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NIM : 858847914

I. Silahkan menuliskan waktu di bawah ini dengan menggunakan bahasa

a. Jam 07.30
b. Jam 09.45
c. Jam 11.50
d. Jam 04.20
e. Jam 02.15
II. Sempurnakan kalimat di bawah ini
a. Mr. Dito (go) to Lombok since yesterday
b. I am reading a book now. I (read) a book for 30 minutes
c. My sister (visit) my grandma’s house next week.
d. I am hungry now because I (not, eat) my breakfast yet.
e. My father is sleeping. He (sleep) since an hour ago
III. Buatlah kalimat comparative dari kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini
a. Ani is 20 years old. Riri is 25 years old
b. Susi is beautiful. Ann is not beautiful. Rina is very beautiful
c. A is 35 kg. B is 20 kg. C is 50 kg
d. Ria is fat. Diana is slim. Ridwan is very fat
e. Ali’ score is 100. Ridho’s score is 80. Mamat’s score is 70
IV. Buatlah kalimat sesuai dengan tanda yang ada dalam kurung
a. Mr. Yono has Rp. 3.000.000 in his pocket (How many)
b. Azizah bought some fruits at the traditional market (-)
c. He drinks a cup of coffee every morning (How much)
d. We fry some bananas today. (?)
e. Do you bring any money? (+)
1.) a. Jam 07. 30 = it is half past seven
b. Jam 09.45 = it is a quarter to ten
c. Jam 11.50 = it is ten two twelve
d. Jam 04.20 = it is twenty past four
e. Jam 02.15 = it is a quarter past two

2.) a. Mr. Dito went to Lombok since yesterday.

b. I’m reading a book now. I reading a book for 30 minutes
c. My sister will visit my grandma’s house next week.
d. I am hungry now, because I not eaten my breakfast yet.
e. My father is sleeping. He has been sleeping since an hour ago

3.) a. Riri is older than Ani, Ani is younger than Riri

b. Susi is beautiful than Ann, but Rina is more beautiful than Susi and Ann
c. C is heavier than A and B, but A heavier than B
d. Ria is fatter Diana, but Ridwan is very fatter
e. Ridho’s score is better than mamat’s, but Ali’s score is better than both
of them.

4.) a. How many money is in Mr. Yono pocket?

b. Azizah didn’t buy some fruits in the traditional market?
c. How much he drinks coffee?
d. What are we cooking today?
e. You bring any money.

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