Physics Modifications and Explanations

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Explain why plasticine -block is hard surface
ball changes shape after -time impact is shorter thus impulsive force is bigger
dropped on block.
How does front bumper • Bumper long and made from material easy to crumple
and airbag helps to • Prolong the time of impact//reduced impulsive force
minimize injury. • Air bags released automatically on impact
• Reduced impulsive force exerted on the driver//increased time of impact
Explain how steel pile is • Both pile driver and steel pile are material with hard surface
driven to ground. • Place the pile driver at a certain height
• Release the pile driver onto the steel pile
• Short time of impact between the pile driver and the steel pile
• Produces high impulsive force to drive the pile into the ground
Explain how the wooden • The hand of the athlete is moving fast.
block is smashed by the • The hand that hit the hard surface of the wood is stopped in split second.
Taekwondo exponent • A high rate of the change in momentum is experience by the wood and thehand.
• A great impulsive force that is generated causes the wood to be broken.
Using the principle of 1. Fuel burns in the combustion chamber
conservationmomentum, 2. Hot gases expelled at high speed backwards
explain the working 3. A large backwards momentum is produced
principle of the rocket. 4. The rocket gains forwards momentum of equal magnitude
explain how the material • Golf ball and stick is made of hard alloy.
of the golf stick able • The hard surface will shorten the time of contact of the stick with the ball.
to swing the ball at a far • Therefore, produce high impulsive force.
distance. • Hence, the ball is able to travel at a far distance
Archery/ boat/ motor Lighter arrow Higher velocity
Aerodynamic shape Reduce air resistance (air)
Greater resultant force (boat)
Bowstring high elasticity Increase elastic potential energy
Stronger bow Don’t break easily
Aiming above target Gravitational force will pull arrow downwards
Flag pole/ train Low density -Light and can be carried easily
-Move faster
High flexibility Can bend during strong wind
High max. tension in Provide bigger force to maintain pole
String tied at higher Maintain pole stability
Train Superconductor Conduct electricity without electrical resistance (base)
8 short coaches Reduce negative impact of inertia (collision)
Jet engines Large opening air intake More air for combustion and air as fuel for engine
Titanium blades Strong & will not rust
Large combustion More fuel can be burnt thus higher rate of combustion
Small exhaust opening -Increase velocity of exhaust gas
-Larger backward momentum produce
Small nozzle diameter Gas move with high velocity
Big size Propeller Suck more air in combustion chamber
Fuel; Kerosine/Paraffin Mix with air in C.C
Speed boat/sailboat Material; Fibreglass/C.C Light and strong and don’t break easily
Large engine power Move faster
Large Propeller -Larger thrust thus larger momentum to propel boat
Sharp and narrow base// Reduce water resistance effect
Smooth surface board
Wider sail More wind are captured
Waterproof sail Sail not get wet easily
Pile driver Large mass of load Produce bigger force during impact
High position Produce high velocity when strikes pile
Steel pile Stronger
Sharp base Produce high pressure to push pile easily into the
Racing cars/Motor Inverted Aerofoil shape -High pressure at top
-Greater downward force = stable
No ridges on tyre Less friction during motion
Spoiler Stabilize the car
High Engine power Greater forward thrust
Light and stiff material Doesn’t break easily on impact
Motorcycle Strong & lighter frame Larger acceleration and doesn’t break easily
More groove on tyre More friction
Disc Brake Avoid skidding
Car seat Fabric cover Absorb heat
Fibre base Don’t break easily on impact
Wide width seat belt Exert less pressure on baby/body
Car seat facing rear Reduce inertia on impact
Bungee Cord Long Rope Increase time of impact
Elastic Extend without breaking
Many safety belts Prevent cord from breaking
Big cord diameter Strong
Mountain bike Have gear Pedal bike easily in diff. terrains
/bicycle Strong frame Don’t break on impact
Light weight frame Easy to climb height
Tyres with grooves Extra grip when breaking
Wider tyres More stable
Have suspension Shock absorbing
Hydraulic Disk Brake Stop in short distance effectively
Airbag Cushion Soft & spongy material Avoid injury
Thicker Lengthen time impact thus reduce impulsive force
Large size Cover large area
Backhoe Big tyre Prevent from sinking into soft ground
Liquid fluid in hydraulic Liquid has very low compressibility
Big mass More stable
Big base area Backhoe will not collide
Low centre of gravity Stable from falling
Suitable techniques to Wear glove Reduce painful of the player’s hands when touching
catch ball the
ball with big impulsive force
Soft material for glove Increase the time impact, reduce the impulsive force
Wear cloth with The cloth can absorb more heat when the player is
moderate specific heat sweating to maintain temperature of player
Base of shoes has stud Player give great pressure to make stud sink into
ground and give stronger support without slipping
When catching, To lengthen the time impact, to reduce the impulsive
goalkeeper move hands force
Ball have enough air To shorter the time impact between the foot and ball to
pressure increase the impulsive force
Explain suitable liquid Use ABS/ air brake -Lorry doesn’t stop immediately thus increase time to
loaded lorry stop
-lorry does not skid and more friction with ABS
Use two tyres Can support heavy load and low pressure bcs surface
area is high
Load is divided to small Does not shake easily and increase stability
Far distance between Prevent collisions between both and reduce force
tractor and trailer
Modifications for baby Fabric seat cover Can absorb heat
seat Fibre base Don’t break easily on impact
Wide width seat belt Exert less pressure on baby
Car seat facing rear Reduce inertia on impact

Object of greater mass falls from Based on g = GM/𝑟 2 where M is the mass of earth. g is inversely
same position but remains same proportional to 𝑟 2 but does not depend on the mass of object, m.
speed like object with lighter mass.
State effect of low g values in - decreases the ability to absorb oxygen which slows down the body’s
circulatory system and bone cardiovascular activity.
fragility. - there is no heavy load on back and leg muscles will weaken the
muscles. Individual develops osteoporosis; legs become brittle.
Meaning of escape velocity. Minimum velocity required by an object on Earth’s surface to overcome
gravitational force and escape to space
Why Moon is not surrounded by Mass of moon is smaller thus the gravitational attraction force is
atmospheric layers like Earth. smaller
Give effect if satellite’s velocity less Satellite falls back to Earth
than orbital velocity.
Give meaning of gravitational universal force that it acts between any two bodies in the universe
The meaning of centripetal force For a body in circular motion, a force acts on the body in a direction
towards the centre of the circle
Kepler’s First Law (Law of Orbits) All planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus
Kepler’s Second Law (Law of A line that connects a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in
Areas) equal times
Kepler’s Third Law (Law of Period) The square of the orbital period of any planet is directly proportional to
the cube of the radius of its orbit
How do planets lose their The hotter the atmosphere, the more molecule can escape.
atmospheres? The smaller the object, the lower the gravity.
So, escape velocity is lower and it is harder to retain an atmosphere
Why does the linear speed of a -Satellites fall freely around the Earth with a central acceleration =
satellite orbiting the Earth not acceleration of gravity
depend on the mass of the -acceleration of gravity does not depend on the mass of the object
Benefits and implication of escape Earth’s -The linear speed of air molecules is lower than
Velocity atmosphere layer escape velocity of the Earth that is
-Air cannot escape from the Earth into outer
Jet fly high w/o As both their linear speed is lower than escape
escaping to outer velocity from the Earth, they can fly high
space without escaping into outer space.
Rocket launch at When a rocket is supplied with large
escape velocity to quantities of fuel to produce high thrust, the
send spacecraft rocket can achieve escape velocity and enable
to send the spacecraft to outer space
State difference between Geostationary Non-Geostationary
Geostationary and Non- Orbit period = 24 hours Orbit period = +/- 24 hours
Geostationary satellites. Direction of rotation of Earth Direction not same as rotation of
Used to communication To get info for weather broadcasting
throughout the world and GPS
Characteristics of Geostationary Direction of Earth Satellite will always at the same position as
Satellite orbit observer by an observer
on the surface of the earth
Orbit period = more same with the period of the earth rotation
Orbiting above position allows the satellite to observe weather
equator and other phenomenon that varies on short time

