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Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

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Three-dimensional growth of human endothelial cells in an

automated cell culture experiment container during the SpaceX CRS-8
ISS space mission e The SPHEROIDS project
Jessica Pietsch a, Samuel Gass b, Stefano Nebuloni b, David Echegoyen a, Stefan Riwaldt a, e,
Christin Baake a, Johann Bauer c, Thomas J. Corydon e, Marcel Egli d, Manfred Infanger a,
Daniela Grimm a, e, *
Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery, Otto-von-Guericke University Clinic, Magdeburg, Germany
RUAG Space, RUAG Schweiz AG, Nyon, Switzerland
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany
Luzerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - School of Engineering & Architecture, Hergiswil, Switzerland
Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Human endothelial cells (ECs) were sent to the International Space Station (ISS) to determine the impact
Received 27 January 2017 of microgravity on the formation of three-dimensional structures. For this project, an automatic
Accepted 4 February 2017 experiment unit (EU) was designed allowing cell culture in space. In order to enable a safe cell culture,
Available online 7 February 2017
cell nourishment and fixation after a pre-programmed timeframe, the materials used for construction of
the EUs were tested in regard to their biocompatibility. These tests revealed a high biocompatibility for
all parts of the EUs, which were in contact with the cells or the medium used. Most importantly, we
Automated experiment container
found polyether ether ketones for surrounding the incubation chamber, which kept cellular viability
Biocompatibility test
Science validation test
above 80% and allowed the cells to adhere as long as they were exposed to normal gravity. After
Experiment sequence test assembling the EU the ECs were cultured therein, where they showed good cell viability at least for 14
International space station days. In addition, the functionality of the automatic medium exchange, and fixation procedures were
Endothelial cells confirmed. Two days before launch, the ECs were cultured in the EUs, which were afterwards mounted
on the SpaceX CRS-8 rocket. 5 and 12 days after launch the cells were fixed. Subsequent analyses
revealed a scaffold-free formation of spheroids in space.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cytoskeletal proteins, or cell adhesion and extracellular matrix

proteins, such as laminin, fibronectin, collagen type I and III, and
Endothelial cells (ECs) form the inner layer of blood vessels osteopontin [6-8]. In short-term studies, an increase in apoptosis in
(intima) in mammalian organisms and are in direct contact with adherently growing RPM-exposed cells has been observed [8].
the blood. They play a key role in functional blood vessel Supplementation with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
morphogenesis [1] and in the regulation of blood pressure [2]. attenuated the apoptotic effect of microgravity, but had no obvious
Experiments performed with a microgravity (mg)-simulating influence on the rate of 3D spheroid formation [7,8].
device, the Random Positioning Machine (RPM), revealed that ECs Based on this information, a spaceflight to the International Space
begin to form 3D cell aggregates after short-term RPM-exposure [3- Station (ISS) with acronym SPHEROIDS was carried out in 2016 in
5]. In addition, a part of the ECs of each culture grew as tube-like order to study the EC behavior under spaceflight conditions and to
structures [6]. Proteins significantly altered in their content and prove the gravity dependency of ECs' tube formation. The re-
involved in the formation of 3D aggregates include b1-integrin, quirements encompassed experiment durations of 7 days and 14 days
as well as fixation of ECs with RNAlater and paraformaldehyde (3.4%
PFA). A nutrient solution exchange after about 7 days was a prereq-
* Corresponding author. Institute of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Wilhelm uisite for the 14-day-experiment. The storage of the fixed samples
 4, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Meyers Alle
E-mail address: (D. Grimm).
was intended to take place at 4  C (PFA) and 80  C (RNAlater).
0142-9612/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 127

Since experiments on Earth (i.e., with open liquid handling, samples and the download time back to Earth. As the EUs were
plastic consumables or manpower) cannot be replicated in space, stored on board the ISS inside the ESA-designed KUBIK experiment
the design of an automated experimental unit (EU) was necessi- container, which can harbor, empower and automatically control
tated. The materials intended for the construction of the EU were the functionality of the EUs, two KUBIK containers available on
tested for their biocompatibility before and after construction of Earth were used for the Experiment Sequence Test. After this
the EU (Breadboard Model, Science Model) (Figs. 1 and 2). To pre- careful preparation, for the first time we showed 3D growth of ECs
pare the spaceflight, two additional tests, the Science Validation in space in samples fixed after 5d of ECs-exposure to real mg.
Test and the Experiment Sequence Test, were conducted practicing
the sequence of the individual steps with all persons required to 2. Materials & methods
elucidate the reliability of the EUs. In addition, the assembly of the
EUs was performed considering all quality check marks required by 2.1. Cell culture and experimental layout
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), i.e. the as-
sembly of the EUs, time of the upload to the ISS, the powered The human endothelial cell line EA.hy926 is a permanent cell
experiment durations (7 days and 14 days maximal time until fix- line, which was established by hybridizing human umbilical vein
ation) in microgravity with subsequent cool storage of the fixed endothelial cells (HUVEC) with the lung carcinoma cell line A549.

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the biocompatibility tests performed according to six different scenarios. Test procedures and schedules of the scenarios I to VI are shown in AeF. When a
T25 cm2 cell culture flask was required for a test (A,B,C,F), 106 EA.hy926 cells suspended in 15 ml corresponding complete culture medium were seeded into a flask one day prior to
the start of the experiment. Pre-incubation of the various pieces of material was done in 50 ml tubes filled with about 20 ml of either medium, RNAlater or PFA solution (B,C,D). Cells
seeded into four-well cell culture slides (BD Bioscience) were used for immunofluorescence staining (scenario IV, D). Fixed samples were stored at 4  C prior RNA isolation and
measurement of the amount of RNA (C) or staining (D). For tests according to scenario V (E), the material sample was placed in the middle of a petri dish and the EA.hy926 cells were
seeded directly on the surface. After inoculation, the petri dish was carefully filled with medium trying to avoid the excessive stirring so that the cells were not washed of the
material. After 3, 24 and 72 h of incubation cells adherently growing to the materials were detected by HE staining.
128 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Fig. 2. Overview of the experiment plan and requirements (A) and the stages during the EU development presented in the last part of the manuscript (B).

Although a hybrid, EA.hy926 cells exhibit characteristic endothelial and 4) Experiment Sequence Tests (EST) as well as for the space-
cell features [9,10]. The cells were cultivated in RPMI 1640 medium flight experiment on the ISS.
containing 100 mM sodium pyruvate and 2 mM l-glutamine (Life
Technologies) and 10% FCS (Biochrom), 100 U/mL penicillin and 2.2. Tests of materials used for building the EUs
100 mg/mL streptomycin (both Biochrom). In addition, human
microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) derived from dermis The suitability of the materials used for building the EUs, which
(Provitro) were used for experiments on the Random Positioning should harbor, automatically feed and fix the cells during a
Machine (see 2.11). For culturing the HMVEC, cell growth medium spaceflight, was proved in six different test scenarios. The tests
e advanced, supplemented with a supplement-mix containing FCS were performed according to a modified scheme developed during
and antibiotics (Provitro) was used. preparation of a former spaceflight experiment with thyroid cancer
One day prior to the biocompatibility experiments, the cells [11]. By annexin V measurements (see section 2.4) the viability
EA.hy026 cells were suspended in RPMI 1640 medium so that cells of EA.hy926 cells was tested which had been in direct contact with
could be seeded in cell culture flasks at appropriate cell numbers material samples at 37  C and 5% CO2 for 15 days, during which the
(e.g. 106 cells in T25 cm2 cell culture flasks) for a preliminary 24-h- RPMI 1640 medium was replaced with fresh medium at day 7
period of adherence. Subsequently, the cells were used in the (Scenario I, Fig. 1A). In addition, the viability of EA.hy926 cells was
following experimental scenarios: 1) biocompatibility tests (BT), 2) tested after cultivation in complete RPMI 1640 medium, which had
breadboard model tests (BBM), 3) Science Validation Tests (SVT), been pre-incubated in direct contact with material samples for 15
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 129

