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WORKSHEET - Extension 1 Mathematics

1. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2016 HSC 5 MC
13. Trig Calc, Graphs and Circular Measure EXT1
Teacher: TREVOR RATCLIFFE Which expression is equal to ?
Exam Equivalent Time: 100.5 minutes (based on HSC allocation of 1.5
minutes approx. per mark)




T13 Trig Calculus has contributed 4.0% to the Extension 1 exam, on average, over the last
10 years.
This contribution does not include inverse trig calculus or any trig calculus within Topic 14 -
Calculus in the Physical World questions.

HSC ANALYSIS - What to expect and common pitfalls

T13 Trig Calculus (4.0%) has been well answered in the past and represents a fertile area
for high scoring.
Trig differentiation questions would likely test the product or quotient rules, and "limit"
questions have been popular recently, asked in 4 of the past 6 years (last time in 2018).
Integration questions in this topic area are dominated by versions of integrating sin² x. A
must-review area asked in a dedicated question on 5 occasions since 2010. Note that a
variation on this style of question produced a sub-50% mean mark in 2017 and should be
Trig Graphs are understandably a minor sub-topic here as it overlaps with Topic 14 Simple
Harmonic Motion. Having said that, it was examined within this topic area in 2015 (Q10 MC)
and 2009 (Q3b).
2. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2015 HSC 10 MC 4. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2018 HSC 3 MC

The graph of the function is shown What is the value of ?





5. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2012 HSC 7 MC

Which expression is equal to ?

What are the coordinates of the point ?




6. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2012 HSC 11b

3. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2015 HSC 8 MC
Differentiate with respect to . (2 marks)
What is the value of

7. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2005 HSC 2c

(i) Differentiate (2 marks)
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find
(1 mark)

8. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2009 HSC 1e

Differentiate . (2 marks)
9. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2011 HSC 1b 14. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2004 HSC 2a

Differentiate with respect to . (2 marks) Evaluate (2 marks)

10. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2015 HSC 11a 15. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2004 HSC 3a

Find . (2 marks) Find (2 marks)

11. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2016 HSC 11d 16. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2006 HSC 1c

Evaluate . (2 marks) Evaluate (2 marks)

12. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2018 HSC 12a 17. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2006 HSC 3a

Find . (2 marks)
Find (2 marks)

13. Trig Ratios, EXT1 2015 HSC 12d 18. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2008 HSC 1e
A kitchen bench is in the shape of a segment of a circle. The segment is bounded by an arc
of length 200 cm and a chord of length 160 cm. The radius of the circle is cm and the chord Evaluate . (2 marks)
subtends an angle at the centre of the circle.

19. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2009 HSC 1c

Find . (1 mark)

20. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2010 HSC 2a

The derivative of a function is given by

Find , given that . (2 marks)

(i) Show that . (1 mark) 21. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2013 HSC 11e
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, show that . (2 marks)
Find . (1 mark)
(iii) Taking as a first approximation to the value of , use one application of
Newton’s method to find a second approximation to the value of . Give your answer
correct to two decimal places. (2 marks)
22. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2009 HSC 3b 24. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2007 HSC 5a
(i) On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of

and , for . (2 marks)

(ii) Use your graph to determine how many solutions there are to the equation
for . (1 mark)
(iii) One solution of the equation is close to . Use one
application of Newton’s method to find another approximation to this solution. Give
your answer correct to three decimal places. (3 marks)

23. Calculus in the Physical World, EXT1 2008 HSC 3c

The points and lie on the circle with centre and radius . The arc subtends
an angle at . The tangent at and the line intersect at , as shown in the
(i) The arc divides triangle into two regions of equal area.
Show that . (2 marks)
(ii) A first approximation to the solution of the equation is
radians. Use one application of Newton’s method to find a better approximation. Give
your answer correct to four decimal places. (2 marks)

25. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2017 HSC 11f

A race car is travelling on the -axis from to at a constant velocity, .
Find . (1 mark)
A spectator is at which is directly opposite , and metres. When the car is at
, its displacement from is metres and , with .

Show that . (2 marks)

Let be the maximum value of .

Find the value of in terms of and . (1 mark)

There are two values of for which .

Find these two values of . (2 marks)

26. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2006 HSC 7 Worked Solutions
A gutter is to be formed by bending a long rectangular metal strip of width so that the
cross-section is an arc of a circle. 1. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2016 HSC 5 MC
Let be the radius of the arc and the angle at the centre, , so that the cross-sectional
area, , of the gutter is the area of the shaded region in the diagram on the right.

2. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2015 HSC 10 MC

(i) Show that, when , the cross-sectional area is

(2 marks)

(ii) The formula in part (i) for is true for (Do NOT prove this.)
By first expressing in terms of and , and then differentiating, show that

for (3 marks)

(iii) Let
By considering , show that for (3 marks)

(iv) Show that there is exactly one value of in the interval for which

(2 marks)

Show that the value of for which gives the maximum cross-sectional
area. Find this area in terms of
(2 marks)
Copyright © 2004-17 The State of New South Wales (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW)
3. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2015 HSC 8 MC 6. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2012 HSC 11b

7. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2005 HSC 2c

4. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2018 HSC 3 MC


5. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2012 HSC 7 MC

8. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2009 HSC 1e

9. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2011 HSC 1b 12. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2018 HSC 12a

13. Trig Ratios, EXT1 2015 HSC 12d


10. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2015 HSC 11a


11. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2016 HSC 11d

(iii) 15. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2004 HSC 3a

14. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2004 HSC 2a

16. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2006 HSC 1c
17. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2006 HSC 3a 20. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2010 HSC 2a

18. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2008 HSC 1e

21. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2013 HSC 11e

19. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2009 HSC 1c

22. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2009 HSC 3b (i)



most successful students used
and the

chain rule to find .




responses defined and
and evaluated each for
before calculating
Newton's formula, as done in
the Worked Solution.




students lost marks by not
giving their answer in the
specified range. Be careful!

23. Calculus in the Physical World, EXT1 2008 HSC 3c

COMMENT: Calculating
challenging for many students.

24. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2007 HSC 5a

(i) 25. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2017 HSC 11f

♦ Mean mark 49%.

26. Trig Calculus, EXT1 2006 HSC 7






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