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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 498-502, February 1974

Chemotactic Activity in Dialyzable Transfer Factor

(granulocytes/monocytes/immune response/lymphokines/primate/delayed hypersensitivity)


Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20014
Communicated by H. Sherwood Lawrence, October 10, 1973
ABSTRACT Dialyzable transfer factor from human Positive delayed responses produced indurations of 0.5 cm
leukocytes was found to be strongly chemotactic for or greater at 24 or 48 hr.
granulocytes and weakly chemotactic for monocytes in
vitro. Chemotactic properties were also demonstrated in Peripheral blood leukocytes were collected from the healthy
vivo in rhesus monkey skin. Initial purification of the volunteers by leukapheresis with a continuous-flow blood-cell
dialyzable transfer factor by Sephadex G-25 chroma- separator (4). By using a bowl speed of 1700 rpm, leukocyte
tography revealed multiple fractions containing material preparations containing over 80% lymphocytes were ob-
with 255-nm absorbance. The fractions containing chemo- tained. Blood leukocytes were also obtained from a 53-year-
tactic activity were also capable of transferring delayed
hypersensitivity to rhesus monkeys. This chemotactic old male with the Sezary syndrome, a variant of chronic
material has an apparent molecular weight of 5000 daltons lymphocytic leukemia in which a high proportion of the circu-
or less and was not inactivated by goat antibody to com- lating cells are "T"-lymphocytes (5), at times when his white
ponents C3 or C5 of human complement; chemotactic blood count was in excess of 100,000 cells per mm3 with 98%
activity was lost after storage for two weeks at 40 and the
activity of two of three preparations was decreased by small lymphocytes. The leukocytes were washed three times
heating for 30 min at 560. This previously undescribed with 10 volumes of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) [0.0067
chemotactic activity of dialyzable transfer factor may have M P04 buffer (pH 7.4) containing 0.85 M NaCl] to remove
significance in relation to cell-mediated immune re- plasma components. The dialyzable transfer factor was pre-
sponses. pared by our modification (3) of the method of Lawrence (6)
In 1955, Lawrence demonstrated that material from dis- which involves disruption of cells by freezing and thawing,
rupted human leukocytes was capable of transferring antigen- digestion with pancreatic deoxyribonuclease (Worthington
specific delayed hypersensitivity to previously unresponsive Biochemicals, Freehold, N.J.), and then dialysis for 48 hr
recipients (1). This "transfer factor," subsequently shown to at 40 against sterile, pyrogen-free, glass-distilled water (NIH
be dialyzable (2), has recently received increased attention Media Unit). The dialysate was lyophilized and reconstituted
because of its potential application in the therapy of diseases with distilled water so that the extract from 3 X 108 lym-
accompanied by defective cell-mediated immunity. The phocytes was contained in 1 ml. The solution was then
studies summarized in this report demonstrate that dialyzable sterilized by millipore filtration and stored at -40°. A "re-
transfer factor from human leukocytes contains a potent agent blank" was prepared by carrying PBS through the
chemotactic agent which resides in chromatographic fractions entire process of freeze-thawing, enzymatic digestion, di-
that also contain transfer-factor activity. This previously un- alysis, lyophilization, and reconstitution.
described activity in transfer-factor preparations may be im- The activity of transfer factor from normal donors had
portant for optimal expression of immunologically mediated been documented in patients with chronic mucocutaneous
inflammatory responses. candidiasis, as previously described (3). To facilitate studies
of the ability of transfer factor to confer delayed hypersensi-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tivity, a model was developed in rhesus monkeys in which the
Preparation and Activity of Transfer Factor. Donors for test preparations (2 ml) Were injected subcutaneously into
transfer factor were selected as previously described (3) by the lower extremities and 5-7 days later intradermal tests
evaluating their responses to skin tests with mumps skin-test with antigens and PBS were placed across the anterior chest.
The test sites were examined 24 hr later, and, under phency-
antigen (Lilly, Indianapolis, Ind.), streptokinase strepto- clidine (Parke-Davis, Detroit, Mich.) anesthesia, full-thick-
dornase (SK-SD) (Varidase, Lederle, Pearl River, N.Y.), ness skin biopsies were removed with a 4-mm circular punch.
tuberculin (intermediate strength PPD from Connaught, The specimens were fixed for 24 hr in 10% buffered neutral
Toronto, Ontario), and Candida albicans (Hollister-Stier, formalin and then in 70% ethanol. Histologic examinations
Seattle, Wash.). The cutaneous responses were assessed 15 were made of 4-jAm sections stained with hematoxylin and
min after injection of skin-test material for immediate wheal eosin or Giemsa's solution. The slides were coded and inter-
and flare reactions and after 8, 24, and 48 hr for induration. preted independently by two observers.
Abbreviations: SK-SD, streptokinase-streptodornase; PBS, phos- Characterization of Transfer Factor. Sephadex (G-25, Phar-
phate buffered saline; hpf, high-power field; CPM LF, counts per macia Fine Chemicals, Piscataway, N.J.) gel filtration was
min lower filter; C3a and C5a, cleavage products of the third and performed using 0.04 M PBS (pH 7.4) and a 5.0 X 90-cm
fifth components of complement. column with upward flow. All gel filtration was conducted at
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 (1974) Chemotactic Activity in Transfer Factor 499