Pressure of Gases High The collisions between the particles and the walls of the
container per unit area increase
Low The collisions between the particles and the walls of the
container per unit area decrease
Volume of Gas Large When gas expands, the volume of the gas is allowed
to increase freely
Small When gas not expands, the volume of the gas is allowed to
decreases freely
Temperature of Gas High The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increase
Low The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules decreases
Freezing point High Freeze easily // freeze at higher temperature
Low Does not freeze in cold weather easily // freeze at lower
Boiling point High Does not evaporate// does not boil easily
Low Evaporate easily /boiling easily
Melting point High Does not melt easily // melting at higher temperature
Low Melt easily // melting at lower temperature
Specific latent heat of High Large amount of heat for boiling // Takes longer time to boil
vaporization Low Small amount of heat for boiling // Takes shorter time to boil
Specific latent of heat of fusion High Large amount of heat for melting // Takes longer time to melt
Low Small amount of heat for melting // Takes shorter time to melt
Specific heat capacity High More amount of heat is absorbed to increase the
temperature // Not easily heated
Low Less amount of heat is absorbed to increase the
temperature // Hot quickly
Thermal conductivity High More heat lost to the surrounding // Can transfer heat easily
Low To avoid heat lost to the surrounding // Cannot transfer heat
How Sea breeze occurs. -The land heats up quickly from sea because land has lower specific
heat capacity than sea.
-The hot air on land rises up and cold sea air is pushed to land.
How land breeze occurs • At night, heat is lost from the land and sea
• Sea has a larger specific heat capacity so sea is warmer than land
• Warmer air above the sea rises
• Cooler air from the land moves towards the sea
Explain why gel is a good cooling • Gel has a high / big specific heat capacity.
agent in a cooling pad. • When stored in the refrigerator, it experiences a big temperature drop
// releases a large amount of heat.
• Hence it can absorb a large amount of heat from the patient’s body /
• before reaching thermal equilibrium with the patient’s head/body.
After an hour, the temperature of • the temperature of coffee is higher than surrounding
the coffee in Diagram 4.1 is equal • heat from coffee transfers to surrounding
to the • heat transfers until achieve thermal equilibrium
temperature of the surrounding. • rate of heat transfer is equal / /temperature re equal/net rate of
Explain this situation. heat transfer is zero.
Explain why the volume of air - The depth of water at the base is high
bubbles increases as it moves - The pressure of water at base is high
towards the surface of water. - The depth of water decrease as the bubble move towards the surface
- The volume of air bubble increase as the pressure decrease
Explain how a doctor • When the thermometer is put under the tongue (thermal contact)
can check her • The heat energy is transfer from patient’s body to the thermometer
patient temperature. (heat transfer)
• Net flow of heat is zero
• Temperature of thermometer = patient’s body
Using theory kinetic of matter Heat absorb is to overcome the forces attraction between the molecules
explain why the temperature • kinetic energy remains constant and the temperature remain
remain unchanged while the unchanged
heating is still on.
using the kinetic theory of •Temperature increases, Kinetic energy will increases
molecule, explain why volume • Collisions between the molecule increase, thus the volume will
increases when the temperature increases
of air increases
using the kinetic theory of • Kinetic energy // speed of air molecules increases
molecule, explain why the • Frequency collision between air molecules and wall of the flask
reading of X increases when the increase
temperature of air in the flask • Rate of change of momentum increase / pressure increase
A column of air is trapped in -The column of sulphuric acid in the capillary tube will raise
capillary tube and heated. State -Because the gas trapped in capillary tube has expanded and push the
what will happen if temperature of column up
water is heated.
How does liquid-in-glass • The bulb contains a fixed mass of liquid
thermometer • The volume of the liquid increases when it absorbs heat
work? • The liquid expands and rises in the capillary tube
• Therefore the length of the liquid column in the capillary tube indicates
the magnitude of the temperature
Why wait until liquid level in To achieve thermal equilibrium
thermo no longer changes before
making a mark?
Explain how fish in ice box are Ice cubes melt because they absorb latent heat which the fish release.
cooled. Final temp. is 0°.
Cooling liquid must have high Absorbs large latent heat from object to evaporate from liquid to gas
specific latent heat of Release large latent heat to the cooling fins while flowing down
vaporization condenser pipe to condense hot gas into liquid
Condenser and evaporator pipe Low specific heat Absorb and release heat faster
and cooling fans have capacity
What is the working principle pf -cooling liquid flows along the evaporator pipe which absorbs large latent
refrigerator? heat from water and change into gas.
-hot gas continues absorbing heat from lower part of fridge before
entering the compression pump
-compressor pump compress hot gas to increase pressure and temp
-hot gas release large L.H to cooling fins and condense hot gas to colder
-Hot fluid flows through expansion valve to reduce temp and pressure
Explain why we cannot use a • Cooling system of a refrigerator is smaller
cooling system of a refrigerator to • Less cool air from refrigerator flow out compare to the hot air flow in
cool the hot room. • Position of refrigerator is on the floor
• The cool air does not flow upward
Using kinetic theory of molecules, -reading of pressure gauge increase
explain the change in reading of -friction between tyre and road produce heat which is absorbed by air
pressure gauge molecules in tyre
-kinetic energy of air molecules increase
-rate of collision between air molecule and walls of tyre increase
Thermometer working principle • When a thermometer is inserted in hot water
based on principle of thermal • Heat flowing from hot water to thermometer
equilibrium • Upon balance transfer rate terms net heat is zero
• Thermometer temperature is the same as the hot water temperature.
• By the thermometer reading when it is hot water temperature
How to increase the sensitivity of Thin glass wall of Heat transfer to mercury faster
liquid-in- glass thermometer? bulb
Large bulb Increase rate of mercury expansion
Strong glass tube Not easy to break
Modifications for house More windows Good air ventilation
Higher refractive Prevent direct sunlight enter room
index of glass
Higher specific Release more heat
heat capacity of
Strong material durable
Triangle roof Strong pattern / reduce the effect of strong winds
Brick wall Low specific heat capacity/release heat
Modifications to determine Liner specific heat Good insulator (asbestos)
specific heat capacity of block capacity is bigger
Use oil to fill up air Able to transfer heat more efficiently
High sensitivity of Gives more accurate reading
Higher rated power Able to supply more power
of electrical heater
Wrap block with Reduce heat loss to surrounding
thick cloth
Modifications for food container Low density Lighter, container able to move from one place to
material another
High melting point Prevent container from melting up
High specific heat Container will not get heat easily thus safe to
capacity touch
Low thermal Good heat insulator, to ensure no heat loss and
conductivity food remains hot
Double wall Prevent heat loss
Modifications for solar cooker Silver color Light will reflect cooker and heat up water
reflector inside
Metal cooker Good conductor
Paint outer part Absorb heat
with black color
Wrap cooker with Avoid heat loss to surrounding
Trap heat, To absorb heat, water boils faster
temperature will

