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Write a balanced argument FOR and AGAINST whether

students be allowed to use their phones during class. Include

an introduction, 2 paragraphs FOR, 2 AGAINST and a
conclusion. You may plan your answer first below.

 Students could do research relate to their work by
using phone.
 Students can use their phone for calculator in
 Sometimes they might have an emergency e.g. they
might fall in sick and then they can call home.

 Some students play games in their phone instead of
use it for their work.
 They can use an actual calculator so they don’t
need to use their phone.
 If there will come an emergency issue they or their
parents can use the school phone.
 Some students go to online social media during the
 They can use their phone inappropriately.
In this balanced argument I will be discussing whether mobile
phones should be allowed to be used in class or not.
Some people might agree with this statement because
students can use their mobile phones for their learning. For
example, getting resources, research about the topics that
they’re learning. Also, sometimes there can be an emergency
situation like they might fall sick, their parents are trying to
contact them etc. So to some extent, students should use
mobile phones during class.
On the other hand, some people might argue with this
statement because some students can use their phones
inappropriately. For example, taking pictures, making videos,
using social media and looking at unnecessary things on the
internet could be distracting in the students’ learning. So in
their opinion, students should not use mobile phones during
In conclusion, I believe that we shouldn’t use phones during
class because this can be disturbing and distracting in our
lesson which could affect our career.

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