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myth america by martin zamyatin

Exorbitant Pillage
Karen Bleier

The resulting system required participating

The dollar is our currency, but your problem.
countries to guarantee convertibility of their
Treas. Sec. John Connally to Europeans, 1971
currencies into U.S. dollars, with the dollar

itself convertible to gold bullion for foreign
CONUNDRUM FIRST POSED IN governments at US$35 per ounce of gold.
the 1960s by French Finance Minister (At the time, the U.S. controlled fully
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing appears set to two-thirds of the world’s monetary gold.)
reach a resolution in the coming decade. This system remained in place until 1971,
Giscard referred to the position of the U.S. when Nixon announced the dollar would no
as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency longer be convertible to gold, after repeated
—an ‘exorbitant privilege,’ as he called it— withdrawals of gold by France and others
which has allowed it to draw freely on the threatened to deplete the nation’s stockpile.
rest of the world to support it’s profligacy Nonetheless, the dollar’s status as the
and over-extended standard of living. world’s reserve currency remained, fortified
When representatives from all 44 allied further by agreements made with Middle
nations met at Bretton Woods, New Eastern oil exporters in the mid-1970s to
Hampshire in July 1944 to design a new accept only U.S. dollars in exchange for oil.
international monetary system, the This ‘petrodollar’ system required foreign
dominant economic position of the U.S. treasuries to maintain a substantial surplus
following the devastation of World War II of dollars in order to fulfill their energy
allowed it to virtually dictate the terms. needs, artificially propping up the dollar.

There are growing indications, however, Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is challenging the
that America’s long-standing ‘exorbitant petrodollar system, the strongest remaining
privilege’ is gradually being withdrawn, in pillar to the U.S. dollar’s throne, by
no small part because of decades of abuse. accepting China’s yuan in return for oil.
Lacking a healthy rate of saving at home, Short of a sudden and wholesale loss in
the U.S. leveraged its unique advantage to confidence by investors, it seems unlikely
borrow surplus savings from abroad, running that the U.S. dollar will replaced any time
ever larger annual deficits and keeping soon as the global reserve currency, but its
domestic interest rates artificially low. dominance has significantly eroded and the
In recent years, the role of the U.S. dollar rate of change appears to be accelerating.
as the world’s reserve currency has been In the wake of of the 2018 global financial
begun looking less like a privilege and more crisis, total U.S. debt—including unfunded
like a burden, with many economists future liabilities such as Social Security and
believing that the advantages of being the Medicare—hovered somewhere between
issuer of the reserve currency were always US$100 trillion and US$250 trillion.
more political than economic in nature. Of course, these debts will never be repaid
Until recently, the privileged status of the and default is virtually inevitable, the only
U.S. dollar remained unchallenged, mainly unknown being the method and day of
because only the U.S. economy and reckoning. The former could take the form
financial system are large, open, and of an outright refusal to honor the debt or,
flexible enough to provide the liquidity more likely, a de facto default via inflation.
sufficient to maintain global trade. Thus far, the U.S. government’s method of
Moreover, as a last resort, the dollar is dealing with record levels of debt and deficits
backed, in a very real sense, by the U.S. has been to simply create more debt, while
military, which has more than once imposed allowing the principle to accumulate. This is,
economic sanctions—or even gone to war— of course, the definition of a Ponzi scheme,
in response to threats to the status quo. and all Ponzi schemes eventually fail.
But while having access to foreign hoards Many experts believe the world is getting
of dollars allows Americans to consume close to the collapse of the global monetary
beyond their means, it could also be said to system and a monetary reset, characterized
impose that obligation on Americans. either by a fragmented, multipolar system—
(This is known as ‘Triffin’s dilemma,’ after consisting of a diminished U.S. dollar and
its originator, economist Robert Triffin.) an emerging Eurasian standard—or perhaps
As a result, the U.S. has become wholly the return to a system based on gold or
dependent on ever-rising levels of debt— some combination of raw commodities.
rather than growing its economy—in order One thing seems certain: Because U.S.
to sustain not only its economic dominance, profligacy has been largely enabled by its
but its unrivaled geopolitical power. decades long ‘exorbitant privilege,’ the loss
Other nations, notably Russia and China, or even decline of that privilege will be
have in recent years been forging bilateral extremely hard on ordinary Americans, the
agreements to bypass use of the U.S. dollar, majority of which are unaware of the danger
substituting their own currencies or gold. and woefully unprepared for the change. ◾

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