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SAN BEDA UNIVERSITY HLEREP COR LAW ELNIRALIZEL BAR CIPERATIONS ‘aii? Tae PRE-WEEK NOTES MERCANTILE LAW 2018 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Kates Jastin F, Aguilar Checirperson jr Christine P, Monderin son fa Heats! Of Chesia Aria G, Agrayis Vice Chaie fer Cperations Mara Clara i. ete Vice Chair fir Seoretane: Mary Cyviell ©. Sumanqui Astlgn Gem G, Sefieran Zaire Kandra M. Reyes Chai Wige © Asmenah M, Patambangan Martin Alec N, Ranrtista Sarvie L. Pagealiwangan LAYOUT AND CONTENT EDITORS Jordan, Chaves Jacket, Belin Roger P. Cnaresm Christopher Lawrence ¢). Ferriols Joelle Mie J. Garcia Jeun Claudette L, Galvez Mari amma Karla ok Regencia gall Josephine V. Mataiuena Jevemy M. Mereades Bentsen &. Villegas SAN BEDA COLLEGE OF LAW ADMINISTRATION Atty Virgie th Jara Ally, Marciana G, Delsou Atty, Riel G, Castilto-Taleon, Atty, Francesea Lourdes M4. Any. Peter-Jouy 5. Usila 2008 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS CORE GROUP OVERALL Cameo R aguila: In. ida Angelien Hote s20n, lasaph Nichols Setar aCAnEMInR Jota fen, Cheintepher lomrenee C Ferols, Yoaa Glasdevle L Calvor, Azatha ‘oaephing ¥ Mataburua, lenny M Mercier, Bedecn 8 Viliczon [OTE OPERATIONS Boba Albesl Lb. argtllisn, Ravalys “ Gaculs, Kut B. Heliiaves, julu. Paul P. Bantulonc, Hennoi % veceves, Plncen. Saul £. Dave, ener Hus Gaudin 5 Magi Rather ¥ Gar Eassun OPH THUD Rel Cit masne, Disane Kev. ® Jacialo, Grakaw yyelo AA Rosaria, Rathratia Grace ©. Seca, nV Beslongas, Chemcerce J Hao, Lavctio “TRONICORTA PROCESSING lardan K, Caves. Roger P. Cusreaum, ‘vue ine |, Gauele, Maris Ane Karle fe, Repencia LOGISTICS Sunk) FiFp W Tereaches. {oge Fauuewsel Lebel Sophie Wirveria &, kim, Salus hlbuaw J, Redriris, Une Seery] D. ‘Lhe MEMBERSIED Pic Winsan F. Ceo, “Agathe Laren § billue, Riesl Ronaviier S Trancizes, Antoulo (% bhasaligad TY. Toatine: race Sts _ MERCANTILE LAW Suet Chet PULUENNLCWUERESE ¥. SALWACION Assist MILUCENT 9. J. MATTENZO Efecirunic SEHR ©. PEREZ | SUBJECT HEAES Negotiable Insiramments Law NIKKI, TORTS: Tnsurante Law MARLA ISABLLLA CABRILLO Traasporration Law MA. CRISTINA D. ARROYO Compaiation Taw MIASCENT §, 5. BA TIBNZO JOANNA CHURICA ¥. BRIKAS JEAN CLAUDETTE L. GALVEZ SIENA GLADDYS &. BAYLON MEMBERS. TRACTS KATTILYANG B. BACARRO MERVAN CALL 1, BLLTHBAR ATIDREY LOUISE T. BULFANGO: ATVANNA ANGREINA M. CABRAY. KATHRYN JANE P. MANGH.S, DOMINE DAY a. PAGHINAWAM REVYALDO PLAZA JR. GABKILL N. PRULLN IB IIARVEY LEO Mi. ROMANO KFITH MICAH. TAN RON ALS DERICK ML. LORRES ADVISERS JUSTICE JABAL H, DIMAAMPAQ DEAN PGLARLG LP. ABELLA ATTY. SOLOMON M, UERMOSUBA. ATTY. MARIA ZARAI R.Y9LLANUEV AG ALI. LEREN VINCENT M, ATTY. CHARLENT MAB (1 1C-CASTRO ‘THIS 1S THE (NTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE SAN BEDA COLLEGE OF LAW ; 2018 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS THE UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, REPRODUCTION, | MODIFICATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY OF TIIE | QONTINTS OF THIS BOOK 1S STRICTLY PROHIBITED, i i 1a PRE WEES RETR NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW Rewicitec of Vegutiatelity lay ofecrroniv mesnages he cunsidurell ax negotisble instru oa ieenayes nc suwleigicd by Sie fteatne slionteas ceppesed drawers bill of exslauge: ai vdier & ay 2 stn mney ae lhe puynenl supposed to cons Hern tam not eval odes are ee aspects "an, Jane 6 25 44 borrowed P590,000 irom B as evidenced by a promiccary note. ‘The prombaory aole coutains prom [pay in the nmiownt nf P300,000 payehie th thon August 5. 2020, assumlag B alleged that they apyeed upon tha ihe promiusiney note should be payable tu bearwe bul Luiloul te Luctnieo It in the pramiccery note due Lo mere sruudveriames, la the itslrunuent spatiale? F Of Ash Kegetahliry ofan cneimens i deters Su: i, thors the thee of the ac wets, cai Lek ‘Sule the weiting may So road sn tho lighr oF surrounding cis cum Lawes Us ase? Lo mone govfectly understiect the inven ena eezeang ul doe pot fhe writin be theemly w abward wud visible ceprossion off ‘nrening, ne other words ane 36 be ected ly il a phish bl te woul ra ov enet jot wal (he paulise iy have sveretly intended es ecstradis aguisled leat wae their ws but sft Ue Lt iui gprs eeieen Say tecnica under adins oF th Fil paylltegetttee sefrem aithoash ius tu be pat sth fese not oe aN “Te augrarncut. "Bogle Ax Sadllgpal even tpoght Hoyget