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Plan version

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 Created by Luis Francisco Herranz, last modified by Guillermo Ballesteros on Oct 19,

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A plan version represents a specific scenario or subset in which organizational data can be
created. There can exist several plan versions in any system but the following points should
be reviewed:

 In the plan version flagged as active, you can create your current valid organizational
plan. This is also the integration plan version which will be used if integration with
Personnel Administration is active.
 Additional plan versions can be created for additional organizational plans as
planning scenarios.

The user can customize which plan version is active in the view T77S0, fields

Be aware the plan version is represented internally with the field PLVAR inside each record
of a PD infotype (such as 1000 or 1001). Also it will be part of the selection of organizational
management reports.

Plan versions allow you to depict alternative plans in your system. However, only one version
can be integrated. So, for example, you can have plan versions 01,02, AS and DS but only
one can be integrated and active. As a naming convention, the plan version '01' is usually
used to represent the current active plan.  There is a special technical plan version used in
transports of PD objects called ".:".

Tip: There are two reports which can be used to move/copy data between versions:

o RHCOPL00 → Copy Plan Version
o RHCOPLPT → Reconcile Plan Versions (Partly)

Additionally to this, below you can find solution to two known issues:

 2504651  Unable to change start date of object in PP01

 1839603  Dumps in SU01 due to missing plan version customizing in the client

1. ERP Human Capital Management

2. …
3. FAQ in PY
Multiple countries using MOLGA 99
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 Created by Carlos Martinez Escribano, last modified on Dec 10, 2012

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Through this wiki I will give you some useful hints in case you want to run payroll for
several countries for which there is no SAP standard payroll driver in the same instance .

You can see whether a localization is available for a given country at the following link in
SAP marketplace:


It is not possible to have several countries using molga 99. Therefore I  recommend to use the
international payroll driver RPCALCX0 (Molga 99) as a template. You can create a payroll
driver under the specific country molga by copying the mentioned template.

E.g. you want to run payroll for Cabo Verde and there is not a standard payroll driver for that

Go to transaction SE38 and copy RPCALCX0 into a Z* program:

 Finally change molga '99' to molga "CV":

Whenever you do a modification, use a copy of the include you are going to modify.

Also here:

Related tables:

T52B4, T500L

Note (Prerrequisite):

It's not enough to create a payroll driver, but you require a country grouping and a cluster ID
for saving the payroll results.

Check SAP note 212246  for additional information.

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 November 27, 2014 5 minute read

 OM – PA Integration Concepts
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 Hi All,
 In this document, I shall explain about the integration switches and how does they
work in SAP.
 In the SAP system the integration is controlled using switches. All the integration
switches are stored in table T77S0. PA – OM integration is defined by PLOGI –
ORGA in this table.
 If the value of PLOGI-ORGA is set to X that means integration is switched ON
between PA and OM module. There are other switches as well for PLOGI group, but
for time being we will only focus on this one.
 Example: Organization Management
 We shall further now see how the data is stored in Organization Management in SAP
HCM. For this we are considering only the below objects:
 1. Organization Unit – Object Type – O
 2. Position – Object Type – S
 3. Job – Object Type – C
 TCode used is PPOM_OLD.

 Each object has a unique object ID, start date, end date, short text and description.
 All this data is stored in HRP1000 table – here we shall take the example of
Organization Unit – 50001514 – Maintenance

 All Organizational Unit, Position and Job objects created in Organizational

Management are also stored in Personnel Administration in tables T527X, T528B and
T513S respectively.
 Table T527X:

 Table T528B:

 Table T513S:

 Thus, this forms the PA part of OM. In OM the Org Unit and Position was created.
Due to the integration switches maintained in table T77S0, this gets populated even in
PA tables.
 In OM Relationship plays a very crucial role. It defines how an object is related to
other object. The basic relationships used in this case are as below:
 Org Unit Belongs To (A003) Org Unit
 Position Reports To (A002) Position
 Job Describes (A007) Position
 In the SAP system, there are two types to relationships i.e. Top Down (A***) and
Bottom Up (B***).
 User created only one of the two relationships, and the system created the other
relationship (reverse relationship) automatically. So each of the above examples, we
will have the following as well.
 Org Unit Incorporate (B003) Org Unit
 Position Is Line Supervisor Of (B002) Position
 Position Is Described By (B007) Job
 The following screen shows how the relationship data is stored in HRP1001 table.