days at 37  C (Fig. 1B, Scenario II). Furthermore, the amount and independently tested. For each material batch, a control without
integrity of RNA was determined for cells, which were incubated for additional material (no. 57e59, Table 3) as well as with a mix of all
24 h after seeding and subsequently fixed with RNAlater (Ambion, material samples obtained by one batch (no. 60e62, Table 3) was
Life Technologies). The RNAlater had been in direct contact with tested according to the scenarios I-V. All in all, 56 materials were
material samples for 15 days at 37  C, and incubated for further 7 tested (Table 3). Each material investigated had been sterilized
days (Fig. 1C, Scenario III). Also, immunofluorescence histology was before either by autoclaving at 120  C for 20 min or by submerging
performed on cells which incubated 24 h after seeding and were the materials in 70% ethanol for 10 min prior to the tests. Table 3
subsequently fixed with 3.4% paraformaldehyde fixative (PFA, Carl indicates the kind of sterilization procedure applied for each ma-
Roth), which had been in direct contact with material samples for terial, respectively. The cells used for viability tests, RNA isolation or
15 days at 37  C (Fig. 1D, Scenario IV). staining were taken from one T25 cm2 cell culture flasks each,
The capability of the ECs to adhere to the different materials was respectively.
determined, after they had been seeded on the pieces of materials
indicated and subsequently incubated at 37  C and 5% CO2 for 3, 24, 2.3. Biocompatibility and functionality tests of assembled EUs at
and 72 h (Fig. 1E, Scenario V). Finally, the viability of EA.hy926 cells various time points
was tested, which had been cultivated at 18  C or 37  C and 5% CO2
in normal culture flasks for 7 days (Fig. 1F, Scenario VI). The Breadboard Model test was carried out with a first proto-
Material samples arrived at the laboratory at three different type of the EU (Fig. 3) in which all single modules were placed side
time points (Table 3, biocompatibility test (BT) Batch number 1e3). by side on a metal plate. The tests consisted of three parts: 1) cell
Direct after arrival each material batch (BT Batch #1e3) was seeding tests, 2) RNAlater freezing and long-term storage tests, and

Fig. 3. Schematic drawings of the EU. The dimensions of one EU hardware designed by RUAG are 10  10  10 cm. Each houses two separate experiment subunits, E1 and E2 (A).
Of each subunit the CC, MC, SC, FC and pump are interconnected via MINSTAC tubing. The flow direction of the liquids is controlled by the pumps as well as by valves (V1-V6), which
contain stainless steel amongst other things, attached to the bottom of the MCs and SCs. A valve consists of three holes, of which two are accessible by MINSTAC tubing. Inside the
valve is a mechanic switch, which allows the fluids to either enter the respective chamber or the second tubing attached to the valve. The valve switch (valve connectors), as well as
the pump operation (pump connectors) are controlled via the automatic electronic board (AEB) on which the experiments sequence with medium exchange and fixation is
programmed. B and C show cross-sectional drafts of an E2 subunit. Neither the CCs, nor the MCs and SC are actively tempered. However, the AEB as well as a temperature logger on
the outside record the temperature during the mission.
130 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

3) Experiment Sequence Tests. The cell viability in the cell seeding Table 1
tests was determined by annexin V-measurements. The pass/fail Antibodies (all from Cell Signaling) used for immunofluorescence staining.

criteria for the RNAlater freezing and long-term storage test were Antibody Dilution Host
the total RNA yield and the RNA Integrity Number (RIN). The per- Actin-b 1:300 M
formance of the hardware was further proved by the experiment Cytokeratin 1:50 M
sequence tests, which comprised of two experiments: a) the Sci- Tubulin-a 1:300 M
ence Validation Test (SVT) and b) the Experiment Sequence Test Tubulin-b 1:200 R
Vimentin 1:100 R
(EST). For both, the final flight model was used (Fig. 3). The time
Secondary antibody anti-M or anti-R 1:1000 both G
frame of these tests was a simulated flight (i.e., upload of the
hardware to ISS, experiment and download of the hardware). The
temperature profiles for these tests were either a worst-case sce- stock solution, Sigma-Aldrich). Pictures of the stained cells were
nario (SVT) or the expected scenario (EST). Post-test analyses taken with a fluorescence microscope (Olympus).
included RNA isolation and RNA concentration determination for
RNAlater-fixed cells, flow cytometry analysis of PFA-fixed cells and 2.7. Hematoxylin and eosin staining
the Multi-Analyte Profiling (MAP) technology for cytokine
measurements. The hematoxylin/eosin (HE) staining method is a widely used
histochemical technique [14]. Briefly, the HE staining protocol used
2.4. Annexin V measurement in this study was as follows: cells were fixed with 2% PFA (Carl Roth)
for 10 min. Following the fixation, the cells were incubated for 5 min
The annexin V measurements were carried out as previously with distilled deionized water, then incubated for 10 min with an
described [12] using the Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit I acidic Mayer's hematoxylin solution (Carl Roth) to stain cell nuclei
(BD Bioscience). The EA.hy926 cells cultured in T25 cm2 cell culture blue. The dye was removed by washing the sample three times with
flasks were detached using 1 mL of trypsin (Gibco, Life Technolo- tap water. The cytoplasm and other cell structures were stained with
gies) and transferred with PBS (Gibco) into a 50 mL tube. After eosin G (Carl Roth) for 10 min and then washed three times with tap
centrifugation for 5 min at 2500 rpm, the cell pellet was re- water. The stained cells were visually identified and photographed
suspended in 1 binding buffer (BB) at a final concentration of and if possible observed with an inverted microscope.
106 cells/mL, and 100 mL were transferred into two round-bottom The paraffin-embedded 3D cell aggregates from the PFA-fixed
tubes. The cells in one tube were incubated with 5 mL of annexin cell samples from the ISS were sectioned into thin cuts and
V-FITC protein and 5 mL of propidium iodide. The cells in the other mounted on object slides, deparaffinized and after rehydration
tube were left untreated (negative control, gating of unspecific stained as described above.
fluorescence signals). After incubation for 15 min in the dark, the
cell suspensions were brought up to 500 mL with BB and analyzed 2.8. Multi-analyte profiling technology
using a FACSCanto II (Becton Dickinson). The analysis of the flow
cytometry data was carried out with Flowing Software (Version The multi-analyte profiling (MAP) measurements were per-
2.5.1). Six-times 5000 cells were counted for one measurement. formed by the company Myriad RBM Inc., using the Human Cytokine
MAP A and B. This technique enables the detection of several cyto-
2.5. Flow cytometry tests for caspase-3 antigen kines in the supernatants of cell cultures as previously described [3].
The MAP procedure utilizes antibody complexes of two different
The staining procedure for flow cytometry was modified from a antibodies, which generate a fluorescence signal upon binding to the
previous protocol [13]. Briefly, PFA-fixed cells were used instead of target cytokine. This signal is used for quantification of the cytokine.
ethanol-fixed cells. After carefully scraping the cells off the bottom
of the cultivation chamber (CC) of the flight model (Fig. 3), they
were collected in 50-mL tubes and centrifuged for 5 min at 1500  g 2.9. RNA isolation and quality check
at room temperature. The pelleted cells were resuspended in PBS,
and 105 cells each were transferred into two round-bottom tubes The RNA was isolated using the RNeasy Mini Kit from Qiagen as
and incubated with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 10 min. The cells in described previously [15]. Briefly, EA.hy926 cells were fixed with
one tube were incubated for 90 min with the primary antibody RNAlater, scraped off the bottom of the cell culture flasks and
anti-caspase-3 (Cell Signaling; dilution: 1:640), while the other was transferred into 50 mL tubes with PBS. After pelleting the cells, the
incubated with PBS. The cells in both round-bottom tubes were supernatant was discarded and the cells lysed and homogenized
incubated with the secondary antibody (Cell Signaling; 1:1000) for
Table 2
60 min. The measurement of the single cells was performed with a Primers (50 e30 ) used for quantitative real-time PCR.
FACSCanto II (Becton Dickinson). The analysis of the flow cytometry
Gene Primer Sequence
data was carried out with Flowing Software (Version 2.5.1).
2.6. Immunofluorescence staining 18S-R CAACTAAGAACGGCCATGCA
As described previously [13], the fixed cells were washed once ITGA10 ITGA10-F CGAAGACTGGTAGGGAAACTGTTTA
with PBS (Gibco) and permeablized for 10 min with 0.1% Triton X- ITGA10-R GCCGACTGAGGTTCTTTGCT
100 (Carl Roth) in PBS. After removal of the Triton X-100 solution, ITGB1 ITGB1-F GAAAACAGCGCATATCTGGAAATT
different primary antibodies (Table 1) diluted with PBS were
incubated with the cells overnight at room temperature. The KRT8-R GCTCGGCATCTGCAATGG
following day, the cells were washed thrice with PBS and incubated TUBB TUBB-F CTGGACCGCATCTCTGTGTACTAC
with the FITC-conjugated anti-mouse secondary antibody (1:1000; TUBB-R GACCTGAGCGAACAGAGTCCAT
Cell Signaling) overnight at room temperature. The nuclei were VIM VIM-F TTCAGAGAGAGGAAGCCGAAAAC
counterstained with propidium iodide (dilution 1:100 of a 1 mg/mL
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 131

