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Development of Master Board and Robotic

Arm for UGV

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree
of Bachelor of Technology in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Submitted To

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering,
Shirpur Campus (M.H.)

Submitted By:
Anshul Kumar (70061119056)
Manveer Singh Dadhiyala (70061119005)
Abhigyan Tiwari(70061119048)
Under The Supervision of:

Prof. Mayank Kothari

(Assistant Professor, EXTC)


Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
SESSION: 2022-23

This is to certify that the work embodies in this Project entitled “Development
of Master Board and Robotic Arm for UGV” being submitted by
“Anshul Kumar” (Roll No.: 70061119056)
“Manveer Singh Dadhiyala” (Roll No.: 70061119005)
“Abhigyan Tiwari” (Roll No.:)

for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of “Bachelor of

Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering” discipline
to “SVKM’s NMIMS, Shirpur (M.H.)” during the academic year 2022-23 is a
record of bonafide piece of work, carried out by him under my supervision and
guidance in the “Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering”, MPSTME, Shirpur (M.H.).

Prof. Mayank Kothari

(Assistant Professor, EXTC)


(Prof. Atul R Patil) (Dr. Venkatadri Marriboyina)

H.O.D., EXTC Associate Dean
MPSTME, Shirpur Campus MPSTME, Shirpur Campus


Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

The Project entitled “Development of Master Board and Robotic Arm for
UGV” being submitted by
“Anshul Kumar” (Roll No.: 70061119056)
“Manveer Singh Dadhiyala” (Roll No.: 70061119005)
“Abhigyan Tiwari” (Roll No.:)

has been examined by us and is hereby approved for the award of degree
“Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering Discipline”, for which it has been submitted. It is understood that
by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any
statement made, opinion expressed, or conclusion drawn therein, but approve the
project only for the purpose for which it has been submitted.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)

Date: Date:


Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

Anshul Kumar
Manveer Singh Dadhiyala
Abhigyan Tiwari

The students of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and

Telecommunication Engineering discipline, Session: 2022-23, MPSTME,
Shirpur Campus, hereby declare that the work presented in this Project entitled
“Development of Master Board and Robotic Arm for UGV” is the outcome
of our work, is bonafide and correct to the best of our knowledge and this work
has been carried out taking care of Engineering Ethics. The work presented does
not infringe any patented work and has not been submitted to any other university
or anywhere else for the award of any degree or any professional diploma.

(Anshul Kumar)
SAP ID.: 70061119056

(Manveer Singh Dadhiyala)

SAP ID.: 70061119005

(Abhigyan Tiwari)
SAP ID.:70061119048



Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
After the completion of this Major Project work, words are not enough to express my feelings
about all those who helped me to reach my goal; feeling above this is my indebtedness to The
Almighty for providing me this moment in life.

It’s a great pleasure and moment of immense satisfaction for me to express my profound
gratitude to Prof. Mayank Kothari, Assistant Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering Department, MPSTME, Shirpur, whose constant encouragement enabled me to
work enthusiastically. Their perpetual motivation, patience and excellent expertise in
discussion during progress of the project work have benefited me to an extent, which is beyond
expression. Their depth and breadth of knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering field made me realize that theoretical knowledge always helps to develop
hardware, which is a blend of all core subjects of the field. I am highly indebted to them for
their invaluable guidance and ever-ready support in the successful completion of this project
in time. Working under their guidance has been a fruitful and unforgettable experience.

We express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Prof Atul R Patil, Head of Department,
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department, MPSTME, Shirpur, for
providing necessary infrastructure and help to complete the project work successfully.

We also extend my deepest gratitude to Dr. Akshay Malhotra, Director, SVKM’S NMIMS,
Shirpur Campus and Dr. Venkatadri Marriboyina, Associate Dean, SVKM’S NMIMS, Shirpur
Campus for providing all the necessary facilities and true encouraging environment to bring
out the best of my endeavors.

We sincerely wish to express my grateful thanks to all members of the staff of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering department and all those who have embedded me with
technical knowledge of electronics and telecommunication during various stages of B.Tech.
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

We would like to acknowledge all my friends, who have contributed directly or indirectly in
this Major Project work.