 In the above screen Org Unit 50001514 Reports to (A002) Org Unit 50000076.
 Org Unit 50001514 Incorporates (B003) positions 50001552, 50001567, 50001581,
50001594, 50001600, 50001832
 Position 50001594 Reports to (A002) Position 50000436.
 Position 50001594 Belongs to (A003) Org Unit 50001514.
 Position 50001594 Is Described by (B007) Job 50000584.
 Now let us see reverse relationship for each of the above is stored in the system.
 In the below screen we see Org Unit 50000076 is Line Supervisor of (B002) Org Unit

 In the below screen we see that positions 50001552, 50001567, 50001581, 50001594,
50001600, 50001832 Belong to (A003) Org Unit 50001514:

 In the below screen we see Position 50000436 is Line Supervisor of (B002) Position

 In the below screen we see that Job 50000584 is described by (B007) Position

 Integration with Personnel Administration:

 Now let us hire one employee in PA using Position 50001594:

 When performing hiring action in the system, we select/enter position ID on infotype
0000-Action screen. See the screen above. Once Infotype 0000 screen is saved, we get
Infotype 0001-Organizational Assignment screen:

 We can see that as Position was maintained properly, and Relationships assigned to
each object type, the same was not required to enter manually, and system did that
automatically. This is exactly what PA-OM Integration does.
 So how does PA – OM Integration Works?
 Based on position selected in IT0000 screen the system finds out which Org Unit does
the position belongs to and what is the job that describes the position. Both these
values are then captured in IT0001 screen as shown above.
 Infotype 0001 data is stored in table PA0001 as shown below:

 Here we can see Organization Unit (ORGEH), Position (PLANS) and Job (STELL)
being captured for employee number 101.
 Employee Number 101 is also visible in PPOM_OLD as shown below:

 Position to Person and Person to Position relationships are created in HRP1001.

 In the following screen we see Person 101 is Holder (A008) of position 50001594

 SAP system uses position 99999999 as default integration position. In cases where
user does not know the position on which employee needs to be hired, we use default
integration position 9999999.
 This is maintained as PLOGI PRELI in integration table T77S0:

 If the Integration switch PLOGI ORGA is set to X that means Integration between
OM and PA is active.
 If the integration switch PLOGI PRELI is set to 99999999 that means that in case user
do not know the position number of any employee, in that case 99999999 can be used.
This number autmatically gets populated during the time of Separation also.
 Let us now separate employee number 101 and see how the above scenario works:

 Save
 The below pop up appears:

 Click on yes, and check for IT0001 in next screen:

 In the above screen we can see that position has become default, but Org Unit and Job
still exists.
 This is possible due to the integration switches maintained above.
 Standard SAP Reports for PA-OM Integration
 Following standard SAP reports are available for PA-OM integration.
 RHINTECHECK – This check report checks objects involved in integration for
inconsistencies, in other words it looks for differences in the data status between PA
and OM tables.
 RHINTE10 – This report allows you to create object types in Personnel
Administration (HR-PA) which have already been set up in Organizational
Management (HR-OM) and which are needed for integration.
 RHINTE20 – This report can be used to check whether the relevant object types for
integration have been created in both Personnel Administration (HR-PA) and
Organizational Management (HR-OM).Objects that are missing either in PA or OM
can be created immediately.
 RHINTE30 – This report creates a batch input session for specified personnel
numbers. The session updates infotype 0001 “Organizational Assignment” (PA) for
the persons concerned.
 Hope I was able to explain the OM PA integration concepts clearly in this document.
 Regards,
 Bhagyashree

Integration PA OM
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In the past fortnight, I have learnt of a big gap in our SAP Process.

We are a small enterprise with myself as the SAP analyst covering everything from BASIS,
HR, FICO, MM, SD and Projects.

A couple of months ago I performed major changes to our workforce planning.  The
Organisation structure was extracted using Aquire’s Orgpublisher and everything looked

Then a senior manager pointed out incorrect data appearing on a person’s organisation
information.  Embarrasing!

I had moved the position to a different org unit, but this was not reflected in PA20.   Nor was
it displaying the correct position description. 

I double checked that the dates on the infotypes for the position.  They were correct, so
today’s date should not have picked up historic data.

