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Computer Software and ins 1yfpes
system Software (Operasiny, systems)
Applicatin Sofrware and its categories
Urility Sofrware

We knr>w that made up of two main components i., hardware and
sofrware, Hardware 1s part
tang))eouTh1) the

Computer a
Without software nputer is
whiie sTWArc i8 A nOon tangible part, Both are compulsry tr forma computersystem,
Numbers of prgrai
A numbcrof instructions to do any job. These set of instructions forms proyrams.
(putcr requires
Arc combined for ome
purposes which arc called software, to

o r oftware is collectionof programs and rclated

data which prvides thc instructons
ngeneral lerms, computer oftware

what to do and how todo,


is an interface between a computeranda hurnan

nccda computer language. A computerlanguage
software we Third level
To develop Machine language, Assembly language,

various types of computer languages, for example, We use

being There arc But understands only machine language.
and Fifth level languages. computer machine
languages, Fourth lcvel languages
code of other level languages
and compiler) to convert the program
translator program (assembler, interprcter

code. software is installed, it is ready for


requircd computer. Once

software we nced to install it on the
Bcfore using a
There are three types of

1. System Software
Do you know?
been 2. Application Software
Ms. Ada Lovelace has
called world's first programmer 3.UtilitySoftware
Computer Software

System Software Application Software Utility

Compilers, General andCustomised

Operating|Device special purpose|software
System JDrivers Interpreters
a n d Assemblers software
the types of computer software
A block diagram of

It executes various tasks such as processing the
functioningof a computer. software
and controls the internal software i.e, systems
Systern softwarc operates hardwarc components,
and allowing users to use application
data and information, controlling hardware and the application software.
functions as a bridgc betwcen computer

control programs, Including
the Operating System
System software is made up of many
databasce manager. System software consist of
three types of programs
communicatioonsy sofe
a)System management program: This is uscd to manage the application sottware, computer hard.
ware and data
of the computer system. For example, Operating Systems.
System Support Program: These are the programs that help the operations and management of a o.
nagement of computer
example, svstem utilities, virus checking etc. s
CSystem Development Programs: These are programs that help users develop information
svstem proo

Beans 70,andMsp
programs for computer processing. For exanmple, language translators, programing 1DE (Net Beane
Visual Studio 2010), etc.

Language Processor
As we know that
computer can understand the instructions written
ditficult write computer
to only 1n machine code, i.c. in the form of
program machine code. Nowadays, Os and 1.
example, C++. Java, etc. A program written in programs are written mostly in high- level B

assembly and language lana.

code/program". high- level programming
language is called the t
The source code
cannot be executed
machine code to run it. To directly by the computer. Then it is
do so, we need a
language translator. required that source code
must be
A converted
language processor is a
type of computer
assembly Language and bigh- softrware that has the
level programminglanguage into capacity to translator the source code/program
Theprogram translated into machine codes. uritter-
machine code is enouwn as
Every program has its own object program'.
language translator. The
Complers, Interpreters and language processors are divided into
Assemblers. three types:
iscalled language processor that
compiler. For example, The C andtranslates the complete source
The source code C++
compilers. program as whole in a
is translated machine code before
compiler specifies the errors object code successfully if it is free of
compile the source code. The at the end of errors.
object programcompilation.
If there
Note: The errors are
any errors in
Assembler: An assembler is can be
executed number of a
must be removed before the the source code, te
performs the translation used to translate the program túmes without compiler can succest
written in translating it
programming language. An process in similar
way as
assembler translates trom compiler. But Assembly language, into machine code.
Interpreter: The language low level
a assembler is the An
processor translates language to translator assembic
executes it
immediately that binary machine code. program for
interpreter terminates before to translate the next (converts) each statement
its statement is called of source
The translatingprocess
Interpreter differs from
at that
statement and Interprcter. program into machine
If there is code and
The main compiler
advantage of Interpreter is that translates displays an error
an error
in the
statement the
the message. For
The main
that it makes entire source example, Java interpreter.
It is a time Interprcter are: easy to trace program into object
out and program betore
consuming process of
code is translated
correct errors in
the source
and executed havetranslating
executing statements one program.
translator program by one.
(lnterpreter) permanently Each time the
in your program is run, the source

operatingSystem to u s e a
and the computer. It provides a platform
link b e t w c e n the user
provides by
T.erating System control over the computer system
Opera the uscr to have complete resides Applcation
uter. It enables of Operating an System
device. The supervisor part
or any other input turned o n . An Operating
hrough the keyboard after the computer is
(RAM) of the computer
allthe time in the memory tasks:- Operating System

pertorms the tollowing Allocates system resources

and Output devices .