Table 3
List of materials required for the construction of the experiment unit (EU) and tested separately before EU assembling. Batch# e material batch number depending on
material arrival at laboratory, E e sterilization by incubating with 70% ethanol for 10 min, A e sterilization by autoclaving material for 20 min at 120  C, CC e cultivation
chamber, MC e medium chamber, SC e supernatant chamber, n.a. e not available.

Sample# Material Batch# Sterili- Photo Weight [g] Sample dimension Function Compartment Used
zation [mm] in EU

1 stainless steel 3 E 0.1476 7d  1.5 Spring Valve Yes

2 Dimethyl-oxosilane 2 A ~0.25 5d  10 Lubricant on external MC þ SC Yes

surface of membrane

3 Ceramic 3 E 0.2100 8d_o  5d_i  2 Pump Bearing Pump Yes

0.3160 5d_o  1d_i  4

4 Ceramic 3 E 2.1962 12d  12 Case Part Fitting Pump Yes

5 stainless steel 3 E 0.1133 6d  1.2 Plunger head assembly Valve Yes

6 Polyisoprene 1 E 0.0302 8d  1.5 No

7 Silicone 1 E 0.0377 8d  1.5 No

8 Polyepoxides 2 A 0.0267 6d  0.5 Epoxy Resin in Pump Pump Yes

9 Polyepoxides 3 E 0.0267 6d  0.5 Epoxy Resin in Pump Pump Yes

10 Fluoropolymer 3 E 1.4106 8d  2 O-rings, Gaskets Valve Yes


11 Polyphenylene 3 E 0.6276 12  10  3 Plunger head assembly Valve No


12 Reinforced 3 E 0.1028 8d  3 Pump Shaft Seal Pump Yes


(continued on next page)

132 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Table 3 (continued )

Sample# Material Batch# Sterili- Photo Weight [g] Sample dimension Function Compartment Used
zation [mm] in EU

13 Reinforced 2 A 0.0128 8d  3 Pump Shaft Seal Pump Yes


14 stainless steel 1 E 11.6178 14d  10 No

15 Polychloro- 1 E 0.0192 1d  5 Yes


17 Transluscent 2 A 0.3123 10  10  2.5 Flexible Chamber CC No

Silicone Wall Membranes
Elastomer 1

19 Transluscent 3 A 0.1857 10  10  2.5 Flexible Chamber CC No

Silicone Wall Membranes
Elastomer 2

22 Polyamide 1 A 0.0414 40  10  0.08 Filter Material CC No

23 Polyamide 2 A 0.0035 9  5  0.08 Filter Material CC No

24 Polyamide 2 A 0.0035 9  5  0.1 Filter Material CC No

25 Polybutylene 3 E 0.5318 10  10  3 Housing Valve Yes


27 Polyether ether 3 A 0.3258 10  10  2.5 Chamber Cradle and CC þ MC þ SC Yes

ketone Extremities, Adherent

29 Polyether ether 3 A 1.9459 25  10  2.5 Chamber Cradle and CC þ MC þ SC n.a.

ketone Extremities, Adherent

30 Polyether ether 1 E 1.9459 25  10  2.5 Chamber Cradle and CC þ MC þ SC n.a.

ketone Extremities, Adherent
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 133

Table 3 (continued )

Sample# Material Batch# Sterili- Photo Weight [g] Sample dimension Function Compartment Used
zation [mm] in EU

33 Polyethylene 2 E 0.0077 10  10  0.08 Filter Material CC Yes


34 Polyethylene 2 E 0.0077 10  10  0.08 Filter Material CC Yes


35 Fluoropolymer 1 E 0.3262 25d_o  23d_i  2 Piston O-ring MC þ SC No


36 Polyphthalamide 3 E 0.5593 10  10  3 Plunger head Valve Yes


38 Transluscent 3 A 0.1964 10  10  2.5 Flexible Chamber CC No

Silicone Elastomer 3 Wall Membranes

40 Transparent 2 A 0.2733 10  10  2.5 Flexible Chamber CC þ MC þ SC Yes

Silicone Elastomer Wall Membranes

42 White Silicone 2 A 0.1552 10  10  2.5 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer Wall Membranes

43 White Silicone 1 E 0.4646 65  10  0.08 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer Wall Membranes

45 Transluscent 2 A 0.3349 10  10  2.5 Flexible Chamber CC No

Silicone Elastomer 4 Wall Membranes

46 stainless steel 2 A 2.9902 7d  10 Filter Flange CC þ MC þ SC No

47 stainless steel 2 A 8.5667 11d  20 Pump Case Pump Yes

48 stainless steel 3 E 8.5667 11d  20 Pump Case Pump Yes

49 stainless steel 1 A 1.7882 6d  8 Chamber Extremities MC þ SC No

(continued on next page)

134 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Table 3 (continued )

Sample# Material Batch# Sterili- Photo Weight [g] Sample dimension Function Compartment Used
zation [mm] in EU