Our support partners have highlighted a couple of switches that needed to be corrected and
pointed to programs RHINTE10 & RHINTE30.  These will produce a batch input file to
update the PA information.

Why is this not fully integrated?  The HR system with it’s infotypes is complex enough
without SAP only doing half the job. 

How do other organisations synchronise the data between OM and PA?

Does HR run the jobs or should a sched job be set up?

Search Node Functionality in PA – OM
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This is the first time I am sharing my knowledge in SCN. I hope my document would be helpful.

Our client had a requirement that sensitive data cannot be a part of search criteria in HR transactions
such as PA20/30, PPPM/D, PPOSE/ PPOME etc.

For our client, date of birth of employee is considered sensitive and they have requested us to
remove/ hide date of birth and Start date when we are searching through Person. Employee’s Start
date is pulled from IT0002 – Start date which is also the date of birth of an employee in the
transaction code PPOME/ PPOSE.

For Ex: When we are searching for an employee through PPOSE/ PPOME by using PERSON Node,
Valid From is retrieved from Person’s Date of Birth

Collective Search : PREMK

Though it is maintained in PREMK that begda and Endda information is retrieved from PA0001, but at
the back end for collective search function module / program , the information is retrieved from

Since this is SAP Standard program, we have come up with alternate solution by manipulating the
display with config if required. We have raised it with SAP
“We are using the column group NF_STP and that one includes the column ORG_BEGDA and
ORG_ENDDA. To fill those columns we are using the generic function module
OM_FILL_STANDARD_COLUMNS. The dates displayed for ‘validity’ are birthdate and high-date of

We can’t change the way ORG_BEGDA and ORG_ENDDA are filled; you may create your
own column group and attach that to the relevant search tool which is

We looked up the column group that is used to display the hitlist:

Then for this scenario we decided not to use the Valid from any more. So we removed it in config

SPRO > Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Hierarchy Framework > Column
Searched for Column Group NF_STP and hidden the column ORG_BEGDA.

And it is no longer available

This will be applicable to PPOME, PPOCE and PPOSE.

The collective search help and the search term does not display the birth date as per the request but if
you run a free search the value is displayed if the user select the field as part of the output.  See
To identify the Object manager in the search area of the HR transaction, set/get parameter
OM_OBJM_SCEN_DISPLAY is set, you can see in the search areas which object manager scenario
is active in an instance of the object manager.

SU01 for the User profile

Object Scenario: for Transaction code PPPM / PPPD

Object Scenario: for Transaction code PA20/PA30


Object Scenario: for Transaction code PPOME/PPOCE/PPOSE

As shown above, the object manager for PPOSE/ PPOSE/PPOCE is OMEOO0

SPRO > Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Hierarchy Framework > Object
The search scenario for OME000

Search Node Key

P – Person

C- Job

O- Organisation Unit

US – User

S- Position

T – Task

For each Search Node Key, we have different search tool such as

based on Position numbering.

The Free search node position 4 calls the Class CL_HR_ST_ADHOC_SELECTION

The search tool Class CL_HR_ST_ADHOC_SELECTION calls the table : T77OMAHQ_FUNCARS

which gives mapping to ADHOC QUERIES.
Proposed Solution

1. We have copied the existing infoset /SAPQUERY/HR_XX_OM_P to ZHR_XX_OM_P under

Global Area.
2. Deleted the DATE OF BIRTH related fields from the custom Infoset ZHR_XX_OM_P.
Generated the infoset

2. Fields  that are removed from Infoset are


          3. Maintained the table T77OMAHQ_FUNCAR with the enteries


4. Tested PPOSE
Fields related to Date of Birth did not get dispalyed.

Report RHINTE10
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RHINTE10 - Prepare Integration (OM with PA)
This program allows you to create object types in Personnel Administration which have
already been set up in Personnel Planning and Development and which are needed for

The following object types are relevant to integration:

Work center (object type A) Tables T528B, T528T

Job (Object type C) Tables T513, T513S
Position (Object type S) Tables T528B, T528T
Organizational unit (Object type O) Table T527X

Only objects which exist in status 1 (active) in the integration plan version are included (see
in PD Customizing under Set active plan version, entry PLOGI PLOGI in table T77S0).

