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MATH 2103: Differential Equations

Lecture 4: Applications of Differential Equations

Differential equations are a fundamental tool in mathematics, with wide-ranging applications in

various fields of science and engineering. They are used to model and analyze complex systems,
from the motion of objects to the behavior of chemical reactions, and their solutions often provide
crucial insights into the behavior of these systems. In this discussion, we will explore the
applications of differential equations in real-life and engineering, highlighting some of the
important ways in which they are used to solve problems and make predictions about the behavior
of complex systems. We will also discuss the different types of differential equations, their
properties, and the methods used to solve them. By the end of this discussion, you will have a
better understanding of the importance of differential equations and their role in shaping our
understanding of the world around us. Differential equations have numerous applications in real-
life and engineering, including:

 Physics: Differential equations are extensively used in physics to model various physical
phenomena, such as motion, heat transfer, and fluid flow. For instance, the Navier-Stokes
equations are a set of differential equations used to describe fluid motion.
 Engineering: Differential equations are commonly used in engineering to model and solve
problems related to heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and structural mechanics. For example,
engineers use differential equations to design and optimize the performance of aircraft
wings or to develop efficient engines.
 Economics: Differential equations are used in economics to model economic growth and
decay, supply and demand, and other economic phenomena. They are also used to
analyze financial markets and investment strategies.
 Biology: Differential equations are used in biology to model population growth, disease
spread, and other biological phenomena. For instance, the Lotka-Volterra equations are a
set of differential equations used to describe predator-prey dynamics in ecology.
 Chemistry: Differential equations are used in chemistry to model chemical reactions and
other chemical processes. For example, the reaction kinetics of a chemical reaction can
be modeled using differential equations.

Engineering students must acquire proficiency in mathematical modeling, a crucial tool in

comprehending and resolving problems through engineering designs. By converting real-world
scenarios into mathematical equations, engineers gain a better understanding of the problem and
can devise efficient and effective solutions. Mathematical modeling enables engineers to establish
correlations between various factors and processes that influence a particular variable. It is
recommended to begin by comprehending the laws and theories in physics that were developed
by scientists and mathematicians to gain a deeper understanding of natural processes. When
working with mathematical models, it is important to identify the key variables involved in the
problem, whether they are independent or dependent parameters. These variables are
interconnected and can be accurately represented using established laws and theories in physics.
The precision of the model can also be verified using experimental data.
This topic is designed to enhance understanding of mathematical models in various processes
such as growth and decay, Newton's Law of Cooling, and mixing problems. The objective is to
equip learners with the necessary techniques for solving differential equations associated with
mathematical equations in worded problems. This will enable learners to make predictions about
the outcomes of these processes by utilizing mathematical and differential equations. Through
this topic, learners will gain a deeper understanding of how mathematical models can be applied
to real-world situations and make more accurate predictions.

1. Growth and Decay

Differential equations have important applications in modeling growth and decay processes, which
are prevalent in various fields such as biology, physics, and chemistry. In many cases, these
processes can be described using differential equations, which provide a mathematical framework
for analyzing and predicting their behavior over time.

For instance, population growth in ecology can be modeled using the logistic equation, which is
a type of differential equation. This equation describes the rate of change of a population over
time as a function of its size and carrying capacity, and provides insights into the dynamics of
population growth and its limits. Similarly, radioactive decay in nuclear physics can be described
using a first-order differential equation, which relates the rate of decay of a substance to its
current quantity. This equation is used to predict the decay of radioactive isotopes over time, and
has important applications in radiocarbon dating and nuclear energy production.

In addition to biology and physics, differential equations are also used to model decay processes
in chemistry, such as the decay of a reactant in a chemical reaction. By modeling these processes
using differential equations, scientists and engineers can gain a better understanding of their
behavior and develop more accurate predictions and control strategies. The applications of
differential equations in growth and decay processes are diverse and far-reaching, with important
implications for various fields of science and engineering. They provide a powerful tool for
understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems over time, and are an essential
component of modern scientific and engineering research.
Example 1: Exponential Growth

Example 2: Population Growth

Example 3: Exponential Growth – Interest

Example 4: Population Growth

Conclusion: After about 1.7 hours (102 minutes), the population of bacteria will double in number.
Example 5: Declining Sales

Example 6: Radioactive Decay

Radioactive decay is a natural process by which unstable atomic nuclei emit particles and/or
energy in order to become more stable. It is often described in terms of half-life, which is the
time required for half of the radioactive material to decay.