TABLE 1. Specificity of transfer of delayed hypersensitivity TABLE 2. Granulocyte chemotactic activity of dialyzable
to Rhesus monkeys with transfer factor transfer factor, C5a, and chemotactic lymphokine

Donor Chemotactic Stimulus Chemotaxis

Origin response Monkey 1866 i 178t
of transfer (cm in- re-
Transfer factor from normal donor (10)*
factor Antigen duration) sponse*
Transfer factor from Sezary's syndrome (2), 100 i1 331 ± 26
200 ,x 326 + 18
Normal Mumps 1.7 ++ "Reagent blank" (1) 154 i 8
donors SK-SD 0.8 + C5a (10) 2211 i 125
Tuberculin - - Lymphokinel
Candida No antigen (7) 979 i 221
PBS - - Antigen Negative (7) 1002 i 69
Normal Antigen Positive (9) 2003 i 168
donors Mumps 1.5 ++
SK-SD 1.0 - * Number of different preparations studied is indicated in
Tuberculin parentheses.
Candida 1.0 ++ t Mean i SEM, expressed as corrected counts per minute
PBS - lower filter.
Patient with t No antigen indicates fluid from lymphocytes cultured with-
Sezary out antigen; antigen negative indicates that the lymphocyte
syndrome Mumps 1.0 + donor was unreactive to the skin test; and antigen positive indi-
SK-SD cates that the donor had delayed hypersensitivity to the skin
Tuberculin test.
Candida 0.6