The integration object types are required for infotype 0001 "Organizational Assignment". A
program run can take place for one or all object types.

Please refer to the report documentation for the parameter settings. (In transaction SE38 input
report name and click Documentation)

Question or Problem

RHINTE10 report deletes T528B table entries?

Please find the explanation in report document for parameter: Deleting Non-Existent

"Controls whether objects in Personnel Administration tables (HR-PA) that only exist in

these tables and not in Personnel Planning and Development ( HR-PD) should be deleted."

PA OM Integration Basic Settings

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This article will provide you with common settings to check whether the integration switch
has been correctly setup in your system.

Activating integration has the following effects:

Changes to Organizational Management objects (organizational unit, job, position, cost

center) relevant to integration are transferred to Personnel Administration

Changes to the organizational assignment of employees (infotype 0001) are transferred from
Personnel Administration to Organizational Management

Check out IMG configuration steps and documentations before further process:

IMG: Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Integration >

Integration with Personnel Administration

 Check the usage of below reports and execute it accordingly.

1. RHINTE00 – Transfer PA records into PD positions –batch

2. RHINTE10 – Prepare Integration (OM with PA) –batch

2. RHINTE20 – Create OM objects in PA tables – Online

3. RHINTE30 – Bulk update of infotype 0001

4. RHINTECHECK – Program to check PA to PD

5. RHCHECKV - Checks all inverse relationships

Also data maintained or transported to below tables are important.  

Work center (object type A) Tables T528B, T528T
Job (Object type C) Tables T513, T513S
Position (Object type S) Tables T528B, T528T
Organizational unit (Object type O) Table T527X

Switches in table T77S0

Please press Documentation button, and F1 help on the line to check the usage of each

NOTE: To activate the integration, PLOGI ORGA must set as 'X', and it is not advised to
switch on and off the integration once you have decided to start PA OM integration.

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Report RHINTECHECK process the consistency check between OM and PA, the result can
help to analyze the inconsistency data. It looks for differences in the data status between PA
and PD tables.The report carries out a complete check for inconsistencies between PD and
PA tables. It then returns inconsistencies in the following objects or assignments:

- Position
- Job
- Organizational unit
- Cost center
- Business area
- Account assignment cost center PA
- Account assignment cost center OM

If there has data inconsistency found, in the generated log, you can click the Question Mark
to check the details.

Report RHINTE00
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RHINTE00 Transfer Organizational Assignment (PA -> PD)

This report reads the infotype records of the Organizational Assignment infotype (0001)
created in PA. The system then checks whether all or some of these records exist in PD.

If all these records exist in PD, that is for the entire validity period of the PA record, a log is
output. The log indicates that no changes are required in PD and no batch input session is

Please read the documentation carefully before further process, document can be found
in transaction SE38 -> RHINTE00
Question or Problem 
Org unit or Position description updated with RHINTE00

RHINTE00 Report's performance issue

Regarding the settings of report parameters:

More often, customer want to know how should they set the parameters to run this report?

Please refer to the report documentation, which you could find by click the information mark
on top of the report or click documentation under transaction SE38 with report name.

Also, move the mouse focus to each field and press F1, could get help document for
individual field.

Report documentation contains information of:

Report usage description

Object validity period determination rule

Transfer PA OM object text and abbreviation

Rules to process changes for employees who have already left the company

Parameter setting description

Employee with multiple position assignment

*The report outputs a batch input session or a list of objects found for the session. It also
outputs a list of personnel numbers for which no relationship with a position exists.

Therefore it is necessary to execute the batch input session in order to get change in place.
You can find and execute the batch input session in transaction SM35.

See Also
Read suggested related topics:

 Note 637221 RHINTE00: Old holder relationships are not delimited

 Note 554412 RHINTE00 Creation of new holder relationships

1. ERP Human Capital Management

2. …
3. HCM PA OM Integration
Report RHINTE10
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RHINTE10 - Prepare Integration (OM with PA)

This program allows you to create object types in Personnel Administration which have
already been set up in Personnel Planning and Development and which are needed for

The following object types are relevant to integration:

Work center (object type A) Tables T528B, T528T

Job (Object type C) Tables T513, T513S
Position (Object type S) Tables T528B, T528T
Organizational unit (Object type O) Table T527X

Only objects which exist in status 1 (active) in the integration plan version are included (see
in PD Customizing under Set active plan version, entry PLOGI PLOGI in table T77S0).

