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Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44

SVR 318

Colectomy Management

P. Riobó, O. Sánchez Vilar, R. Burgos* and A. Sanz**

Endocrinology and Nutrition Service. Jimenez Diaz Foundation. Madrid. *Nutrition Unit. German Trias and Pujol Hospital.
Barcelona. **Nutrition Unit. Hospital Miguel Servet. Saragossa. Spain.


Colorectal surgery is one of the most frequently

performed surgical procedures on the digestive Abstract
tract. The colon plays an important role in
maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, since it Colorectal surgery is one of the most frequently
has a great capacity for absorbing water, which performed surgical procedures on the
can be altered by surgery. In relation to artificial gastrointestinal tract. The large bowel plays an
nutritional support, it should be administered, important role in maintaining water and
whenever possible, through the enteral route. PN electrolyte balance due to its high capacity of
is only indicated postoperatively when major water absorption that may be altered with surgery.
complications occur in association with intestinal Artificial nutritional support should be
failure. Early post-surgery EN, or oral supplements, administered, whenever possible, and is well
appear to be beneficial. Pouchitis occurs after managed with through the enteral route. PN is
proctocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis with indicated only at post-surgery when there are
pouch formation, in patients with ulcerative colitis, major complications associated with intestinal
and responds to treatment with antibiotics, failure. Early post-surgery EN, or oral supplements,
steroids, and probiotics. seems to be beneficial. Pouchitis occurs after
proctocolectomy with ileoanal anastomosis with
the creation of a reservoir in patients with
ulcerative colitis, and is well managed with
(Nutr Hosp.2007;22:135-44) antibiotic therapy, steroids, and probiotics.

(Nutr Hosp.2007;22:135-44)
Keywords:Colorectal surgery. Colectomy. Nutritional
Keywords:Colorectal surgey. Colectomy. Nutritional

Introduction including the colon (total colectomy), the colon and

the rectum (proctocolectomy) and in some cases it
Colorectal surgery is one of the most includes exeresis of the anus (abdominal-peritoneal
frequently performed surgical procedures on the amputation). The extent of the resections depends
digestive tract. Complications such as suture on both the cause and its location and extent.
dehiscence, intra-abdominal abscesses, and Intestinal transit can be restored either by means
peritonitis may occur. Therefore, it is necessary of digestive anastomoses or by performing
to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients, as ostomies.1In some cases, a temporary stoma is
part of the overall therapeutic plan. performed to later restore continuity by
Colon and rectal surgery can be partial
performing an anastomosis between the two ends
(sigmoidectomy, hemicolectomy, etc.) or total, affecting
of the affected intestine.
Total or partial resection of the large intestine
Correspondence:Pilar Riobo. can compromise its absorptive capacity and cause
Associate Chief. the fecal volume to increase considerably and its
Endocrinology and Nutrition Service.
Jimenez Diaz Foundation.
consistency and composition to vary, which can
Reyes Católicos Avenue. cause hydroelectrolytic imbalances. Initially, these
28040 Madrid. changes are attempted to be avoided or
ameliorated by dietary modifications.
Received: 11-II-2007. The most common causes of surgical treatment
Accepted: 16-III-2007. in this intestinal segment are: colorectal cancer,