What is resonance? Vibration caused by an external force that has same natural frequency
and oscillates at maximum amplitude.
State X-Ray usage Detect bone fracture // scan luggage in airport
What is coherent. Two waves have the same phase or constant phase different and same
How to improve clarity of speech -Curtain is hung on windows to reduce sound reflection
heard. Loudspeakers are put at higher position to avoid object from blocking
A man walks in front of speaker As man passes through anti nodal line, he hears loud sound. Loud
and hears loud and soft sounds. sound is produced by constructive interference.
Why? As man pass through nodal line, he hears soft sound. Soft sound
produced by destructive interference.
How dark and bright regions are -water acts as lens to produce pattern of bright and dark regions on a
formed on screen piece of white paper under the tank when light passes through it
-a crest is highest position of wave and acts as convex lens whereas a
through; the lowest position acts as concave lens
- light rays from lamp focus onto white screen below the bright lines
correspond to the crests and the dark lines corresponds to the
Explain how a sound wave is • (When someone speaks the) paper cone will vibrating
produced (The vibrating paper cone will vibrate) the air molecules
• When the paper cone moves to the right, it will produce a layer of
compressed air
• When the paper cone moves to the left, it will produce a layer of
rarefaction air
• The series of compressions and rarefactions (produces sound waves)
Explain why ultrasonic wave is • ultrasonic have high frequency
used in sonar system instead of • ultrasonic is high energy
radio wave. • ultrasonic can penetrate into deep water
• ultrasonic can be travel far/long distance
Diagram 3 shows that the glass • Sound wave transfer to the glass
breaks when the singer sings. • Glass vibrate
Explain why it happens. • Vibration of the glass achieved the natural frequency of the singer
• High amplitude produced, glass broken
Interference of light waves When constructive occurs there will be a bright fringe.
When destructive occurs there will be a dark fringe
Interference of sound waves When constructive occurs there will be a loud sound.
When destructive occurs there will be a soft sound.
Unchanged Frequency, speed and wavelength
Characteristics of diffraction of decrease Amplitude (energy)
Sound waves to determine High frequency Can penetrate earth and soil and less loss of
thickness of oil layer energy
High energy Stronger signal will be received
Modifications for solar cooker Concave reflector Heat energy can be focus
Big curve reflector More heat energy can be trapped
Facing upright and Can be adjust to sun position
Smooth and shiny Will reflect more sunlight
Modifications for school hall Soft surface wall = can reduce reflection of sound
Soft floor able to absorb parts of the sound energy
coverings = carpet
Far distance distance between two consecutive loud sound is
between two reduced
Microphone avoid annoying sound produced due to sound
behind from loudspeaker repeatedly entering microphone
Design a communication system Microwave Can penetrate through the atmosphere
which can improve Higher frequency Higher energy
the quality of signal transmission. Larger diameter Capture more signal
Use relay To overcome damping and amplify signal
Location Hill Top Wide receiving range and less obstacle
Fisherman Boat Modifications Streamline shape Reduce water resistance
Strong material Withstand high pressure
Made of fiberglass Lower density and lighter
Uses ultrasonic Have high energy thus sounds can travel at
waves further distance
Put fish in ice has larger latent heat // fish can be kept at a
polystyrene box low temperature for an extended period of time
with ice
Guitar String Low density less massive string, wave travel faster and
frequency higher
High tension High frequency // high pitch
Smaller string Produce higher frequency // low wavelength
Stainless steel Produce bright sound // high corrosion resistance
X-Ray Characteristics Ultrasonic Suitable to detect soft organ
Long wavelength Cut down diffraction and increase reflection
High amplitude More energy can be reflected
Reflection Use different intensity of reflection to map out the
shape of the organ.

1)Why light is refracted? -It is due to the change in the velocity of light as it passes from one
medium into another.
-light travels more slowly in glass than in air
-When a light beam passes from air into glass, the speed of light
decreases. This makes the beam ‘bend’
2)Why man legs loo short in Light travels from the feet in the water which is denser to air which is less
water. dense. Refracted away from normal line
3)Why pencil looks bend in water. -Light travels from water to air (denser to less dense) and refracted away
from normal line
-Our eyes interpret that light travels in a straight line. It originate from
point, I which is above the object O. It appears to come from a virtual
pencil. (Image of the pencil which is above the real pencil. So it looks
bend in the water.
A piece of paper is placed under - The rays of the hot sun are parallel / from infinity
the convex lens. Explain why the - The rays will converge to a focal point after passing through the lens.
paper burns - Light / energy will be focused.
- Light turns to heat and produce flames
Explain why the diamond is - A diamond has a very high refractive index.
sparkling when the ray of light - Its critical angle is small.
pass through - The facets of a diamond are cut so that angle of incidence greater than
the critical angle.
- Total internal reflection cause the diamond to sparkle
Explain how to use a concave - parallel light ray hit the concave mirror
mirror to heat up water in a - reflection occur
container using solar energy. - all the light ray will converge to a focal point
- Light / energy will be focused and turns to heat
Explain how you would estimate - The convex lens is aimed/focused to a distant object (infinity)
the focal length of a convex lens - The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on the screen
in your school laboratory - The distance between the screen and the lens is measured
- Focal length = distance between the screen and the lens
Explain how total internal - Increase the angle of incidence, i then angle of refraction, r will also
reflection occurs increase
- Keep on increasing the angle of incidence until angle of refraction is90°
- The angle of incidence is called critical angle
- Increase the angle of incidence more than the critical angle, the ray will
be reflected.
Explain how a mirage is formed. The layer of air nearer the road warmer
The density of air decreases nearer to the road surface
The light travels from denser area to less dense area
The light refracted away from the normal
When the angle of incidence exceed the critical angle, total internal
reflection occurs
1)Name mirror type used to Concave mirror to reflect and focus the light better; produced brighter
examine teeth. State suitable image. Distance is less than focal length to produce larger image.
distance between mirror and
Explain the experiment of During the experiment:
refraction of light using cup and the light traveled from the image through the air,
water. then through the glass cup into the water, and
finally out of the glass cup and into the air once more before it
reached our eyes.
Light refracts as it passes from one medium to the next because it
travels at different speeds through those mediums.
Light travels fastest through air, a little slower through water, and
even slower through glass.

