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One way table of specification

English 4 (2nd quarter)

Learning competencies No. Of No. Of test Percentage Item

recitation items of test placement
days items
Use context clues to find meaning of
unfamiliar words: definition, 2 6 10% 1-6
Use clear and coherent sentences
employing appropriate grammatical 4 12 20% 7-18
structures: kinds of nouns – mass
nouns and count nouns, possessive
nouns, collective nouns
Use personal pronouns in sentences 2 6 10% 19-24
Use adjectives (degrees of comparison, 2 6 10% 25-30
order) in sentences
Use simple present tense of verbs in 2 6 10% 31-36
Use correct time expressions to tell an 4 12 20% 37-48
action in the present
Use the past form of regular and 4 12 20% 49-60
irregular verbs
Total 20 60 100%

Submitted by:
Arizobal, armie andrea n.
Felipe, jannah bernadette b.
Pagaran, marijoe p.
Penton, karen-an c.

Reference: https://www.teachpinas.com/download/melcs-english/
I. Encircle the correct answer.

1. This are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to
understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.
a. Context clues
b. Antonym
c. Exemplification
d. Definition

2. The unknown word is explained by including the meaning using a more familiar word or
a. Synonym
b. Antonym
c. Exemplification
d. Definition

3. The unfamiliar word is cleared up by giving examples. This also gives a signal words like
instances, such as, and for example.
a. Synonym
b. Antonym
c. Exemplification
d. Definition

4. Rats, cats, dogs, deer, monkeys, apes, bats, whales, dolphins, and humans are examples
of mammals. What type of context clues is being use in the statement?

a. Synonym
b. Antonym
c. Exemplification
d. Definition

5. Amphibians are a class of cold-blooded vertebrates that need water, or a moist

environment, to survive. What type of context clues is being use in the statement?

a. Synonym
b. Antonym
c. Exemplification
d. Definition
6. Selenophiles are people who love the moon and find joy and peace of mind when
looking at it. What type of context clues is being use in the statement?

A. Synonym
B. Antonym
C. Exemplification
D. Definition

7. Is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, an object, an animal, or an event.

A. Noun
B. Pronoun
C. Adjective
D. Verb

8. It refers to a people, places, and things that can be counted. What kind of noun is being
describe in a sentence?

A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

9. Also known as “uncountable nouns” or “noncount nouns,” are nouns representing

something that cannot be counted. What kind of noun is being describe in a sentence?
A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

10. Is a noun that refers to some sort of group of people, animals, things, etc. What kind of
noun is being describe in a sentence?

A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

11. Nouns that show ownership or a direct connection. What kind of noun is being describe
in a sentence?

A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

12. “Twenty students are present in section a” what kind of noun is being describe in the
A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

13. “Wash your hands with soap and water” this is an example of what kind of noun?
A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

14. “We waited anxiously for the jury to come to a verdict” what kind of noun is being
describe in the sentence?

A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

15. “Anna blew 20 candles for her 20th birthday” what kind of noun is being describe in the
A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

16. “The ballpen is mine” this is an example of what kind of noun?

A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

17. “The printer needs more ink” what kind of noun is being describe in the sentence?
A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns
18. “Volunteers collect all the donations for the victims of typhoon” what kind of noun is
being describe in the sentence?
A. Mass nouns
B. Count nouns
C. Possessive nouns
D. Collective nouns

II. Fill in the blanks

A. Write I or me on the blank line in each sentence

1. I want to be a teacher someday.

2. My mom hugs _ me at my back.
3. My sister and _i_ went to a mall.
4. _i_ had a bad dream last night.
5. Anna bought __me__ a beautiful dress
6. He gave __me__ flowers.

B. Correct the adjectives in order.

1. I bought _____ ______ _____ ______ dress

brown, long, five, beautiful (five beautiful long brown)
2. I love your ____ ____ ____ hair
ash, long, shinny (shinny long ash)
3. We can buy ___ ____ ____ car
one, new, black (one new black)
4. I’m wearing my ___ ____ ____ jacket
brown, new, oversize (oversize new brown)
5. He has ___ ___ ____ ____ house
big, beautiful, new, two (two beautiful big new)

III. Underline the simple present verb in the given sentence.

1. My sister goes to gym every morning.

2. My dad works late in the evening
3. She enjoys volleyball
4. My mom cooks delicious food
5. I brushes my teeth 3x a day
6. She thinks he is very handsome

IV. Rearrange the sentence following the correct sentence pattern

1. We/Month/Every/Visit/Grandma = We visit grandma every month.
2. She/ Volleyball/ Every/ Saturday/ Plays/ = She plays volleyball every Saturday.
3. Cleans/Every/Morning/Anna/ The Bathroom = Anna Cleans the Bathroom Every Morning.
4. He/Everyday/Basketball/Plays = He plays basketball everyday
5. Kim/Gifts/Buy/Every/Year = Kim buys gifts every year.
6. We/Breakfast/Eat/Every/Morning = We eat breakfast every morning.
7. Go/I/To Work/Everyday = I go to work everyday
8. This/I’m/Month/Going/On Vacation = I’m going on vacation this month
9. She/Go/To Gym/Every/Morning = She go to gym every morning.
10. I/Eat/Every/Morning/Banana = I eat banana every morning.
11. I/Every/Go/Sunday/To Church = I go to church every Sunday.
12. Every/Reads/Afternoon/Book /She = She reads book every afternoon.

V. All the verbs below are in the present tense. Some of them are in a regular verb, and some
are irregular verb. Write the correct past tense form of each verb. Capitalize the irregular

1. Sweep = SWEPT
2. Clean = Cleaned
3. Tell = TOLD
4. Drive =DROVE
5. Spell = Spelled
6. Speak = SPOKE
7. Run = RAN
8. Call = Called
9. Climb = Climbed
10. Fly = FLEW
11. Catch = CAUGHT
12. Write = WROTE

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