number of neutrophils, mononuclear cells, and connective

* +, perivascular infiltration with mononuclear cells; ++, tissue-vascular endothelial cells in 10 oil immersion fields,
perivascular and diffuse infiltration with mononuclear cells; and the data were expressed as the mean number of cells.
-, no inflammatory response.
4° with sterile, pyrogen-free buffers. Column fractions were Transfer of Delayed Cutaneous Hypersensitivity with Trans-
lyphilized, dissolved in minimal volumes of distilled water, fer Factor. Delayed allergic reactions in monkey skin were not
sterilized by millipore filtration, and stored at -40°. grossly apparent, therefore microscopic examination of the
In vitro Assay of Chemotactic Activity. Granulocyte chemo- test sites was required. The three experiments summarized in
taxis was measured using the recently described radioassay Table 1 illustrate the specificity of the transferred reactions.
(7) which employs "Cr-labeled granulocytes (5"Cr, Amer- In no case did reactions which were not present in the donor
sham-Searle, Arlington Heights, Ill.) and double micropore- appear in a recipient monkey. However, reactivity to SK-SD
filter chemotactic chambers. Chemotactic activity was ex- was transferred in only one of two experiments and the re-
pressed as corrected counts per minute lower filter. The sponse was of moderate intensity. The transfer factor prep-
chemotactic stimuli were either 100 4l of transfer factor in aration from the patient with Sezary syndrome did not trans-
2.0 ml Hank's balanced salt solution (NIH Media Unit), fer reactivity to Candida and the response to the mumps skin
2.0 ml of the cleavage product of the fifth component of com- test was weak, even though the donor had significant delayed
plement (C5a), containing 10 jsg of protein per ml [purified allergic responses to these antigens.
from endotoxin-activated human serum (8)1, or 2.0 ml of a In Vitro Chemotactic Activity of Dialyzable Transfer Factor.
1:20 dilution of chemotactic lymphokine from antigen-
stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (9).
Dialyzable transfer factor contained potent chemotactic
Mononuclear-cell chemotaxis was evaluated utilizing a activity for human granulocytes. As shown in Table 2, the
mean chemotactic activity of 10 different transfer factor
previously described morphologic assay (10) employing preparations was comparable to that obtained with C5a and
mononuclear cells obtained by Hypaque-Ficoll separation the chemotactic lymphokine from antigen-stimulated lympho-
(11) of heparinized whole blood. Mononuclear-cell chemo-
tactic activity was expressed as the average number of mono- cytes. To determine whether the transfer factor preparations
were chemotactic for granulocytes or merely increasing the
nuclear cells per high-power field (hpf) that migrated to the
lower surface of the micropore filter. spontaneous motility of the leukocytes, experiments were
conducted in which a small amount of transfer factor (5 IA)
In vivo Assays of Chemotactic Activity. Rhesus monkeys re- was added to the upper compartment of the chemotactic
ceived 0.1 and 0.05 ml of transfer factor (3 X 108 lymphocyte chamber, thereby diminishing the gradient of the chemotactic
equivalents per ml) at intradermal sites on the anterior chest stimulus. Such experiments reduced the chemotactic response
wall. Control injections contained the PBS "reagent blank." by 35%, which demonstrates the chemotactic property of
With the monkeys under phencyclidine anesthesia, biopsies the transfer factor preparations.
were taken at 2, 4, and 24 hr. Additional biopsies were ob- In contrast to transfer factor from normal donors, transfer
tained from areas that had not been injected; the rows from factor prepared from a patient with Sezary's syndrome had
which biopsies were obtained were randomized. Sections (4 very weak chemotactic activity, even when the concentration
Mm) were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The intensity of the transfer factor was doubled (Table 2). The PBS "re-
of the inflammatory response was scored by counting the agent blank" had no chemotactic activity.
500 Immunology: Gallin and Kirkpatrick Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 (1974)
in Fig. 1. A log-linear chemotactic response was obtained
over a dose-range of 10-200 ul of transfer factor added to the
lower compartment of the chemotactic chamber.
Dialyzable transfer factor was also weakly 6hemotactic
for mononuclear cells in the in vitro Boyden chamber assay.
Whereas the chemotactic activity of transfer factor for granu-
locytes was 82% of the chemotactic activity of C5a, the
chemotactic activity of dialyzable transfer factor for mono-
nuclear cells was only 38% of the activity observed with C5a
0 (498 55 mononuclear cells/hpf for C5a versus 191 ±t 34
mononuclear cells/hpf for transfer factor preparations).
In Vivo Chemotactic Properties of Dialyzable Transfer Factor.
The ability of transfer-factor preparations to attract leuko-
cytes to intradermal sites in vivo was evaluated by histologic
examination of skin biopsies, as summarized in Table 3. Both
doses of transfer factor were strongly chemotactic with dose-
responses similar to the in vitro studies. The effect was maxi-
mal by 2 hr and, with the smaller dose of transfer factor,
was waning by 5 hr. In contrast, infiltration with mononu-
10 50 100 500 clear cells increased with time and by 24 hr was significantly
TRANSFER FACTOR QL liters) greater than the controls. In the same experiments, the trans-
FIG. 1. Chemotactic responses to varying concentrations of fer factor" from a patient with Sezary's syndrome (which had
dialyzable transfer factor. The bars denote the standard error of feeble in vitro chemotactic activity), the "reagent blank,"
the mean at each dose of transfer factor; cor cpm LF, corrected
counts per minute lower filter. (The numbers on the ordinate and PBS did not produce chemotactic responses.
have been multiplied by 10-'.) Chemotactic Activity of Transfer Factor after Gel Filtration.
Preliminary purification of dialyzable transfer factor was
Heating transfer factor preparations at 560 for 30 min had performed by filtration through Sephadex G-25 gel. Column
variable effects on the chemotactic activity: two preparations fractions were screened for absorbance at 255 nm (Fig. 2)
had decreased activity and one preparation was unchanged. and for chemotactic activity. As shown in Fig. 2, a peak of
All preparations studied lost chemotactic activity when granulocyte chemotactic activity was found in tubes 118-
stored at 4° for 2 weeks. Goat antibodies to components C3 156. The monocyte chemotactic activity resided in the same
or C5 of human complement had no effect on the chemotactic
fractions as the granulocyte chemotactic activity. The chemo-
activity of transfer factor, although antibody to C5 markedly tactic activity of these G-25 fractions was labile when stored
inhibited the chemotactic property of C5a. at 40 for 2 weeks or heated at 56° for 30 min, but was un-
A comparison of the time course of chemotaxis for granu- affected by goat antibody to components C3 and C5 of
locytes exposed to C5a or transfer factor revealed that the human complement.
kinetics of cell movement through the micropore filter were Transfer-Factor Activity of Fractions Eluted From the Sepha-
similar for both stimuli. The chemotactic response of granu- dex G-25 Column. The transfer-factor preparation applied
locytes to varying concentrations of transfer factor is shown to the column in these experiments was derived from a donor
TABLE 3. In vivo chemotactic properties of dialyzable transfer factor
taken Neutrophil chemotaxist Mononuclear cell chemotaxist
Dose and origin of transfer injection Transfer Transfer
factor (hr) factor Diluent P* factor Diluent P*