This means that:

the light bends once when it travels through the glass cup into the
water, and then it bends again when it travels out of the glass cup and
into the air. As a result, the light paths cross and the image appears to
be flipped horizontally (left/right).
Modifications for telescope Big diameter lens allow more light to pass through
Long focal length higher magnification
Glass lens higher refractive index
Convex lens as objective Converge all the rays to one point
Convex lens as eyepiece Allow more refraction of light and thus
lens produce brighter image
Modifications for microscope Convex lens All the light will be focus (converging)
fe > fo Low power of lens (eyepiece)
Shorter fo power of lens (objective) higher
position of object: fo < u < 1st image RIM (Real, Inverted, Magnified)
normal adjustment: L > fo + To increase magnification and produce
fe bigger image
Stored in dry and cool place To avoid fungus in the lenses
Simple camera Convex lens To focus a sharp image onto the film
Film To record the image
Diaphragm adjustment ring To adjust the size of aperture (control
the brightness of the image)
shutter To open and shut the camera (film is
exposed only for a short time)
Modifications for mirror to use as Convex mirror wider
outdoor safety at corner road Excellent weather resistance Able to withstand bad weather
Excellent impact resistance Save cost and everlasting
of material
Bigger size Enable a wider view and sharper image
Greater reflectivity Clearer image even in bad weather
Place at sharp road corner at To minimize the accident occur to enable
bending road motorist see oncoming traffic
Small roof Protect from rain drop for better image
Modifications of solar cooker Concave mirror Converge / focus sun light
Put water container at focal All the light rays can be reflected and
point of concave mirror focus at the focal point
Paint the outside part of the To absorb heat
cooker with black colour
use aluminium foil So sun light can be reflected back into
// silver colour inside the cooker
Wrap the cooker with plastic To trap heat
Put small stones inside Absorb heat
Metal Good conductor of heat
Window modify so direct sunlight Big refractive index So that the critical angle is small and
would not be able to enter the thus the rays will be easier to be totally
room and be cooler reflected
Thick glass The ray is harder to refract
Low thermal conductivity of Slower conducting the heat into the
glass room through the glass
Low glass temperature Give cooling effect

What is resolution of forces The separation of a single force or into two or more , generally resolved
along two mutually perpendicular directions
What is drag Pulling force caused by air resistance
Force meaning. Rate of change in momentum
Meaning of equilibrium force? Resultant force is 0N
By using forces acting on car, Constant velocity Engine thrust = drag
explain how car moves with Acceleration Engine thrust more than drag. Travels with
increasing speed
Why paraglider can fly forward -resultant force = thrust – drag. Resultant force is constant
with uniform acceleration at -paraglider can fly forward with uniform acceleration
constant height -lifting force is equal to weight
-fly at constant height
Why at certain extent, the -two forces between atoms in spring are repulsion force and attraction
spring cannot return to original force
length -when compressed, repulsion force returns spring to original state
-when stretched, attraction force returns spring to original state
-spring cannot return to original length if elastic limit exceed
how the spring constant and F = kx
the From x-F graph, k = 1/gradient
elastic potential energy stored Energy = Area under the graph of x-F
in the spring is measured From the graph, E = Area of triangle = ½ Fx
Explain why the hovercraft • The forward force = friction // forward thrust = drag
moves with constant velocity in • The resultant force is zero
terms of the force acting on it.
Explain how shock absorber -Compress when have shock impulses
able to absorb and damp -Prolong the time of impact and reduce impulsive force
shock impulses -Shock impulses will have bigger change of momentum
-Lower rate of change of momentum
Why motorcycle require a thicker spring wire has greater stiffness thus compression length is
thicker spring wire and smaller smaller
diameter for load. small spring diameter has greater spring constant

more force support the big load

High rate of damping Amplitude reduces fast thus less bounce
Thick spring wire Stiffer spring and smaller compression
Steel spring Strong and will not rust
Short spring Higher spring constant thus can support greater
Modifications for fishing boat Aerodynamic shape -reduce water resistance
-resultant force is greater thus boat moves faster
Fibreglass material -light and move faster
-strong and does not break easily
Large engine power Boat move faster
Sharp and narrow Reduce effect of water resistance
Large propeller Larger thrust and momentum to propel boat
Modifications for inclined plank Plank type Smooth = reduce friction
with a pulley system Plank angle Small = reduce weight parallel to plane
Mass load Large = increase pulling force
Rope type Inelastic = produce constant force
Modifications for cable Larger angle Reduce tension effect on cable
carrying traffic light High max. tension Strong enough to support weight
Steel material Stronger than iron and don’t rust
Low rate of oxidation Will no be oxidised and last longer
Modifications for trampoline Parallel springs High elasticity
Steel frame Do not break easily
Low spring constant Get more extension
Nylon fabric Not tear easily
Net around trampoline Prevent children from slipping
Modification for Pogo Stick Non slip material for High hand grip
Frame covered foam Increase impact time and reduce impulsive force
Less stiff spring More compression
Rubber foot peg Better grip
Elastic grip tip Rebound effectively
Steel slide shaft Withstand bigger force
Modifications for fishing rod Long handle Better control once fish is hooked
Low density keel Lighter when pulling fish
Small diameter ring Don’t get tangled easily
Nylon fishing line Durable
Fibreglass rod Withstand big force
Lawnmower modifications. Push lawnmower 𝐹𝑦 component acted downwards
Large angle increase 𝐹𝑦 component