etl ae eattonent of he tauaclon Sofie ves ie os Sate garar 23TT 3 ia’ Ve lisinat i nepottob sca. poyaDIS a «Arto jp hitetiea sig au payee a Re en fee ae or sgh T pinarer ta A “hw Ub of the inleces ELL bv apgellaible, Am vngnalliad wish we prone 76 pare Te Laven wwupled wih ore sacar scepuutl to be debated 2 moun! (RL, See #2 egolinhle Negeranie character of wa. He is-nnt allested Le a pacviain wl ruin suming te cane sy Ke of ps | cttisewiee age! | an clection ta iO, Se 8 [CE Dagora Ye Tnerinhiens thts valdaiel Ihe Lastencient is negetiable Velde cod neganable a Bak + Spe, Cues, Re Nix 24758, Meta ee asecprucent mist sand saysbittys Tr 9 ex ee tion Tran alteration of the serial aumber uf! a check iss matorlal aliaialiow under the Negulinble Imeteuuueinls Law? Wo. Az aleraliva is ecid bu be mavcuinl U 0 altees the effect of the ins Wiens au uuauthoeiged change i aa cfs to modify im any respect the alfigaio of 4 ply ur an usauthorized addition of words or punibere o other change tan incomplete insizameal zeleling lo the obllzation pa perty, Tn other wards, « vaslerial is une which ehanges the terra whieh are requiced (a be stated auder Secon Lf the Negortuble Tnstenments ie eheck's serial murabsy ie no: the sole indiestion of fis onjin. Ax succinclly fauad by x Count of Ayyuatay Hoe hares af the zovemnaten! i pias promeineniiy routed thesia, The lush issuce Wad tly Mdensiied, readeving te revernsl tv the serial aunike: wedundae end inennagnuential dtsmsetfenal CA, GR No, rs heretvcu sfc Parpnrate Bunk What is "Nu Erugure Hee"? Under Clearing Manse op: ieleucy even ef eat ie or eccepzable lor vleasis ING), any shacks wills weseune, alleation, ng empulred baw stomp, shall no Langer ing, Memorandum Ne. 15-460 jeffective jannary 4 2 jngnsd except Yor postal checna Lestag a cenTeAt MER roy Cheats 18. Chwanted én bay 2 parcel af Tana to E who sifls a dat near her. K would only sell the Jot iC wall pay waing Rianager’s cheek C went fo Land Buk of the Philippiaes and opened am account with deposit au Pius dion: © pureliased a manages’s check whith was valued at PSMillion payable to EC requested phutugupy uf the manager's chaelt t9 jwovile 2 with proof tht le hud available funds. 7, branch wiascaper, 2aseee aisle =r 797, Uuilorlumtefy, her deal wills F die not push dareugh. Am employee of Owe Bunk aF ippive teks (PH) called Lam Hawk ta inforun them thot F had deposited the eheck tox paysuest. confiriaeil chat Land Renlcliwliasued the chek (y , Zinfarmed (Ma io check was patd by BE, € balormedd 4 that he never nogotiated the chook Bueause the deat did Ge malerialies and tie chee was aull in ble postession U seeks telabureemaent fram the Land kunt. Tho Land Bask cusslended that tts precluded from ‘ising tle Uefenas af feigcry becuace of his failure to matify the and aii Laat the deal aid wat pasts through sind im giving E a copy uf tie check. ts the rantenticas valid? swe tra depositor in i pres. finery AT he drawers bank cs paste his Fae ee led td se fargery om she pocpetun uit uf le ei Fs phorovopy ul the ches may nave ellnveal i lleer to eteale xduplcaay, thls eanack soceihly wroize Utah Ohe siecle nel rat jack en fab natu. Mowe © tho pluoicoury witht ehiscting tu Un Kae» ioteniion a¥.aieig alo B.C a horte that she cul did stats devas tt suai fand Rens coy. LasuaL ae and cleting ot ether OU dav asad puacied theongh the check serail rsieomna ble opestelteds Ul dhe barkewectld nat veleast avy Inds ousreassemdine LM Nin 2058 Jot % Ahn: Coverad Ce 20, Super inacink Stool Lraduets (SHEP) was cagegedin selting {21 products. International Cupper Mepere(haterco) etomer. PN wav on employee of Kilerco, Equtiahle ign lrng Gexposation (Buuilsbla or han) ie ths depository bm uftaterce andof PY SO8¢ soli wy Imumeo steel Pinos in ihe amount af 00-000. Aa payer, fileren iasnedtthyce cheeks puyahle ta the arior al SESD, Each aheck was crested sith the notation “wesemah Myce ual” PN presented each vromed cheeks to Rgnieable chiang tha fou fad pond tists ¢moveta nid ‘iemaa-ied depos! ia hiv iecownt Equitable deposited tha ayriinnt. Whom SSS? roauded laters wf Uke wnat de! pins, Tnteros replied that is badalready snencd lowe cys payabjete S837 and diate wgeshnat SSSP denied reecine of those checks und yubseynanty dlecaitned thgt BM oras ale Lo Capone the Pant aeons Inberco subsequently. gid 3890_ SSE filedha yotuplafnt of damages againet Taguivable sloping slid mol seecave prompt parymienl Thom