colonic diverticular disease, intestinal volvulus, The technique known as restorative
usually in the cecum and sigmoid colon- coloproctectomy or coloproctectomy with ileo-anal
ulcerative colitis, colorectal polyposis, colonic reservoir has now become the technique of choice
angiodysplasia, ischemic colitis, actinic colitis, in ulcerative colitis. The first panproctocolectomy
and fistulas. In Spain, colorectal neoplasia is the with pouch formation was performed by Nils Kock
second cause of death due to neoplasia and the in 1968.two, and was followed by the classic
first in the case of the population without description by Park and Nicholls in 19783, currently
smoking. Currently this surgery can be done being considered as the surgery of choice in
laparoscopically, which has cosmetic advantages ulcerative colitis, in an attempt to avoid a
and allows faster recovery, but requires great permanent stoma. However, this technique has a
experience. Usually, the weight of the patients is high rate of long-term complications (mainly
mostly within the normal range, and there is pouchitis) and more interventions than
usually no malnutrition. Nutritional repletion of proctocolectomy with ileostomy, and there are few
severely malnourished patients undergoing differences regarding quality of life.4. This
chemotherapy may improve their clinical operation should not be performed in cases where
outcome but, on the other hand, in non- the anal sphincter does not work properly or in
malnourished patients, very elderly patients. Different types of reservoir
Another cause for colectomy is inflammatory bowel have been devised (J, S, W, H) but none has proven
disease (IBD). It is indicated when medical treatment to be superior to another, the most used being the
fails, or when faced with specific complications. “J” reservoir. This technique also has its problems,
Surgery in ulcerative colitis (UC) practically eliminates such as a greater number of bowel movements (it
the disease, unlike Crohn's disease (CD), which can is usual to have 4-8 bowel movements per day) and
come back in the future (recurrence). Almost 70-90% tenesmus, urgency and even fecal incontinence, as
of patients with CD must undergo surgery throughout well as inflammation of the reservoir, fistulas, etc.
their evolution. Surgery in CD is almost always Another intervention with few indications is total
elective. As is already known, CD is highly variable in colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis. This
terms of location, complications... so the surgical technique requires a healthy rectum that could
technique to be used is highly variable. If the become diseased in the future. Its advantage is
involvement is of the colon and/or rectum, it may be that by not removing the rectum we avoid
segmental or diffuse (pancolitis). In the first case, the damaging nerves very close to it that control
technique to be used is resection of the affected urination and sexual function,
intestinal segment and anastomosis. In the second
case and if the rectum is healthy and there is no
perianal disease, a total colectomy with ileorectal
anastomosis can be performed, although recurrence The gastrointestinal tract secretes about 7
rates with this technique are high; but if the rectum is liters of fluid each day, most of which is
diseased or there is poor function in the sphincter of reabsorbed, leaving only about 200 cc of water
the anus or there is serious perianal disease (around in the stool. The colon plays a key role in
it) the best option is to remove the colon, rectum and maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance of
anus (coloproctectomy) leaving a definitive ileostomy. the body. In addition, it also participates in the
absorption of nutrients such as water, sodium
Around, approximately 25%-45% of patients with and short-chain fatty acids, from bacterial
ulcerative colitis (UC) will need surgical treatment. fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates. The
During an acute outbreak, the indication for surgery colon receives approximately 1,500 ml/day of
depends fundamentally on its severity and the secretions from the gastrointestinal tract.
response to steroid and immunosuppressive However, only about 100-150 ml of fluid per day
treatment. Until the beginning of the 1980s, the is excreted with the stool, as the rest is absorbed
technique of choice was total coloproctectomy with in the colon. In case of total or partial colectomy,
ileostomy, which consisted of removing the entire the unabsorbed water is eliminated with the
colon, rectum and anus, leaving a hole through which feces. This entails changes in the volume and
the intestine was exteriorized in the abdomen (stoma), consistency of feces,
or an ileostomy. This operation means that the patient
is the bearer of a permanent stoma with the Sodium is absorbed mostly in the jejunum, but
consequent problems, especially social ones, that it also in the colon, where the remaining 90% of
entails and is not well accepted by the patient. For sodium is recovered by an active Na+/K+ ATPase-
these reasons, techniques were designed to maintain dependent mechanism, and is not accompanied by
intestinal continuity, preserving the anus and joining anion cotransport. or cation exchange. The
that ileum to it, forming an ileal bag or reservoir to absorption mechanism at the level of the colon is
perform the functions of the rectum. This inter- based on the sodium pump and sodium exchange.