The successful completion of a Major Project is generally not an individual effort. It is an

outcome of the cumulative effort of a number of persons, each having their own importance to
the objective. This section is a vote of thanks and gratitude towards all those persons who have
directly or indirectly contributed in their own special way towards the completion of this
Anshul Kumar
Manveer Singh Dadhiyala
Abhigyan Tiwari
Chapter No. Page

1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Overview



3.1 Problem Statement
3.2 Proposed Solution

4.1 ARM
4.2 Master Board
4.3 Motor Driver

5.1 3D printing and designing
5.2 PCB and Schematic Designing

6.1 Phase I
6.2 Phase II




1.1. Purpose
Our primary goal is to create a small and portable unmanned ground vehicle
(UGV) that can carry various payloads, detect objects, and deliver packages using
computer vision algorithms and machine learning with the help of an onboard
computer and camera. Additionally, we aim to develop an effective algorithm for
identifying and detecting objects, as well as implementing obstacle avoidance
functionality in the UGV. We also plan to design a lightweight body to house the
different parts and components of the vehicle.

1.2. Scope
Our proposal is to incorporate deep learning algorithms for object detection,
identification, and obstacle avoidance in an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
that is modular and can transport various types of cargo, such as medical supplies.
To put this concept into practice, we aim to create a strong and durable vehicle that
can operate effectively in diverse environmental conditions.

1.3. Overview
An unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is a type of vehicle that does not require a
human operator while in contact with the ground. It is typically operated remotely
using various controls. On the other hand, an autonomous ground vehicle (AGV)
can detect its surroundings and navigate from one location to another without
human intervention. These vehicles are useful in a variety of environments, from
small offices to large factories and open fields.
For bigger offices and factories, AGVs offer an efficient way to transport small
packages from one area to another. The size of the vehicle can be customized based
on the package size and the intended use of the vehicle.
In [1], presents a design and implementation of a teleoperated tracked vehicle
that can negotiate uneven terrain using an internally movable center of gravity.
The article describes the design of the vehicle, which includes a chassis, a
suspension system, and an internally movable mass that allows the center of
gravity to shift forward or backward.

The vehicle's control system is based on a teleoperation approach, which allows

an operator to control the vehicle's movement using a joystick. The article
presents the results of experiments that demonstrate the vehicle's ability to
negotiate uneven terrain, including steps, ramps, and inclined planes. The
experiments show that the vehicle can maintain stability and avoid tipping over
by adjusting its center of gravity.

The article concludes that the internally movable center of gravity design can
be a simple and effective approach for improving the mobility of tracked
vehicles on uneven terrain. The teleoperated control system also allows for safe
and precise control of the vehicle, making it suitable for various applications,
such as search and rescue, surveillance, and exploration.

In [2], presents a method for teaching robots how to navigate through an

environment by imitating human behavior. The approach is based on learning
control behaviors from human demonstrations and using them to generate robot
control policies.

The paper describes a framework that consists of three main components:

- A motion capture system for recording human demonstrations,
- A machine learning algorithm for learning control behaviors from the
demonstrations, and
- A robot control policy that maps sensor inputs to control outputs.

The paper presents experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of

the approach in a simulated environment and a real-world scenario. The
experiments show that the robot can successfully navigate through complex
environments by imitating human behavior and adapting to new situations.

The paper concludes that learning from human demonstration is a promising

approach for teaching robots how to perform complex tasks that are difficult to
program manually. The approach can reduce the need for extensive
programming and allow robots to adapt to new situations and environments.

In [3], presents the design and development of an autonomous unmanned

ground vehicle (UGV) that is low-cost and can be used for various applications.
The UGV is designed to navigate through an indoor environment, avoid
obstacles, and reach a target destination.

The paper describes the hardware components used in the UGV, including a
microcontroller, a motor driver, ultrasonic sensors, and a camera. The software
components include a navigation algorithm, obstacle avoidance algorithm, and
target tracking algorithm.