intesce becuase uEPH's Silful and liiegelon craton ef ieehecke ayable es S38, ane Of Eyuilulla’a evaa inkinciiees whieh fnstlifated PM's actions & Shuuid Rewinable Bante be eli Malle? = da dalamse, Pymitabla angiics that SGP Saniol uasert.s right against the bank based vi the uoalvlivered stieces I cites mrovssions fro thé Neggllableinslramants Taw to urgoe that « payee. who did wot Secwive Ue clues, eamot sequite thedrmrtes hanlcto payline onus stateuion the chock Tete defense tanahia 2 Tee Tie exetse that Ieivo sue fs ela “a poseeudi of Ue det, sus combaaaedd ‘rh evngens, nade pewable te S95P nie capevioLun Wal the payee albiie wall ecris ahs sron-d be averted, This expuclalions arises fron the in Le rimmed puyes's asraimren'y aad nc sem noties Nant al should exiaae ucove ine peach ns pres tus thas ao es anal ceat h remember tia ihe bwnikiny oysters bas becera Jo. 6b vaplanT RUMP ike Azposit the Saare ia jen hls stint ny te cfs et observ ths 20 Spengalcineveestances The tact Mal ¢ yessin. dbs Mon Ihe ratrved papee ui lie eeeseed chee, wo resenting i For dopene | fis bl lowe pot ie lsu wes quer, tubal cave varied (te Taye arthovined the haider 5s prosent same is itt behalf ar indoreod it le him ious le!= argirnent 0 of actin 1s pet beged ay the tues ehweks SST deter not ask Tet ‘usert righ! based on pend an bere The younk S89R%S on 07 POM te dative 2 3tthe accees Af thee cenelg ag Ine vhf pages, SBP as va enrdeivvered creak on for hvise of wotoaa Westend, it aviotls a cotae of eetioe baa fx quasi dafiot. A yjoislelicl ie wn act cx omissiee, thers being fenih a icg'igeact, wich causes dames ti ive Raninag Covsarahon +. Syoclat Stes! sah spr 21, Wis engaged in selling washing machines, R wanted to buy 10 units of washing machine waved! at P2MilNiew. AR paid W wilh ten (10) Philippine Votorana Altaies Oflice (PEA) checks payable to differant payess nad draws aigunut the Philippine Veterans Mak (daawoe), each valued at Two Hundred Thonsand Poses (P00, U0,08) for A total of 2 ATMinn Pesos. Fn pres Sayiuye Bak (Lie Bunlet ofteved the servines af Nhe Hank far the ind evennial oneliting af Oe said cheeky ta W's aceaume The Dank ‘oak, herratable-FCL Danie Equitable PC Rank preserniel the cheeks to the drawee which Lenoved 1 cheeks 2 SAM E208 UENISALED Sr OPERATIONS i : Hen PIR PRN LX pores To July 2000, the subjcot eects were rotiuited dy PYAR on the eruusd (hat the anmant oi dhe fave of the cheeics wes slteced frum originel amount af 74,000.00 1 F200,000.00. Equitable PCI Bank detsited the depant seccunt of the Tonk in the amount of PeRiMiya, ‘Lise Bawl then whhdecw Ure sunount of 01 t00,000.00, Feprcacnting the returacd ehecks frum W's wavinge netomel, W Gaulled the drawee hank. [or wo! fslinwing the Bachar clearing; perioa! becamge AE was any in Ansenst 2000 that Byuilatle BC wae notified. Contention of We Rio 3s clea that dhe srallar *J4-otu* aude dnuy bison maid To the reiteentoa in ‘an. INCH, the Srpveme Covel aluiuily enlicces tke B-feer 0 vot Totes the atin @13°0) east preserlingcaliect-net hark i les dhsck de nat satura nt tae mst sy er wih 2a Htc ibe is ics harsh ‘mdificatnn 1 nw auccusotuletd it 2 Cinorisy Tonge Cenzoieloun ura, Aa the rile eon acensdanr wich long « osmling gai averted Rembieg pescticas chal: be ee WW lic cc fossa by Ue igh = POAC wes chew eye ilicstins. hwwsver. ag that iccuse wick: Lv Linas the . 2 houce so lung Satie carne lume When US a Geea.giore peried Pred hy lase, Tlic ccaumuusus iasang, lw prs fs that the prese-mpeve perkad os 10 thes endorseiisal ereon ix written controet Mewcaver, the tem get mil be retired bare fre slanrng Sense bu be dines paccmrintian to the pioscutine back bu 3 nos dearing, o's dee nat wpe aeted aieuhy eres 3 a and Kovaro ro suorkens, 4, tend of 1, unnconched if gle ful Live lier Bank of America cheeks cleat ond ‘enshaaod, However, dacs nat have # 4QIIA¢ aide av: out a eaaleed Jif ae could have f'n chock amonuting te $300.60 J hee joint dollar saving agcmunt svith hee aNsbalg with PME fageied. ba the bavle wt, PMH Division Chief. accmpndated aud discuased jrilh, Use ihe priiass OF ctenring the subject check it nGrmlty days. | depasites 1's chowhs DNE (hyn egal il for clearing thrnugh its correspondent biauk, Philudel pia Junk, Five days later, PRE revived ischesit sl vice from Philaelpiiia Natloval Bank tai the proceeds thy subject siecls Aud been seimpararity eredited i RAMs yocount as of Nowemiber 6, 1992. Om