50 Polytetrafluoro- 3 A 0.0351 1.6d  10 Connection of Yes

ethylene CC þ MC þ SC

51 Polytetrafluoro- 1 E 0.0622 1.6d  10 Connection of Yes

ethylene CC þ MC þ SC

52 Tungsten Carbide 3 E 0.1867 1.2d  12 Pump Shaft Pump Yes

53 Fluoropolymer 2 A 0.4947 10  10  2.5 Filter Gasket CC No


54 Fluoropolymer 3 A 0.4424 10  10  2.5 Filter Gasket CC No


55 Fluoropolymer 2 A 0.0150 10d_o  9.5d_i  0.5 Pump O-rings Pump Yes


56 Fluoropolymer 3 E 0.0150 10d_o  9.5d_i  0.5 Pump O-rings Pump Yes


57 Control Batch#1 1
58 Control Batch#2 2
59 Control Batch#3 3
60 Mix Batch#1 1
61 Mix Batch#2 2
62 Mix Batch#3 3

with RLT buffer. The lysate was loaded onto an RNeasy spin column, vimentin (VIM). 18S rRNA was used as a housekeeping gene to
which binds the RNA. The lysate was pushed through the spin normalize expression data (see Table 2).
column by centrifugation at maximum speed for 15 s. After several The primers were designed using the Primer Express software
washing steps, the RNA was eluted from the column by adding (Applied Biosystems, Life Technologies) with a Tm of ~60  C. All
30e50 mL of RNase-free water. The RNA was quantified with the primers were synthesized by TIB MOLBIOL as previously described
microplate reader Spectra Max M2 (Molecular Device). [15].
Assessment of the RNA quality was performed using the Agilent
2100 Bioanalyzer (an automated electrophoresis system) in 2.11. Random positioning machine
conjunction with the RNA 6000 Nano LabChip kit (both Agilent
Technologies) according to the manufacturer's instructions. In brief, The Random Positioning Machine (RPM) developed to simulate
1 ml of isolated RNA of the samples, solved in RNase-free water was microgravity [16], is manufactured by Airbus Defense and Space
heat-denatured (70  C for 2 min) and applied to each well of the 12- and used routinely in our laboratory [4]. For the experiments with
sample-wells of the chip. Following sample analysis values for the EA.hy926 and human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) the
ribosomal ratio and the integrity number (RIN) for each RNA were cells were seeded in T25 cm2 cell culture flasks (n ¼ 15, each cell
determined using the 2100 Expert software version B.02.08.SI648. line). After they had formed sub-confluent monolayers, the culture
flasks were completely filled with medium (air bubble-free), sub-
2.10. Quantitative real-time PCR sequently positioned on the inner frame of the RPM and the rota-
tion was started at a speed of 60 /s using the real random mode
Quantitative real-time PCR was carried out to determine the (random speed and random direction) for 7 days. For the experi-
expression levels of b-actin (ACTB), integrin b-1 (ITGA10), integrin-a ment, the RPM was positioned in a standard CO2 incubator at 37  C
1 (ITGB1), keratin type II cytoskeletal 8 (KRT8), b-tubulin (TUBB) and and 5% CO2. In parallel, further T25 cm2 cell culture flasks were
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 135

placed next to the RPM in the incubator as 1g-controls (n ¼ 15, each are incubated in culture medium in the presence or absence of
cell line). VEGF (10,000 ng/ml) (Fig. 2A). Cell feeding was required after 7
days in cultures planned for 14 days. For technical reasons the
2.12. SpaceX CRS-8 spaceflight temperature of 37  C could be achieved two days after loading the
rocket, when the EUs had been installed in the KUBIK. Until then,
The SpaceX CRS-8 space mission was a cargo resupply space- the temperature was kept above 18  C. Fixed samples should be
flight to the ISS. The Falcon 9 rocket was launched on April 8, 2016, conserved either at 4  C (PFA-fixed) or at 80  C (RNAlater-fixed)
at 20:43 UTC from the launch site at Kennedy Space Center, Cape until analysis.
Canaveral, FL, USA. The end of mission was in May 2016. For this planned spaceflight experiment, EUs were constructed
in 5 steps (Fig. 2B). Each EU includes the two identical subunits E1
3. Results and E2. Each subunit is composed of one cultivation chamber (CC),
one medium chamber (MC), one supernatant chamber (SC) and a
3.1. Construction of the EUs and their role in the spaceflight pump (HNP Mikrosysteme) to move the liquids within the system
experiment (Fig. 3A). Both subunits share one fixative chamber (FC) and are
assembled on a metallic main support. Their MCs are either filled
3.1.1. Intended use of various EUs with medium (E1) or with medium containing VEGF (E2). The FCs
The experiments should last either 7 or 14 days, while the cells of different EUs were either filled with PFA solution (subsequent

Table 4
Results of the biocompatibility test (scenario I-III). The percentages given in the columns from Annexin V scenario I and Annexin V scenario II indicate the vital/living cells
determined by the Annexin V measurements. The amount given for RNA isolated according to scenario III is the total amount of the whole sample. Controls are cell samples
#57-#59 cultured in plain medium at 3 different time points (Batch #1-#3). The results shown for sample #60-#62 originate from samples incubated with the mix of all
materials of one test material batch. Batch# e material batch number, depending on material arrival at the laboratory.

Sample # Batch# Annexin V scenario I Annexin V scenario II RNA scenario III

1 3 84% 85% 2220 ng

2 2 80% 62% 7149 ng
3 3 81% 88% 2940 ng
4 3 81% 90% 2250 ng
5 3 84% 87% 2700 ng
6 1 88% 86% 8650 ng
7 1 82% 84% 5000 ng
8 2 66% 71% 5841 ng
9 3 83% 86% 3570 ng
10 3 83% 62% 2640 ng
11 3 82% 87% 1410 ng
12 3 85% 82% 2400 ng
13 2 66% 74% 6626 ng
14 1 14% 83% 6620 ng
15 1 78% 82% 6600 ng
17 2 80% 64% 467 ng
19 3 82% 94% 2160 ng
22 1 15% 18% 4150 ng
23 2 82% 71% 5059 ng
24 2 79% 71% 5461 ng
25 3 80% 89% 2970 ng
27 3 85% 88% 2580 ng
29 3 84% 83% 1620 ng
30 1 82% 84% 5820 ng
33 2 88% 84% 4542 ng
34 2 75% 84% 4939 ng
35 1 13% 83% 11,820 ng
36 3 81% 90% 2100 ng
38 3 56% 88% 2070 ng
40 2 85% 77% 3450 ng
42 2 78% 54% 1260 ng
43 1 18% 84% 1320 ng
45 2 86% 78% 4508 ng
46 2 77% 64% 5321 ng
47 2 72% 85% 3098 ng
48 3 83% 90% 2100 ng
49 1 26% 81% 8200 ng
50 3 85% 87% 2520 ng
51 1 58% 83% 3530 ng
52 3 85% 90% 1650 ng
53 2 77% 64% 3723 ng
54 3 87% 89% 2250 ng
55 2 80% 72% 5872 ng
56 3 83% 87% 2460 ng
57 1 88% 79% 6980 ng
58 2 88% 80% 5701 ng
59 3 86% 91% 3570 ng
60 1 70% 74% 5910 ng
61 2 72% 73% 7528 ng
62 3 84% 77% 1740 ng
136 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

