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Negative Effects of Leadership on the Success of a Company

Leadership is a highly valued component for the success of firms. Giant conglomerates derive

their accomplishments from evidence-based and astute management. Besides, sufficient evidence

of poor headship and unpleasant company results exists. Firms express poor results when

managed by unprofessional administrators. Leadership negatively affects companies in various


Poor leadership is associated with indecisiveness. An excellent leader exhibits

outstanding and timely decision-making abilities. Precision in making pronouncements is an

influential process requiring minimal errors (Shamim et al. 103135). Incompetent leaders

expressing inconclusiveness exacerbate catastrophes leading to losses in corporations. Besides,

poor leadership abates employee enthusiasm. Queirós et al., in their research, report that passion

among employees decreased by 9.8% due to incompetence among company directors (6718).

Employees express a negative perception and unwillingness to obey orders from inconsiderate

leaders. As a result of lousy leadership, the demotivated staff expressed poor coordination and a

lack of teamwork. Such situations cause distrust towards the top management and amongst

employees, initiating a toxic working environment.

For this reason, companies record unimpressive results and damage reputations. Further,

leadership models relying on poor strategies lead to the fall of companies. Mio et al. assert that

plans embed reliable values that define a business (3221). Proficient leadership applies possible
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stratagems that give respective companies a meaningful purpose. Unapt leaders fail to provide

reliable and customized roadmaps to firms. The practice not only leads to disorganization but

also assures poor attainment of set objectives.

Summarily, leadership is a critical aspect of the success of a firm. Inept headship remains

the sole reason that companies fail terribly. Poor leaders demoralize employees, leading to

inadequate coordination. Besides, incompetent managers derail proper company direction due to

the unprofessional alignment of proper strategies.

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Works Cited

Mio, Chiara, Silvia Panfilo, and Benedetta Blundo. "Sustainable Development Goals and

Strategic Role of Business: A Systematic Literature Review." Business Strategy and the

Environment 29.8 (2020): 3220-3245. doi:10.1002/bse.2568 Accessed 27 Jan. 2023.

Queirós, Cristina, et al. "Job Stress, Burnout and Coping in Police Officers: Relationships and

Psychometric Properties of the Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire."

International Journal of Environmental Research 17.18 (2020): 6718. Accessed 27 Jan. 2023.

Shamim, Saqib, et al. "Role of Big Data Management in Enhancing Big Data Decision-Making

Capability and Quality Among Chinese Firms: A Dynamic Capabilities View."

Information & Management 56.6 (2019): 103135. Accessed 27 Jan.


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