Novemther Wy Twa. vt called np Y cheslt Nid already Ree elesiod. deat lay, UAB, after ducting the unk charges, credirod 099.)48.27 Lyf Lg amount way subsagineritly withdrayn by’T. Philadel sla lnforneed PRE of de vetorn of the ambgect slieck For davulfiviged Taode, Iuformed about the hme check PNB siomanded the retaza of money withdeaugn. ss 3 Shiowd the PNB Le fiche fasthe load bs guilly of comteibueory paslinenea a 5, 7M cleaved ty sat v wee bes dit 15 dey ee savor al cng wala pri iS 1m 1 Sasa ev espe sia hy a0 2 suit vel eh uve Larges river ln normed av oncinary banding practice. Aleo. wit ye Pou elses sh silllcenel of tae value ofa chesls pote fd cheat shelbiave been ceaiad fea deni, dhe wollen tine cov -onty ‘istrme: ol Hs =f ed id ic Ths long In tle acrlg® Ine PAB oC che essa Sf no alocueh, Eetause baad PN! vail fe te iain ol sk, eld Wave Mra? ao = prevensive esl puatcolie uiseiss sunt ‘ypatt Hl: tits sty a Joaiug waigullivaul su ng period. The payacal wi Le ro the aac as ke © ols postal wall tad never rel ely uolilies uf ie dishes, Chea y, PME rabidly of vein victteviail by bail cock et be arn PM ea, CRW, FG ers oh giiring har Naveosd.odal ans a seiplels veauper aa duty wd Mee and Us baxtwas Ye aca aud tas auaovua sl ae consi is aempested af J eolvels ase, owes, Halles ‘uvtuuslew Lieb sioull vt guided | a Ist mre viecuapert sehen n hash offiser on lea coe i tein) Her ilar Boiok af Arucices, chuck Inte aleadly cea Yee. feed to hat fas ln was 9300.00 ssneresne sandler the sirenrstentes, iad the 3-day slearing pesavdl Lhe Lack Uhl the checks eras eizerad aller only eight hankiax Lid dopusslaal oe numtracy se wa Roald mar some een telewe Yo aye alin howe reach r pba She showlt awe Post vaulted dec .2euleuiy vl suslu linet cleat evstaidestey Weak it 4 ald be pik aL ju tue scene orthdomeing the wll val val actively parse Ing uers he "ramacotion, aL els watt Le ports. Foicve, V chose te ignace the cane a Procendi a! the check PPM ERE AKILE Ls SURANCE LAW CON Cees OR NSUR SNR 23, Billed w complain! for collection of x suum of maviey Wil daamsgies ipyuimeet JIC, Hustraaice Company since hes wavchoties vere conamped by fire. Maweves, lor claim wat dented berqusy JL elaimed that Me wae of Une five wis arcon sud not sesidental B then filer! an admiuieteative ease betare the Insucaaee Cirmmissioner Sloiaainng tha tho fssues left ta he vesotved fy whether JiCT shad be Lali Miuble for unt ela sevilement ueties ive Ww als unjustified refusal to aetde her claini; aud tliat tne Iieense of hw iubuciince company. Ne ectied, AKL. (al a momen fo dismiss on the gronuad of furuen shapping. Rule on Ue ease. Ve Adauulstenive rave Yinka, Case) iy psacees alongside the ell case, though Lie pew any the aunts, cad beth sw sac wll repire ddeaihel evicenee, him tre i508 “6 Se veanlve the syoseslu of evidonor, ne pestedirs te be fullowe five Bossa aie ulfeien Hs C2Mg¢3 of win ip CHT Hee ave puescazr onUhs be Mat ie idee Io pag the lallsnetod welt Fs How ‘ete siete or na thate afte relay fr Rab tn eel juste the ap herrose bye step subancal evidence in sc aa ecloeeat sah tanch, all bet: Morepat, 1 bia Capt sol eesti af patitionerte estcllis' Ii san re zewerned by tke Kaley al vzund by sa vagiities of bs ‘he pious veal 4 beaut jen eammdbist Ine Hoe lier respestivs decisions (Melua Covseecl Coexe caical sears ef asaers L int penetra 9? Raypullie cAI ee ng Ly bg branstbed by the Commer 25, AH entered into « contract of affreighiment with Bi thug said common cacrier agreed Us transpurt sil The pAVZ. Flue weak cack talcing hth it Mie entire wang a oth XX paid AC DS iniition sepeesemting the insured-stduc df dae Yool carpi RYE dervanded HPC to pay tia amonnt ft pall to |AUL. BEG retured lo pay comeending that the payme oF Whe shee uf the is eangy fe egunvatont facil ronngiision Id Else vessel wus Seatwartiny arherwsc. 