0.1 ml, fromnormaldonors 2 180.33 ±55.32 4.00± 1.21 <0.01 2.33± 1.45 1.33 ±0.56 NS
4 194.00 ± 51.12 6.83 ± 1.60 <0.001 12.67 ±- 6.49 2.50 ± 1.15 <0.05
24 103.50 ± 34.50 3.00 ±- 1.00 0.10 18.00 ± 5.00 1.50 ± 1.50 <0.05
0.05 ml, from normal donors 2 188.67 ±-76.67 4.00 ± 1.21 <0.01 2.33 ±t 1.45 1.33 ± 0.56 NS
4 95.33 ±-27.23 2.50 ± 1.15 <0.001 1.33 ± 0.67 2.50 ± 1.15 NS
24 71.00 ± 46.00 1. 50 ±1l.50 >0.20 10.00 ± 3.00 1. 50 ± 1.50 0.05
0.1 ml, from patient with
Sezary's syndrome 2 10.00 ± 6. 66 4.00 ± 1.21 >0.20 1.10 ± 1.00 1.33 ± 0.56 NS
4 6.33 ± 1.33 2.50 ±- 1.15 NS 3.67 ± 1.67 2.50 ± 1.15 NS
* Student t-test; N.S. = P > 0.30.
t Mean cells per 10 hpf ± standard error (two different transfer-factor preparations from normal donors and one preparation from a
patient with Sezary's syndrome).
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 (1974) Chemotactic Activity in Transfer Factor 501