The paper presents experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of

the UGV in navigating through a maze, avoiding obstacles, and reaching a target
destination. The UGV was able to achieve a high success rate in the
experiments, showing that it is a reliable and cost-effective solution for
autonomous navigation.

The paper concludes that the low-cost UGV has the potential to be used in
various applications, such as surveillance, inspection, and exploration. The
UGV can be customized and expanded to include additional sensors and
capabilities, making it a versatile platform for autonomous navigation.

In [4], presents the design and development of a wireless mobile robotic arm
that is controlled remotely. The robotic arm is designed to be used in an
industrial environment, where it can be used to perform various tasks, such as
lifting and moving objects.

The paper describes the hardware components used in the robotic arm, including
servo motors, a microcontroller, and a wireless communication module. The
robotic arm is mounted on a mobile platform that allows it to move around and
reach different locations. The wireless communication module allows the
operator to control the robotic arm remotely using a joystick.

The paper presents experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of

the wireless mobile robotic arm in lifting and moving objects of different
weights. The results show that the robotic arm is capable of performing tasks
that are difficult for humans to perform, such as lifting heavy objects and
reaching high locations.

The paper concludes that the wireless mobile robotic arm has the potential to be
used in various industrial applications, such as manufacturing and construction.
The robotic arm can improve productivity and efficiency by reducing the need
for manual labor and increasing the accuracy and precision of tasks.

In[5], presents a method for designing an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle

(UGV) follower. The UGV follower is designed to follow a lead UGV
autonomously, without the need for manual control.

The paper describes the hardware and software components used in the UGV
follower, including a differential drive system, a sensor suite, and a control
system based on a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. The sensor
suite includes a GPS receiver, a magnetometer, and an inertial measurement unit
(IMU), which provide data on the position, orientation, and velocity of the

The paper presents experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of

the UGV follower in following a lead UGV autonomously. The results show
that the UGV follower is able to maintain a safe distance from the lead UGV,
avoid obstacles, and adapt to changes in the lead UGV's motion.

The paper concludes that the UGV follower has the potential to be used in
various applications, such as military convoy operations and robotic
exploration. The UGV follower can improve the safety and efficiency of UGV
operations by reducing the need for manual control and allowing UGVs to
operate in complex environments.

In [6], The paper covers the basics of the Atmega328 microcontroller, including
its architecture, pinout, and features. It also discusses the various components
and modules of the Arduino board, such as the power supply, voltage regulator,
USB interface, and programmable LED.

The authors then explain how to program the Atmega328 microcontroller using
the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) and provide a step-by-
step guide on how to write and upload a simple program to the board.

Additionally, the paper discusses the various applications of the Arduino

platform, such as in robotics, automation, and data acquisition systems. The
authors also highlight some of the advantages and limitations of the Arduino
platform and discuss some possible future directions for its development.

Overall, the paper provides a useful introduction to the Arduino platform and
its Atmega328 microcontroller, making it a valuable resource for beginners and
those interested in learning more about microcontrollers and embedded systems.

In [7], The authors explain that the Raspberry Pi is used as the main controller
for the weather station, while the Arduino UNO is used as a sensor interface
board. The authors describe the process of connecting the sensors to the Arduino
board and programming it to collect and process the sensor data.

To interface the Arduino with the Raspberry Pi, the authors use a serial
communication protocol. They explain how to configure the serial port settings
on both the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi and provide sample code for
establishing a serial connection and sending data between the two devices.

The authors also describe the software environment and libraries required for
the project, including the Python Serial library for communicating with the
Arduino and the Flask web framework for building a web-based interface to
visualize the sensor data.

Overall, the paper provides a useful guide for those interested in interfacing
Arduino and Raspberry Pi microcontrollers for sensor applications. The authors
provide clear and detailed instructions for setting up the hardware and software
components and offer insights into the potential applications and extensions of
the project.
Based on the study with the help of above-mentioned Research papers,
comparisons were made between various existing parts and a final component
list was selected.