7 tena not Foglly Viale: ABC de toe laters breach oF implied warranty tulder ihe mache fisuranee puliry that the wees! wae aeseimrthy, To ERC conteution const? : yet rade bye 82 fo the gus value ptatcs new wale fh Dey EEG ce wel in estire the tetae ache Koplow snucardy oyaiaat ALC under the paiey. Merseven, che saan: entoot hi valally bale ane teal ax ou sulbunae warn sa by BYE Se Li foscclace avcunise gual Uae EPG cer any Eabisity under ts rawr end Ine Fe soteasic al alDicalicas oe 4 counmon sarciee, The lat of payemens prams XYZ. the night whch enables remedies thet would otherwise be 2valasle ta AKL as the ine nea of doe esl cargo agains! RCE (Oeksla Thooaguart Sa raf Appeals OR Sa 127597, Mave acber éS. 3057} 26 Whal is harcufty in Marine Insurance? Minchades “any oll miscendist ov Fie port of Pr tastor oF orce'in pursuance of seane unlasulul w ites tie Lard ie corms Rage 9 WAL La Na LSESES, Noein elu puupou Wal and je hase host the sansens a” Fy averse ual lithe preiwulive af Ue avenes's ilerest” AL necessary ceguizes & 88, cH No honest crrer of mdgsucnt armere negligence, un.ess cis 1H 3885 IRE 27, ‘Differentlaio Hostile Five aud Friendly Fire Prienaly Preis one “tat urns ina place where il wes trdévaled trv urn and we bbe would nf; be ded liatle the aavaage was cased ky Friend fire, Hostile fim is one that escapes fram the place wre i ws isteuder Brom aud wught c be Mort alsu te e lire Unal saclee ae Ieivelly Hine bul eacapes 3 tlio place Suit lincoiees tun strove ae FU beviines Gi ol Pt races ao anh, he uimeieee aia fe Teal lindile (2 PRON! a, PE, ISON js, Tht Frat eane raf Whe Ph By pore san bees CoN [ i ; i % | 29, 4, a ih Hons MILE XO lanied Lily dasusanve policy to Gon March 1, 2018 On March 1 2019, B broke up with (2. Feeling, dewa and tazy, G jumped fram the rooftop af 0 15-storey bnlliig aud died. My Ge om of G, claimed the proceeds atthe patiey, 7 fond out (ial G was Coun to be clinically insane since March 4, 2017 and contends Una the policy is vid duu tn eancenlmant, Ie RZ corsuct? No. Phe hot nf covrewlncrt duly sudsies AEE, Ww Uae eveeceeioe of the ennbeact (IVSIAPANOR CODE, See J. Sines there sa ube destlasiuc, lhe policy BF in 74 ae liable because che weuRsy wy a MES ingswraace coudese! sal be dabls wv ea2e of aur de andy when itis carursised effes te poliey bes been in lsex loa peril af be GD ye ie dale a is issue ar of ast reinerateoient, unless the paley provides a sheer petal: Pees nnn otk Sha a insarity shall hs coraperaa le ro frac i howeer, (42 sui SURANEIE COMM Sea. 8) What is Asendawme Lbadowment Valiey peloy 23 ome tehoro Lhe insuses Bias Ins specified peried. fn erddovrmst bart Alssitthar Couptey bi os py Sie mamuhers fsviahed, alwe lwtzy of we cree memabars Hed Selaim tor death beucfily eguint ABC Shipping Cop. NLA aleolved ABC from labilay boxed an he F imei Lusbility 14 affirmedt NYZ Insurwacesto' Habilify after Finding that the Policies answer Cor the death Benefit claims under the POF A Staudaal Keaplo sient: Contrast (ROR? SHC). Iy NIE carccet! Me, the NL fee) The dct Kabilty i nat applica 5 greuted unter enya} reel sivle, Fics diatsie i Hneited Fay nates 10 Dail se abil ul te sao agent ia thevahie stile est Sts appuulsiow-cex sa fightage ¢orned in the wayege, judeidal thes a use ner ar Aust abedom eth vesse! The ati, ried wake a er ly we than's the encore oF the atthe secsrarr ond! their erprayers, Me, the an Me er chennare uoppensalian elms wndat tke Labor iste La: it ne apple ta meg wiko> PDF 15 20ie; Cavered Caren sed a yeu! une nina S are fromese, ABE sha ACUIDINTS AND DAMAGES IN MARITIME COMMERCE ie be considered a screlce of aalvage? her a vevvel has beca disable free nals Da Pa i hl eect, when it is vuable Ly ieull li Use Utils engine by: uscider |, Useagh i a anim the seid lose be Inevitele eatos, iu whew ol omeestthe aerriva wan rennin” ther jag is elma al we5.9 prema’. Dreadenug alanges wan] kesercreloke Lee Ua (a, Rie Me, LTP, Maret 22 1h, fDi ot Garstiniy on ie Pandy Searaer noe Cig Waal are Use eases covered hy Calisian and lis her is elatiumoey, Us is f 0 Calisine srfera the som ine. ol Lee muvuuy vessels, Ice seceel io euovinny while U ses allision F whe Ajandine tan Pm be Gne el fant sade tor dareayze caused bp inruven vessel as well as damages milena she werera cl cacy oP noth ucasels 6 Ta flnwessels are at Sui = such ezzel dy toaprisible fur the teas aa) steamed ba Heit racqoue (COIL OF PAR essed al filtmot Enorrs Lar fr cs ge, Gul te doers at har veanes owy 10 agit Tp erage who wll be silidendiy able (OO cue esse! al all ~ The th r seeniTorce mafeute ~ hn bn ity, Bact Tn cone of Sarraicene et Arh 2a rages (CODE OF cOMMERCE, Ait 58i) ows (ELE OF OM AMERER, 2 wrihe eerrict to os ve tne Sal daeae 2:0 1 the Doctrine of Tasceutable Ronit? 