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Urgent & Important - 21 no.

of questions

Cloud Application Development Assignment

1. Explain the features of API Gateways.
2. What are the features of Microservices?
3. What is Azure Service Fabric cluster? What is the maximum limit of Azure service fabric
cluster in test environment?
4. What are Azure applications?
5. Explain Monolithic Architecture.
6. Explain the Microservices Architecture?
7. What are the different components of DevOps. Explain each in brief.
8. Explain the Git repository functions.
9. Explain life cycle of a master branch build.
10. Explain the different types of data to be managed in DevOps environment.
1) What is service fabric application model?
2) Write short note on scale by increasing or decreasing stateless service instances?
3) Write short note on scale by adding or removing named services instance?
4) Explain supported programming models?
5) Explain what is service fabric cluster?
6) Explain what is develop and deploy application of service fabric?
7) Explain what is azure application?
8) what is resource manager template?
9) Explain what is adding application monitoring to a stateless service using
application insights?
10) Explain Cluster monitoring?
11) Explain infrastructure monitoring?


Unit wise - total ~ 120 no. of questions

Unit 1

Chapter 1 – Implementing Microservices

1. Why consider API Gateways instead of direct client-to-microservice

2. What is the API Gateway pattern?
3. Explain the features of API Gateways.
4. Write down the Drawbacks of the API Gateway pattern.
5. Which interface is used for inter-service communication?
6. What are the features of Microservices?
7. What are the considerations of implementing Microservices?
8. How do you maintain data consistency across Microservices?
9. How would you implement security in Microservices?
10. Why are Container used in Microservices?

Chapter 2 – Azure Service Fabric

1. Define Azure Service Fabric.

2. Describe the importance of application instances in Azure Service
3. Define cluster in Azure Fabric Service
4. Define node in Azure Fabric Service
5. Define Service type in Azure Service Fabric.
6. Define Service instance in Azure Service Fabric.
7. Explain Micro Service
8. What are Micro services in Azure?
9. How does Azure service fabric work?
10. Describe different types of Micro Services.
11. Define Application type in Azure Service Fabric.
12. Brief about Programming models available in Azure Service Fabric.
13. What is a Container?
14. Explain the advantages of the container over virtual machines.
15. Which two metrics affect resource governance that is supported in
Service Fabric?

Chapter 3 - Monitoring Azure Service Fabric Clusters

1. Define Service Fabric Cluster.

2. Define cluster in Azure Fabric Service
3. Does a cluster have any minimum size limit? If yes, what and why?
4. How many nodes can be maintained on a service fabric cluster?
5. What is Azure Service Fabric cluster?
6. What is the maximum limit of Azure service fabric cluster in test
7. How do you set up a service in fabric local cluster?
8. Which is the most important application of Microsoft Azure?
9. What are Azure applications?
10. What does a resource manager template consist of?
11. What is the purpose of Azure Resource Manager template?
Unit 2

Chapter 4 - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Monitoring


1. What is Kubernetes?
2. What Kubernetes provides you with?
3. What is Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Services ?
4. What are the Azure Kubernetes Service Features?
5. What is the Advantages of AKS?
6. What are the Kubernetes Components?
7. How to Develop on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Helm

Chapter 5 - Securing Microservice

1) Explain the Importance of the role and how many types of roles are
available in Windows Azure?
2) Which service in Azure is used to manage resources in Azure?
3) What are virtual machine scale sets in Azure?
4) Why is Azure Active Directory used?
5) Name and explain some important applications of Microsoft Azure
6) How to Implementing your API Gateways with Ocelot
7) How to Securing APIs with Azure AD

Chapter 6 - Database Design for Microservices & Building

Microservices in Azure Stack

1. Explain Monolithic Architecture

2. What is Example for Monolithic Approach?
3. What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Monolithic Architecture?
4. Explain the Microservices Architecture?
5. What are the different Types of Databases on Azure?
6. What is Azure Stack?
7. What is the Purpose of Azure Stack?
8. What are the Benefits of Azure Stack?
9. What are the Azure Services for On-Premises?
10. What is Azure Stack IaaS?

Unit 3

Chapter 7 - Net DevOps for Azure

Q1. What are the different DevOps tools available in market. Explain one
tool working
Q2. What do you mean by Microsoft Azure Platform.
Q3. What are the different components of DevOps. Explain each in brief.

Chapter 8 - Multiple Project Tracking Templates

Q1. What are the different steps involve DevOps tracking process.
Q2. Explain Software Development Lifecycle in Microsoft Azure
platform development.
Q3. Which point must be considered while customizing process and
publish on Azure.

Chapter 9 - Tracking Work and Code

Q1.In Microsoft Azure tools, how project tracking operation and testing
are perform.
Q2.How you can use GitHub repository. Explain and demonstrate
Q3.Explain the Git repository functions.

Unit 4
Chapter 10 - Building and Validating the Code

1. Explain the structure of build.

2. Explain flow of a build on feature branch.
3. Explain the flow of build on master branch.
Explain life cycle of a master branch build.
4. Explain the various steps of build.
Explain the types of activities that are common in both private and CI
5. Explain 4 steps of continuous delivery.
6. Explain 3 defect removal techniques.
Explain any one defect removal technique
7. Explain standard swim lanes for a measurable DevOps process.
8. Explain Categories of automated testing.
9. Explain implementation defect detection of static analysis, testing and
inspection (Any one).

Chapter 11 - Release Candidate Creation

1. Explain the rules of thumb for release candidate packages.

2. How to create and use release candidate packages? Explain
Explain the sequence of events in DevOps Pipeline.
3. How to define the bounds of a package? Explain
4. Explain Azure Artifacts Workflow for Release Candidates.
5. Explain how packages are created.
6. How a build or release configuration can obtain a NuGet package from
Azure Artifacts? Explain.
How use release candidate package in deployment?

Chapter 12 - Deploying, Operating and Monitoring the Release

1. Explain the principles that decide how many environments to

configure and the difference between them to define the structure of
deployment pipeline.
2. Explain the 3 types of environments in a DevOps pipeline.
3. Explain the 4 categories in a software system.
Explain the different types of data to be managed in DevOps environment.
4. Explain the logical operation of application.
5. Explain the physical architecture of application.
6. Explain the 4 key parts to our pipelines release configuration.
Explain the implementation of deployment in Azure pipelines.
7. Explain the 4 steps of deploying an application component.
Explain the 4 steps that make up a provisioning and deployment of the
SQL database.
8. How running test suites using a release configuration? Explain.
9. Write the difference in the UAT and production environment.
10. Explain Onion DevOps architecture.
11. What is observability? Write its principles.
12. Explain the architecture of observability.
Explain 3 types of telemetry that should be emitted from software.
13. Explain the concept of jumpstarting observability.

Unit 5

Chapter 13 - Introduction to APIS and API Strategy and


1. Explain the government service models for APIs in public sector?

2. Explain the strategic business aspects of an API implementation?
3. Who are the stakeholders in API strategy development?
4. Explain the API value chain?
5. State and explain the attributes of API architecture?
6. Explain API management?

Chapter 14 - API Development

1. State and explain some of the most considerations for developing a

good API?
2. Write a short note on API standards?
3. Write a short note on Swagger tools and the OpenAPI Specification for
API development?

Chapter 15 - API Gateways

1. State and explain some of the most common ways to strengthen API
2. Write a short note on Authentication and authorization?
3. What is Request-based security in AWS API Gateway and what are the
various ways it can be implemented?
4. Write a short note on API Keys?
5. Write the steps for setting up Authorizers in AWS API Gateway?

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