Journal-Ledger-Trial Balance

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Beyers Security Services
For the month of October
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit
Oct. 1 Cash 66,000
Owner’s Capital 66,000
(Invested capital in the business)
Oct. 2 No entry

Oct. 4 Rent Expense 2,000

Cash 2,000
(Paid rent for the building)
Oct. 7 Equipment 18,000
Cash 4,000
Accounts Payable 14,000
(Equipment purchased for cash and on account)
Oct. 8 Advertising Expense 500
Cash 500
(Paid advertising)
Oct. 10 Repair Expense 390
Accounts Payable 390
(Repair cost incurred)
Oct. 12 Accounts Receivable 3,200
Service Revenue 3,200
(Security services provided)
Oct. 16 Supplies 410
Accounts Payable 410
(Purchased supplies on account)
Oct. 21 Accounts Payable 14,000
Cash 14,000
(Paid due on equipment)
Oct. 24 Utilities Expense 148
Cash 148
(Paid utility bill)
Oct. 27 Cash 3,200
Accounts Receivable 3,200
(Received from customers)
Oct. 31 Salaries and Wages Expense 5,100
Cash 5,100
(Paid salaries and wages)

Beyers Security Services

For the month of October
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 1 Owner’s Capital 66,000 66,000
Oct. 4 Rent Expense 2,000 64,000
Oct. 7 Equipment 4,000 60,000
Oct. 8 Advertising Expense 500 59,500
Oct. 21 Accounts Payable 14,000 45,500
Oct. 24 Utilities Expense 148 45,352
Oct. 27 Accounts Receivable 3,200 48,552
Oct. 31 Salaries and Wages Expense 5,100 43,452

Owner’s Capital
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 1 Cash 66,000 66,000

Rent Expense
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 4 Cash 2,000 2,000

Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 7 Cash 4,000 4,000
Oct. 7 Accounts Payable 14,000 18,000

Accounts Payable
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 7 Equipment 14,000 14,000
Oct. 10 Repair Expense 390 14,390
Oct. 16 Supplies 410 14,800
Oct. 21 Cash 14,000 800
Advertising Expense
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 8 Cash 500 500

Repair Expense
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 10 Accounts Payable 390 390

Accounts Receivable
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 12 Service Revenue 3,200
Oct. 27 Cash 3,200 0

Service Revenue
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 12 Accounts Receivable 3,200 3,200

Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 16 Accounts Payable 410 410

Utilities Expense
Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 24 Cash 148 148

Salaries and Wages Expense

Date Particulars Ref. Debit Credit Balance
Oct. 31 Cash 5,100 5,100

Beyers Security Services

Trial Balance
As at 31 October 2022
No. Account Title Ref. Debit Credit
1. Cash 43,452
2. Owner’s Capital 66,000
3. Rent Expense 2,000
4. Equipment 18,000
5. Accounts Payable 800
6. Advertising Expense 500
7. Repair Expense 390
8. Accounts Receivable 0
9. Service Revenue 3,200
10. Supplies 410
11. Utilities Expense 148
12. Salaries and Wages Expense 5,100
70,000 70,000

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