10-1 oS venwel. wirte Fails CaLalnishedd WT ctuabel We daleriined wish of te Sseute sual be desined th ox bean at Sul geioie oF COusa ca Baul bu 1 Thal Lane of xv fi Pastrami. oversetl ede by alkacllless cewve! doin ring, the sce0ud seu. her 3 vyosscl bin leas uh arany Sad sae om evirn cute vce viel i at fal fs sees, nu respon ily sil SR gu di (Qulllaws vowel Fe che ‘Myc Ug aFoed am se ae ch sist ev bo stu vl oan i Pye nag earie events bu abe sW meey 1G, Ua tule arto cll ore Fa eullast Clear Chance? st clas Chainer? fe snopplisalde (00 migcthe ligon snag “tar aude uk séteion Sot : movie wevihen-s auch aa irk uv Lauder Gonalisctin = ARMLIG eel ly, ane unetutencale as 82? wl nianaves sul wade that nsw euilene yiclasing tha’ oath oneerathor iv apieweniny. the oumratant erties ally rains theachel ct, Lise ws gery of pevecsn 76 rogorized a9 "ity ‘perils Of the sea sithlu the meaning of the oi al Ser tnom ae CoG Bo, to lu cnlered ebsalvtusy extn =rrilens jes eomdisons mast conch # sista Ubuwsbs of cf the parnie ty necilliee thal fy tage mascuad poet sineubic 19 36 besond Aconlizaly, Anerg wands araligesh eget nor svmamer'relly cau pods wl Us oe 1 nose strane fo La par rar hoe spi aue, ge sey cou we been reasenebly a. stp ale i 025%, Soper 14,2005 Choad Css) . sriernational cariage. ‘i Coostwise (ylthin the Philippines) 51] whvfeniaeioul (favelgn jana Ww Philiph ; 3 Se: Notige ot amy re @ Coeilition preeedeat bef Mkay case fe ena Ter Nec tundllioa pialén before fling cae i ante | + When dennss to conde is sepatent. he a2ioper rave @ Whom Camge te append, cain should he Hod | snuedeatey file acim woth Fis cate: ronvedintey upor. discharge af Tue gacala we cfsoF appeteas tke atugas art te his eles ehusage bs. apmanent, laine shay be sa zwar sein astuey Ge 368 seetin A nye fino Payer SUN, \ € agate inEoee 2 3S np oi of edu Inver iaues (4re + The ahipper has one vets fu dale ul dll leiveren out dnvwagn? gees) ar fhe shke whats baum fenior/tre | yesscl LF pert ef Eros iLe dale af delivery tu te “lcaslce (uorralatiesey at Loos) whe sehich 70 ile hs | 1 Levis in eonrtiO0S4 Sa. | WARSAW CONVENTION: P78, ehture shawl ee plainnier eta» clatin fou dauanges vmdec Une Wassaw' Comventima? fy Le ws ion cox daraag er bet rier 6 ernicie vehae fg princigsl elute wi busts: Tinos Be Be Hu le oA bby dhe scupe of une dnetrin > af aorpurat sa by ertenpel (Tine fam Linn 2: Sitabie site, Newerabe 3, 195) ‘wha reets must be ay plied in de 2 Tneneperation “leet — vs stocicol be Couittol owl — if te per Prsminnoratshgess custapwailing Ly Ws MO Sees 228 fo anencratele ia Dae cucpuestiva sentayee all he enuirod aa bF Pluie: sp aad Coa AE Hh dan ali igad in pats relies, 9-56 a sens Art, ot exe ix jets Ju steiemine the tings of war as iopads th eeony. su be {indistinct orga Stele she wr ( ¥ ae ies te SAD Hligis anreg’s as te the 6 af Pilisiae © - hi nant ro. Vin, and Me Z, all bilipino citizens. desire th establish a jublie ntility eovpeest Puct that they rznnat provide for the eapltal of dhe eetpuratiua without seelaiag hel Br they sought the help of Sle, A fur the baller Lo wai hn ines the sara o. Recogusbriig Ha fuceign inventorn, sociaten te invast hy 11 C0 Be eslaklishei Hinvever, Mi, A expressed his ayinrehensians ahauit the peafect pon being palilutioa operation uf public utilities Vhilinpines gr tn encprnrations nv associations argenized winder the 1 uf oes cXpilsl io avined by ouch edlpyous Mo, Mu, ¥, Ble Zana te A now cone te vot fe adviey ul haw 19 SW he wuld comlilonal tegulresoe sl, What wih omy dhe bo? : Tre cent “capita” nsfee te the esatiullicng. bev wife Winudba thiss Wali Ceulaud Penk Uns 1 sheril e bared on the pecectace of alu succes luLd oy Hdpine cacionals lathe atlise hand, the Be iy Tess eequi-ca that bot the lage tidlete Se hergiaind ticity tile tothe sarc must be acl by the Piping right Fa shes EAE ne yorinoal ie esis on Patera ta ali fiom o” Dearecieed Afi ew tig. | hows. i thedividerd atal ober ie Iet shee Bs alas "9 be eteed 0 not enter Ne, 178572, eae 25, 204 sealed Ua a ta subd of Wed Wt ouset of watstiandaissisuca vFalvela wilted chal sorbe graded jaws ul uke Philipyrines ab lense ahsty ji te nn rer = shale ftsbot sesve to 2 Pil .icuhte, SEC-Bi0 Sl, B ac decided meltes fia He avuuiad pensetlays ob iis user save} af stock entetled fo vole at stedhiom el Wea Gol en 12 vite ip oe elastin oF absern oe Tp Sombie ity earpersisnn os bie exept ila the 1 (uy tlle eHscetet 8 ase th ADR cL sll emliles et vole (u Upes tect ar Filntnn citizens aiid e@ Lsest 02 of the tor: sowibee ef cutstonding sharvacf atneks weberher eritied ns (Fa Mo, LETHE, MusLihy 60% sequirement he applisd in every aml all 7 he si negra Ue duper vs dues Je) AR XL g Arne