136 Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 P. Riobo et al.

dio-hydrogen. Chlorine has a very similar pattern to Patients who have undergone a colectomy with
that of sodium, and could even depend on the same ileorectal anastomosis or with ileostomy are those
absorption mechanisms. In case of partial or total who present a more important anatomical alteration,
absence of the colon, the excretion of sodium in the especially if resection of the distal segment of the
feces will increase as a function of the length resected. terminal ileum has been performed, where bile
Potassium is mainly absorbed in the jejunum. In absorption takes place and absence of ileocecal valve.
the colon this ion is actively secreted rather than These patients present an increase in the frequency
absorbed. Therefore, in case of colonic surgery, the and volume of stools, which are of lesser consistency.
potassium balance is hardly disturbed. In the early stages, up to 1,500 ml of bilious liquid
The movement of the colon is the main feces can be expelled daily and more than 10 diarrheal
regulator of the absorptive and secretory stools per day. When a significant portion of the
function, while conditioning the bacterial flora, terminal ileum is resected along with the ileocecal
which is of great importance. In the right colon, valve, neither the bile salts nor the B vitamins can be
antiperistaltic waves are produced that generate reabsorbed. The latter12
must be supplemented by im
a retrograde flow of colonic content and route for life.
facilitate bacterial fermentation in the cecum. Sigmoidectomy is the most frequent of the
Most of the absorption takes place in the cecum colonic resections and in which the colonic
and ascending colon, while in the transverse and movement pattern is least altered. In the majority
descending colon, peristaltic movements propel of patients who undergo a left hemicolectomy,
the fecal content distally. Therefore, right there are normally no problems with hydrosaline
hemicolectomies are the partial colon resections loss or an increase in the number of stools.
that present the most alterations in intestinal
motility. After a right hemicolectomy, there is an Pre-operative nutrition
acceleration of transit due to the loss of the
antiperistaltic mechanism and the increase in A small number of patients who are going to
bile salts in the transverse colon. undergo colectomy present malnutrition due to
anorexia, inflammation, restrictive diets, avoidance
behaviors aimed at not triggering digestive
symptoms, episodes of intestinal pseudo-occlusion,
Soluble fiber is made up of carbohydrates that and fasting to carry out complementary tests. But the
cannot be digested by pancreatic and intestinal usual thing is that they arrive at the surgery with a
enzymes, and therefore cannot be absorbed in good nutritional state.
the small intestine and reach the colon in the Nutritional treatment in the pre-surgical phase is a
form of polymers or oligosaccharides. There controversial issue. A low-residue diet accompanied by
they are fermented by colonic bacteria, mainly in mechanical bowel preparation was usually
the cecum, producing short chain fatty acids recommended in order to reduce the fecal bolus. This
(butyric, acetic and propionic), alcohols and two is achieved by eliminating foods that are difficult to
(CO and H). Short-chain fatty acids are digest and absorb, such as fiber, the connective tissue
absorbed by the colon, providing a direct source of meat and milk, during the 2-3 days before. It is also
of energy for the colonocyte. It also makes it recommended to eliminate fats because they can
possible to significantly reduce the osmotic load delay gastric emptying6. But this diet is clearly
of the colon, and prevent greater water loss. The incomplete. For this reason, other authors propose
absorption of short-chain fatty acids favors the using a liquid enteral diet, without residue, orally for
colonic absorption of sodium. After colonic 2-3 days beforehand. In 2 recent meta-analyses7The
surgery, depending on the segment resected, efficacy of colon preparation has been evaluated, and
it has been shown that mechanical cleansing of the
colon increases the risk of anastomotic leakage, and
there is a tendency for more complications such as
The terminal ileum and colon, with their surgical wound infection, septic complications,
intestinal bacteria, also have a role in the reinterventions and higher mortality. It is also
enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and uncomfortable for the patient. Therefore, they
cholesterol metabolism. Proctocolectomy with conclude that it should not be carried out
construction of an anastomosis, a reservoir, or 8.
with ileorectal anastomosis can decrease the In another study, the administration of a carbohydrate
pool of bile acids. These patients have been solution three hours before surgery has been associated
found to have a more favorable lipid profile, due with a decrease in postoperative insulin resistance, an
to increased fecal losses of bile acids, despite an improvement in patient satisfaction before and after the
abnormally high rate of cholesterol synthesis. intervention, and a reduction in the average length of
5. stay. 9.

