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I am writing to you to express my big disappointment about the nightlife in our city. We know that
stores and commercial centers are useful for people. for instance, many people get their clothes
washed in laundries. A lot of people have their hair cut in beauty salons so there's no problem
with them. the real problem are the discos and bars. There's too much noise and many people
have fought between them. They sometimes throw chairs and break furniture so a person was hit
with a lamp last week. Fortunately, the victim was helped by the neighbors. besides, the burglaries
around discos and bars have been increasing. Many people are stolen everyday so i don't think
you can stand all this. couldn't you? women have to be careful with kidnapping so they will have to
yell a lot if it happens so we think that all venus must be closed even on weekends because it is
out of control. We hope the solution to this problem. Several people are fed up witg this situation
because they have to listen to loud music, drunken people and fights around the discos and bars.
This problem will not be solved by authorities because we sent a letter to the principal but he may
be too busy to answer our claims. We swear that we can't be in peace because there's always a
party on weekends and sometimes on weekdays so help us to make our claim more strong.



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