The integration object types are required for infotype 0001 "Organizational Assignment". A
program run can take place for one or all object types.

Please refer to the report documentation for the parameter settings. (In transaction SE38 input
report name and click Documentation)

Question or Problem

RHINTE10 report deletes T528B table entries?

Please find the explanation in report document for parameter: Deleting Non-Existent

"Controls whether objects in Personnel Administration tables (HR-PA) that only exist in

these tables and not in Personnel Planning and Development ( HR-PD) should be deleted."

Report RHINTE20
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This report is used to create missing objects (OM or PA)

Please find below description for report RHINTE20, which also described in the report
document. (You could find the document under transaction SE38)

This program can be used to check whether the relevant object types for integration have
been created in both Personnel Administration (HR-PA) and Personnel Planning and
Development (HR-PD).

The entries in the HR tables T513/T513S (job), T528B/T528T (position, work center) and
T527X (organizational unit) are compared with the corresponding objects that have been
created in the HRPnnnn file for PD in the integration plan version.

Objects that are missing either in PA or PD can be created immediately.

"Object ID" Parameter

For normal use of this report, do not enter an object ID. If you do, the system cannot return
the expected results. An exception to this is the special case described below:

Special Case:
If you only want to update or create certain Organizational Management (HR-PD) objects
from Personnel Administration (HR-PA), you can specify the HR-PD objects you do not
want to update by making a multiple selection under the object ID.

These objects do not appear in the results list 'Objects not in OM' and are therefore excluded
from the update.

However, note that if you use the report in this way, the results list 'Objects not in OM' can
differ from the title of the list in that it can include existing objects on the HR-PD side, but
also objects that do not exist there.

"Integration Objects Only (PA)" Parameter

Selection parameter for reading PA table entries

'X' Only integration entries are selected.

Report RHINTE30
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This report creates a batch input session for specified personnel numbers. The session updates
infotype 0001 "Organizational Assignment" (PA) for the persons concerned.

The organizational assignment which was created by previous actions in Personnel Planning
and Development is transferred to infotype 0001.

Important Parameters of report

Parameter "Only open personnel numbers"

In this case, of the personnel numbers specified only those that are also stored in table
'HRINTE30" are edited.

This table contains personnel numbers if you selected the setting BTCI (=PA update per
batch) when you maintained the basic settings for integration with Personnel Administration
in PLOGI PRELU (Integration: PA-Update Online or Batch). In this case, changes to
personnel numbers are not recorded immediately in PA, but are collected in the table

You can find further information on the interdependencies of the settings in the entry PLOGI
PRELU and this report in the documentation of the formpool SAPFHPIN.

Parameter "Start date"

Enter the date as of when the changes to infotype 0001 records are effective.

Please note the following points regarding the start date of the infotype record update and the
validity period of the record from the Personnel Planning perspective.

Case 1:
Start and end date of the validity period are after the date entered. In this case, a record is
created in PA with the same validity period. There are no changes made on the Personnel
Planning side.

Case 2:
The start date of the validity period lies before the start date entered, and the end date is after
In this case, a record is created in PA with a start date the same as the start date entered. The
end date of the record is taken over.
On the PD side, the original record is split at the start date entered.

Case 3:
Both the start and end date of the validity period are before the start date entered.
In this case, no editing is carried out by the report.

Please refer the report's documentation for details. (Transaction SE38, input report name and
press Documentation)

Possible root causes of PA OM data

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This article introduced some of the possible root causes of data inconsistency happen
between PA and OM side.

Question or Problem
When you observe some abnormal behavior during organizational data transfer, or during
Personnel data update, the possible root cause is there has data inconsistency exist already.

Causes or Possible Causes

 Data creation/update through custom program or batch input process
 Data load from other none-SAP system
 Data created before PA-OM integration
 User exit/customer code implementation
 Master data change for terminated employees (i.e. P0000-STAT2 = 0).

You can firstly check the data inconsistency using report RHINTECHECK, for details of this
report, please refer RHINTECHECK.

When you have observed there are data inconsistency exist in the system, and also report
RHINTECHECK shows the checking result, you should determine whether the data in PA
side is correct or data in OM side is correct, and run report RHINTE00 to update data from
PA to OM side; Or run report RHINTE30 to update data from OM to PA side accordingly.

