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Nama : Meyla Dwi Fatmawati

NIM : 858847914
Pokjar: Salut Blitar Raya
Dosen : Sri Widayati
Tugas 3 DGK4304

I.Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan menggunakan kalimat yang benar

dengan menggunakan jawaban yang sudah tersedia..
1. How do you get to work? (motorcycle)
2. How long does it take to work? (30 minutes)
3. Which motorcycle do you usually use to get to work? (red one)
4. How much does it cost to take a taxi to work? (Rp. 25.000,-)
5. What time do you usually go to work? (6 o’clock)
1. I usually go to work by motorcycle.
2. It takes about 30 minutes to go to work.
3. I Usually use a red one motorcycle.
4. It costs about twenty-five thousand to work.
5. I usually go to work at six o’clock.

II. Tunjukkan arah sesuai denah yang tersedia

1. Anda sedang berada di Jl Raya 8, tunjukkan jalan menuju Gedung 5

2. Anda sedang berada di Jl. Raya 6, tunjukkan jalan menuju apartemen
3. Anda sedang berada di Jl. Raya 7, tunjukkan jalan menuju Gedung 1
4. Anda sedang derada di Jl. Raya 9, tunjukkan jalan menuju Gedung 6
1. From Jl Raya 8, go down this street to the first T-junctions. Next turn
right on Jl Raya 6 until you get the second T-junctions, and turn right.
There is a crossroads. After that turn left on Jl Raya 2 . Gedung 5 at the
left of you.
2. From Jl Raya 6, at the T-junctions turn right. Then go until the first
crossroad and turning on your left. After that, walk straight ahead at the
second crossroad until Jl. Raya 2 and apartemen at the left of you. The
apartemen across form Gedung 6
3. From Jl Raya 7, go straight ahead and turning left in T-Junction Jl.Raya
6. Then go along this street and the Gedung 1 is on you right, it is across
form mosque.
4. From Jl Raya 9, go down this street until the crossroad and turning left.
After that go along this street until find the building. The Gedung 6 is
opposite the apartement or on your right. It is acroos form apartemen.

III. Buatlah satu paragraph pendek yang berisi sekitar 10 kalimat yang
menceritakan tentang aktifitasmu di waktu luang.
Answer: Last week, I went to the

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