Controls basic Input software
4. Supports application
3. Manages storage spacee failure
6. Detects equipment
5. Maintains security
are capable.
which the processing systems
This enables the user to achieve high efticiencies of User Interface).
and GUI (Graphical
CUI (Character User Interface)
Operating System provides both Exampies

the u s e r s to interact with it by typing commands.

Interface): In CUI based operating requires
CUI(Character User
of CUI based Operating System a r e Operating System
GUI based
Systems are popular now days.
GUL (Graphical User Interface): GUI based Operating or press
shortcut keys using
click on it with help of mouse

the torm of icons and

menus. Users just need to
the c o m m a n d s in
and Mac OS.
MS Windows, Linux,
Examples of GUI based Operating Systems are
the keyboard.
Device Driver enable one or more

hardware driver is a group of software files that

device driver or a
hardware device such
More commonly
known as a driver, a
drivers, a
communicate with the computer's operating system. to your
hardware devices to device in and connected
be able to work with the computer,
which is why every hardware
would not
computer printer
associated drivers.
computer has

in some cases, for another
function for the or, users
to perform a specific
software is any program designed
Application include word processors, presentation programs,
Spreadsheet and
application program. Examples
of application programs
and paint, image editing programs,
web browsers, development tools, drawing
accounting programs, database programs, System and other supporting
uses the services of the computer's Operating
media players programs etc. Application program

that can be subdivided into two categories: general-purpose application
Application software includes variety of programs

software and specific purpose application

General-Purpose Application Programs

General purpose application softwares are developed by software vendors keeping in mind a large set of users. Anyone can

purchase it and use it without making any modifications to it. Word processing programs, electronie spreadsheet programs,
database management programs, graphics programs, communicaion programs, and integrated packages are popular with
microcomputer users for home, education, business, scientific, and many other general purposes

They are also known as productivity packages, because they significantly increase the productivity of end users. This packaged
software is also called off-the-shelf software packages, because these products are packaged and available for sale. Many
features are common to most packaged programs. Iet's take view on some of the general purpose application software.
Word Processing Software
Wond processing software is used to create, edit and format the documents. We can create letters, reports, ctc. Som
it on the internet. Some examples
document as a web pagc and upload of
prcessors also provide facility to save a
WordPerfect, Lotus WordPro, etc.
processing software are, MS Word, OpenOfficc.org Writer,
s7Rg ceornd processor teachers can create and maintain syllabus and lesson plans of their related subjects. Students can usee :.it to
reate ietter or tnvitations to therrfriends.

Ceter Setware



MS Word OpenOffice.org Writer

Electronic Spreadsheet Software
Spreadsheet sofware is used to organize and process data in columns and rows. It provides facilities to use formulas and
functions to apply on the numeric data. It is generally used for business applications i.e. financial calculations, budgeting,
inancial forecasting etc. Some examples of spreadshect software are, MS Excel, OpenOffice.org Calc, Lous 1-2-3, Apple
Numbers, etc.

MS Excel
OpenOffice.org Calc
CCE pattern.
Ustng spreadsheet teachers can create and maintain marks/ grade list ofthe students of Students e

caleulate their total marks with percentage.

