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Written-Performance Task No. 3 Semester:

School Year:

SUBJECT: 2022 - 2023


4 – 23 - 23
Name: Sofia Senea D. Guevarra

Week 6: Evaluating and Citing Sources (50 points)

Instructions: Using your approved research topic during the title defense, fill-out the following spaces
provided. Make sure to follow the guidelines that you have learned during the discussion of Evaluating and
Citing Sources.

Research Topic: Caffeine Dependence: a Phenomenological Study on the Excessive Coffee Intake of
Senior High School Students in Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite

In-Text Citation 1: References 1:


Mental health diagnoses, according to the

OHCHR(2021), have been improperly used to
stigmatize numerous identities, and the UN Special
Rapporteur on the right to health has warned that such
practices increase prejudice. Trans identities were
depathologized in the 2019 International Classification
of Diseases (ICD-11), which is viewed as a significant
step toward allowing trans individuals to live free from OHCHR. (n.d.). The Struggle for Trans and
violence and discrimination. However, it is crucial to Gender-Diverse Persons. United Nations
recognize that pathologization has permeated global Human Rights Office of the High
public policy, legislation, and jurisprudence, and that Commissioner.
efforts to eradicate it will need further effort.
Parenthetical: procedures/ie-sexual-orientation-and-
According to the United Nations Special Rapporteur
on the Right to Health in 2017, limiting trans
identities to diseases intensified stigma and persons?fbclid=IwAR2ILkDuwL4cA53phDKxT
prejudice. The eleventh revision of the International Xz97TR6p9WkFNUjQPBpUzGwXzOAzs2uxTs_
Classification of Diseases, published in 2019, 58Q
depathologized trans identities and removed related
categories from the chapter on mental and
behavioral disorders, which was regarded as a
significant advance in the fight against violence and
discrimination (OHCHR, n.d.).
In-Text Citation 2: References 2:


School-based social-emotional learning (SEL)

interventions have been proven to positively benefit
both academic and non-academic results in kids, Egan, A. L., Debnam, K. J., Polanin, J. R., &
according to Egan et al. (2022). According to the Fredricks, J. A. (2022). Effects of school-
findings, adopting SEL interventions in schools can be based social–emotional learning
an effective technique for boosting student interventions on academic and nonacademic
performance in a variety of domains. outcomes: A quantitative synthesis and
systematic review. Journal of School Health
Implementing social-emotional learning (SEL)
programs in schools can boost both academic
achievement and social-emotional skills. Including
SEL programs in the school curriculum, according
to the authors, may be an effective approach of
increasing student performance in a range of
domains (Egan et al., 2022).

Evaluation of Source/s:

The first link I supplied leads to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, an official UN
body. The information on their website is widely considered as authentic because it is authored by
specialists and approved by the UN before release, whereas the second link is a peer-reviewed scholarly
piece published in School Health, a well-known academic journal. Before publication, this study was
subjected to a comprehensive peer-review procedure, which serves to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
our findings.

Note: No part of this file must be edited without the permission of the subject teacher. You may change the
spaces for your answer.

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