E x

in x


-80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 3
Froction | I | 3 [lXI N I l
MUMPS + ++ + _ _
SK -SD - + - - - - -
FIG. 2. Comparison of chemotactic and skin-test-transferring activities of fractions of transfer factor after gel filtration on Sephadex
G-25. Fraction II contained both biological activities. Column dimensions 5.0 X 90 cm; CPM LF, counts per minute lower filter. (The
numbers on the right ordinate have been multiplied by 10-3.)

with strong delayed allergy to mumps and streptococcal pro- scribed neutrophil-derived factor which is chemotactic for
teins; responses to tuberculin and Candida were negative. neutrophils is nondialyzable and heat-stable (16).
The effluents from the preparative column were pooled into Lawrence and coworkers originally reported that the skin-
seven fractions. One pool contained the chemotaotic activity test-converting property of transfer factor was dialyzable
and the other pools were comprised of peaks of material with and entered the bed of a Sephadex G-25 column (2). Subse-
absorbance at 255 nm (Fig. 2). The column fraction contain- quently, Baram, Yuan, and Mosko (13) and Arala-Chavez
ing the chemotactic activity also contained the skin-test- et al. (14) confirmed these findings. The latter investigators
transferring activity for both antigens, although the adjacent (14) identified the skin-test-converting activity in an early
fractions also transferred reactivity to mumps. There were no fraction, similar to that shown in Fig. 2, in which the chemo-
responses to antigens to which the donor was not reactive. tactic activity was eluted in fractions containing transfer-
Protein analysis of the peaks disclosed that the fraction con- factor activity for mumps and SK-SD (fraction II) but was
taining both the chemotactic and skin-test-converting prop- not detectable in fractions I and III which had transfer-
erties contained 65% of the total protein in the effluent. factor activity for mumps. The studies conducted thus far
do not exclude the possibility that multiple molecules are
DISCUSSION present, and additional purification procedures may demon-
The experiments described in this report identify a chemo- strate that the chemotactic and transfer factor activities are
tactic agent in dialyzable transfer factor preparations which separable. In our experiments, chemotactic activity of trans-
clearly differs from most previously described chemotactic fer-factor preparations was variably affected by heating at
substances. For example, the insusceptibility of this chemo- 56° for 30 min. Lawrence has reported that the skin-test-
tactic agent to inactivation with antibodies to human C3 and coverting activity of transfer factor was heat labile (6), while
C5 and its preparation in the absence of serum suggest that it Spitler et al. (17) have recently reported that their prepara-
is not complement-derived. Although the chemotactic cleav- tions of transfer factor were unaffected by heating at 56° for
age product of the third component of complement (C3a), the 2 hr. Thus heat lability of both the chemotactic and transfer-
chemotactic enzyme kallikrein (12), and the chemotactic factor activities appears to vary with different preparations.
activity of some preparations of dialyzable transfer factor are It is possible that the chemotactic activity present in trans-
destroyed by heating at 560 for 30 min, the molecular weight fer factor preparations is essential for inflammation associated
data suggest that the chemotactic component of transfer with mediation of the delayed hypersensitivity and that any
factor is different from these substances. Though transfer manipulation which deletes or denatures the chemotactic
factor has not been purified to the extent required for precise activity will also indirectly effect skin-test conversion. It
molecular weight measurement, the properties of dialyzability is, for example, still unclear from which cell-type transfer
and penetration of beds of Sephadex G-25 suggest that the factor is produced. Perhaps it is derived from granulocytes or
