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and the work pushed on; in five years the Adelphi terrace stood

how, notwithstanding an agreement asserted to have been made

bullets--while for larger calibres they are of cast iron

Cassiodorus (now lost), which was written about 520. (T. II.)

as an adult in the perch, pike and barbel: E. moniliformis

FIG. 2.--Water Plantain (Alisma Plantago.) Plant

ALME or ALMAI (from alim, wise, learned), the name of a

inheritance were vested, and who had the supreme control of

country. It was walled in by Hipparchus and was adorned

under Hagnon in 437 B.C., previous attempts--in 497, 476

occurs in 1166 and appears to be loosely used for scutage.

acid,--and phosphates and other milk-salts. In some kinds of

commerce. This was again altered on the 27th of March 1800 (6

Oxfordshire. Except for this AEthelflaed's authority remained

Colosseum. Means were also provided by which the arena could

and to Professors A. A. Bevan and Rapson of Cambridge, and to

late appearance of Germany in the field being all elements

from an eastern to a western harbour; on the S.W. hills

William Ellery Channing, in Boston (1902); and the Vanderbilt

Baker and F. E. Ross, The Voice of The Mountalns (1905,

Any woman who is single, a widow, or a married woman living

famous of these is La Verdad sospechosa, which was adapted

Among the great alpine rivers we may distinguish two

it. He appears to concede a certain formal objectivity to

of Persia, he had all the advantages which great wealth can

anxiety, if no worse causes were at work. Ill-health was the

With modern long-burning fuzes (fig. 14), two composition

are those commonly used for medicinal purposes. Aloes is

. However his own particular interpretations may have been

E.S.E., and covers an area of about 35 acres. It is enclosed

ward. Here the barns, granaries, stables, shambles, workshops

weakened the division between Upper and Lower Egypt asserted

Bondo A-Jawa (Yaos)

court of appeal, and the centre of an academie (educational

reaction glycerol monoformin is produced as an intermediate

bridge. Other places of note are Norburg and Augustenburg.

of Abauzit induced William III. to request him to settle in

it had been folded; and those turnips, though few or none be

from England rarely blossom, and never yield seed; plants

value. More serious works are: William Sandby, The History

it follows that, at this point, Afghanistan is about 10 m.

sympathies. Four years before his death he was chosen president

is almost unknown, except in a few non-contentious cases as

Paris observatory on the 29th of June 1850, at 10.27 A.M.,

II. MEDIEVAL ABBREVIATIONS.--Of the different kinds of

reproached the tsar to his face for a ``conscience'' which

be consulted, for although the author tries to extenuate

mikroskopischen Anatomie der Wirbelthiere; Chalmers Mitchell,

an Irishman named O'Farrell shot him in the back with a

of the beginning of the 4th century. The first community

Constitution of the Congo State.

668 Pope Vitalian sent Theodore of Tarsus to be archbishop of

had before been practically inaccessible to the general

is the expedition of the ``Seven against Thebes,'' which the

accession of George I., and prevented, we are told, by his

the literary evidence and the locale of the stories it

exact weight by means of the weighbridge. The grazier buys

and a fine Roman aqueduct; pop. (1900) 4501. Caudete (5913),

complete, and the fine houses were eagerly sought after by

approach from the east, but are exceedingly abrupt on their

Boniface, and, in return, admitted the right of the pope

Belgians. The discoveries of Livingstone, Stanley and others

battles against Christian or Moor), he was married to Urraca,

``recognize the flag of the International Association of the

statements by putting the stress upon each of the words in

to support the natives of the Fur Seal Islands. This policy

and for a cordage made from cabuya, the fibre of the agave

with the western half of Alsace, consists of the Vosges

1819, remained equally fruitless. But the result which

these schemes being carried through in a comparatively short

infirm, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the insane, and homes

life a staunch Brahman, devout and amiable in character,

latter found him a valuable political adviser, and in 1892,

miraculously reborn each day by the fire-drill, by the friction

at the battle of Pavia while still a youth. Selected for a

Bloody Irish Almanac for 1643, 1647, &c.--the last attributed

utilized in sending up balloons to test their accuracy. The

Congress. Early in his second term he was chosen United

became enamoured of the Marchesa Turinetti di Prie, whom he

discoveries. Sir Isaac corrected in the second edition of

districts of Gojam and Wallega heavy rains continue till

the Greek and Indian mind, the former being pre-eminently

422). For this, his ship was wrecked in a storm on the coast

the chill; it is rich in tin. This alloy, if allowed to

tribe, the fewer the captures, the greater the isolation and

heathendom, already in early times affected by primitive

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