structural analyses) or with RNAlater solution (subsequent molec- (see samples #27, #29, #30). Dimethyl-oxosilane, Polyepoxides,
ular analysis). Fluoropolymer Elastomer, Reinforced Polytetrafluoroethylene,
The materials used for the construction had to be tested for their Transparent Silicone Elastomer polluted the culture medium. But
biocompatibility. On the completion of these biocompatibility tests the parts of the EU, which included these substances, barely con-
(BT), the prototypes and the flight models were tested for their tacted the culture medium (see Table 3, the last two columns on the
functionality. right). All the other substances, which reduced the RPMI 1640
medium's capability to support the life of the cells, were not used
3.1.2. Design and parts of EUs for constructing the EU (compare second column from right of
Due to the intricate design of the EU (Fig. 3), biomaterials with Table 4 with the most right column of Table 3).
different physical and chemical characteristics were required for its In addition, the cell viability investigated according to scenario I
construction. (Table 4, second column from left) proves that the optimal material
was selected for the EU. Again, most of the materials tested did not
attenuate cell growth, when a direct contact between these mate-
3.2. Biocompatibility tests
rials and the cells was established. The polyether ether ketones,
which form the chamber walls to which the cells adhere as long as
3.2.1. Influence of separated materials on cell viability and RNAlater
they grow under 1g-condition, supported cell growth (see samples
#27, #29, #30). Polyepoxides, Reinforced Polytetrafluoroethylene,
All the different materials finally used in the construction of the
Polychlorotri-fluoroethylene, Polyethylene terephthalate, stainless
EUs were tested for eligibility in regard to biocompatibility and
steel, and Polytetrafluoro-ethylene were included in parts of the EU,
functionality before and after assembling the EUs. Numbers, names,
where cell growth did not occur. No substances, which reduced cell
photos, weight, size and functions of the materials tested separately
growth after contact, were used for the final construction. A ma-
before the construction are listed in Table 3, which also shows the
terial was deemed biocompatible for the scenarios I and II, when at
respective belongings to a batch (column Batch#) and the kinds of
least 77% of living cells were detected by applying the apoptosis
pre-sterilization (column Sterilization). These 56 samples were
detection kit.
tested according to the test scenarios described above. The tests
To elucidate whether the materials emit substances, which
were performed in three series as indicated by the Batch#. This
inactivate RNAlater, RNA was isolated from cells treated according
way, some types of material were tested twice, either sterilized by
to scenario III (RNAlater) after the ECs had been fixed with pre-
autoclaving or by soaking in ethanol.
treated RNAlater and stored for 7 days prior to isolation of RNA.
The results obtained in tests performed according to scenario I,
The amount of the isolated RNA is given in Table 4 (most right
II, III (see 2.2) are shown in Table 4, respectively, where the samples
column). RNA integrity numbers (RIN) determined for each RNA
were numbered as in Table 3. Viability tests of cells investigated
sample with the help of an established algorithm following sample
according to scenario II (Table 4, second column from right) clearly
assessment in an automated electrophoresis system (Agilent 2100
indicated that most of the materials were inert to culture medium,
Bioanalyzer) are shown in Fig. 4 for various materials. The RIN
i.e. they did not deliver substances to the medium during 15 days at
values demonstrate that no significant RNA degradation in the fixed
37  C, which would have prevented its use for cell feeding. In these
cells occurred, except in samples fixed with RNAlater after its pre-
cases, the annexin V measurements revealed viabilities above 80%.
treatment with one lot of the polyether ether ketone (sample #29).
Especially, the polyether ether ketones, which form the chamber
From most samples, more than 2000 ng of RNA could be isolated.
walls surrounding a cell suspension, do not harm the cell growth

Fig. 4. Assessments of the RNA integrity of total RNA isolated in test scenario III. Purified, heat-denaturated RNA from fixed cells was analyzed using the Agilent 2100 Bio-
analyzer and RNA integrity was assessed exploiting an established algorithm as described in 2.9. The results of the electrophoresis (representing data from three separate chips)
together with the RNA Integrity Number (RIN) are shown for some samples. Exemplary, the electropherograms of two RNAs show the low degradation of the lowest RIN values. A
RNA ladder (L) is shown to the left. Positions of 28S and 18S ribosomal bands are indicated to the right. The sample numbers refer to Table 3.
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 137

Table 5a
Immunofluorescence staining of the biocompatibility test scenario IV. The given pictures for each antibody are in the following order: left) primary antibody, middle)
propidium iodide, right) merge of 1 þ 2 (left þ middle). The density of cells tested after receiving the first batch of materials (Batch # 1) was extremely high. Therefore, a lower
amount of cells were seeded out for testing the materials of Batch #2 and #3. Nevertheless, the pictures were taken with the high density, but with a lower magnification. The
scale bars represent 100 mm. Batch # - material batch number depending on material arrival at the laboratory.
138 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156
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140 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156
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When the RNAlater solution had been pre-treated either with 3.2.3. Influence of separated elements on cell adherence
Polyphenylene sulfide (sample #11), or with Transluscent Silicone Some of the materials were not only tested in the biocompati-
Elastomer 1 (sample #17), or with White Silicone Elastomer bility tests scenario IeIV, but also in an adherence test (scenario V).
(sample #42 and #43), or with Tungsten Carbide (sample #52), less The materials for these tests were selected because they will be in
than 2000 ng of RNA was obtained. From these materials, only the direct contact with the living cells either as the growth area inside
Tungsten Carbide was used to form the pump shaft as the RNA the cultivation chamber of the EU to which cells should adhere or as
quality was very good (Fig. 4) and the contact of the material with filters inside to which cells should not adhere. All materials tested
the RNAlater solution will last only for a few seconds. in the adherence test are listed in Table 6. The last column in Table 6
For the Polyether ether ketone #29 (Table 3), the amount as well states whether the material fulfilled the requirements and was
as the quality of isolated RNA was poor and therefore, this material used for the construction of the EU and indicates its function as well
was not chosen for the construction of the EU. The Fluoropolymer as the compartment in which the material was used.
Elastomers tested in experiments #54 and #56, both yielded a RNA
amount of more than 2000 ng and had a RNA quality of RIN of 8.4. Of
both, only the material of #56 was used for the construction of the EU. 3.2.4. Influence of temperature on cell viability
The upload of the EUs to the ISS, i.e. the time expected from
handover of the EU until installation into the KUBIK incubator on
3.2.2. Influence of separated materials on PFA stability board the ISS, was considered to take less than 7 days. For this time,
PFA was also used to fix the ECs for subsequent investigation of the cells must be exposed to a lowered temperature of at least 18  C
the cell structures. Whether or not PFA was able to fix the cells was for technical reasons. In order to investigate, whether the
determined by using immunofluorescence staining (Tables 5a and EA.hy926 cells would survive a transient exposure to 18  C, the
b). When a staining could be performed and structures inside the viability of ECs at around 18  C (Fig. 5A) and at 37  C (Fig. 5B) was
cytoskeleton of cells could be distinguished, the material passed monitored according to scenario VI (Fig. 1A) prior to the start of the
the biocompatibility test scenario IV. Breadboard Model tests. For both temperatures, a cell viability
142 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Table 5b
Immunofluorescence staining of the biocompatibility test scenario IV. The given pictures for each antibody are in the following order: left) primary antibody, middle)
propidium iodide, right) merge of 1 þ 2. The density of cells tested after receiving the first batch of materials (Batch # 1) was extremely high. Therefore, a lower number of cells
were seeded out for testing the materials of Batch #2 and #3. Nevertheless, the pictures were taken with the high density, but with a lower magnification. The scale bars
represent 100 mm. Batch # - material batch number depending on material arrival at the laboratory.
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146 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