Big cutter blade cut more grass in shorter time

large mass larger total force downwards to cut grass more

Longer handle easy to handle lawnmower movement
Bridge modifications Steel strong cable Withstand bigger force and not easily rust
Concrete pillar Not easily break
Many cables Withstand more force and increase equilibrium
High tension Bigger force
High pillar height Avoid water spill on bridge
Big pillar diameter Increase stability
More pillars Withstand wave/erosion and increase stability
1)What is elasticity? The property of material that enables an object to return to its original
shape and size after the force applied on it is removed
2)State Hooke’s Law the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied on the
spring provided the elastic limit of the spring is not exceeded.
Effect on the spring constant Spring length Low k↑ = hard
High k↓ = soft
Spring diameter Low k↑ = hard
High k↓ = soft
Spring thickness Thick k↑ = hard
Thin k↓ = soft
Spring Parallel k↑ = hard
arrangement series k↓ = soft
Based on the forces between -two forces acting between molecules are attractive and repulsive force
atoms, explain why the spring -when spring is stretched, attractive force between molecules acts
is elastic -when compressed, repulsive force between molecules acts
-when force is released, the spring returns to its original position due to
Function of coil spring in a As a shock absorber to reduce impulsive force
Name energy form in extended Elastic potential energy
elastic cords
Why balls bounced after Elastic potential energy change to kinetic energy
external forces is removed
Spring modifications. -short spring length = large spring constant, hard
- small no. of oscillations = less vibration when shocked
- steel spring = strong and always abide by Hooke’s Law
Modifications for spring Spring type Helical = reduce vibration and shorten the time of
balance sheet damping
Spring constant Small = more sensitive
Obey Hooke’s law Yes = to get uniform scale
Cup material Polystyrene = lighter and does not affect the
weight of object that is being measured
Modifications for catapult Thicker rubber Increase elastic potential energy
Stretch rubber longer
Stone with smaller Increase stone acceleration
Handle strong material Doesn’t break easily
Modifications for trampoline Parallel springs High elasticity
Steel frame Do not break easily
Low spring constant Get more extension
Nylon fabric Not tear easily
Net around trampoline Prevent children from slipping
Modification for Pogo Stick Non slip material for High hand grip
Frame covered foam Increase impact time and reduce impulsive force
Less stiff spring More compression
Rubber foot peg Better grip
Elastic grip tip Rebound effectively
Steel slide shaft Withstand bigger force

1)How to remove water from -pail on floor = create low pressure region
aquarium. -aquarium on table = create high pressure region
-big hose diameter = large volume of water flowing
-High difference in height = large difference in pressure
2)Meaning of atmospheric Weight of atmosphere on the Earth’s surface
3)Why water stop flowing The trapped air pressure will drop if water flows out. Atmospheric pressure
when mouth of container is stops the water from flowing out
Working principle of • Used to measure relative density of liquids
hydrometer • Lead shots = to weight it down // enable the hydrometer floats vertically in
the liquid
• Lesser density = larger volume of liquid displaced (hydrometer is
• Higher density = lower volume of liquid displaced (hydrometer floats)
Working principle of Bunsen 1.Gas flow at higher speed
Burner 2.Creates low pressure near the nozzle
3.Atmospheric air is drawn in and mix with gas to burn completely
Working principle of vacuum • Fan blows air out from vent
cleaner • Low pressure inside vacuum cleaner
• High pressure outside vacuum cleaner
• Different in pressure result sucking force
Working principle of dropper • Press the dropper
• Air inside the dropper is forced out
• Pressure inside the dropper decreases
• Atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid into the dropper tube
How chair can be lift up? -when small piston is pressed down
-pressure is exerted on liquid and transmits uniformly on large piston
-force is produced and pushes chair up
An Angler fish, a type of fish - the ocean is deep so the pressure is high at seabed
that lives only in deep sea. - the nature of the fish is to stay in the high pressure surrounding
When it is brought to the - when brought towards the surface, the pressure decreases, volume of the
surface of the seawater, the fish increases.
fish will die. By using physics - the gas in the body will expand so the internal organ of the fish will burst.
concept, explain why the fish
Explain how the hydraulic jack • Small force exerted on piston A1 produce pressure.
can be used to lift a car when • The pressure is transmitted equally throughout the system.
force F1 is applied on the • The pressure exerted on big piston (A2) produce output force (F2)
small piston with cross-section • Since the surface area piston A2 > piston A1, thereforeoutput force
area A1. In your explanation, produced for big piston is greater.
state the reason why force F2
is greater than force F1.
Explain how the lifting force is 1. The velocity of air is high and the air pressure is low at the top of the
produced. aerofoil.
2. The velocity of air is low and the air pressure is high at the bottom of the
3. The difference in pressure produces a lifting force
Using the concept of buoyant Wooden block moves upwards because:
force, explain why the wooden • Buoyant force > weight of wooden block
block moves upwards and • Net force acting upward
then floats on the water Wooden block floats because: buoyant force = weight of block
Characteristics of a hydraulic Oil brake fluid Incompressible and pressure can be
brake system in car transmitted equally
Steel transmission pipe Long lasting and not easily rust
High spring constant Can withstand high force and easy to return
to original shape
Big ratio of cross sectional Produce bigger output force and easy to slow
are of master to brake down or stop
High boiling point Does not vaporize easily and withstand
higher temperature
Modifications for sailboat Smooth / Coated with wax Reduce water friction
board surface
Aerodynamic / Streamlined Increase lift force
Low Density material Easy to float and travel faster
Waterproof and elastic sail Sail will not absorb water and not easy to tear
Wide and large sail Traps more wind and increase resistance
towards air
Hydraulic Brake Modifications Oil brake fluid Incompressible
High boiling point brake Not easily vaporated
Small master piston Small force needed to produce high pressure
Big slave piston Produce bigger force
Stainless steel transmission Not corrode and easily break
Submarine modifications Thick and strong material Withstand high pressure in deep sea
Large volume ballast tank Can increase weight and able to submerge
High power water pump Can pump in ad out water in shorter time so
can sink and float quickly
Big surface area Reduce pressure acting towards submarine
Prism periscope Produce clearer and brighter image
Perfume modifications Big squeeze bulb To produce more air flow in the tube
Elastic To allow the squeezed bulb return to its
original shape after squeezing
Narrow shape mid tube Produce low pressure, Air travel higher
speed to create lower pressure
Narrow nozzle Liquid carried out from the nozzle in tiny
droplets // large area
Ship Modifications Streamline shape To reduce water resistance
High metal strength To withstand high water pressure
Wide bas cross section So that ship can float / prevent from overturn
High volume of air space in Produce air buoyant force // ship can
ship float
Hot air balloon Modifications Large volume To produce bigger buoyant // Increase the
volume of the air displaced
More Bunsen Burners To produce bigger flame // heat up the gas in
the balloon faster
Synthetic Nylon Light-weight // strong
High Temperature of air in Reduce the density // weight of the air in the
balloon balloon
Effects of low atmospheric • Increase in the rate of breathing
pressure • Lower absorption of oxygen in the lungs
• Increase in the metabolic rate
• Loss of appetite
Actions to be taken at higher Climbers • Prepare and train before climbing
altitude for • Prepare equipment such as smartwatch
that can measure altitude, blood pressure
and body temperature
• Climb at a slow rate to allow the body to
adjust to the changes in pressure
• Drink water even when not thirsty to
prevent dehydration
Aeroplane • Increase the pressure in the aircraft cabin to
match the sea level pressure
• Recycle the air in the cabin so that it is
fresh and contains adequate oxygen level
• Remind the passengers to drink enough
water to prevent dehydration during long
distance flights
Effects of high atmospheric • Body tissues absorb excess nitrogen gas
pressure in deep sea • Nitrogen gas dissolves into the blood
• Inability to think clearly
• Formation of nitrogen bubbles in the tissues or
blood vessels if pressure is reduced too rapidly
Actions to be taken in deep Divers • Do physical exercises to enable the body to
sea for adapt to a high pressure environment before
• Wear a diving suit to slow down heat loss
from the body
• Slowly ascend to sea level so that nitrogen
bubbles do not form in the tissues and blood
Submarine • Submarine is made of steel or titanium with
a circular cross section to withstand the high
pressure of surroundings
• Pressure in the cabin of the submarine is
controlled to almost the same level as sea
level for the comfort of the crew
• Oxygen tanks or electrolytic oxygen
generators are provided so that the oxygen
supply is adequate

