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As a student we are responsible for our
school work and work hard to earn more
knowledge that we tend to use for a better
society. Then, as a youth in the community,
we will raise our voice to fight for our rights
through social media platforms which is
an essential and effective way. Lastly, as a
responsible citizen in our community and
society, we follow the laws, rules and
regulations of our society.

We are both leaders of our organization.
Having a sense of leadership would
contribute to society being a good
member and also contribute to being a
future leader. We also possessed the
characteristics of being leaders such as;
responsible, unbiased and morally upright
that we will use to our community for a
brighter future.

12 Dinagyang
Venus Irish Tenorio
Catrina Austero
12 Dinagyang
Venus Irish Tenorio
EDUCATED Catrina Austero
As a citizen and role model for the younger
generation in society we are well disciplined
and morally upright. Doing small things for
the betterment of the society such as caring
for the ecosystem by putting our disposals in
the trash can, not wasting paper and
avoiding the use of plastic instead we use eco
bags. We also respect the other part of the
community such as: people with disabilities,
people with different beliefs and religions,
people that are part of LGBTQIA+ etc.

Being a good leader, we should also be a
good follower. In that way, we can help
our community for a better society that
has a big contribution to the
community. As a good and responsible
citizen in our community we follow rules
and regulations.


As a student, whenever we have a buddy

task we always distribute our task fairly.
As a youth we seek fairness and equality
in every situation such as in
competitions, school grades, in court and
in all aspects in and outside of our

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