In My View, Philippine English Differs From Other English Varieties Through Its Accent

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In my view, Philippine English differs from other English varieties through its accent.

observed that when I am speaking with only Filipinos, in English, I can understand their
English very well, however, when I am speaking with people whose first language is English,
it is difficult for me to understand them and also it is difficult for me to respond. However, I
know many Filipinos who are fluent and skilled enough to speak with them. I remembered, I
watched this video clip and it said that our accent is loved by other countries because it
sounds friendly, comprehensive, cute, and interesting, which amazes me. In addition, I also
noticed that some of their English terms are different from what we called it. Such as, when
we watch the video clip where the four people, a Korean, Singaporean, Filipino, and Indian
are asking each other what they call this in their country. It caught my attention that we
Filipinos somehow called this English term in our own Philippine English as this term
because we can understand and communicate with each other by using it easily. It is also
more convenient. There are also some words that may be called the same but differ in
meaning, in Philippine English and other English varieties. For instance, for Americans it is
called restroom yet in Philippine English it is called CR short term for comfort room. Some
Filipino may think that restroom is a bedroom because of the word rest in it, which is
completely different. We Filipinos also have unique colloquialisms such as we call
McDonald’s as “McDo”, this is a uniquely Filipino phrase. Philippine English and English
varieties differ as well, in terms of spelling. In particular, color and colour. In British English
they used colour, but in Philippine English it is spelled as color.

The Philippines may have been colonized by western countries and also learned their
language. I just love that Filipinos have unique English terms that we could enjoy with our
own purposes of using this. This just reminds me that even though we have been colonized
there is still a Philippines uniqueness in us.

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