Colectomy Management Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 137

postoperative phase soluble. These recommendations may be transitory,
depending on how the rest of the remaining intestine
After surgery, especially in the case of ileostomy, adapts, so, depending on the evolution of each
proximal colon resection, and in the presence of patient, the diet will be modified at an individual level,
high-output fistulae, care must be taken when in order to tolerate a diet that is as similar as possible
signs of dehydration appear. But it has also been to a balanced diet. In the case of presenting gases and
described that an excess of liquids in the unpleasant odors, the most flatulent foods should be
postoperative period can translate into negative avoided.
effects in the evolution10. In a clinical trial with 20 A low-residue diet will be indicated when the
patients who underwent hemicolectomy or patient with a descending colostomy or
sigmoidectomy, the administration of 3 liters of sigmoidostomy presents stools of a semi-liquid
serum therapy, compared to 2 liters, was consistency; also in the postoperative period of a
associated with a longer mean stay, decreased transverse colostomy, an ascending colostomy
albuminemia, weight gain, time of serum therapy or a right hemicolectomy with ileo-colic
and start of solid intake, delayed gastric emptying anastomosis. After a few days, when the patient
and days to first bowel movement

eats a complete diet, the fiber intake will be

Malnutrition can occur due to decreased adjusted according to individual needs. Over
nutrient intake and increased energy and time, the remaining intestine adapts and these
nutrient requirements due to metabolic stress patients can tolerate a balanced diet. General
caused by any intervention. The decrease in the recommendations for diet are shown in Table I.14
absorption of short-chain fatty acids, due to Recommended, limited, and discouraged foods
colectomy, also influences. are shown in Table II.
Symptoms will depend on the type of
intervention. For example, after a right
hemicolectomy with ileocolic anastomosis, the
antiperistaltic mechanism of the cecum and the
Table I
ileocecal valve are lost; if part of the distal ileum
Nutritional recommendations for the patient with
has also been resected, a greater influx of colectomy
unabsorbed bile salts into the transverse colon is
generated. As a result of all this, choleretic • Drinking coffee and carbonated drinks is discouraged.
diarrhea may appear if it depends on the • Season dishes with salt, unless expressly indicated by
malabsorption of bile salts. When it comes to an your doctor.
ileostomy or subtotal colectomy with ileorectal • Meals of little amount and several times a day: the ideal is to
anastomosis, the volume and frequency of stools distribute the daily diet in 6 meals.
increases and their consistency decreases. In • Avoid fried, battered, or stewed foods.
this case it is very difficult to recover the normal • Do not eat very hot or very cold food.
pattern. However, after a sigmoidectomy there is • Try to eat slowly and in a quiet environment
usually no alteration of intestinal transit. • Chew well, since the food is more crushed, digestion
is facilitated and the chances of obstruction of the
stoma are reduced.
oral nutrition • Rest up to half an hour after main meals.

The oral diet in the immediate postoperative period • Eliminate insoluble fiber.
depends on the extension of the resected colon segment, • Reduce total fat intake, especially those that most
on whether there is continuity with the rest of the stimulate bile secretion.
intestine or, on the contrary, on the location of the • Reduce the intake of lactose (milk and derivatives except
ostomy. The objective is to reduce diarrhea, and yogurt) and gradually reintroduce it according to tolerance.
therefore, the loss of fluids and electrolytes and increase • Eliminate flatulent foods: carbonated drinks, cabbage,
the consistency of the stool.12. Depending on the parched cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, legumes, peas,
section, the diet will be different. For example, in broad beans, asparagus, nuts and onions.
sigmoidectomies and left hemicolectomy, it is not • Minimum water supply of 1.5 liters per day, divided into
necessary to follow a special diet. In general, the more small intakes throughout the day.
proximal the ostomy, the lower fiber content the diet will • Reducing the volume of dinner helps reduce
provide. The purpose is to slow down intestinal transit. In nocturnal excretion of feces.
the case of right hemicolectomy with ileo-colic • Foods that give a more solid consistency are rice,
anastomosis, or total colectomy with ileo-anal
potatoes, pasta, semolina, bread, applesauce, ripe
bananas and soft cheese.
anastomosis, a low-residue diet is usually necessary.
• Foods that produce odor are the following: garlic,
13Sometimes it is necessary to use oral rehydration
asparagus, fish, eggs and onions. Parsley, butter
solutions, antiperistaltic drugs (codeine and
and yogurt reduce the smell.
loperamide) and pharmacological fiber supplements

138 Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 P. Riobo et al.

