Victoria's Secrets by Martin Zamyatin

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myth america by martin zamyatin

Victoria’s Secrets
Azov Battalion members, Gianluca Agostini

A bad peace is worse than war.

As George Bush’s U.S. ambassador to
Tacitus (56-120 AD)

NATO from 2005-2008, Nuland’s primary
S THE WAR IN UKRAINE ENTERED mission was mobilizing European support
into overtime, Americans could be forgiven for the U.S.’s illegal occupation and two-
for not knowing the name Victoria Nuland, decade long war in Afghanistan.
as her name was still remarkably absent With this impeccable warmongering
from virtually all of the ‘official’ main- resume in hand, Nuland was subsequently
stream news about the ongoing conflict. appointed Assistant Secretary of State by
So who is Victoria Nuland, anyway? Barack Obama in 2013, and went on to act
For starters, she is married to notorious as the lead U.S. agent in fomenting the
neocon Robert Kagan, co-founder of the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine in 2014.
Project for the New American Century, the More accurately described as a coup, the
infamous 1997 think tank which outlined CIA-backed operation culminated in the
virtually the entire post-9/11 imperialist ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych and
project begun by president George Bush and the overthrow of the democratically-elected
still continuing under Joseph Biden. government in Ukraine.
As a deputy foreign policy adviser to vice Now in the Biden administration, Nuland
president (some would say de facto acting continues to promote an aggressive anti-
president) Dick Cheney, Nuland played a Russian policy in Ukraine, a stance that could
major role in planning the Gulf War in 1990. very well end up sparking World War III.
In a leaked phone call from January 2014, He tolerated Obama installing nuclear
Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, bombs and nuclear-capable missile
Geoffrey Pyatt, discussed the relative merits launchers in seven European countries—
of prominent opposition leaders in Ukraine’s including Poland and Romania, countries
transition to an interim government, seeking directly adjacent to Russia’s border—and
to install the candidate most favorable to the observed NATO’s complete lack of interest
U.S. and most hostile to Russia: in negotiating a diplomatic solution to the
Nuland: “I don't think Klitsch (Klitschko) crisis, apparently determined to provoke a
should go into the government…I think Yats Russian invasion to protect ethnic Russians
(Yatsenyuk) is the guy who's got the in the newly-declared eastern republics.
economic [and] governing experience.” The last straw, however, was former
The phone call ended with Nuland comedian and current president Volodymyr
complaining that the EU was taking too Zelensky’s public statement that Ukraine
long to get the coup going (literally might invite nuclear weapons on its soil,
commenting “F*ck the EU!”): “We want regardless of its status within NATO.
to try to get somebody with an international From the very start, praising far right
personality to come out here and help Ukrainian militas—including the openly
midwife this thing.” (The ‘international Nazi Azov Batalion—as ‘freedom fighters’,
personality’ referred to was then-vice Nuland exploited the extreme right, first by
president Joe Biden, who appears to have enlisting it to execute the 2014 coup, and
played a key role in engineering the then by directing it fight Russian separatists
resulting unconstitutional vote.) in Eastern Ukraine in an 8-year long civil
Barely a month later, despite having war which left at least 14,000 dead.
significant populist support, Klitschko These efforts had considerable backing
announced he would be withdrawing from from the Pentagon, multiple U.S. presidents,
the race and running for Mayor of Kiev. and the CIA. The U.S. ‘invested’ $5 billion
Nuland favorite Yatsenyuk was installed as in its efforts to ‘turn’ Ukraine, a futile
Prime Minister, and promptly signed the project that did little more than turn the
long sought-after EU trade agreement that perennially corrupt country into a financial
started the country down the road to war. —as well as now, a literal—black hole.
Far more than being just another ’regime According to one Pentagon insider, war
change’ in a country most Americans simulations by the military, which have
couldn’t find on a map, these interventions eerily predicted the course of events to date,
—masterminded by Victoria Nuland— indicate that NATO and Russia will
arguably forever damaged the state of continue to escalate until over a billion
Russia-Ukraine and Russia-U.S. relations. civilians on both sides are dead.
Russian president Vladmir Putin watched During the leaked call with Nuland,
as NATO added 14 new members between Ambassador Pyatt quipped, “We could land
1999 and 2020—half of them former Soviet- jelly-side up on this one if we move fast.”
bloc countries—despite reassurances from It’s probably safe to say that by ‘jelly’,
the the U.S. and Europe that NATO would he wasn’t referring to the aftermath of a
not expand its borders “one inch to the east.” nuclear confrontation with Russia. ◾

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