difficult in the new campus atmosphere which may affect their psychosocial
wellbeing and learning outcomes. Thee happen because the new tertiary
educational system bas 3 big difference in its methods of teaching, academic
requirements, type of relations between faculties and even relations among.
Students themselves (Thawaabieh & Qaisy, 2012). In short, stress seems to be very
common in college student’s life because college students need to ensure their
academic survival and prepare themselves for the further career. It is not a
surprise that much of the academic stress at the the college level is associated with
What students learn and how they learn it. Stress can be a healthy, and adaptive
people’s response to the threat by mobilizing their energy towards the strivers (Khan,
Lanin. & Ahmad, 2013) Thus, it is important to note that a certain level of stress in
essential for the students for in the way that it motivates students to progress in their
academic Journey actively, would otherwise be in and uninterested creatures
(Nandamuri & Ch, 2007).
Many researchers have also noted that stress is not always negative. They also take
partakes positive motivational contribution in people's life, take for instance exam
stress or academic workload may motivate sad strengthen a college student to
successfully deal with his or her academic tasks and also enhances academic
achievement and creativity (Auerbach & Grambling 1995). However, if individuals
fail to employ effective stress coping mechanism to handle their stressful situation,
their feeling of stress can paste over time and, in turn, become at a higher risk of
developing severe physical and mental problems (Auerbach & Gramling, 1995).

In today’s world every student will feel the effect of stress at some point of time in
their life some students feel more stressed out in comparison to others. Some
student’s handle the stress more effectively and efficiently then others but no one
can completely roll out stress from their liver. Thus, stress is an unavoidable
phenomenon in all aspects of human life. It is the bodies nonspecific response or
reaction to demands mode on it, or too disturbing events in the environment,

It is the process by which we perceive and cope with environmental threats and
challenges. It can be explained in terms of sadness, worries, tension and frustration
which leads to depression which is temporary or may last for long. The presence of
stress depends on the presence of stressor. Stressor is anything that challenges an
individual adaptability or stimulates an individual’s body.

⮚ S stands for sorrow.

⮚ T stands for tension.
⮚ R stands for rivalry.
⮚ E stands for emotional outburst.
⮚ S stands for success phobia
⮚ S stands for exit suspense
The scope of the study was to find out whether college going students in the
experienced different levels of stress. The idea for such a research topic originated
from previous informal discussions between the researchers and different groups of
students, which revealed the fact that some working students fail to meet both
educational and professional goals, while other working students manage to
combine the two programs. The results of the study were useful for the
management of the faculty in adjusting the educational offerings and coming up
with extra educational services.

As a result we made a survey through goggle forms about the stress dealing for a
college going students it made it clear that at certain point stress dealing play a
crucial role in life.

Thus, this survey provides us accurate information about stress dealing which
affect the attributes to college going students.

College students commonly experience stress because of increased responsibilities,

a lack of good time management, changes in eating and sleeping habits, and not
taking enough breaks for self-care. Student with poor stress management run a
higher risk of developing serious diseases. Stress management gives you a range of
tools to reset and to recalibrate your alarm system. Stress management is very
efficient as it helps in breaking the hold which has on our lives.

Boost job performance while increasing alertness.

It can motivate us or allow us to be proactive about problems in our lives.

Stress can turn into anxiety or depression hence, it is necessary to asses students
through the survey.
The objectives

1. To understand the factors that contribute to stress among college-going

students, such as academic pressure, social expectations, financial difficulties,
family issues, and personal health concerns.

2. To assess the severity and prevalence of stress among college-going students

and its impact on their academic performance, mental health, and overall

3. To identify coping strategies used by college-going students to manage stress

and to determine the effectiveness of these strategies.

4. To explore the relationship between stress and other factors, such as gender,
age, race, and socio-economic status, among college-going students.

5. To develop interventions and support programs that can help college-going

students manage their stress effectively and promote their mental health and well-

6. To generate awareness among college-going students, their families, and

educators about the importance of managing stress and mental health and to
promote a culture of well-being on college campuses.

Stress can affect your mental and physical health. Learning to manage stress better
can lead to improved heart health, mental health, sleep, and more. That said, stress
isn’t always bad.
Using strategies to better cope with stress can provide many benefits. So, these
are some advantages;

1. Reduced blood pressure

According to a large 2021 study, stress is linked with changes in blood pressure.
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. It’s linked with stroke and
chronic and coronary heart disease and is responsible for around 12.8% Trusted
Source of deaths worldwide. This number is expected to keep growing.
Reducing stress may reduce your blood pressure and your overall physical health.