engeged sn che ‘su sircae af & puedo ovllinys {a} 2A aP ie cepted“ option of faredns “yumstos i its barra of *inestovs fe finited to their proms cove and aad abort. ie UaLzmrs Uh nds of shaves iasued by the cerparatian! (en by n= eararation, will umauilitte Uuwe valeguardy fo To oamnest by Tihipizn F inh in espa au fuga: Cored Case; be opjeied se ail and seery Bind nF save he Cangutution, Ube jnaeial WA Hie Gawhoa By this case? i apply to thie cacpoval pasta an Ye ovale af pushlie stilaye as he astablielued tox Ye power Ceage's rule ge st =uly Lie waihos celica aden be L 2lboftrcucetinle apolice lw all coxposallous exgazed Ls Une Ducunces of pubis vLUry end nich mieve'y te BUTT arhich “aise the repo thar case ‘Fav IT TTeetog sg, DE! Covad Cana oO O00 wliuren in XC Curperution are ows Sof T Corporation's cwistanding c- siher 404 beluag (y Kurcun uatluaals. May ¥ Cunpaee i pe F Capone it x eed by ¥ Cumporutien, wey sit a! faire the Pi ipivas equity? am, 960,000 stacee oe corse ih beloag to THipines 2445 chert ni aussie rayyuiced imlerSecsdiut & AN pocatin:; cArie® sindertase “samner exp ars ee. 3, 108? Contin wuclivilies Nena Nike! ? ss, m1 EB Coxp, stnelvholdess uf breernan Hled 9 wolfe Us intervene hy rowepro mise agreeaienit which wus ner equiplied with. EH Caep. sem by Freeman were levied apuu and auld at public quctluis Qu sugpeul, ke CA snatamned the denial of ihe mation Bu enffcetion sult against treemsn, The, suad Mr, Lian, its President ena reral Manager. The wat deaied, KE Corp. and Rr, Linn catered late a red a wilt of execution, amd twa Iota awned fo Intervene fiuliling that the eaLupromive ugreememt Retwoon Fer wil ul necessunily prefudlen js Gurvugh ity Presidest, aad TI Gen iWigners whose Tights o wmporaiy assets ate at met i priou We ie Lsalation af the coryueatiumcand sha intercenlon anlar Sve 2, Male 12 ofthe sles tC onet be jnape aly We pne's right ie wtlual- material, dlece! ame immediate und not slenply combinggeat or expectant" Wax the af the Wotleu lu inleruene proper? : Yes, the colicin aa! eupkust Tteesaen, fae, all he, Liens sential Jn persone ar, 28 at tants ds theis peanenal cazori'ce, wil ol prujadice Ste croathaldts of Uap oy, pusabian, Thuy liven lg meres the eve sitet fn Haigetion go og 12 walle Harn w inervene Sn the presusdhage (Sarr % C74, £48 Mn Mam Apa 18) The ran to thled vee nau, bubweas aba nares nes by Hw wallas ia iligalives and a the intervene er eine gaa ot Tuas by Ube enue iio ant ener of enone, sunrise ovtiennte ca elkyuot autores ka he property of ie the marr linc Co ite th anya the properré hs Merce M0 syutable or benefice! sn uatute, ShauclacMuts aie ia Ingal sete aw Uorumrs bY cprpocate poupetty borthe eneparsiion 2 latin! lal gua (Mag wnscy-Latraderv.CA. CLR. No a8 Dasectbor VIE . * ier eviers ot al, of 2, Vebute share 02's MARTEITY FOR CRIMES, TORTS, AND bamates What are oats wrparute Nahititigs of g corporation? : GR The eursonscien =r aominled iy es AEae hecnie hae na riatins. Ea tia ocala cE si i Fain eraoral Gamaaes, wtaey by din favar of 6 carpe sa Leal Sia pi been, iM eatuut, Uses shanemisitg Bo, S290, Jamisry 21, Renseer Aluegl eal peri pwnage: aulering cod mx Ue cied Ive, slancer ne eng aclier fang af detametion, fr ears ner quay z nots or jarusal aercon 9 2 17, 2005 fer the sarpnracios has 2 Taps inossreghm (Mian ue Meese Febase esling a its bs ew Tal, Cec Sok Nin N72 OUT HIME QE URE 4 THBCORDORS Wh VEEL Explain ine Ducirine of ieceigy the Veli of Cuzporuie Kimity anil ils comequenea: + canaries is Incked upan ag a lope] satiny ar a caneral neie, but when aztio af legal euuiy fe weed Lo sefeul public ruareuinuve, jevlily rome. sevens. (sew ve elu eras, lee hoor oes ghee the stupavatine a mses naseeiardes al peesate and wil he Meld heble CkG Na #5-Mos, Jame 2, 2002) pura we bs piomnel, thy Heupuruiign ant pervong web are nuemly fe Figen Hie en puget i> Luented a ae Desgon, fuck Etat secu Pr onrpnatien ig adfudgedd Fal, oy bacaie Lavble wif Uacy wear the con-caairan fence, 1, 2624;, Tha wal uy arly be pfereed atera bull blown trial weer a caste eanJaicily af the east eukan Deeomnar sing o" Wie eaeporwts worl anes rat deny the caperntivu of trie (as viele dooteane wae of nite leziienale abjeciwcs (Pamplona alvin partes dl 2200 Ligwever, ae ley cir auy ated all stapusne, bab gale Sse 7 , Lite Gopenbe vinusihet ie mc aagecteaely 9 Slantetion Ca, ea Thawed. Galt Ma. Comp ona X,Y and 2 Giles su Lope disuaiseet onze