Table II
Advised, limited or discouraged foods during the 2-3 months after a colectomy (with or without ostomy).
Adapted from M. Planas (ref 12) and Solá i Saló (ref 13)

food group recommended limited discouraged

Dairy products Special lactose-free milk fresh cheeses Milk

Cured cheese Cream and milk cream
Melted cheese Very fatty cheeses
plain yogurt yogurt with fruit

meat lean meats Lamb or pork meat sausages

Cooked ham with visible fat pates
Serrano ham defatted very tough meats
White fish and stringy
Eggs Blue fish and seafood

cereals, legumes, Pasta breakfast cereals Whole grains and their

tubers Rice derivatives
Tapioca Legumes (all)
White bread and biscuits

Vegetables and vegetables cooked carrot all in general very stringy vegetables
(artichokes, cabbage,…)

Fruits Quince Ripe banana Other raw fruits

Fruits in syrup, baked or boiled striped apple

Beverages Water Wine (with meals) Carbonated drinks

infusions Coffee
Fat-free strained broths Alcoholic drinks
Coffee high grade
Fruit juice

Fatty foods olive and sunflower oil butter and margarine Mayonnaise

sweets and pastries Homemade meringues and biscuits honey and sugar chocolate and cocoa
Maria type biscuits Candy Confectionery and pastries in
whole grain crackers

condiments and others Salt Vinegar cooked dishes

Aromatic herbs Soups and other
precooked dishes
commercial sauces

In cases with diarrhea, or with a very high large peeled horia in a liter and a half of salted
volume of liquid feces that cause dehydration, it water. Strain and let cool).
is useful: • Do not eat vegetables or salads, except small
amounts of boiled carrots.
• Administer drugs that slow down peristalsis • Do not drink milk or yogurt. You can drink lactose-
(diphenoxylate, loperamide). free milk (Resource Sinlac, Diarical).
• Add soluble fiber supplements before main
meals: hydrolyzed guar gum (benefiber), In case of resection of the terminal ileum, with
guar gum, plantago ovata (plantaben), etc. reconstruction of the transit or ileostomy, they must be
• Take 1 liter of rice water (boil for 20 minutes, supplemented with vitamin
B, injected intramuscularly
over medium heat, 50 g of rice and a carrot- (1,000 gammas per month) for life. In addition you can