1)What is meant by specification 100 J of energy is used in 1s // 100W of power dissipated when
240V, 100W? connected to a 240V power supply // 240J of energy to move 1C of
Meaning of potential difference The work done in moving one Coulomb of charge from one point to the
Explain why coiled filament -coil shape. The length increase
produce more light -the resistance increase the more heat is produced
-heat energy is then converted to light energy
Explain why it is more dangerous • Our bodies are at earth potential (0 V)
to touch the live wire of a mains • If we touch the live wire, there will be a large potential difference (p.d)
supply, rather than the the live wire and our body.
neutral wire. • A large current flow through it, probably fatal.
• The neutral wire stays at earth potential (0 V), roughly at the same
potential as our bodies.
• If we touch the neutral wire, there is no p.d. across us and so no
current flows
Explain why the bulb connected • The two dry cells are connected in parallel
to two dry cells lights up brighter • The effective e.m.f. remains the same
than one bulb connected to • The effective internal resistance of the two cells is smaller
one dry cell. • A larger current will flow through the bulb to make it brighter
Explain what will happen to the • Charges on the disc neutralize the negative charges on the ping pong
ping pong ball when it is brought ball
to touch the metal disc • Likes charges on the disc and the ball repelled each other
connected to positive terminal of • The ball attracted by the positively charged disc
EHT? • The ball oscillates between the two plates
Explain the advantages of parallel • A parallel circuit can run several devices using the full voltage of the
circuit in a house wiring system supply.
• If one device fails, the others will continue running normally
• If the device shorts, the other devices will receive no voltage,
preventing overload damage.
• A failure of one component does not lead to the failure of the other
• More components may be added in parallel without the need for more
• Each electrical appliance in the circuit has its own switch
Batteries with internal resistance • Bulb is brighter using 4 batteries in parallel.
connected in series and in • 4 batteries in parallel has the same emf as 2 batteries in series.
parallel will affect the brightness • Internal resistance for batteries in parallel is less
of the bulbs. • Current flow is higher when 4 batteries are connected parallel.
Describe the graph of the • Filament bulbs: Gradient graph increases
potential difference graph against • resistance increases when temperature increases
current for constantan wire and • Constantans wire: gradient constant
filament bulb. In your description, • temperatures increases resistance constant
explain in terms of resistance and
Explain why a three pin plug is • Two pin plug has no earth wire // three pin plug has earth wire
more suitable compared with a • using 2 pin plug, if there is leakage of current it will also flow through
two pin plug. the metal body // using
3 pin plug if there is leakage of current it will flow to the ground
• The person who touches the metal body will experiences electric shock
// using 3 pin plug,
the current will be earthed
• using 2 pin is not safe to the consumer // Using 3 pin plug is more safer
to the consumer
State one disadvantage of series Once one of the bulb is burnt, the rest of bulb will not light up
State two precautionary steps -make sure our eye perpendicular to the reading of ammeter to avoid
that must be taken when taking parallax error
the reading through the ammeter - switch off the circuit the after taking the reading to avoid over heating
Explain the working principle of • Current flows through a coil of conductor in the rheostat
the rheostat • The length of wire through which by changing the position of the slider
• When the position of the slider changed, the resistance of the rheostat
(Resistance) in the
circuit change
• As the result, the current in the circuit change
3)e.m.f cell More Supply bigger current through the same resistor
Less Supply smaller current through the same resistor
4)resistance High Less current flow
Low More current flow
5)resistivity of wire High More heat is produced // higher resistance for the filament in order to
generate light and heat.
Low A large current flow // less energy dissipated as heat
6)electric devices power High Use more electric energy in one second
Low Use less electric energy in one second
7)voltmeter range Big Require smaller current to generate power
Small Require bigger current to generate power
8)ammeter range Big Have lower sensitivity level // can measure bigger potential difference
Small Have higher sensitivity level // can measure smaller current
9)melting point of wire High Wire can withstand the greater heat when current flows through it
Low the wire easily melt // electric shock occur
10)density of wire High Wire is more heavy
low Wire is lighter // to reduce the weight of the wire//easier to be carried
11) Ammeter is connected in Has a low resistance so that its existence has little effect on the
series with bulb or devices magnitude of current flowing
12) Voltmeter is connected in Has a high resistance, current flowing through it is negligible
parallel with bulb or devices
13)Copper wire Good conductor of electricity // It has low resistance and less energy is
lost as heat // lower specific heat capacity
14) Bulb/device is connected in Voltage across each bulb or devices is the same// If one of the branches
parallel because is defective, the flow of electricity will not be broken in the other
branches // Can be switch on individually
15) Bulb connected in series One of the bulb is broken, the current flows in entire circuit ceases (stop
flowing) // All voltage of bulb are not equal
16) Factor affecting R for metal Length of wire, l Resistance also increases
(conductor) increases
Cross-sectional area, A Resistance decrease
Type of substance R silver <R copper < R constantan < R
nichrome < R tungsten
Temperature increases Resistance also increase
Modifications for heating element More no. of loop Increase surface area of heating element
Nichrome as material of High resistance which produce more heat
heating element
Heating panels arranged If one panel is damage, the others can still
in parallel function
High melting pint Can withstand high temperature without melt
Modifications for filament lamps Tungsten wire Higher resistance per unit length and higher
melting point than Cu
Thin wire Greater resistance and become hot easily
Coiled wire More efficient bcs very long wire can be fitted
into glass bulb, concentrating the heat and
produce brighter light from hot filament
Glass lamp filled with Tungsten filament will not evaporate easily at
nitrogen gas at low high temperature
Modifications for ammeter scale Small scale Can detect smallest change in current flow
Mirror strip To avoid parallax error
Zero adjuster To avoid zero error and adjust the pointer
Lighter needle (pointer) Easy to detect current and sensitive to
change of current flow