above 77% could be assured for 6 days. On day 7, the EC viability at 3.3.2. Suitability of the breadboard model to store RNAlater-fixed
18  C dropped below the 77% pass criteria. These results were cells and fluids
considered acceptable because an upload lasting 7 days was highly A further aspect of the Breadboard Model test was the storage of
unlikely, and the temperature normally does not drop below 20  C fixed EC samples. According to the experimental requirements,
inside the transport capsule. Performing the viability test shown in cells fixed with RNAlater were destined for freezing on board the
Fig. 5, in parallel, we determined the optimal number of cells for the ISS, preferably at 80  C. To determine the optimal temperature for
7- and 14-day-experiments, which supported a cell viability above storing, freezing tests at 20  C (Freezing Test 1) as well as 80  C
the pass criteria of 77% in the annexin V apoptosis detection test. (Freezing Test 2) were performed with cells fixed inside the culti-
Seeding 5 x 105 cells into the CC for the 7-day-experiment and 4 x vation chamber (Table 7). In these cases, the cultivation chambers
105 cells into the CC for the 14-day-experiment was optimal (data were stored for 7 days at the respective temperature, and the RNA
not shown). was subsequently isolated. Unexpectedly, the RNA yield was rather
low and not uniform across all of the experiments (if not non-
existent), even if one considers the small growth area of 9 cm2 of
3.3. Breadboard model tests the CC, which allowed cell adherence and growth prior to launch,
and the pass criteria of 1000 ng were not reached. Due to these
3.3.1. Suitability of breadboard models to harbor cells results, additional tests were conducted over a 7-day-period at
The Breadboard Model was the first prototype of the EU in ambient temperature (24  C, Freezing Test 3) as well as 4  C
which all modules were arranged side by side on metal plates. The (Freezing Test 4) with satisfactory results. Following these short-
Breadboard Model tests encompassed tests of the whole experi- term tests, storing tests were conducted over a period of
mental sequences including cell cultivation, programmed fixation 6 weeks at either 24  C (Table 7, Freezing long-term storage 1) or
of the samples for both the 7- and the 14-day-experiments as well 4  C (Table 7, Freezing long-term storage 2). Overall, storage at 4  C
as the automatic exchange of the nutrient solution for the 14-day- produced the optimum RNA yield, and this temperature was chosen
experiment. The viability of the ECs was confirmed by harvesting for storage on board the ISS.
living and not fixed cells after 7 or 14 days and using these cells for In addition, a storage test at ambient temperature (Freezing
an apoptosis detection kit measurement (annexin V-measure- long-term storage 3) was conducted over three weeks to validate if
ment). A cell viability of more than 80% was achieved for both the samples would be damaged by a power loss of the cooler. The
experimental durations (Fig. 6A). In case of a malfunction during collection of RNA surpassing the criteria (1000 ng) suggested that
the medium exchange at the 7th day, the outcome of 14-day-ex- power loss would not be a problem. Since the completed experi-
periments was also studied. Fig. 6B shows viabilities of cells after a ments would have to be transported by an astronaut from the
14-day-incubation period in the T25 cm2 cell culture flasks during KUBIK incubator to the cooler at 4  C and an astronaut's time is
which a complete, a half and no medium exchange occurred. Even tightly scheduled, we determined how quickly after fixation the
in the case of only a half or no exchange of the nutrient solution relocation to 4  C was required by storing the fixed sample at 37  C
during the 14-day-experiment, the cell vitality surpassed the for several days. The resultant RNA yields clearly indicated that
criteria of 77% of living cells (Fig. 6B).
Table 6
List of materials tested in the adherence tests (scenario V). Batch # - material batch number, depending on material arrival at the laboratory; E e sterilization by incubating
with 70% ethanol for 10 min; A e sterilization by autoclaving material for 20 min at 120  C; CC e cultivation chamber. All materials were incubated with cells and potentially
attached cells were stained with HE. Pictures of the materials were taken after the staining.

Sample # Material Batch # Sterili-zation Photo Cell adherence Weight (g) Sample dimension [mm] Function Compart- Used
ment in EU

16 Translucent Silicone 2 A No 1.2288 20  20  2 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer 1 Wall Membranes

18 Translucent Silicone 3 A No 1.1377 25  25  2 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer 2 Wall Membranes

20 Polyamide 2 A Yes 0.0397 25  25  0.08 Filter Material CC No

21 Polyamide 2 A Yes 0.0383 25  25  0.08 Filter Material CC No

26 Polyether ether 3 A Yes 1.7209 25  25  2 Chamber Cradle and CC Yes

keton Extremities, Adherent

28 Polyether ether 2 E Yes 1.8673 25  25  2 Chamber Cradle and CC No

ketone Extremities, Adherent

31 Polyethylene 2 A Yes 0.0384 25  25  0.08 Filter Material CC Yes


32 Polyethylene 2 A Yes 0.0410 25  25  0.08 Filter Material CC No


37 Translucent Silicone 3 A No 1.0599 25  25  2 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer 3 Wall Membranes

39 Transparent Silicone 2 A No 1.0001 20  20  2 Flexible Chamber CC Yes

Elastomer Wall Membranes

41 White Silicone 2 E No 1.1517 20  20  3 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer Wall Membranes

44 Translucent Silicone 2 A No 1.2745 20  20  2 Flexible Chamber CC No

Elastomer 4 Wall Membranes
148 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Fig. 5. Cell viability test. The ECs were cultivated at 18  C (A) and 37  C (B) for 7 days and the cell viability was determined each day. The required minimum temperature for the
experiment was 18  C during upload to the ISS. The diagrams summarize two experiments. The first was conducted encompassing in total 5 days. The second experiment extended
the time frame up to 7 days (the second and the last three days are given). The percentage of living cells is represented by a dark green, of early apoptotic cells by a light green, of
late apoptotic cells by a yellow and of dead cells by a red line/symbol (A and B). The right y-axis indicates the respective temperature by blue lines.

relocation of the fixed cell samples was required as soon as (Fig. 7A). The results showed that longer storage times in the
possible. presence of higher PFA concentration improved the outcome of the
subsequent immunofluorescence detection (Fig. 7A). To determine
3.3.3. Storage of PFA-fixed cells how the storage temperature influenced the fixation quality, ECs
In order to study whether a delayed immunostaining of PFA- were fixed in 3.4% PFA (stored at 37  C for more than 10 days be-
fixed cells is possible, the capacity of fixation with PFA over time forehand) and stored for 7 days and 6 weeks at either 4, 24 or 37  C.
as well as different storage temperatures were also tested. Prior to The concentration of 3.4% PFA was the highest concentration
fixation, PFA solutions were stored for more than 10 days at 37  C. allowed by NASA to bring on board the ISS. The results demonstrate
For the fixation tests, ECs were seeded out one day prior to fixation that 4  C is the optimal storage temperature (Fig. 7B). However,
on glass slides and were fixed with the various stored PFA solutions. even in case of a malfunction of the cooling capacities on board the
For the first tests, ECs fixed with PFA solutions of concentrations of ISS, the analyses of the PFA-fixed samples stored at higher tem-
4, 2 and 1.55% were stored at 4  C for 1 day and 1, 2 and 4 weeks peratures appeared to be feasible if not promising.
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 149

Fig. 6. Viability test of cells cultured in a Breadboard Model. The first experiment sequence test (i.e., a complete experiment with medium exchange) in the Breadboard Model (A)
confirmed the high viability of the cells (seeded at a number of 5 x 105 for 7-day-experiment, 4 x 105 for 14-day-experiment) for the 7- and 14-day-experiments. The data shows
living cells by the black bar, and dead cells including early and late apoptotic cells by the white column (A). In B, the living cells are shown again in black, but the early apoptotic, late
apoptotic and dead cells are represented with their own column. Although the living cell decrease only slightly, there is a distinguished shift in cells migrating to late apoptotic or
even dead cells the less medium is exchanged.

Table 7
Storage tests of cells fixed inside the cultivation chamber of the EU with RNAlater. The Breadboard Model tests also comprised a storage test of fixed cell samples inside the
cultivation chamber. The table shows the amount of isolated RNA from the RNAlater-fixed samples, which were stored at different temperatures ranging from 80 up to 37  C
for several periods of time. The test was named a freezing test due to the intended storage temperature. Samples were stored for 7 days during the freezing tests 1e4 and for 3
and 6 weeks during the freezing long-term storage 1e3. The storage tests 1e4 at 37  C lasted 2e7 days. *: amount of only 276 ng RNA due to spillage of cell suspension during
sample retrieval (Freezing test 4, 2nd experiment). Each experiment of one given freezing temperature and duration was repeated three times. Their outcomes are stated in
columns 3, 5, and 7 from left. If after two experiments the results were not promising, the third experiment was omitted.