Colectomy Management Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 139

Administration of cholestyramine may be necessary to perioperative multifactorial 16. Nausea, vomiting
chelate bile salts and prevent biliary diarrhea. Cough or adynamic ileus can be minimized with the
After the first 2-3 months, an attempt is made to use of prokinetics or thoracic epidural anesthesia with
gradually reintroduce, if they feel good, the foods or without small doses of opiates.
that are not recommended. We must continue to
avoid whole grains and products that contain them, parenteral nutrition
legumes and fibrous vegetables. Vegetables, fruits
and vegetables must be consumed in moderation. in a review17Some years ago, it was established that
At first take the boiled dishes. If you tolerate the the use of parenteral nutrition is not indicated for all
diet well, you can introduce simple stews (potatoes patients who are not severely malnourished, since it
stewed with meat or fish) prepared with little oil. increases the risk of complications. However, the
For the introduction of vegetables in the diet: you intake of macronutrients was excessive in relation to
can introduce small amounts (50 g) of cooked what is currently indicated (1-2 g of protein, 30-50
vegetables, at first in the form of puree, if they do non-protein kcal). In our country, the Nutritional
not make you feel bad. As you tolerate them, you Support Unit of the Vall d'Hebrón General University
can increase the amount and type of vegetables. Hospital in Barcelona has communicated its
You can take natural yogurt and after a few days experience after the implementation of a nutritional
introduce small amounts of milk (half a glass), action protocol for patients with colon cancer,
demonstrating that it improves the cost/effectiveness
A diet rich in fiber is recommended in colonic ratio of this treatment18. They have compared the
resection with descending colostomy and in the situation prior to the implementation of the protocol
presence of a sigmoidostomy, as well as in all cases and at one and two years. They analyzed the
that evolve with constipation once other possible nutritional status at admission and discharge, the use
causes unrelated to food have been ruled out. A of PN, hospital stay (EH), preoperative stay (POE), and
diet rich in fiber is considered one that provides the presence of complications. Most of the patients
between 30 and 40 g of dietary fiber each day. were well nourished at admission, but during the first
Above this amount, it does not provide additional period (PRE, prior to the implementation of the
benefits, and discomfort may appear, such as a protocol) the patients significantly worsened their
feeling of fullness, abdominal distension and nutritional status at discharge. After the
meteorism. implementation of the protocol, there was a marked
The increase in fiber is mainly at the expense of decrease in the use of PN, especially in normally
insoluble fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), which nourished patients, from the PRE period, from 80% to
increases weight and gives volume to feces, decreases the 11.3%. The overall HE decreased significantly. It was
intraluminal pressure of the remaining colon, and confirmed again that normally nourished patients who
decreases transit time. The greatest contribution in fiber take PN present more complications compared to
is achieved by increasing the intake of whole grain bread those who do not take it.
and cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits and bran. At the Bellvitge University Hospital, a nutrition
it has been said

protocol for colorectal pathology susceptible to

It is advisable to increase the intake of foods laparoscopic surgery has been outlined. It is based on
rich in fiber gradually in order to minimize home preparation that allows surgery without prior
gastrointestinal discomfort. An adequate intake admission. Intestinal decontamination is performed in
of liquid foods and water is also important to the operating room prior to surgery. Thanks to less
achieve a correct use of fiber intake as well as invasive surgical techniques, and the use of new
the regular practice of exercise within the anesthetic drugs and analgesia without opiates“
individual possibilities of each patient. Multimodal surgical strategies” it is possible to twenty

minimize paralytic ileus and termesis, and therefore,

The use of transition diets, starting oral allows early intraluminal nutrition. The patient's
feeding with a liquid diet and progressing to a functional recovery is faster, and the subjective feeling
complete diet, is common, although there is no of well-being improves. In addition, nutritional
scientific evidence to justify it. Several studies support with polymeric formulas without fiber or
have shown that early oral intake is safe, even digestive tract residues, allows early nutrition of the
after colon surgery with anastomosis. In a patient since they are absorbed in the proximal
clinical trial on open colorectal surgery, it was segments of the small intestine.
shown that, with regard to the introduction of In phase I, lasting 7 days, the preparation is
food after the first defecation, liquid tolerance 4 carried out at home, with a diet low in residues and
hours after surgery, followed by solid food the insoluble fiber, supplemented with 400 mL of a
day after, decreased the average stay of the hyperproteic polymeric formula without lactose or
operated patientsfifteen. Early enteral nutrition has fiber, colon cleansing two days before surgery and
also been used, and in the context of treatment hydration with water, sugary infusions and broths

140 Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 P. Riobo et al.