1)Explain operation’s principle of - Alternating current flows through primary coils which produced
a transformer. electromagnet
- The electromagnet always change magnitudes and directions
produced at core
- Secondary coils are cut by magnetic flux
- The induced voltage/e.m.f is generated on secondary coil.
Explain the working principle of -direct current consist of rectangular coil placed between magnet poles
the direct current generator -coil is connected to external load via a carbon brush that touches
commutator slowly
-when coil rotates, it cuts off magnetic field and produce d.g.e induction
in it
How to increase magnetic force Increase dry cells To increase current
Decrease distance Stronger magnetic field
between magnet
Increase no. of Increase magnetic field
Low density of Cu Lighter//easy to move when small force acting on
rod it
2)Modify an electrical laminated soft iron easy to magnetized and demagnetized
transmission system. core
Aluminium low resistance and good conductor
transmission wire
Steel pylon Long lasting
High tower Easy to do maintenance
Large diameter Reduce resistant and prevent energy loss to
Porslin ball Prevent current leakage
Generator modifications. stronger magnet produce stronger magnetic field
Increase no. of turn increase magnetic flux cutting
of coil
copper wire low resistance
large cross reduce resistance
sectional area
change commutator = produce alternating current
w slip ring
6)Modifications for transformer. -copper wire coil = low electrical resistance
-Laminated iron core = reduce eddy current
-Soft iron = easily magnetized and demagnetized
-Secondary coil windings on top of primary coil = reduce the leakage of
magnetic lux
-thick wire = low resistance
7)Modifications for a step=down No. of turns in 2nd < -to produce step-down transformer
transformer primary -decrease output voltage
Rectangle core Induced current will link to 2nd coil
Soft iron core Easy to magnetized and demagnetized
Modifications for bicycle dynamo Stronger magnet Stronger magnetic field
Increase no. of Rate of cutting of magnetic flux increase
turns of coil
Low resistance coil Produce more induced current
Thicker wire Lower resistance

Meaning of semiconductor Material that has electrical conductivity that is between of a conductor and
an insulator
Doping of semiconductor A process of adding a certain amount of specific impurities to semiconductor
to increase their conductivity
Depletion layer neutral region which has no charge carriers and poor conductor of electricity
Retification A process to convert an alternating current (ac) into a direct current (dc) by
using diode
Capacitor smoothing The discharge current from a capacitor helps to maintain a steady output
voltage across a resistor by supplying current at all time.
Diode Allows the current to flow easily in only one direction
Alternating current Current flows in two directions consecutively
Forward bias - When a p-type semiconductor is connected to the positive terminal and a
n-type semiconductor is connected to the negative terminal of a cell
- electrons from the n-type are pulled across the p-n junction,
- this will cause the current to flow
Reverse bias - When a n-type material is connected to the positive terminal and a p-type
material is connected to the negative terminal of a cell
- electrons from the n-type are pulled toward the positive terminal of cell
- the junction becomes wider and the current stop to flow
Transistor function Current amplifier // automatic switch
NPN Transistors mainly used in switching applications
PNP Transistors - used in amplification circuits and robotic applications
- PNP transistors to control current flow in heavy applications
Why NPN is mostly used than -The majority charge carriers in an NPN transistor are electrons
PNP transistor? - The majority carriers in a PNP transistor are holes
- The electrons have better mobility than hole
What happen when diode is in No current flow
reverse bias
What is the use of capacitor - When the current pass through the resistor and capacitor, the capacitor is
charged and stores energy.
- When there is no current pass through the resistor and capacitor, the
capacitor discharge.
- The energy from it is used to produce voltage across the resistor.
- As a result it produces a smooth dc output
Factors that influence the rate Temperatu When the temperature of the cathode increases, the rate of
of thermionic emission re of thermionic emission increases.

Surface A larger surface area of the cathode increases the rate of

Area of thermionic emission.
Potential The rate of thermionic emission is unchanged, when the
difference potential difference increases, but the emitted electrons
accelerate faster towards the anode
Explain how the air conditioner, When LDR detect light, resistance of LDR ⬇
M, to be switched on • Resistance S ⬆
• Vs ⬆. Ib flow to switch on the transistor
• Ic flow and relay is activated air conditioner, M is on
Explain why the air conditioner Air conditioner needs higher voltage to activate which is 240 V
is not connected directly to the
transistor circuit.
The circuit is connected with a Bulb will light up, because circuit is in forward biased.
diode. When switch is on, what
happen to bulb?
Function of semiconductor Allow current flow in one direction only
Why extra high voltage is used To accelerate the electron
How does sound amplifier 1. Microphone converts audio (sound) signal to electrical
works? 2. Capacitor allows the varying current flow it
3. 𝐼𝐵 changes and 𝐼𝑐 flow
4. Sound waves with higher amplitude is produced𝐼𝐵
Explain the working principle of 1. In daylight, the LDR has very low resistance as exposed to sunlight.
transistor circuit in daylight. 2.Low resistance of LDR will cause a smaller share of battery voltage across
3. This low voltage across the base-emitter does not switch the transistor on.
4. Therefore, the transistor circuit is not complete and the lamp does not
light up
Explain the working principle of 1.In night time, the LDR has very high resistance as the surrounding is dark.
transistor circuit in nightime 2. High resistance of LDR will cause a high share of battery voltage across it.
3.This high voltage across the LDR will drive a base current through the
transistor and switch it on.
4.Therefore, the transistor circuit is complete and the lamp lights up.
How does transistor works as -The microphone is to convert the sound energy into electrical energy. This
current amplifier when electrical energy will be sent to capacity.
connected to microphone -The capacitor will block the steady current and allow the a.c current to pass
through it.
-The small a.c current will pass to the base of transistor will cause a big
amplification to the output current.
Here, the transistor is act as current amplifier.
-The loudspeaker now converts the electrical signal back to sound energy
How does Thermistor and Light- Hot ➢ Base current, IB will flow
controlled Switch works ➢ Transistor is switched ON.
➢ Large collector current, IC flows
➢ Alarm/Bulb is turned ON
cold ➢ No Base current, IB flow
➢ Transistor is switched
➢ No collector current, IC flows
➢ Alarm/Bulb does not turned ON