Presentation Software
information summarized way) in
torm of slide show. W.
Presentation sofrware is uscd to display the the three major
functions; an editor that allo an add sound
arnd use videos in a presentation. It typically includes
arid formatted, manipulatinggraphic image and slide show system.
Some examples ot
Some examples of presento
can be used t /display key
information in front of
presentation software are, MS
t Presentation, Apple keynote,

ETint, OpenOffice.org Impress, King soft

Using presentation soji
students. Students ca1 Hseware teachers can create
present their projectpresentations
it to on a
topic to make it attractive and
overview in an easy to
understand to the
impressive manner.
. *
Click to add title
Cbck to add
MS PowerPoint
Desktop Publishing Software OpenOffice.org Impress
Desktop publishing software is a tool for
business cards, greeting cards, Web graphic designers and non-designers to create visual
electronic publishing. pages, posters, etc.) for communicauons
professional or desktop printing as well as for online or(brochures,
Programs such Adobe
InDesign, Corel
desktop pubishing software. Draw, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Serif
Some of these are used
teachers, students, small business owners and more by PagePlus, and Scribus are
examples of
graphic designers. Others are used more by office workers,
d Fie Ede
e do MeoS 0
Hy Las d thi picts
Adobe InDesign
browser allows us to explore the Internet in an casy to use way. Navigating the Internet through a series of links the user is
abie to browse the Internet. Examples of popular browsers are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Netscape
Navigator and Opera.
ach browser has a navigation toolbar, like the ones shown below that help also illustrate how the Internet browser toolbar has
cnanged over the history of Internet browsers. This navigation baris the most essential portion of the browser and will always
at least contain the Back arrows and address bat.
tndan Parllasnent

Windows Media Player

Browser F r erar
2 1 a t n ,
Multimedia Software inchude tezt,
files that
uckTie, e


sesfrware ie ueeed tro Mertia Plager,

Maya, ctc
Dircctor, VILplayer,
FTash, Photrshop, multimedia
files. Forczarnple:
multimedia players to play rciaed daa aztae
We necd ciierri
Database Management Software
datahase. A
database is 2
M5 i c n s , rie S
arid For exampic,
used to
the data.
rerricve, and
software is

faciltics to strore,
software provides

Server, MySQI, cte.


MS Access

Specific Purpose Application particular group of user.
task for a
examp.e. For
softwares designed to carry out specific
Spccific purpose application
attendance system, payroll system, schoo,
inventory contr
reservation system, HR managernent,
accounting management,
system, billing system, transactions
software is used to record and process accounting
An accounting management
Accounting Management: financial
of the organization or company such as
accounts payable, account receivable and reports.

Kos Cet Spe cet Hel

Ssay. 1 Apr. 2042
La ef Soected CompPnies

9ortpedia Test
se Veuehen Eetered

MuBple stek reap


An Accounting Software

ally.2RP O
aby MAlN.. GstewTy ef Teb
mventery to. - 9oc re

a Hotel eservation System

eent Masegeent
Hot Nngement
Resenvations Det Reservation System: Reservation system or sottware
is used for reservation of
Oeoin Cedt Out Room flight, train, hotels etc.
Different types of reservation
cta data to sdhor
system are used tor
different fields.


tio dais to

A Reservation Software

Employee File BullderEMPLOVEE

e Ed Soto ew Beports Gaghs ep tp
Eeplopeo Cop Ve Co Pol
Etupoyee Coda DF Neme Fandin u n FULLTIME
HR Management: HR Management system is used to Addess 104 E states Drive
Nan For
Chica CA S5I29 USA
improve administration efficiency, streamline HR L A
processes, reduce HR related paperwork, tackle 415-860-1070
Duve's Lo N47020 CA
Tecruitments and employee efficicncy reviews. Socal Secuy Nunber

Rehdale Desabie
EEO Code NiayStake Te Shoeta


Localion Jod lolormotion

Depstn Stated
Dae Ended EdAan
Rekenel Soace
speysor Hse Daa 10/19/2006

A HR Management Software|
t eieI Localin

atthlan i
An Attendance iyotein
Payroll System aywill oyste m ie uef
fee Lne
Dpunatin npany (s*ietines fu
Hetingletailsfan attedanet systemn
Ihalles te grmlen, wavel allrwatwr
eed Vieen Ce
Leey Vred
IM e s
yD 00
A Payroll Software
Inventory Control System An inventory Sales iles Ord
contol systcm is an integrated ackage ot aare
oftware and hardware uscd in aagng, a O
p s tikdee
company's inventorics; purehaIIg, slipjpiy, nd
rccewing, tracking, warchousing and storape,
turnover, and reordering, In common us.age, th ViW
Icm (hnaentory Control) may also refer to just rked
the soft aare components.
An inventory control system may be uscd t
automate asales order fulfillment process. Sucha
systcm contains a list of order to be filled, and
then prompts workcrs pick the
itcms, and provides them with packaging ad
shipping information. tetat
An Inventory Control System/Software
iling System 1ilbiny syanam yot s