OM object name changes not reflect to PA

side correctly
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This page introduce an example about how to troubleshoot OM object name changes not
reflect to PA side as expected, and also with possible solutions to fix the issue.

Question or Problem
Related frequent asked questions are, Why OM side name change not reflect to PA
side? Why some reports not using the latest OM object names?



Basic settings required: Table T77S0: (Please read F1 help document)


If the value entered is 'X' and you change the description of positions, jobs or organizational
units, new infotype 0001 records for the personnel numbers concerned are created on the date
of the change(s). This means that the system will always display the up-to-date descriptions
of named objects, both in Personnel Administration transactions and in reports on persons.
Then you should use report RHINTE30 to create a batch input session. After this session has
been processed, new infotype 0001 records for the person(s) concerned are created.

Example: Update Positions name

1. Position name updated from 20.03.2012, but in transaction PA20, IT0001 still has position
displays the old name till high date.

2. Check the settings in T77S0, make sure the above mentioned switches are set correctly,
here TEXTS is marked as 'X'.

3. You may run RHINTECHECK first to make sure the object has no inconsistency before
further actions, but this is not a required step.

4. Run report RHINTE30, in test mode first before process the real run.
 Result: Batch input session created! Batch input session needs to be execute in order to get
data updated.

 In SM35, execute the batch input.

5. Check the result in PA side from PA20, now you will see the entry split into two entries.

 New entry start from 20.03.2012 created with new name.

Additional information

Please be aware if only the object name is changed, the difference will not be reported

in report RHINTECHECK and report RHINTE30 is necessary to be run in order to reflect the
change to PA side. This behavior does not depend on switch 'PLOGI PRELU'. Please also
refer to note 198607 for more details.

See Also
Read suggested related topics:

 KBA 2003762 OM to PA integration is not working for Organizational unit

/Position/Job name change from a specific date
 Note 198607 Change names of objects of Organizational Managent.

Integration PA and OM doesn't work with

Batch Input
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Integration PA and OM doesn't work with Batch Input, this is not a system error, but as
standard design. 

Question or Problem
 Batch input for PA40 do not create S-P relation.
 PA master date change uploaded via LSMW, system is not giving effect on OM
 HRP1001 relationships are updated by LSMW but Infotype 0001 in PA is not
 Relationship is not created via BDC program

This is a system design. During batch input sessions, integration between PA and PD is
temporarily disabled. 

After the batch session has ended, and depending
upon what information was updated, then RHINTE00 or RHINTE30 must be
run in order to restore integration. 

RHINTE00 is used if the batch
made changes to IT0001 and now organizational management must be updated. 

RHINTE30 is used if the batch made changes to Org Management, but
now IT0001 must be updated.

For details, please refer note  205187 - PA-PD integration inactive during batch input

See Also
Read suggested related topics:

 Note 205187 PA-PD integration inactive during batch input

Report's performance issue

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This article will introduce performance issues relate to RHINTECHECK, RHINTE00,

Question or Problem
1. Performance issue during process report RHINTECHECK, RHINTE00, RHINTE30.
2. Performance issue when run report RHINTECHECK, RHINTE00, RHINTE30 in
batch job.

Known Errors and Solutions

 1. Performance issue during process report RHINTECHECK, RHINTE00,

The time that system takes to run the job mostly depends on how much data will be processed
by the program. 

 please also read the documentation of this report (from SE38).

This report creates a batch input session for specified personnel numbers...In addition to this, 
a check of all personnel numbers is carried out to see whether they meet the integration condi
tions laid down in the feature PLOGI.

please understand that report RHINTE** is not designed for a mass usage. The report is only 
intended to be used for a limited amount of employees where for some reason standard integr
ation did not happen. The report is not designed to be used for all the employees in a system a
nd schedule several times a day.

2. Performance issue when run report RHINTECHECK, RHINTE00, RHINTE30 in

batch job.

When you define a job to run report like RHINTE00,

after the RHINTE00 job is finished, execute the created batch session from SM35

 -> ensure that NO other RHINTE00 job is created while the batch session is being processed

 -> also ensure that during this 'test period' no data change to PA masterdata (IT0001) is happ

See Also
Read suggested related topics:

 1678840 - RHINTE30: Performance problems when reading cost centers

OM data update clears the cost center

record in IT0001
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This article will provide you with common problems, possible solutions, related solutions
and/or how can you troubleshoot these problems.