agatnet ANC Comp andar Q and Ray alloyed presklentinecn manager, rospoetively, The Labor Arbiter rulell aguiast ABC Corp. Te was affinaed by the NLRC and the derision became [inal and excentery. Subsequs HHO slogte, lune ity, X, ¥ ind Z filed.s motion fer Writ ul Fageulion, Owe the 3, ¥ and Z found wut that AWC Corp, ccased operation asd lhe some ibid not file any ie Whey aloe asvovered thut the Arneles of laespoualion (AOI) of ARC Care tly did mot Wnelude @ and Ras ire sivertous or eflivers sum Lines numb directors and affiogea Yale peruons unimaven to thow, Q ace i denied Hability comending that ABC Cusp, hdl a separate and distine® Personality [rus the ofTivers eam prising at gad Tey eauan Ie fel accaimuaide ay fee Habitiny fu. ee aboeuce any showing of bad fetch un uveir pave. Te the contention. of Vad & eeruest? (a epatawe amu dia-incl pecennaticy trom its af alehehtors, an] case live evap anita i Glial, We he wal wees Hatin ney be peeresd sto 1 syalel saspusiale parton *F rhe rerperation’s peisoaaiily "se aged ls Uefea public entrvartionce, j reves teat? o- defile iane sat ast inwice 9 eet at knot Za.” Dy veepenlls peta 7 Eel on cuity swxpcraible fm: mel wi gene Esau Degas discal pr i iolelion fpr ane wets eerie paclaualied fs be iin the cannere tan. inn, peering thn weed ni eo pete Fits ellewed where a rompneation ig 4 uae aller ego or a werddu of a person. nr another corporatian éDiuiok Movers, due, at Pe aie TR, No SIODAE, raped 25, 2047; Cowered Coord. Cum the doerring af pieretng Mie veil uf corporate fiction ie allowed ual sesponsible persons be impleaded éven after Taal judgment and nn execution? ‘Ves. Dienemng the vel oF ceipesake Hiow ie liom ables ever asta tinal fe Uj salle ovale Uae sunkgsnent cbE vation, or mesorted to frend. had Fait, onan Ino eB.alw Caguti, oe, sypats Comerad Ca fad be hcl solidory bersely uaa Cie oapante vesicle Lo nf, their alinnriem Dice Mowers CAC Tone6d From ALSL x pradopak michign Te igiigulpeturing husiners. Subvequently, AY fed 4 roltection ense aguinat CMCI For uspald soulalscCMt allege that TSI and FPPC ae one tad Ue same hecause of thuthterinaing hoaed ef dlrestars inepevatirsyand indjoripaioenlldevat ths twe earpevatlas, ‘Hence, Ue mparale cuepuraia fon mutt be divraganded aft GMI s eulstunulayg balun wil ASL Lill bi wananiaaite tha Gate BEBC aeranh NIC eMC anrreet® “ha I a Werte Me Uteuuatances a ould al uelpeigr oCDe alo oupocete eta? ciel date gene ot ty a thea seb ceil Thr ouiieaie ob cea) vol, bk comple.e couuaation of aie eal aia Be jee othe Si sues disregard vf sights (Alife I aa eta ay) Teele G0 hase apart 1) ever oF poi De ae nent aE ie Ey Raa ipetag peoteel far cele 6 ore Sarr ez nea ee eae MT GREEN «REC Pe opi eee rons eR ETFO Peepulion tatters sina ha na aia wee se souducred esto mst y sorduitar edaaev af nal serporaive frais ana vtag COM ua wasps sgeocadla oe uf at ae certal ue wliese Dae Inc, sepa, Covered Case INCORPORATION AND AIRGANIAZA FION CORPORATE NAMB: INU TATIONS 0° Lish OF CORPORATE Nant tin 2007, DLSMAL eusuewedd will thw SEC ils corparaie aame The Ta Salle Montewort Interuzationsl nialolos, fre Tike SRE tegnad 4 sorttiente wh cecporatiom és petitiuaes, Later reipomicnts le TaSalle Drovers. hac (3.85) wich ‘cing to ce1mpel petitioner to chine its caryorale uawtc. Kespondents «lim anvpoirate mime is misleading ur confusingly shnilar to that which respenduuls Lave argued 3 prin; Wek. lu use, and tha cesymudeals consent to Per such mame wax ot eblained, According ta Teapondanty Welitiones's we of the dowlant phrases “ia Salle" and “Be ta Salle! gives ax exranaons imaprestion Unat Io 18S eased ternational of Mululos,Lao. iv part af the "La Salle” group, wlileh Visiates the Cerpavation Cede, Moreetwr, being the plor vexieerunt since 1964, respondents have sequived the tne ul edi plirases 94 part of rhe corporate sascies sual leave Lecedorn.fem infefayernent ul uhe sac, Wn there wwinlntian a Kec. 18 uf the Cuspurntion Code? ‘Pers fe fa walluu fey prob tarien of Secrom Ga wu sezuaites aus bi preeen Other the conplainea edey ais Gtguled a zis Ugil Geet (se 480 08 puch eomscrole niga at [21 dhe popeard nanee is ellis ie) lewd. ou 4) deveprively cr ventasingly sada: Ws Dal of any exlsticg reoperation a? tbl detu lively ox confiranaly alan bout ny ee sing cemerstion o: to ans aber sional protects by lowe: or ue lly deceptive, eontusiog n° cratiary

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