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What is a narrative?

Narratives simply tell a story or relay a sequence of events. Generally, these events are
told in chronological order, that is the order in which they happened. However, a
narrative most often tells a story in order to illustrate or demonstrate a point.

A simple narrative structure


Introduction (should be appealing to the readers)

+ introduce the topic

+ strong thesis statement

Body (should list events in chronological order)

+ when/ where did it happen?

+ who involved in the story?

+ why/ how did it happen?



+ how the story ended?

+ any lesson learned from the story?

+ any special feelings?

Some common literary device used in a narrative:

+similes: a figure of speech in which 2 unlike things are explicitly compared

 Ex: Good coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong.

+ metaphor : a figure of speech in which an implied comparison made between 2 unlike

things that actually have something in common

 Ex: Language is a road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and
where they are going.

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