p n g malls, shrutnn,

aee y th ueis t

4 with ser ial tenthr rals a r

h r ) t reroul iteis e tasle beiny
pire ase

Aifun Aie 364

Adf Aw4

4460 44

kudays ecesied CiN

A Billing System/Software

U'tilities are specitically designcd sottware to help the end userand tune thecomputer hardwarc/Softwarc, )perating >ysteTT
or applcation sotware.

Utilhties programs assist a computer by performing housekeeping functioms like Disc/Fokder/File Management (creating,
moving, renaming and deleting files and folders), backup utilities that facilitates the backing up of Dises, cormpresstn utility
o n your Dise and
that facilhtates compression of files, Dise fragmentaticon utility that attempts to minimize the fraymentation
antu-virus sotrware that ensures a vVirus-free enviroment.

Data Backup Utility

Back up means making copy of data. D:ata
Heme op adup eikore 64dude Or Mals
backup utlity copies the contents from one nwt pelet

files or
Storage mcdium to another. The
R e e obs
My Doruments Mus
AdMy Duwer
folders or Disc drives can be backed up M2/8010 i4)29M

this utility. The backed up data can be Nwt Suhedidod Kab

using 1 0 / 1 3/2010 34419 M

restorcd when needed in case original files 10/J0/2010 3i44/0PM

are damaged or lost. Mostly all Operating
Some wiar
Systems provide data backup facility. a k u p Wirad aytere Waid

CXamples of other data backup software

NovaBACKUP, DT Uilities PC Capy Wuand Disaster Recwvwry wiun

Backup, Norton Ghost, Stellar Insta Wel om# Ta NovaBasRup

Backup, etc. ProfessOno

tegin piuI ial by ulrng youf fast

Ontina tiuugo


l dodia pdate Vaushvaer

twiteh to implw Yiew

A Data backup tool

wiedip Exanphe.ip Compression Utility
This utility program shrinks file sy that
less Disc space 1s occupicd,. These
compressed files cannot be used
V Checkoit Wd directly ancd must be decompressed to
Peverites xact
Rato Paded their actual form betng used. For
Qetahe Fe3/28/2003 11:23 AM6,867,227,648
1,709, 189,605cxample, \W inZip, PkZip.ctc.
Detatbese m 161,280 91% 14,741
Moese Word 7/2/2002 9:9 AM
eriet Stratepes.cec /10/2002 8:42 AM
151,552 9% 62,661
McTeo ENe 202,625 98% 4,238
/12/2003 6:00 PM
Tent Doament
/1/200 701 PM
222,208 68% ,275
Movesot Ere 531,222 41% 313,116
Peces h Re.pf Adobe Acvebet. 1/4/20012:19 PM
Totsl 6fen,6,707,5188 O 0 A Data compression tool
Sele ted0brtes
Dek Deftagmerler
FleAclion View Hep
that reartanges the data on
DIsc Defragmenter is a tool
and reunites fragmented files
the storage (Hard Disk)
that computer can run more etticiently. It increases
or tolders access speed.
hard drive and merges
Drsk Detragmenter analyzes the Extimed d ugn belcre detrogmertio
block or space.
fragmented files into one contiguous
Mostiy all Operating Systems provide
Eutmaleddsk,Umgeane deltegmeriation
Anayoe Detagneri
Fagnerted ilesCorigusesUnordtlefies UF ipaoe
A Disc defragment tool
Quick Heal Totl Secuty 2013 Seftngs Tois Reports Hoie Virus Scanner/Cleaner
Antivirus software pertorms the clean1ng up process
System s secure by scanning the conmputers for viruses and removes
prulected them if any virus is found on the Disc. They can detect
any virus immediately and protect rhe computer
them. For example, Bit Detender, Quick Heal.
Kaspersky, Norton etc.
Fus&Folde Emallh Indernet & Nebwork Parental Control
Emai Pruechn Restna Categeny
LNAKA Pin PoecoN cheduile Aees
An Antivirus tool
booksrelstedt Pripercies
92/ 2012 21253 AM. Fe to Encryption/Decryption Tools
Encryption is the conversion of data into coded form
Doeis reatec
using some special algorithms, called a cipher text, which
cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. This
tool is applied on the confidential data and stored in
LOcato Ache dndes a t u s
computers and necded to be transmitted over internet.
derd for rde
A sn de hetae ons ndexed in adn to e
rarsties The data is first encrypted and then transmitted over the
S Res tes Fet
Ompress or Bcrt ttuts network.
C r e s ontens ts se dek pece