During radioactive decay, the unstable atomic nucleus will spontaneously decay into a more stable
configuration by releasing particles and/or energy. This decay process is random, and it is
impossible to predict exactly when a particular nucleus will decay.

The rate of decay is determined by the half-life of the radioactive material. Half-life is defined as
the time required for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay. For example, if the half-
life of a radioactive material is 10 years, then after 10 years, half of the radioactive nuclei in the
sample will have decayed, and after another 10 years, half of the remaining nuclei will have
decayed, and so on.

The concept of half-life is important in various fields, including nuclear physics, chemistry, and
geology. It is used to determine the age of rocks, fossils, and other materials, as well as to predict
the behavior of nuclear reactors and other radioactive materials over time.

Below is a list showing the half-lives of common radioactive isotopes:

Example 7: Radioactive Decay
2. Newton’s Law of Cooling

Newton's Law of Cooling is a mathematical law that describes the cooling of an object that is in
contact with a fluid, such as air or water. This law is named after the English physicist and
mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton, who first proposed it in the 17th century.

According to Newton's Law of Cooling, the rate of cooling of an object is proportional to the
temperature difference between the object and its surroundings. In other words, the rate of heat
transfer from the object to the fluid is proportional to the temperature difference between the
object and the fluid.

Mathematically, this law can be expressed as follows:

= −𝑘(𝑇 − 𝑇𝑠 )
where T is the temperature of the object at time t, T₀ is the temperature of the surrounding fluid,
k is the cooling constant, and dT/dt is the rate of change of temperature with respect to time.

The negative sign in the equation indicates that the temperature of the object is decreasing over
time, and the constant k represents the rate at which the object is cooling. The larger the value
of k, the faster the object will cool.

The Law of Cooling has important applications in various fields, including engineering, physics,
and meteorology. It is used to model and predict the behavior of cooling systems, such as
refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as to understand the cooling of natural phenomena,
such as the Earth's atmosphere and the cooling of lava flows.
Example 8:
Example 9:
Example 10:

A ceramic insulator is baked at 400 °C and cooled in a room in which the temperature is 25 °C.
After 4 minutes the temperature of the insulator is 200 °C. What is its temperature after 8
3. Mixing of Non-reacting Fluids

Mixing of non-reacting fluids is a common process in many industrial and environmental

applications, such as wastewater treatment, chemical processing, and food production. The
process of mixing two non-reacting fluids can be mathematically modeled using differential

One of the most common models for mixing of non-reacting fluids is based on the principle of
conservation of mass. This model assumes that the mass of each fluid component is conserved,
and that the rate of change of the concentration of each component in the mixture is proportional
to the difference between the concentration of that component in the mixture and the
concentration of the same component in the inflowing fluid.

The mixing of non-reacting fluids has many practical applications, such as in the design of mixing
tanks and reactors in chemical processing, the optimization of wastewater treatment processes,
and the development of food processing techniques. The use of mathematical models and
differential equations can help engineers and scientists to predict and optimize the behavior of
such systems, leading to more efficient and effective processes.

Example 11:

Consider a tank that initially contains 100 gallons of a solution in which 50 pounds of salt are
dissolved. Suppose that 3 gallons of brine, each gallon containing 2 pounds of salt, run into the
tank each minute, and that the mixture, kept uniform by stirring, runs out at the rate of 2 gallons
per minute. Find the amount of salt in the tank at time t.

The first thing that we have to do is to analyze and illustrate the given word problem as follows:
Since the given word problem involves the mixture of non-reactive fluids, the working equation
will be as follows:

Since c2 is usually not given in the problem, we can rewrite the above equation as follows:
Since the above equation is a first order, first degree linear equation, the integrating factor will
be equal to

Therefore, the particular solution of the above equation or the amount of salt in the tank at time
t is
Example 12:

A tank contains a salt water solution consisting initially of 20 kg of salt dissolved into 10 Liters of
water. Fresh water is being poured into the tank at a rate of 3 L/min and the solution, which is
kept uniform by stirring, is flowing out at 2 L/min. The attached Figure 3.4 shows this setup. Find
the amount of salt in the tank after 5 minutes.

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