Specification AtMega328P STM32

Clock Speed 20 MHz 24 to 480 MHz
CPU-Type 8 Bit 32 Bit
Flash memory 32KB 1MB
Performance 20MIPS 225 MIPS
Price Rs.200 Rs.1300
Availability In Stock Out Of Stock
Ease of compatibility with OBC Quite easy to interface Very hard to interface
Table.1:ATMega328P & STM32 Comparison

Specification L293D DRV8816

Driver Quadruple Half H-Bridge Driver Dual Half H-Bridge Driver
Manufacturer STMicroelectronics Texas Instruments
Op. Voltage 4.5V to 36V Up to 38 Volts
Op. Current 600mA 2.8 Amps
Price Rs. 50 Rs 100
Availability In Stock On Backorder
Table.2:L293D & DRV8816 Comparison

The rest of the components required are mentioned below:

Hardware components:
● Plywood
● 3d Printed Arm Parts
● Servos

● ATmega328P (master Board IC)
● L293D Motor Driver
● Resistors and LED
● 16Mhz Oscillator
● 100 rpm Geared (Motors)
● 5200 mAH Lipo (batteries)
● Software Requirements:

Parameter Tool/Software Description

3d Printing Prusa Slicer Prusa Slicer is a popular open-source slicing

software that can be used with many different
types of 3D printers. Prusa Slicer allows users to
slice 3D models into layers and generate G-code,
which is the set of instructions that tell the 3D
printer how to move and extrude the filament to
create the final object.

Language C C programming language is a general-purpose,

procedural computer programming language . It
is widely used for developing system software,
application software, and embedded systems. C
language is considered the foundation of modern
programming languages.

3d Design Onshape Onshape is a cloud-based computer-aided design

(CAD) software that allows engineers, designers,
and manufacturers to collaborate on 3D modeling
and product design in real-time.

PCB designing Altium Designer Altium Designer is a software package used for
the design of electronic printed circuit boards
(PCBs). It is widely used by engineers, designers,
and PCB manufacturers to create and edit circuit
board layouts, schematics, and other documents
related to the manufacturing process.

Schematic Designing Easy EDA EasyEDA is a free and easy-to-use electronic

circuit design and simulation software that allows
users to design, edit, and simulate circuits online.

Table.3: Software description

3.Chapter 3:


3.1.1. Problem Statement:
● Development of a microcontroller-based control board.
● Development of a mechanism for lifting and moving the payload.
● Solution for a way of storing various payloads.
● Development of motor driver controller.

3.1.2. Proposed working:

Fig.1 Flow Diagram of Proposed Working

The above block diagram represents the working of our entire project:
- Raspberry Pi initializes the Pi cam, that detects the object within
its frame.
- Once the object is detected, it communicates the movement data
with the master board via serial communication.
- Raspberry Pi sends char data to the master board.
- Based on the char data, there are predefined functions for each
char data for the motor to navigate to the object.
- If there is no char data received the rover will not move
- Once the rover reaches the object, the master board commands
the arm to pick up the object and place it in the payload pod
- The rover then finds another object to place the object to a new
- It navigates itself to the destination and then using the arm it
drops the object to the destination.

4.1.1. ARM:
Arm on a rover is to give it the ability to interact with the environment and
perform a variety of tasks. An arm with multiple degrees of freedom allows
the rover to manipulate objects in its environment, take samples, or perform
repairs, among other things.

An arm gives the rover a high degree of flexibility and adaptability, enabling
it to perform a wide range of tasks with a single tool. Without an arm, a
rover would be limited to driving around and taking pictures or using its
wheels to scoop up material, which would be much less versatile and less
effective in performing complex tasks.