Reed-ony (
EN canterts to seare date
Deta Decryption is the process of converting encrypted data
back into its original form (using proper algorithms), so
that it can be understood by receiver.

This tool is available in some Operating Systems. For

MS Windows. Some other examples of data
encryption tools are, Folder Lock, Advanced Encryption

An Encryption tool Packages Pro, SensiGuard, SecurelT etc.

Program is a set of instructions.
Software Software is a set of programs.
System software operates and controls the internal functioning of a computer.
System Software
and the computer.
Operating System Operating System provides a link between the user
Character User Interface
Graphical User Interface
function for
Application software is any program designed perform specific
to a
Application Software
the users or, in some cases, for another apPplication program.

You Have Learned

and the number of programs are combined for

Set of instructions in a computer
form a computer program
Some purposes which
makes software.
software and utility software.
Some c o m m o n types of software are system software, application
program and system
The types of system software
are system management program, system support
development program.
hardware and data resources of
manages the aPplication software, computer
The system management program

system e.g, Operating System.

Virus Checking, etc.
the operations and management of a computer system e.g,
System support program helps
Net Bcans 7.0
transBators, programung
D , cte. forexampie,
consist ot languge
System devekpment
Mienwotr Visual
Strado 0 L ete.
it byhpingcommands
usersto interactwith
CUTasadoperating nequires the icons and

in the tormot
System providesthecommands appitcatron
sotrware and specitic
into rv ategories:
sotrware can be subivudod
large set ot
purnose application sottware.
in mind a
vendors keeping
developed br sotiware
sottwares are
General purposeappieation the documents
create. edit and format
sotiware is used to
Wond proc ssing data in columns
and r o w s
sotware is used to onganizc and pnocess show:
form of slide
Spreadshet summarized wav) in the
the intormation (in
sotiware is used to display and sound.
Presentaticon video, animation
tiles that include text,
used to ereate
Mulaimedia sottware
to create and manage
sotware is used
Database rmanagement

related data.
Adatabase is acollectionot group ot user.

sotuares are designed to carry out specitic task tora particular

application of the organization
Specitic purpose accounting

s o t w a r e is used
to record and process
An accounting and financial reports.
account receivable,
such as a c c o u n t s payable,
reservation ot tight,
train, hotels, etc.
sottware is used tor
Reservation system o r reduce HR
streamline HR processes,
administration etticiency,
is used to: improve reviews.
HR Management srstem and employee etficiency
tackle recruitments,
related paperwork,
attendance of employees.
used record and track the
Attendance software is
o r company.
in an organization
used to calculate
the salary of the emplovees be
PayToll system is t1nished goods that are ready or will
and completely
materials, work-in-process
Inventory is the

ready for sale.

for the schools.
to maintain
record of the things purchased
control system is used
The school inventory the bill of the
etc. to caBculate and generate
used shopping malls, showrooms,
Billing system is
the c u s t o m e r
products/ items purchased by hardware/Sottware,
the end-user and tune the computer
software to help
Utilities specifically designed
Operating System application

medium to another.
the c o n t e n t s from
one storage
Data backup uility copies

shrinks file so that less IDisc space is occupied.

Compression program files that
the storage (Hard Disk) and reunites fragmented
tool that rearranges the data
Disk Defragmenter is a

computer can run more efficienty. i

removes them
the computers for viruses and
Anuvirus software pertorms the cleaning up process by scanning
found the Disc.
any virus is

Decryption is the process of converting encryPlc

of data into coded form while
Encryption is the conversion
data back into its original form.


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