vegetables. In phase II, in the immediate they tolerated but were readmitted for ileus.
postoperative period, a liquid diet is maintained for Only 10.4% did not tolerate early nutrition.
3 days with a polymeric diet without fiber. In phase Hospital stay was 3.9 days. There were 15
III, a semi-solid diet without residues is given, a postoperative complications in 13 patients
nutritional formula and the progressive (14.9%), the most common being urinary
reintroduction of food intake is started. They retention. The authors conclude that in patients
present their results with this protocol, and feeding undergoing open colectomy, early feeding
could be started at 24 hours in 63% of patients, and results in decreased hospital stay and low
at 48 hours in 32%. Hospital discharge was morbidity. Results are similar to laparoscopic
achieved in 3-5 days in 60% of patients, and colectomy
between 6-10 days in 28%; in 12% it was delayed Several studies have assessed the effects of using
more than 20 days due to complications. The hyperprotein oral supplements versus a regular diet
progressive regimens were well tolerated by all or dietary advice 2 to 4 months after surgery24. In
patients, without diarrhea; the number of stools general, it has been shown: less weight loss25,
varied between 2-4 of normal soft consistency. The increased lean mass and reduced number of
authors conclude that early nutrition in colorectal complications26. There is no agreement between them
surgery is possible, whether or not supplementation improves muscle
strength or quality of life27. When benefits have been
seen, they have only been demonstrated in
Enteral nutrition
malnourished subjects.
EN in the postoperative period offers controversial In summary, in relation to artificial nutritional
results. In a review containing three clinical trials on support, it can be concluded that it is indicated in
patients with gastrointestinal carcinoma or colorectal severely malnourished patients undergoing colorectal
carcinoma, 5 to 10 days of postoperative enteral surgery, since it improves after prognosis. It must also
nutrition did not lead to differences in morbidity and be considered whenever oral intake is not achieved in
mortality. However, individual studies have shown 7-10 days in normonourished patients or in 5-7 days in
benefits, even after early introduction. Thus, nutrition malnourished patients. Perioperative nutritional
through the nasojejunal route, started within 3-4 support should be administered, whenever possible,
hours after surgery, versus fluid therapy for 3-5 days through the enteral route. PN is only indicated
after gastrointestinal resection, increased nitrogen postoperatively when major complications occur in
balance and decreased the number of complications. association with intestinal failure. Early post-surgery
In a study in patients with colonic resections, the EN, or late oral supplements, seem to be more
administration of enteral nutrition with a beneficial in colorectal surgery than in surgery. The
nasoduodenal tube (1.5 kcal/mL) from 4 hours after implementation of a specific nutritional support
surgery achieved a reduction in postoperative protocol makes it possible to reduce PN and shorten
complicationstwenty-one. In another study, enteral hospital stay.
nutrition by nasojejunal tube, started on the same day
as surgery, showed a trend towards fewer pouchitis
complications and a shorter mean stay22. A beneficial
trend, although not statistically significant, has also Pouchitis is the most frequent complication after
been observed in insulin resistance, mean hospital proctocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis, and with
stay and infections, after the establishment of pouch formation (IPAA). It is an idiopathic chronic
complete nutrition through the nasojejunal route on inflammation that occurs in up to 60% of patients after
the same day of surgery. this anastomosis in ulcerative colitis and has specific
Recent studies have shown a reduction in clinical characteristics. This surgical technique is the 28.
hospital stay and postoperative complications in technique of choice in most patients with ulcerative
elderly patients who underwent laparoscopic colitis who require colectomy for disease refractory to
colectomy, and the shorter stay and lower medical treatment or for complications such as
morbidity have been attributed to the dysplasia. However, it rarely occurs in patients
laparoscopic approach. However, it is also undergoing this same surgery for familial
possible that the best results are due to early adenomatous polyposis. IPAA patients typically have
postoperative feeding. In another study, patients 4-8 bowel movements per day with semi-formed
with elective open colectomy were given early stools. When pouchitis is present, there is an increase
feeding. The protocol consisted of liquids on in the frequency of stools that become liquid and are
postoperative day 2, and a basal diet on day 3. accompanied by abdominal cramps, urgency and
Among the 87 patients included, the most tenesmus and occasionally, bleeding and fever. Fecal
frequent intervention was right hemicolectomy incontinence is not uncommon after IPAA, but it is 29.
(53%). Overall, 89.6% tolerated early feeding. almost the norm if there is pouchitis. This inconti-
Only 5 patients (5.7%) initial-