Temp. [ C] RNA [ng] Temp. [ C] RNA [ng] Temp. [ C] RNA [ng] Time of storage

Freezing test 1 20 450 20 n.a. 20 10,500 7 days

Freezing test 2 80 30 80 n.a. 7 days
Freezing test 3 ambient 26,720 24 6,990 24 1,740 7 days
Freezing test 4 4 2,400 4 276* 4 2,388 7 days
Freezing long-term storage 1 ambient 5,850 23-25 1,045 6 weeks
Freezing long-term storage 2 4 6,360 4 9,500 4 6,920 6 weeks
Freezing long-term storage 3 23-25 5,730 23-25 5,700 3 weeks
Storage test 1 37 429 2 days
Storage test 2 37 122 3 days
Storage test 3 37 420 4 days
Storage test 4 37 492 7 days

3.4. Science validation test and experiment sequence test For the actual spaceflight preparation, eight EUs had to be
assembled with an additional four as a backup. An Experiment
After the Breadboard Model tests, sequence tests were con- Sequence Test was conducted to train the steps of the assemblies of
ducted with the second prototypes, the Science Model (SM), which 12 EUs in parallel (Fig. 10A). All lessons learnt during the Science
had the configuration of the final EU (Fig. 3). The main objective of Validation Test were used to optimize the procedure. The general
these Science Model tests was the optimization of the functionality sequence was the same as that during the Science Validation Test
of the EU. For the Science Validation Test, four EUs of the second although 3 days were required for ‘day 2’. All in all, the assembly
prototype, the Science Models 1e4, were used (Table 8). Different took place over the course of 5 days. The post-experiment analyses
scientists assembled each one of them and quality assurance offi- were kept at a minimum and were performed to confirm that
cers recorded each step. The assembly of the EUs took place over a samples could be collected from each EU (Fig. 10B, C) as the protein
3-day-course: day 1) sterilization of all modules; day 2) steriliza- expression of caspase-3 indicating apoptosis was below a critical
tion of pumps and valves, filling and assembly of all EUs except threshold and reasonable amounts of RNA could be isolated. The
integration of cultivation chambers and day 3) cell seeding and amount of the RNA was reasonable, but differed, depending on the
integration of cultivation chambers. EU, from which it was isolated. Therefore, a strict quantitative
The results of operation of these models during the Science relationship between cell seeding and amount of isolated RNA
Validation Test are shown in Table 9 and Figs. 8 and 9. According to could not be recognized.
the research strategy developed for the spaceflight, the RNAlater-
fixed samples should be used for RNA isolation, the PFA-fixed
3.5. Assembly for spaceflight and preliminary results of samples
samples should be analyzed for 3D cell aggregation (multicellular fixed on board the ISS
spheroids, MCS) and the supernatants should be tested for cytokine
production. In accordance with these planned analyses, we isolated In preparation for the spaceflight, ECs were re-cultured 17 days
the RNA (Table 9) and performed quantitative RT Polymerase Chain
prior to launch of the SpaceX CRS-8 rocket to the ISS (launch April 8,
Reaction (qPCR) analyses (Fig. 8), used the PFA-fixed samples to 2016). 12 EUs were assembled and programmed according to the
stain and detect cells with a flow cytometer (data not shown),
timeline established during the Experiment Sequence Test. The
measured soluble factors in EC supernatants (Fig. 9). These results assembly of the EUs started on April 1, and finished 42 h before
confirmed the feasibility for such analyses after the spaceflight.
launch. The EUs were installed inside KUBIK on-board the ISS on
150 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Fig. 7. Storage conditions of PFA-fixed cells. ECs were seeded out 1 day prior to fixation. (A) To determine the fixation capacity of different PFA concentrations over time, ECs were
fixed with PFA concentrations of 1.55, 2 and 4% and stored at 4  C for up to 4 weeks. The staining revealed a better visibility of the cell structures with the higher PFA concentration,
when the fixation lasted up to 4 weeks. (B) As the mission profile envisaged the storage of the PFA fixative at 37  C prior to fixation and the storage of fixed samples for some weeks,
the optimal storage temperature of the fixed samples was determined. The optimal storage temperature was 4  C. Since the maximum concentration decreed by NASA was PFA of a
concentration of 3.4%, this concentration was used for the test shown in B. As this test showed good fixation results, a PFA solution of 3.4% was prepared for the spaceflight. The scale
bar represents 100 mm.
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 151

Table 8
Survey on the science validation test. Each type of EU (SM1-SM4) included cells incubated without (E1) and with (E2) VEGF. Table 9 and graphs of Figs. 8 and 9 depict the
results of the follow-up analyses. An error occurred during the assembly of SM4 and, therefore, it was not possible to perform the E1 experiment (indicated with an X in Figs. 8
and 9 for SM4). During the medium exchange of the 14-day-experiments (SM1 and SM3) a malfunction of the MC was detected after the experiment.
The cells of two EUs were fixed after 7 days with either PFA (SM2) or RNAlater (SM4), respectively.
The cells of two additional EUs were fixed after 14 days with either PFA (SM1) or RNAlater (SM3). Supernatants were harvested prior to fixation. Their content of distinct
biological factors was determined.

Model Person Experiment in H/W Duration [days] VEGF Fixative Type RNA isolation Quantitative rt PCR Flow cytometry Multi-Analyte profiling

SM1 1 E1 14 N PFA Yes Yes

E2 14 Y PFA
SM2 2 E1 7 N PFA Yes Yes
E2 7 Y PFA
SM3 3 E1 14 N RNAlater Yes Yes Yes
E2 14 Y RNAlater
SM4 4 E1 7 N RNAlater Yes Yes Yes
E2 7 Y RNAlater

Table 9
Results of the Science Validation Test, RNA isolation. The amount of RNA, isolated from cells grown in the SM3 and the SM4 are shown. After fixation, two populations of cells
were harvested from each experiment subunit. One population comprised cells, which remained adherent after fixation (ad), the other one included cells floating in the fixative
fluid (floating cells, FC). The ad cells were the cells of the main interest during the SVT.

Model Experiment in H/W Cells RNA content [ng]

SM3 E1 Ad 5,000
E1 FC 5,400
E2 Ad 5,400
E2 FC 6,000
SM4 E1 Ad 5,000
E2 FC 5,800

April 10, 2016. After completion of the mission, the EUs returned to These results are in compliance with the findings of RPM-
Earth on May 5, 2016 and were transported to our laboratories. experiments performed on Earth (Fig. 11C). With this
All samples were successfully retrieved, including the RNAlater- microgravity-simulating device, similar 3D cell aggregates were
and PFA-fixed cells and their supernatants. Due to a 2 days gap found after 7 days of culturing EA.hy926 EC as well as with the
between loading of the cells and the launch of the rocket, the actual human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC). Beside the 3D
times in real microgravity (r-mg) were approximately 5 days for the round aggregates called spheroids, tube-like structures could be
7-day- experiment and approximately 12 days for the 14-day- distinguished.
experiment. After the spaceflight, 3D cell aggregates were detected
floating in the cultivation chamber with cells fixed after 5 days of r- 4. Discussion
mg (Fig. 11B). The cell aggregates were embedded in paraffin,
sectioned, mounted on slides and subsequently stained with HE Many biological experiments with plants, small animals or
(Fig. 11B). The related ground reference test did not exhibit 3D cell mammalian cells have been conducted in space on the ISS [17-22].
aggregates. Only adherent cells could be found. These were likewise There are some articles describing the concept of EUs for use on
collected as described above and stained with HE (Fig. 11A). board the ISS [23-25], however only a few publications have