Question or Problem

In the period when cost center is locked, when update the OM side object such

as Job, the cost center is cleared from PA side for that period.

 Cost center is locked.
 Master data gets changed in the period cost center is locked.


Basically, cost centers should only be locked in periods where you are sure that no master
data gets changed anymore.

If  there still master
data gets changed for these employees in the locked period the cost center assignment gets re

This is the correct behavior.

Technically, for example if there is an change of a position-

>job assignment (B007) triggers the corresponding IT0001-records to be changed as well -> t
o adjust the job field in IT0001 (STELL).

As this change also incorporates the plausibility and validity checks for all the other fields the 
system realizes the blocked cost center and removes it from IT0001 and informs the user with 
info message 5A 281 ("Please check the organizational assignment of person &") that the IT0
001-data needs to be checked.

 So, in order to resolve the issue either unblock the relevant cost centers or ensure no masterd
ata gets changed anymore within the blocked periods.

See Also
 Note 2279431 - IT0001: After note 2205450, cost center is deleted for temporary

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RHINTE30 reports not working with

hidden fields on IT0001 screen
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This article will provide you with common problems, possible solutions, related solutions
and/or how can you troubleshoot these problems.

Question or Problem
When process RHINTE30 to update the master data for synchronization,  you may encounter
errors like below.

Possible Causes
Hidden fields exist in IT0001 screen 2000, for details, please check table view V_T588M.

Please refer note 126869 for the details of root cause and possible solution. You need to make
the according modifications or set the field back to Standard delivery in V_T588M.

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RHINTECHECK not displaying PA OM

data inconsistency?
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There are some cases that report RHINTECHECK will not display the difference between PA
and OM data.

Question or Problem
RHINTECHECK not throwing error or warning for:

 OM object name changes not reflect to PA or OM side

 Employee is assigned to multiple positions at the same time

Known Issues and Solutions

This section will describe the problem or problems, why they apply and the way to solve or to
workaround the problem. 
1. Org.Unit/Position/Job name updates not reflect to PA or vice versa.

This check report checks objects involved in integration for inconsistencies, in other words it
looks for differences in the data status between PA and PD tables. 

It will not reflect the name changes for the OM objects, when there are name changes, it
should be synchronized separately in batch. For details please refer 

OM object name changes not reflect to PA side correctly

2. Employee is assigned to multiple positions at the same time

There could be difference between table PA0001 and HRP1001 and also, there has only one
position displayed in IT0001.

Technically there has no data inconsistency, hence RHINTECHECK will not report any. This
is the system's standard behavior.

PA (IT0001) it is only possible to store 1 position (field PLANS) at a time. In PA (database

table PA0001) there is no information about multiple position assignments.

In the detail screen of IT0001, there will be message RP 108 ("Employee has more than one
position"). And if the user is interested in these multiple positions he can choose button
"Org.Structure" at the top of the IT0001 detail screen.

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1. ERP Human Capital Management

2. …
3. HCM PA OM Integration
Org unit or Position description updated
with RHINTE00
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This article will provide you the description and example on how to transfer OM object text
from PA with report RHINTE00.

Question or Problem
The common issues are:

 Org. text is not changed after running RHINTE00 

 Org. and position's short text and description changed incorrectly with RHINTE00

Known Errors and Solutions


Normally OM object such as Org. Unit, Position and Job's text could be updated from OM
side with transaction PPOME or PP01. For some cases customer would like to transfer the
text from PA side with identified personnel number. In such case, please firstly check your
settings as well as report documentation. 

Error: Org. text is not changed after running RHINTE00 


1. Integration switches not switched on.

2. Batch input session not executed.
3. There has data inconsistency already exist.


1. Please check the integration switches are open or not in table T77S0, also, check
below switches usage and decide whether to change the status.








Please check the documentation as well as F1 Help of each switch for the details.

2. Please check if the batch input session has been created, and also executed (you could check
the log of the report and also find the session under SM35).
3. Check with report RHINTECHECK to see if there has any technical data inconsistency exist.
(text difference will not be reported in  RHINTECHECK)

Error: Org. and position's short text and description changed incorrectly
with RHINTE00

After execute RHINTE00, found PA texts are shorten after transferred to OM side.


