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altogether from episcopal control, and making them responsible

Huzha), accustomed to exact blackmail even from the king's

range is composed largely of volcanic material. Evidences

in entire separation from European control. Such a polity,

amphitheatre was primarily used were first organized as public

into acid sodium carbonate (bicarbonate) NaHCO3; at the

influence of the Norman conquest of England was felt even in

that, corresponding with each tongue-bar, the atrial cavity

aqueous solution with an excess of silver oxide it is converted

acids. Vinegar (or impure acetic acid), which is produced

of January 1888, or J. A. Fleming, A Handbook for the

pier, 45 ft. in width, still exists. Just outside the south

which the temperature was defined by measurement of the length

to makers and dealers who do not employ objectionable

&c., to the 16th and 15th centuries B.C., and Period III.

limited, but definite. It is of undoubted value as a local

ancient glacial action. The discovery was announced to the

in the Aegean area itself we have abundant evidence of a great

compression the passage of the air to and fro through a

exercised very much under the same procedure as that

in Mic. vi. 16 may point to legislative measures of these

sanctioned by the Berlin Treaty (July 13, 1878); owing to

Rosecrans to draw off his men, but the critical position of

Goodwood, Plymton, Hindmarsh, Prospect, St Peters, Norwood

of some of his most faithful friends, who were unable any

men chosen for that purpose, real justice would gradually be

war. The small, but highly efficient, regular army stood by

it are partly constructed of concrete, and faced with finer

1740). A fourth viceroyalty for the river Plate was formed in

the presidency till 1813 of Sir John Sinclair, the Board of

died on the 22nd of November 1760 at Edinburgh. His Lectures

more aspirates than were required in Greek, which tended more

and a fringe of the same hue on the throat. Both sexes carry

1881), and ``The Alton Tragedy'' in S. J. May's Some

admiral is in 1357, when the goods of a Portuguese subject,

are reached 1rore trees are found, until in the foot-hills of

mineral is thus not unlike felspar in general appearance, but

seasons. The yields in the experimental wheat-field at

personality and a special budget (see above, Central Government.)

Mairey, L'Afrique au debut du XXe siecle (Paris, 1906);

commentator was in the daily practice of committing to paper

bread; and in the following reign the statute (51 Hen. III.

M.D. (Medicinae Doctor), Doctor of Medicine.

to his offiicial duties and was most efficient as an admiral.

work, one of them actually reaching the high speed of 17.75

1896 77 5166 79,586

does not fall within the scope of this article, and the

1894 1,708,824 330,317

7. Versions of the Adam-story.--Theologians in all ages have

also to a limited extent in the Dolomitic Conglomerate,

ALEXANDRETTA, or ISKANDERUN (med. Scanderoon), a town

largely endowed by the emperor himself (see Monumentum

tribute, which they only submitted to in 1259 on the rumour

FIG. 6.--.Clairvaux, No. 1 (Cistercian), General

these develop only when the first host is swallowed

the angle u1 be very small, O'1 is the Gaussian image;

all his capacity for study he was a man of the world, and a

north rise the Buck of Cabrach (2368) on the Banffshire border,

be forwards, unless the body be over long. The cause is, for

most urgently needed for the protection of the public and

claim membership thereof. In the year 1885 the Society of

plays and indecent orgies. One of his boon companions was

while Conjugatae may be shut out from Chlorophyceae as an

which is strong''; (2) ``Jesus, on whom be peace, has said:

it. Each of the larger and older states has now a settled

(Jubilees, iii. 28; Jos. Antiquities, i. I, 4).

the extreme north and south (Egypt, Algeria, Cape Colony and

the Bible. A very good article, now somewhat antiquated,

1898), and art. on ``The Survival of Animal Sacrifices'' in

Very few specimens of early Palestinian altars remain. The

attacks by the neighbouring barons, and was strongly fortified,

city, a post which they named Fort Nassau. Three years later

Exploratory Laparotomy.---In many cases of serious intra-abdominal

acres. In the north Atlantic states the average was 376.4 acres

some of which are almost of the fineness of grains of sand.

fellow-guest at Roskilde, at the banquet given, in 1157, by

there remain many important alkaloids--quinine, morphine,

Everywhere there have been great and constant changes of

who desired it, might be admitted into communion with the

rocks are invariably overlain by white and brown sandstones,

made perfect who are at rest throughout the world.'' So

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