1)Meaning of radioactivity The spontaneous disintegration of an unstable nucleus accompanied by
the emission of an energetic particle or a photon (or radioactive emission)
2)What is radioactive decay The process in which an unstable nucleus changes into a more stable
nucleus by emitting radiation
3)Give the meaning or radiation The energy given out by an unstable nucleus in the form of energetic
particles or photon
4)Meaning of ionizing effect. The production of charged particles called ions when the energetic
particle or photon passes through a medium, it can knock electrons out of
the atoms and molecules of the medium
5)What is half-life? The time taken for the number of the undecayed nuclei in the sample to
be reduced to half of its original number
6)Explain what is radioisotopes. Unstable nuclei of an element which have the same number of protons but
different number of neutrons which decay and give out radioactive
7)What is atomic mass 1/12 of the mass of the carbon-12 atom
8)Meaning of Nuclear Fission The process of splitting a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei which
releases enormous amount of energy
9)What is chain reaction. Self-sustaining reaction in which the products of a reaction can initiate
another similar reaction
10)Give the meaning of Nuclear The process of combining two lighter nuclei to form a heavier nucleus
Fusion which releases enormous amount of energy
11)Explain the Einstein’s Mass and energy are not conserved separately and can be exchanged
Principle one for the other by using this equation :
E = mc 2
where E = energy released(J), m = mass defect(kg) c = speed of light (3 x
108 m s -1 )
3)Half-life Long decompose slowly// Long lasting radioactivity// no need to replaced often
short decompose quickly// Short radioactivity
4)Penetrating power Alpha stopped by a sheet of paper or a few cm of air
Beta stopped by a few mm of Aluminium
Gamm stopped by a few cm of lead
Long Can penetrate the body to be detected externally (gamma rays-can
penetrate deep into the skin and Inflict damage onto the cells)
short Cannot penetrate the body to be detected externally (alpha particles)
6)Ionizing power High Alpha particles have the strong ionizing effect
low Gamma ray have weaker ionizing effect on air molecules
7)Effect of electric field High Beta particles have the deflection is greater due to the small mass of
electron // deflected towards the positive plate
Low Gamma ray not deflected because has no charge
8)Effect of magnetic High Beta particles Greater deflection because beta particle has a very small
field mass
Low Gamma ray no deflection because gamma has no charge
5)Radioisotope in solid It is easy to handle // easily to use/stored// safer
9)Alpha Particle High ionization power // able to ionize the air easily
10)Beta Particle Fast moving electrons // very small mass // lighter
11)Gamma Rays Its high penetrating power // less dangerous inside body // do not ionize the cells
1)explain how nuclear 1⃣ nuclear FISSIONS occurs when Uranium-235 are bombarded by a neutrons
reaction continuous 2⃣ heat energy produced and boils the water become steam
and how can be used 3⃣ the steam rotate the turbine
to generate electrical 4⃣ rotating turbine switch on the dynamos that generate the electrical energy
How is heat energy -heat energy produced and boils the water to become steam
converted to kinetic -the steam rotates the turbine
energy in the turbine
The kinetic energy Rotating turbine switch on the dynomos that generate the electrical energy based
produce electrical on the electromagnetic induction
energy, how?
High cooling towers -water as a cooling agent and has high specific heat capacity
are built at nuclear -absorb and release more heat
power stations. Why? -to prevent overheating // serious radioactive leakage disasters
Advantages of using § Nuclear power costs about the same as coal, so it is not expensive.
nuclear fission § It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide. It does not contribute to the
greenhouse effect. It produces less waste than fossil fuels.
§ It produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel.
§ Nuclear power stations need less fuel than stations which use fossil fuels.
Disadvantages of § The initial cost to design and build a nuclear power station is very high.
nuclear fission § There is always a risk of accidents. If a chain reaction goes out of control,
explosion or leakage or large amounts of radioactive substance may
§ Used fuel rods are very hot and highly radioactive with very long half-lives.
§ Expensive procedures are required to cool down the rods and store them
You are required to • Observed the reading on the scale without an absorber
carry out investigation • Put a piece of paper, aluminium and lead between the source and the detector in
to identify the types of turns
radiation by using • For each kind absorber, record the reading on the rate meter
Geiger-Muller tube • Carry out the same procedure for the three substances
• α radiation will be stopped by all three kinds of absorber
• β radiation will be stopped by aluminium and lead
• γ will be stopped by lead only
2)Build a nuclear Boron control absorb excess neutron/ensure fission continuously occur to
reactor. rod maintain stable power output
Graphite slow down fast-moving neutron
Uranium fuel produce large amount of energy
Concrete prevent dangerous radiation emitted to surrounding
reactor wall
Coolant -as moderator to slow down neutrons
material -high specific heat capacity thus absorb heat energy to generate
heavy water steam
-control reactor temperature
Location by Abundance of water act as cooling agent
Waste -radioactive wates are buried at disposal at certain depth
management -facility site is situated far from residential areas
Safety -accordance to IAEA standard
precautions -to ensure the safety of mankind and environment


State one characteristics of line Lines formed a large separation gap between the lines are for
spectrum. colours (wavelength or specific frequency only)
What is a black body? An idealised body that is able to absorb all electromagnetic radiation
that falls on it
What is the meaning of quantum. The quantity of energy that discrete directly proportional to the
frequency radiated.
What is threshold frequency, fo? The minimum frequency of light photon required to produce
photoelectric effect.
What is the ideal radiation? radiation absorbed = radiation emitted
What is black body emission’ An ideal electromagnetic radiation in the form of heat or light
Meaning of continuous spectrum. The visible light is considered continues because there is NO gap
separation between each colour in the spectrum
What is line spectrum? The line spectrum shows the electromagnetic radiation of specific
Give meaning of photoelectric effect. Emission of photoelectrons from a metal surface when light at a
certain frequency illuminates the meta
Describe a laboratory experiment to Apparatus: Gold leaf electroscope with zinc plate on top.
demonstrate the photoelectric effect. Procedure:
Charge the electroscope negatively.
Shine ultraviolet light on the zinc plate.
Result: The leaves fall together
Explain the photoelectric effect using 1. Gold-leaf and zinc plate
Gold-Leaf electroscope. - negatively charge
- gold lead will repelling

2. UV light brought to the zinc plate

- UV light has higher frequency (more photon energy)
- photoelectron will be emitted from zinc plate
- less electron at zinc plate
- gold leaf will collapse
Explain why the leaves of -photoelectrons emitted from the surface of the metal
electroscope collapse -the leaves lose their excess charge
Explain why the leaves do not The glass absorbs UV light
collapse when the zinc is covered by
a piece of ordinary glass
Explain why the leaves don’t collapse -f (green light) < f (UV light)
when zinc is illuminated with green -energy (green light) < energy (UV light)
light -photoelectrons are not emitted thus no photoelectric effect
Meaning of work function. The minimum energy required for a photoelectron to be emitted
from a metal surface
what happens to maximum kinetic Remains unchanged
energy if light intensity increase?
What is meant by Wave-Particle Wave-particle duality is condition where light and matter exhibit
Duality? properties of both waves and particles
State characteristics of electron -electron shows wave nature
which enable them to form pattern on -electron beam has wavelength
Suggest modification for microscope electrons used shorter wavelength produced
with high magnification power. Shorter wavelength higher image magnification
Vacuum for e no obstruction to movement
high voltage power e can accelerate at higher speed
Higher speed of e shorter wavelength

At the Threshold Frequency

Credits to this resources; (none are mine of course)
- MPP Jabatan Pendidikan Terengganu SPM 3 Paper 2 2021
- Trial Paper Sarawak 2021
- Program Semarak Kasih 2.0 JPN Sarawak Paper 2
- Amazing Physics KSSM Dictionary by tc. Alina
- Amazing Physics Telegram Channel
- 1.2 Resolution of Forces (AP)
- 1.4 Elasticity (AP)
- Slides Fizik Mozac
- Revision SPM 2021 = electricity + heat (AP)
- Paper 2 Trial SPM Compilations 2021 (AP)
- Physics Handbook KSSM 2020 – Part 1 (AP)
- Awesome physics with tc Alina (AP)
- Physics Textbook KSSM Form 5
- Smart Notes Gravitation (AP)
- Revision SPM 2017 (AP)
- Heat (AP)

P.S (from compiler ) : I wish and pray for all SPM Candidates 2021 for Straight A+. I know you can do it dear,
I really believe in you. GOODLUCK!!

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