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Assignment 3: Relations

1. List the ordered pairs in the relation from * + to * + where

( ) if and only if
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) .

2. List all the ordered pairs in the relation *( ) + on * +

Display this relation graphically as well as in tabular form.

A relation is called asymmetric if ( ) implies that ( )

3. For each of these relations on the set * + decide whether it is reflexive, irreflexive,
symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive.
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+ ( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+ ( ) *( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+ ( ) *( ) ( )+
Use in the respective cell of the following table if the property holds for that relation.
Reflexive Irreflexive Symmetric Antisymmetric Asymmetric Transitive
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )

4. Determine whether the relation on the set of all Web pages is reflexive, irreflexive,
symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive, where ( ) if and only if
( a ) everyone who has visited Web page has also visited Web page
( b ) there are no common links found on both Web page and Web page
( c ) there is at least one common link on Web page and Web page
( d ) there is a Web page that includes links to both Web page and Web page
5. Determine whether the relation on the set of all real numbers is reflexive, irreflexive,
symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive, where ( ) if and only if
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) is a multiple of ( )
Use in the respective cell of the following table if the property holds for that relation.
Reflexive Irreflexive Symmetric Antisymmetric Asymmetric Transitive
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )

6. Give an example of a relation on a set that is

( a ) symmetric and antisymmetric.
( b ) neither symmetric nor antisymmetric.

7. Use quantifiers to express what it means for a relation to be

( a ) irreflexive.
( b ) asymmetric.
8. Can a relation on a set be neither reflexive not irreflexive? Give an example.

9. Must an asymmetric relation also be antisymmetric? Must an antisymmetric relation be

asymmetric? Give examples to justify your answers.

10. Let *( )( )( )( )( )+ and *( )( )( )( )+ on the set

* + Find

11. Let *( )( )( )( )+ Find the powers

12. Let be the relation on the set of people consisting of pairs ( ) where is a parent of
Let be the relation on the set of people consisting of pairs ( ) where and are
siblings. What are and

13. Consider the following relations:

*( ) + *( ) +
*( ) + *( ) +
*( ) + *( ) +
Find ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
14. Let and be the “divides” and “is a multiple of” relations on the set of all integers,
respectively. That is,
*( ) + and *( ) +
Find ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

15. Let and be the “congruent modulo ” and “congruent modulo ” relations,
respectively, on the set of all integers. That is, *( ) ( )+ and
*( ) ( )+ Find
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

16. Suppose that and are reflexive relations on a set Prove or disprove each of these
(a) is reflexive. (b) is reflexive. (c) is reflexive.
(d) is irreflexive. (e) is irreflexive.

17. Let be a relation. Let be any positive integer. Prove the following statements:
( a ) is symmetric if and only if
( b ) is antisymmetric if and only if
( c ) is reflexive if and only if ̅ is irreflexive.
( d ) If is reflexive and transitive, then
( e ) If is reflexive (symmetric), then is reflexive (symmetric)
18. Suppose that the relation is irreflexive. Is necessarily irreflexive? Justify.

19. The following matrices represent relations on the set * +

( ) [ ] ( ) [ ] ( ) [ ]

( a ) List the ordered pairs in the relations.

( b ) Draw the directed graphs representing these relations.
( c ) Determine whether the relations are reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric
and/or transitive by inspection of the matrices.
20. How can the matrix representing a relation on a set be used to determine whether the
relation is ( a ) irreflexive? ( b ) asymmetric?

21. Let and be relations on a set represented by the matrices

[ ] [ ]

Find the matrices that represent

( ) ( ) ̅ ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

22. Let be a relation on a set with elements. If there are nonzero entries in how
many nonzero entries are there in ( ) ( ) ̅

23. How many nonzero entries does the matrix representing the relation on the set
* + have if is
( ) *( ) + ( ) *( ) +
( ) *( ) + ( ) *( ) +
( ) *( ) + ( ) *( ) +
24. How can the directed graph of a relation on a finite set be used to determine whether a
relation is ( a ) asymmetric? ( b ) irreflexive?

25. Which of these relations on * + are equivalence relations? Determine the properties
of an equivalence relation that the others lack.
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+

26. Which of these relations on the set of all functions from to are equivalence relations?
Determine the properties of an equivalence relation that the others lack.
( ) *( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) +
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) +

27. Show that the relation on the set of all differentiable functions from to consisting of
all pairs ( ) such that ( ) ( ) for all real numbers is an equivalence relation.
Which functions are in the same equivalence class as the function ( )
28. Suppose that is a nonempty set, and is a function that has as its domain. Let be the
relation on consisting of all ordered pairs ( ) such that ( ) ( ) Show that is
an equivalence relation on What are the equivalence classes of

29. Suppose that is a nonempty set and is an equivalence relation on Show that there is
a function with as its domain such that ( ) if and only if ( ) ( )

30. Show that the relation consisting of all pairs ( ) such that and are bit strings of
length three or more that agree except perhaps in their first three bits is an equivalence
relation on the set of all bit strings of length three or more.