Please read the help documentation of above listed switches in T77S0 and also the example
provided in the documentation of report RHINTE00 (you can find the documentation of the
report in transaction SE38).

Report RHINTE00 documentation:

The settings of the switches PLOGI TEXTO, PLOGI TEXTC, and PLOGI TEXTS dictate
which texts are copied to the ObjectAbbreviation (SHORT/Length=12) field of the PD object
for organizational units, jobs, and positions.

You can find these switches in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Personnel Management
under Organizational Management -> Integration -> Integration with Personnel
Administration -> Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration.

If these switches are activated, (value ='X'), the text of the PA object is transferred (and if
necessary reduced to 12 characters) to the Object Abbreviation field of the PD object when
report RHINTE00 is run.

If these switches are not activated (value = ' '), the system transfers the object ID of the PD
object to the ID field when report RHINTE00 is run.


The object ID of the PD object is '00001000'.

Text for organizational unit in PA:

Department 1

Text in PD after RHINTE00, if PLOGI TEXTO='X':

Department 1

Text in PD after RHINTE00, if PLOGI TEXTO=' ':


In both cases, the text of the PA object is transferred to the Object Name (STEXT) field of
the PD object.

Here take position text transfer for example.

T77S0 Settings:
Before text transfer with RHINTE00:

In PA20, the object ID of the PD object S is '50042379'.

Abbreviation: LNA 021001

Object text: LINNA TST S 021001 PA to OM

RHINTE00 execution result:

Check and execute the session created in SM35.

In PPOSE, the object ID of the PD object S is '50042379'.

Abbreviation: changed to '50042379'

Object text: 'LINNA TST S 021001 PA to '

 Text will be shorter to 25 characters long.

T528T-PLSTX will be stored in P1000-STEXT. As the field T528T-PLSTX is 25 characters

long, the field P1000-STETX will always be 25 characters.

Production Order Type Selection

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This section provides an overview of automatic selection of Order type for Production order
in Discrete Manufacturing and the key configuration required for the same.

1. Order & Order Type

2. Configuration Settings required

3. Master Data required

4. Order Type Selection Process Flow


Order & Order Type

Order: Object that defines

-When, where and in which quantities which products are required or available
-Which work steps are necessary for these products and which resources are occupied by

Order Type:
Key that differentiates orders according to their purpose. The order type contains a range of
parameters which affect the way the order is processed. For example, using the order type, we
can specify
-The number ranges to be used for the orders
-Which criteria are used when selecting a routing
-How the order is to be costed.

Configuration required

Order type can be defined in Plant Parameters, MRP Group Parameters and Production
Scheduling Profile. Based on the field input in the material master, order type will be selected
automatically. Different Order Types are maintained to depict the automatic order type
selection process for the below.

 Define Order Type 

       Transaction Code: OPJH

       Navigation: SPRO> Production> Shop Floor Control> Master Data> Order> Define
Order Types

 Maintain Production Scheduler & Production Scheduling Profile

Transaction Code: OPJ9

Navigation: SPRO> Production> Shop Floor Control> Master Data> Define
production scheduler

 Define Production Scheduling Profile 

       Transaction Code: OPKP

       Navigation: SPRO> Production> Shop Floor Control> Master Data> Define production
scheduling profile

 Maintain MRP Group Parameters

Transaction Code: OPPR

Navigation: SPRO> Production> Material Requirements Planning> Plant
Parameters> MRP Groups> Carry Out Overall Maintenance of MRP Groups

 Maintain Plant Parameters

Transaction Code: OPPQ

Navigation: SPRO> Production> Material Requirements Planning> Plant
Parameters> Carry
Out Overall Maintenance of Plant Parameters

Master Data

 MRP Group assignment in MRP 1 view of the Material Master


 Production Scheduler and Production Scheduling Profile assignment in Work

Scheduling view of the Material Master

Order Type Selection Process Flow

Whenever Production order is created, either manually or with conversion of Planned Order,
the order type is selected in the following Priority:

**************** END OF THE DOCUMENT ****************

Regards, Keerthi

Link to MRP relevant FAQs under PP FAQ

Useful OSS Notes

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