Fig.2 Flow Diagram Of ARM

The block diagram above represents the work flow of the arm.
- Initially the Onboard Computer, which is the raspberry pi
communicates with the ATmega328P master board.
- The arm is connected to the master board’s GPIO (General
Purpose Input and Output) pins.
- The master board receives the serial command from the
raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi only commands the Master board to initiate the
process related to the arm.
- There are six servos that allows the arm to have 6 degrees of
freedom to move.
- All the degree of motion is listed in the block diagram.
- Servo 1 to servo 3 are heavy duty servo that require 6 volts of to
operates at its rated torque. On the other hand, servo 4 to servo 6
are rated for 5 volts and provide lesser torque.
- Servo 1 to servo 3 are heavy duty to compensate for the weight
of the arm as well as the payload.
- Servo 4 to servo 6 are smaller low rated servo to make the upper
body of arm smaller and optimized.
- Master board send the PWM signal to each and every servo with

4.1.2. Master Board:

We created a custom master board for controlling the movement of the rover
and arm based on the Signals provided by the OBC. We are using a
ATmega328p Microcontroller as the base of the Master Board as it has a
large community of users, which means there is a wealth of information and
support available online which makes it easy to approach compared to other

Fig.3 Flow Diagram of Master Board

The block diagram above represents the working of Master Board and its
communication with other components:
- When raspberry Pi initializes itself, it detects the object.
- The communication between the master board and the raspberry
PI begins with a serial communication protocol at a baud rate of
- The master board has two sets of GPIO pins, each one to control
a specific set of tasks, i.e., Arm and Movement.
- These GPIO pins uses PWM signal for its communication.
- There are six GPIO pins utilized for controlling the L293D
Motor driver.
- Another set of 6 GPIO pins are utilized for controlling the arm.
4.1.3. Motor Driver:
We decide to choose L293d as the IC for our Motor Driver because it has
Quad H-Bridge which can control the direction of the Motor in both

Fig.4 Flow Diagram of Motor Driver

The block diagram above represents the working of Motor Driver:
- Six GPIO pins are connected to the L293D motor Driver IC
- This IC is a dual half bridge IC that enables the user to control
the direction of two motors individually.
- This specific IC can take a maximum input of 36 volts for driving
heavy duty motors. However, in our case we will be using 12
volts to power two motors.
- There are 4 input pins on the IC that is used to communicate with
the driver IC from the master board to command the direction of
each motor.
- Additionally, there are two EN pins that is used as switch to
switch on and off the motors.
- There are two power sources required for this IC, Vcc that can
be only supplied with 5 volts to power the IC. Other voltage input
is used to power the motors.
5.1.1. 3D Printing and Designing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of creating

three-dimensional objects by layering successive layers of material until the
object is complete. The theory behind 3D printing is based on the principles
of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing

Steps for 3D Printing:

1. Design the 3D model:
Using computer-aided design (CAD) software or 3D scanning,
the first stage in 3D printing is to generate or acquire a 3D model.
You may either build the model from scratch or download it from
an internet repository like Thingiverse or MyMiniFactory.

2. Slice the model:

When the 3D model is prepared, slicing software must be used
to divide it into tiny layers. This program turns the three-
dimensional model into a set of instructions that the three-
dimensional printer may use to construct the object layer by
layer. A .gcode file is used to store the sliced model.

3. Set up the printer:

Before printing, the 3D printer needs to be set up. This includes
calibrating the printer, leveling the build plate, and loading the
printing material.

4. Load the filament:

The 3D printer uses a filament or resin to build the object. The
filament is loaded into the printer's extruder, which heats the
material to a specific temperature and extrudes it through a

5. Start the print:

Once the printer is set up and the filament is added, the 3D model
may be produced. The .gcode file is sent to the printer, and
printing is then initiated. The printer will deposit the material
layer by layer while adhering to the slicing software's

6. Post-processing:
After the print is finished, the object must be taken out of the
printer along with any extra material or support structures.
Additional post-processing operations like sanding, painting, or
polishing could be necessary depending on the material and
design. ARM 3D Model:

Fig.5 3D Model Of ARM

The above image is of the ARM that would be deployed on the Rover it
is claw based design which is controlled with help 6 Servos to move
around in all the 3 axes. The Movement of the ARM will be controlled
by the custom Master board. Once rover is in the correct position the
OBC will send signal to the Master board which will control the ARM
to pick up the target object, place it on the payload pod and pick it from
there and place it on the desired delivery location. The below table will
show the dimensions for the various sub-parts of the Arm:
Sr. No. Part Length Width Height (mm)
(mm) (mm)
1 Base 121 121 56
2 Shoulder 96.99 97 64
3 Elbow 166.68 43.22 21
4 Arm 115 38 27
5 Wrist 46 33 28
6 Claw 43 48 22
Table.4: Dimensions of ARM 3D Printing Of ARM

Fig. 6.1 Spliced Parts of ARM

Fig. 6.2 Spliced Parts of ARM

Fig. 6.3 Spliced Parts of ARM

Sr No. Part Time took To

Print (in Hours)
1. Base 18
2. Shoulder 16
3. Elbow 10
4. Arm 14
5. Wrist 4
6. Claw 1.5

Table.5: Time taken for 3D printing

5.1.2. Schematic and PCB Designing:

Schematic designing is the process of creating a diagram that represents the
electrical connections and functions of the components in an electronic
circuit. A schematic typically includes symbols representing components
such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, and integrated circuits, as well as
lines representing the connections between them. The schematic serves as a
blueprint for the PCB layout designer, who will use it to create the physical
layout of the board.

PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board, which is a board made of insulating
material with conductive pathways etched onto its surface. PCBs are used
to connect and control electronic components in various devices.

Steps for PCB making:

- Schematic Design: The schematic design is the first step in PCB

designing. In this stage, the circuit is designed using schematic capture
software such as Altium Designer or Eagle CAD. The designer selects
the appropriate components and places them on the schematic diagram.
The connections between the components are defined by drawing wires
or nets.
- Component Library Creation: Once the schematic is complete, the
component library is created. This involves creating and assigning
footprints to each component in the circuit. A footprint is a physical
representation of the component that shows how it will be placed and
connected on the PCB. The footprints are added to the library so that
they can later be used in the PCB layout design.
- PCB Layout Design: In this step, the physical layout of the board is
designed using PCB layout software such as KiCad or Allegro PCB. The
components are placed on the board according to the schematic, and
their connections are defined by routing traces between them. The goal
is to create a layout that is compact, efficient, and meets all necessary
design rules.
- Design Rule Check (DRC): After the layout is complete, a DRC is
performed to ensure that the design meets the required specifications and
standards. The DRC checks for errors such as short circuits, clearance
violations, and minimum trace widths. The designer must correct any
errors before moving on to the next step.
- Gerber File Generation: Gerber files are generated from the completed
layout. These files contain information about the location, size, and
shape of all the components, as well as the routing of the traces on the
board. The Gerber files are used by the PCB fabricator to manufacture
the board.
- PCB Fabrication: Once the Gerber files are generated, the PCB can be
fabricated. This step involves printing the board onto a copper-clad
substrate, etching the copper to create the necessary traces and pads, and
drilling holes for the components. The finished PCB is then inspected
for defects.
- Assembly: In the final step, the components are mounted on the board
and soldered into place. The assembled board is then tested to ensure
that it functions correctly. If any errors are found, they must be corrected
before the board can be used. Schematic and PCB Design for Master Board

Fig. 7.1 Schematic of Master Board

Fig. 7.2 Footprint of Master Board

Fig. 7.3 PCB Design of Master Board Schematic and PCB Design for Motor Driver

Fig. 8.1 Schematic of Motor Driver

Fig. 8.2 Footprint of Motor Driver

Fig. 8.3 PCB Design of Motor Driver

5.1.3. Vehicle Command Received from OBC

After picking the object another command is sent form the Onboard computer
will detect the green object and send the command to the master control board
to move towards the green colored mother station and to drop the payload from
the payload to the mother station in this the whole operation of moving the
vehicle picking the object and dropping is done autonomously and is
controlled by Onboard computer raspberry pi.