Colectomy Management Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 141

nence clearly affects the quality of life of chronic cal and therefore pouchitis should not
patients. Rarely, in case of acute pouchitis, IV be diagnosed in the absence of acute
rehydration and antibiotic treatment are inflammation. Measurement of faecal lactoferrin
necessary. Extraintestinal manifestations may has been suggested to be an indicator of
also be seen. If pouchitis is suspected, the inflammation in IPAA patients. However,
diagnosis should be confirmed by endoscopy elevated levels of faecal lactoferrin do not
and mucosal biopsy. Most patients with acute differentiate from Crohn's disease. Occasionally,
pouchitis respond well to a course of antibiotic it may be interesting to perform a pouchogram
therapy. with contrast x-rays of the pouch to assess
The pathophysiology of pouchitis is not fully strictures and pouch emptying, or a pelvic MRI
understood.30. The fact that pouchitis occurs almost when the patient has perianal fistulae, fecaluria,
exclusively in IPAA patients from ulcerative colitis pneumaturia, vaginal discharge of feces … Some
suggests a genetic factor. Furthermore, it does not patients may have difficulty emptying the bag
occur until the ileostomy is closed and the ileal because it is too large or because of damage to
content comes into contact with the bag, enteric nerves during bag construction, or
suggesting that bacterial antigens are important in because of pelvic floor dysfunction,
developing the inflammatory process. It is not clear
whether pouchitis is caused by bacterial
overgrowth or by the presence of abnormal
bacteria. Sulfate-producing bacteria appear to exist
only in the bursae of patients with ulcerative colitis. Regarding treatment, most patients respond to
31. The effluent flora of the bag contains a higher metronidazole (750-1000 mg/day) or ciprofloxacin
ratio of anaerobes to aerobes and more bacteroid (1000 mg/day). However, few randomized
and bifido bacteria. Antibiotic treatment decreases controlled trials have been conducted. In a
the total bacterial count and can selectively crossover trial, metronidazole was superior to
eradicate certain pathogens.32. Published risk placebo in improving symptoms, but there was no
factors for the development of pouchitis include histological improvement.3. 4. Patients with
extensive or severe ulcerative colitis, young age at recurrences or chronic forms need maintenance
diagnosis, gender, presence of extraintestinal antibiotics. Topical or oral steroids (budesonide)
manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease. have also been used with mixed results. It is an
Primary sclerosing cholangitis, consumption of option for the few cases of poor response to
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, positivity for antibiotic treatment35. Recent studies have shown
perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies that changing the flora of the bursa may be helpful
(ANCA), and polymorphisms in the interleukin 1 and in maintaining remission. In a study with 40
TNF receptor antagonist gene. Smoking and patients in remission, and randomly assigned to
fulminant colitis as an indication for placebo or Probiotics (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria
proctocolectomy seem to be protective factors. and streptococcus), a recurrence rate of 15% with
Diagnosis is established by endoscopy of the bursa, Probiotics and 100% with placebo was
in which inflammatory changes with edema, demonstrated at 9 months36. However, there are
friability, loss of the vascular pattern, ulcerations, also studies with negative results. In another
and allows the evaluation of the ileum and the controlled study, patients who had undergone IPAA
rectal sleeve if it exists. Some ulcers along the were prophylactically treated with probiotics or
staple line in the pouch are common, but by placebo. The incidence of pouchitis in the first year
themselves they do not indicate the presence of was also decreased with probiotics (10%vs40%).
pouchitis. Endoscopy with a gastroscope is Furthermore, the probiotic group also had
recommended because of its smaller size and decreased stool frequency, with no histologic
greater flexibility. Bursa biopsy allows differential evidence of pouchitis.
diagnosis with Crohn's disease, cytomegalovirus
infection, and ischemia. A biopsy should be QUESTIONS
performed even when the endoscopic appearance
is normal, since some patients may have few 1. Regarding the functions of the colon, mark the
symptoms but with evidence of active inflammation incorrect answer:
in the biopsy. When biopsiing, the area around the a. Has a role in potassium absorption
staple line should be avoided. Histological b. Has a role in absorbing water
examination shows the changes of acute c. Has a role in the absorption of short-chain
inflammation including pro-neutrophil infiltration, fatty acids
crypt abscesses and mucosal ulceration. There may d. Has a role in sodium absorption
be chronic inflammatory changes in the ileal e. Controls bowel movements
pouches that reflect the effect of fetal ectasia. 1st

142 Nutr Hosp. 2007;22(Suppl. 2):135-44 P. Riobo et al.

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