Fig. 8. Results of the Science Validation Test, usability of RNA. RNA isolated from cells grown in the SM3 and the SM4 were suitable for use in qPCR. As expected for 1g-cultures,
the results obtained for the ad cell population were good, whereas for the FC (floating cells) cell population results were rather arbitrary.
152 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Fig. 9. Results of the Science Validation Test, released biofactors in the supernatant. The results of the Multi-Analyte Profiling analyses are given. While B displays only the
amount of VEGF in the supernatants, in A several detectable soluble factors released by the EC are outlined. The X in A and B indicates that no samples were collected due to
investigations of the filled medium chambers (MC) by the company RUAG for SM1 and SM3. The experiment without VEGF of SM4 could not be performed due to an assembly error,
also indicated by an X. The supernatants of SM2 and SM4 were collected in the supernatant chamber (SC). The supernatants of SM1 and SM3 were collected in MC after 7-day-
feeding and in SC after 14 days.

reported the biocompatibility test results of the materials in use The hardware was used again in 2014 for thyroid cancer cells in
[11,20]. space (NanoRacks-CellBox-Thyroid Cancer) and re-flown with
During the Sino-German SimBox/Shenzhou-8 space mission in SpaceX CRS-3 to the ISS (
2011, thyroid cancer cells were successfully grown in an automatic station/research/experiments/1648.html) [22,26-28].
culturing system [11]. This container has already several times The cells returning from space were suitable for post-flight
proven to endure large physical forces and support cell survival. It proteomics investigations [26,28]. Furthermore, the supernatants
was capable to change media with medium (cell feeding) or fixative could be used to determine secreted cytokines by MAP technology
fluid (cell fixation) at programmed time points automatically [11]. [22,27].
Fig. 10. Results of the experiment sequence test. The main goal of the Experiment Sequence Test was the optimization of the timing of the pre-flight preparations. (A) During the
Experiment Sequence Test, 12 EUs were assembled of which eight were chosen to participate in the experiment. Each experimental configuration, i.e. duration (7 or 14 days) and
fixative (PFA or RNAlater), was prepared thrice. 8 EUs were needed for the test. The other four EUs were potential backups in case one EU did not pass the “health check”. The “health
check” verifies the functionality of the valves and pumps in the assembled EU. Post-EST analyses comprised only of a flow cytometry measurement of PFA-fixed samples (B), which
showed the protein content of Caspase-3 indicating the degree of apoptosis at the time point of fixation and the isolation of RNA from the RNAlater-fixed samples (C).
154 J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156

Fig. 11. Histochemical staining of EC cultured on ground (A), on board the ISS (B) and native pictures of endothelial cells cultivated on the RPM (C). Adherent cells of the
ground reference test are shown in A. These monolayer cultures were likewise embedded in paraffin and stained with HE. The 3D cell aggregates formed and fixed after about 5 days
in space in the EUs. They were collected floating in PFA inside the CC and were subsequently embedded in paraffin and stained with HE (B). B clearly shows the aggregation of
several single cells together in a spheroid. Similar structures like the aggregates obtained on board the ISS (B) could be observed for ECs cultivated on the RPM (C) after 7 days using
phase contrast microscopy. For the two cell types EA.hy926 and HMVEC, a second type of a 3D cell aggregate, which was tube-like (pictures in the middle) could be observed.

The material selected initially for the construction of the EUs Therefore, the time allotted for each step had to be measured
consisted of biomaterials normally used for medical applications precisely to finalize and optimize the timeline for the Experiment
and brought in direct contact with tissues inside a mammalian Sequence Test. As a result, both the Science Validation and Exper-
body regardless of the kind of material (e.g., metal, ceramic, poly- iment Sequence Tests were successfully performed and the time-
mers, collagen, or hydrogels) [26]. However, the biocompatibility of line for the assembly during the mission preparation determined.
a material for one application does not necessarily extend to other In retrospect, because the tests have generated a well-trained team
cases [26,27]. Therefore, all potential materials were tested for their working in a harmonic and constructive atmosphere during the
biocompatibility with ECs according to a sequence of tests per- launch preparation this space experiment was possible.
formed for the development of an EU [11]. A variety of 18 different The ESA-SPHEROIDS project investigated human endothelial
materials (Table 3) were finally chosen for the construction of the cells staying 5 days and 12 days in space (EA.hy926 cell line). The
EU. This primary selection was of fundamental relevance for the EA.hy926 cell line was chosen for several reasons: Firstly, these EC
successful completion of the experiment in space. have proven to be robust enough to grow under spaceflight con-
The tests performed with the prototypes of the EU were con- ditions and for a while even at 18  C for the temperature tests.
ducted while keeping in mind the possible mission profile (timeline Secondly, these ECs bear endothelial cell markers like factor 8 and
and temperature conditions). These tests were based on the re- Weibel-Palade bodies as well as tissue-specific organelles. They
quirements for adjusting the storage conditions of the RNAlater- show the characteristics of differentiated endothelial cell functions
fixed samples from 80  C to 4  C as well as the time allowed [29]. Thirdly, they can form tubes without any scaffolds under
between fixation and storage at 4 C. simulated microgravity like the human microvascular ECs as
The Science Validation Test was performed in a first collabora- demonstrated in Fig. 11C [29]. One goal of this spaceflight was to
tion of all scientists and companies involved in the preparation focus on 3D growth of endothelial cells in space. The so-called
leading to the handover of the assembled EUs to NASA. The parallel vascular ECs have special functions and are involved in the for-
assembly of several EUs took place over the course of several days. mation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). They form the
J. Pietsch et al. / Biomaterials 124 (2017) 126e156 155

endothelium in vivo, which is a thin layer of endothelial cells that for the EU design and construction; J.B., T.J.C., M.E., M.I. and D.G.
lines the inner surface of vessels in the organism. It forms the designed the experimental requirements; J.P., J.B., T.J.C. and D.G.
interface between the circulating blood in the vessel lumen and the wrote the manuscript.
vessel wall. Earlier research had shown that weightlessness
generated by an RPM induces 3D growth of these cells within a Acknowledgments
short time. They grew in form of tubular structures on this device
[8]. Long-term investigations showed that they included a lumen. The research was supported by the German Space Agency (DLR,
The walls of these tubular structures in vitro consisted similar to the grants 50BW1124 and 50BW1524) and the European Space Agency
in vivo situation mainly of single-layered ECs tissue-engineered on (ESA, grant ESA-AO-2004-006). The authors would like to thank
the RPM [6]. After the ESA-SPHEROIDS spaceflight, we could Jason Hatton, Nadine Boersma and Andrea Koehler from ESA as well
demonstrate for the first time with the 5d-samples (Fig. 11B) that as Raimondo Fortezza from Telespazio for their support of the
endothelial cells exhibit 3D growth in space. This corresponds to SPHEROIDS project. We like to thank Christa Baumann (University
the results obtained by simulated microgravity conditions with of Regensburg) for performing the histochemical stainings of the
different EC cell types (Fig. 11C) [3,6]. A recent space experiment spheroids in the space samples. We also like to thank Margrethe
investigating the impact of microgravity on HUVECs did not report Kjeldsen (Research Unit for Molecular Medicine, Department of
scaffold-free 3D growth in space [29]. This was also observed when Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark) for assisting the
HUVECs were exposed to the RPM (unpublished results). Interest- RNA quality assessments. We also like to thank Jayashree Sahana
ingly, the authors concluded that microgravity affects the same (Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark) for the
molecular machinery responsible for sensing alterations of flow performance of the RPM experiments.
and generates a pro-oxidative environment that activates inflam-
matory responses, alters endothelial behavior, and promotes References
senescence [29].
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