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Demonstrative Presentation

Training Speech
1. This is a 1 to 5 minute presentation that you will deliver using Google
Slides via Canvas Studio.
2. Choose a topic you would like to train the class how to do. Examples
include: how to make a PowerPoint, how to read a map, how to make
rice crispy treats, how to do well in school, how to make an origami
heart, how to do a skateboard trick. Here are some links for other
Topics for "How-to" Speeches , Demonstration Speech
Topics(Scroll to the bottom of the page)
3. You must provide a visual of the demonstration using Google Slides
to create a powerpoint.
4. You are required to have an introduction with three attention getters,
topic sentences and a thesis statement.
5. The body of the presentation must give detailed and specific
instructions that are at least 15 steps minimum explaining how to
accomplish the task.
6. The conclusion should restate the thesis and have a concluding
statement that ties to the introduction.
7. The presentation must be outlined and the Outline should be included
in the powerpoint.
8. The presentation is considered impromptu and therefore you will
have only a few days to prepare.
9. The topic is due tomorrow with the outlined introduction Wed. 1/18
10.The outlined body and conclusion are due , Thurs. 1/19.
11.The powerpoint slide framework is due Friday 1/20
12.The powerpoint editing and visual effects etc... is due Monday 1/23.
13.The final presentation will be Due Tuesday or Wednesday 1/24.

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