31. Let be the relation consisting of all pairs ( ) such that and are strings of uppercase
and lowercase English letters with the property that for every positive integer the th
characters in and are the same letter, either uppercase or lowercase. Show that is an
equivalence relation.
32. Let be the relation on the set of ordered pairs of positive integers such that
(( ) ( )) if and only if Show that is an equivalence relation. What is
the equivalence class of ( ) in this relation?

33. Let be a positive integer with Define the relation *( ) ( )+

on the set of integers. Recall that ( ) if is divisible by The
equivalence class of an element in this relation is denoted as , - They are also called
congruence classes modulo Show that is an equivalence relation. Also, find , -
where is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

34. Let be the relation on the set of real numbers such that if and are real numbers
that differ by less than that is Show that is not an equivalence relation.

35. Show that the relation on the set of all bit strings such that if and only if and
contain the same number of is an equivalence relation. What is the equivalence class of
the bit string for this relation?

36. Which of these collections of subsets are partitions on the set of bit strings of length
( a ) the set of bit strings that begin with the set of bit strings that begin with and the
set of bit strings that begin with
( b ) the set of bit strings that contain the string the set of bit strings that contain the
string the set of bit strings that contain the string and the set of bit strings that
contain the string
( c ) the set of bit strings that end with the set of bit strings that end with the set of
bit strings that end with and the set of bit strings that end with
( d ) the set of bit strings that have ones, where is a nonnegative integer; the set of bit
strings that have ones, where is a nonnegative integer; the set of bit strings
that have ones, where is a nonnegative integer.

37. Which of these collections of subsets are partitions of the set of integers?
( a ) the set of even integers and the set of odd integers
( b ) the set of positive integers and the set of negative integers
( c ) the set of integers divisible by the set of integers leaving a remainder of when
divided by and the set of integers leaving a remainder of when divided by
( d ) the set of integers less than the set of integers with absolute value not
exceeding and the set of integers greater than

38. Which of these are partitions of the set of real numbers?

( a ) the negative real numbers, * + the positive real numbers.
( b ) the set of irrational numbers, the set of rational numbers.
( c ) the set of intervals , -
( d ) the set of intervals ( )
( e ) the set of intervals ( -
( f ) the sets * + for all , )
39. Which of these are partitions of the set of ordered pairs of integers?
( a ) the set of pairs ( ) where or is odd; the set of pairs ( ) where is even; and
the set of pairs ( ) where is even.
( b ) the set of pairs ( ) where both and are odd; the set of pairs ( ) where
exactly one of and is odd; and the set of pairs ( ) where both and are even.
( c ) the set of pairs ( ) where is positive; the set of pairs ( ) where is positive;
and the set of pairs ( ) where both and are negative.
( d ) the set of pairs ( ) where and the set of pairs ( ) where and
the set of pairs ( ) where and and the set of pairs ( ) where
( e ) the set of pairs ( ) where and the set of pairs ( ) where and
and the set of pairs ( ) where and

40. List the ordered pairs in the equivalence relations produced by these partitions of
* +
( ) * +* +* + ( ) * +* +* +
( ) * +* + ( ) * +* +* +* +* +* +

41. Find the smallest equivalence relation on the set * + containing the relation
*( )( )( )+
42. Suppose that and are equivalence relations on the set Determine whether each of
these combinations of and must be an equivalence relation.
( ) ( ) ( )

43. Determine the number of different equivalence relations on a set with three elements by
listing them.

44. Do we necessarily get an equivalence relation when we form the transitive closure of the
symmetric closure of the reflexive closure of a relation?

45. Do we necessarily get an equivalence relation when we form the symmetric closure of the
reflexive closure of the transitive closure of a relation?

46. Let be the relation *( ) + on the set of integers. Find the reflexive closure of
47. Find the smallest relation containing the relation *( ) + on the set of positive
integers that is both reflexive and symmetric.

48. Suppose that the relation on the finite set is represented by the matrix Show that
the matrix that represents the reflexive closure of is and the matrix that
represents the symmetric closure of is

49. When is it possible to define the “irreflexive closure” of a relation

50. Show that the closure of the relation *( )( )( )( )+ on the set * +

with respect to the property does not exist if is the property
( a ) “is not reflexive”.
( b ) “has an odd number of elements”.

51. Let *( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )+ be the relation on the set

* + Find and

52. Let be the relation. Prove the following:

( a ) If is reflexive, then is reflexive.
( b ) If is symmetric, then is symmetric.

53. Find the smallest relation containing the relation *( )( )( )( )+ that is

( a ) reflexive and transitive.
( b ) symmetric and transitive.
( c ) reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

54. There are two algorithms to find the transitive closure of a relation. One algorithm finds
the zero-one matrix of the transitive closure by using the expression
, - , - , -

and the other is Warshall’s algorithm.

Find the transitive closures of these relations on * +
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
( ) *( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+
Use separate sheets of paper to solve this example.

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