molecular weight is 5000 or less (6, 13, 14); whereas C5a, C3a, other chemotactically responsive cells and, as such, the chemo-
and kallikrein have molecular weights of 17,500, 8,700, and tactic activity might play a critical role in the local cell re-
130,000, respectively (15, 12). The chemotactic lympho- cruitment necessary for adequate processing and amplifica-
kine produced by stimulation of sensitive lymphocytes with tion of the transfer factor "message." Support for a biological
specific antigens has a molecular weight of about 40,000 and is role for chemotactic agents in cell-mediated immune respon-
resistant to heating at 56° for 30 min (9). The recently de- ses has been offered by Ramseier, who found that lymphoid
502 Immunology: Gallin and Kirkpatrick Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 (1974)
cells from hamsters and mice released a "product of antigenic 2. Lawrence, H. S., Al-Askari, S., David, J., Franklin, E. C. &
recognition" upon stimulation with histocompatibility anti- Zweiman, B. (1963) Trans. Ass. Amer. Phys. 76, 84-89.
gens and that this substance induced accumulations of poly- 3. Kirkpatrick, C. H., Rich, R. R. & Smith, T. K. (1972) J.
Clin. Invest. 51, 2948-2958.
morphonuclear cells when injected into the skin of normal 4. Buckner, D., Graw, R. G., Eisele, R. J., Henderson, E. S. &
hamsters (18). This response may be functionally analogous Perry, S. (1969) Blood 33, 353-369.
to the antigen-cell interactions that lead to release of antigen- 5. Zucker-Franklin, D., Melton, J. W. & Quagliata, F. (1973)
specific transfer factor and therefore related to our observa- J. Clin. Invest. 52, 92a-93a.
tions. 6. Lawrence, H. S. (1969) Advan. Immunol. 11, 195-266.
7. Gallin, J. I., Clark, R. A. & Kimball, H. R. (1973) J. Im-
The chemotactic activity in dialyzable transfer factor prep- munol. 110, 233-240.
arations may explain two poorly understood observations 8. Gallin, J. I., Clark, R. A. & Frank, M. M. (1973) Clin. Res.
with transfer factor. Healthy recipients of transfer factor may 21, 579.
show positive responses to skin tests planted at the site of 9. Ward, P. A., Remold, H. G. & David, J. R. (1970) Cell.
Immunol. 1, 162-174.
injection of the transfer factor (local transfer) before they 10. Snyderman, R., Altman, L. C., Hausman, M. S. & Mergen-
respond to tests applied at remote sites (systemic transfer) hagen, S. E. (1972) J. Immunol. 108, 857-860.
(6). Furthermore, when anergic patients with sarcoidosis were 11. Boyum, A. (1968) Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 97, Suppl.
given transfer factor, conversion of delayed allergic responses 21, 77-89.
was observed only with tests injected in the vicinity of the 12. Kaplan, A. P., Kay, A. B. & Austen, K. F. (1972) J. Exp.
Med. 135, 81-97.
transfer factor (local transfer), while no conversion occurred 13. Baram, P., Yuan. L. & Mosko, M. M. (1966) J. Immunol.
at remote sites (19, 20). The chemotactic activity in transfer 97, 407-420.
factor could participate in these phenomena by "preparing" 14. Arala-Chaves, M. P., Lebacq, E. G. & Heremans, J. F.
local sites either through facilitation of antigen processing or (1967) Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 31, 353-365.
15. Vallota, E. H. & Muller-Eberhard, H. J. (1973) J. Exp. Med.
amplification of subclinical inflammatory stimuli. 137, 1109-1123.
16. Zigmond, S. H. & Hirsch, J. G. (1973) J. Exp. Med. 137,
The authors are deeply indebted to Mr. Terrill K. Smith for 387-410.
his expert technical assistance. Dr. Leonard Altman provided 17. Spitler, L. E., Webb, D., von Muller, C. & Fudenberg, H. H.
the antisera to complement components C3 and C5. We are (1973) J. Clin. Invest. 52, 80a.
especially grateful to Dr. Douglas Lorenz for providing facilities 18. Ramseier, H. (1969) J. Lxp. Med. 130, 1279-1294.
for the rhesus monkeys and Dr. Allen Kaplan for critical review 19. Urbach, F., Sones, M. & Israel, H. L. (1952) N. Engl. J.
of the manuscript. Med. 247, 794-797.
20. Lawrence, H. S. & Zweiman, B. (1968) Trans. Ass. Amer.
1. Lawrence, H. S. (1955) J. Clin. Invest. 34, 219-230. Amer. Phys. 81, 240-247.

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