The table below lists the various function names and the commands that were
delivered from the Raspberry Pi serially to the master control board. Function Name Command Sent Command Description

1 PICK P P Command to pick the


2 DROP D D Command to Drop the


3 FORWARD F F Command to move

the vehicle backward

4 BACKWARD B B Command to move

the vehicle backward

5 LEFT L L Command to move


6 RIGHT R R Command to move


Table.6: Vehicle Commands

6.1.1. Phase I
Dates Task
Aug’22 Literature Review and discussion
of the project title
Review – I Sep’22 Getting approval over the chosen
Review – II Oct’22 Research & Finalizing
Phase – I Oct’22 PCB Design & 3D Arm Design

6.1.2. Phase II
Dates Task
Review – III Jan’22 Fabrication Of PCB &RM
Review – IV Feb’23 Prototype
Phase – II Mar’23 Final Product

Fig. 9.1 Final Master Controller Board

Fig. 9.2 Final Motor Driver Board

Fig. 9.3 3D Printed ARM

Fig. 9.4 Final Assembly

In this project, we developed a rover with a robotic arm that can pick and
drop objects according to user-defined locations. The rover uses a Raspberry
Pi to detect objects in its frame and sends commands to a custom
ATmega328P microcontroller board, which controls the L293D motor driver
to move the rover. Once the rover reaches the object, it picks it up and drops
it off at the user-defined location. Through this project, we achieved our
main objectives of developing a functional rover with a robotic arm and
demonstrating its ability to pick and drop objects according to user input. We
encountered several challenges during the development process, such as
optimizing the algorithm for object detection and achieving smooth
movement of the robotic arm. However, through careful experimentation and
troubleshooting, we were able to overcome these challenges successfully.
While the project has limitations, such as the need for a distinctive color on
the objects for detection, it represents an exciting development towards
autonomous robotics and automation.


There is potential for further enhancement of the rover's capabilities.
Improving the accuracy of object detection through the integration of
machine learning algorithms is one area of future work. Additionally, there is
potential to incorporate other sensors like LiDAR or SONAR to enable the
rover to navigate autonomously.
Furthermore, the rover's applications extend beyond picking and dropping
objects. It could potentially be used for hazardous material handling,
inspection of hard-to-reach areas, and space exploration.
Overall, this project demonstrates the potential for robotics and automation
to revolutionize various industries. It serves as an excellent foundation for
further research and development in this field.
9.Chapter 9: References
9.1. References:
1. Fukuoka, Y., Oshino, K., & Ibrahim, A. N. (2022). Negotiating Uneven Terrain
by a Simple Teleoperated Tracked Vehicle with Internally Movable Center of
Gravity. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(1).
2. M. Wigness, J. G. Rogers and L. E. Navarro-Serment, "Robot Navigation from
Human Demonstration: Learning Control Behaviors," 2018 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018, pp. 1150-1157,
DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8462900.
3. Lam Loong Man, C. K. Y., Koonjul, Y., & Nagowah, L. (2018). A low cost
autonomous unmanned ground vehicle. Future Computing and Informatics
Journal, 3(2), 304–320.
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Sr. No. Figure No. Figures Page
1 1 Flow Diagram of Proposed Working 16
2 2 Flow Diagram of ARM 18
3 3 Flow Diagram of Master Board 19
4 4 Flow Diagram of Motor Driver 20
5 5 3D Model of ARM 24
6 6.1 Spliced Part of ARM 25
7 6.2 Spliced Part of ARM 25
8 6.3 Spliced Part of ARM 25
9 7.1 Schematic of Master Board 27
10 7.2 Footprint of Master Board 28
11 7.3 PCB Design of Master Board 28
12 8.1 Schematic of Motor Driver 28
13 8.2 Footprint of Motor Driver 29
14 8.3 PCB Design of Motor Driver 29
15 9.1 Final Master Board 34
16 9.2 Final Motor Driver 34
17 9.3 3D Printed ARM 35
18 9.4 Final Assembly 35

Sr. No. Table No. Description Page
1 1 ATMega 328P & STM32 Comparison 13
2 2 L293D & DRV8816 Comparison 13
3 3 Software Description 14
4 4 Dimension of ARM 24
5 5 Time taken for 3D printing 26
6 6 Vehicle Commands 30

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