2. Improved mental health

Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety are often linked to stress.
Depression and anxiety can involve ups and downs in mood and make everyday
activities challenging. For instance, these conditions may affect your work and
school performance.
Although it’s impossible to completely avoid stress, learning stress management
techniques may improve your mood. It can also improve performance and lower
your risk of developing mental health conditions.

3. Reduced heart rate

Chronic stress can affect your heart rate
● increase your heart rate
● disrupt your circadian rhythm and sleep
● increase the risk of heart disease.
This suggests that managing stress could reduce your heart rate, improve your
overall physical well-being, and mitigate your risk of heart disease.

4. Better sleep
Stress and sleep are connected.
If you experience chronic stress, you may find it hard to get enough quality sleep.
In return, this can cause anxiety and irritable mood. For example, recent 2022
research found that stress can make falling and staying asleep difficult. It may also
reduce sleep duration.
This suggests that stress-reduction techniques, particularly before bed, could help
you sleep better.

5. Reduced tension
When you feel stressed, your muscles may be tense. Sometimes, this can cause
soreness or pain.
Stress can also make you feel like you have a short fuse, making you more reactive
toward others.
Based on this, it’s likely that stress management could reduce muscle tension,
feelings of irritability, and tension headaches.

6. Improved executive functioning

Focusing on activities like school and work can be challenging when you’re stressed.
This suggests that using stress management techniques during chronic stress might
improve your focus, attention, and ability to get things done.

1. Limited surveys are recorded as it is only related for college students.

2. Sometimes students are not comfortable to express themselves, so

sometimes fake responses are also recorded.

3. Everybody has stress but they pretend being happy. Students pretend of not
having stress and doesn’t responds to the survey

4. This Survey cannot ask personal questions related to student’s stress life of
how he or she is having stress or what is the reason behind it.

5. Sometimes students doesn’t take the survey seriously and just answer it for
the sake of completing it.

● This survey is based on the students between 16-20 age group

● Reducing stress is essential for maintaining good mental and physical health.
Chronic stress can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including anxiety,
depression, and weakened immune function.

● Create a study plan: Creating a schedule can help you feel more in control of
your workload and reduce stress. Break down your tasks into manageable
chunks and allocate specific times for each task. The conclusion that can be
drawn from these studies is that stress can have both positive and negative
effects on students' academic performance and well-being

● Time management: College students must learn to balance their academic,

social, and personal responsibilities. Time management can be challenging,
and students may struggle to meet their deadlines, leading to stress and
anxiety. Identify the source of your stress: Understanding what is causing
your stress can help you develop a plan to manage it. Take some time to
reflect on the situations or events that trigger

● Overall, college students face a range of challenges and problems that can
contribute to stress. It's important for students to seek support from family,
friends, and mental health professionals to manage their stress and improve
their overall well-being

● Academic pressure: College students are often under significant academic

pressure to succeed in their classes, maintain a high GPA, and prepare for
exams. The pressure to perform can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

● Stress among college students is a common issue that can have a significant
impact on their academic performance, physical and mental health, and
overall well-being. Some common causes of stress among college students
● In conclusion, coping with stress is an important skill to have in order to
maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. There are a variety of techniques
that can be used to manage stress, including exercise, meditation, deep
breathing, talking to friends or family, seeking professional help, and
engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. College students face a
range of challenges and problems that can contribute to stress. Some
common challenges and problems faced by college students under stress

● According to chart stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even

though you might not realize it. You may think illness is to blame for that
irritating headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at

● Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any

event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.

● When stress peaks or becomes difficult to manage, more serious, long-term

health-related consequences can occur.

● According to chart short term effects of stress are headache insomnia and
fatigue and body aches.

● I mostly tend to have a positive attitude in stressful situations. According to

chart stress can be more harmful to our mental health.

● Stress that’s left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as
high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

● Body shaming can trigger or worsen existing symptoms of anxiety and

depression. Yes most probably exams are the primary source of stress for
college students

1.Maintain physical exercise and good nutrition

2.Listen to calming music when it's time to focus.

3.Practice asking teachers and other adults for help.

4.Avoid overloading and procrastinating.

5.Manage your time and learn to say “no

6.Practice positive thinking

7.Create a study plan.

8.A balanced lifestyle and coping strategies can help you manage stress.

9. Practicing relaxation methods, like yoga or

meditation. 10.Make Time for Yourself.

Name Of Students :-

Sr No Name of students Roll No


1 Introduction
2 Scope of the study
3 Need of the study
4 Objectives
5 Advantages
6 Limitations
7 Analysis and Interpretation
7 Conclusion
8 Recommendations
“A Study Of Stress Level Among College Going Students”
(Sanika Deshpande-Volunteer)
B.B.A.- Sem-III


Asst. Prof. Snehal H Borker


YEAR 2022-23

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