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Inglés 1

Profesor Mg. Martín Cieri



What is second-hand smoke?
Second-hand smoke includes the smoke that a person exhales when he/she is
smoking a cigarette, and the smoke that goes to the air from the burning end of a
Why is it dangerous?
• There are more than 4,000 chemicals in second-hand smoke, including
benzene, formaldehy de, and arsenic.
• If you are in a place where people are smoking, you will breathe in these
harmful chemicals.
• Ventilation systems do not remove all the harmful chemicals which are in second-hand smoke.
How does second-hand smoke harm your health?
• Each year thousands of people die prematurely from exposure to second hand smoke.
• Second-hand smoke is the third leading cause of lung cancer.
• Second-hand smoke can also increase the risk of heart disease.
• Breathing problems like emphysema, pneumonia, and bronchitis happen more often to people who breathe in second-hand
• Second-hand smoke causes itchy eyes, runny noses, coughing, a sore throat, dizziness and headaches.
How does second-hand smoke harm children?
• Infants who are exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
• Infants and children who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at greater risk of developing pneumonia and bronchitis.
• Exposure to second-hand smoke puts children at greater risk of developing asthma.
Second-hand smoke harms us all … PLEASE ACT NOW!
• Always stay away from second-hand smoke
• Keep your children away from second-hand smoke
• Make your home, work, university and car smoke-free. Encourage your family and friends to do the same. Don’t smoke
• Avoid smoking or exposing yourself to second-hand smoke if you are pregnant
COMPREHENSION CHECK: Answer the following questions in Spanish.
1. Why is second-hand smoke dangerous?
2. What can you do to avoid it?
3. How does second-hand smoke harm your health?
GRAMMAR CHECK: Complete the following chart with at least one example in English.
Example (in English from the text)

…ing form (as a noun)

…ing form (as a verb)

…ing form (as an adjective)

Adverb of frequency

Comparative adjective

Connector and function

Structure of existence

Imperative sentence

Irregular Plural Noun

Modal verb and function

Noun-Noun Structure and translation

Possessive adjective

Example of prefix

Example of suffix

Conditional sentence (type 1)

Present simple and function

Present continuous and function

What is the function of the following ing words in bold?

• developing: …………………..
• breathing: …………………..

What does the underlined it refer back to? …………………..


The Olympic Games is an international multi-sport
multi event subdivided into summer and
winter sporting events. Every four years, people can enjoy the summer and winter games.
Official languages
French and English are the two official languages of the Olympic movement.
The Olympic Motto
The official Olympic Motto is "Citius, Altius, Fortius", a Latin phrase: "Swifter, Higher, and Stronger".
The Olympic Flame
It is lit in Olympia and brought to the host city by runners carrying the torch in relay. There it plays an important role
ro in the opening
Olympic sports
Currently, the Olympic program consists of 35 different sports, 53 disciplines and more than 400 events.
One of the main problems present in the Olympics (and international sports in general) is doping. Unfortunately, in some cases, athletes
use drugs to enhance their performance. The International Olympic Committee usually tests athletes randomly.
2012 Mascot
Their names are Wenlock and Mandeville. They represent all aspects of the Olympics
and of Britain. The three lines coming from their heads represent the three podium
places and they each have the trademark taxi light on their foreheads.
Official Links
The next Olympic Games are going to be Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Don’t miss them. A
lot of people are planning to go to the next games.
With the lighting of the Olympic Flame, the ceremony opens. Apart from the
traditional elements, the host nation ordinarily presents artistic displays of dance and
theatre representative of that country. Theyy say that in i 2016, Rio will inspire a
Paralympic Games
The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport sport event for athletes with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities.
disabilities This includes mobility
disabilities, amputees, visual disabilities and those with cerebral palsy.. The Paralympic Games are sometimes confused with the Special
Olympics, which are only for people with intellectual disabilities.
disabilities The next Paralympics are also going to be in Rio in 2016, but in the
Wheelchair Tennis
A wheelchair
heelchair Tennis match is played between two (singles) or four athletes (doubles) with loss of motor function in one or both lower
extremities. There is a special class for athletes with loss of motor function in the lower extremities and functional di
disability or amputation
in the upper extremities.
raw a mind map to summarise the text.

Example (in English from the text)

…ing form (as a noun)

…ing form (as a verb)

…ing form (as an adjective)

Adverb of frequency

Comparative adjective

Connector and function

Structure of existence

Imperative sentence

Modal verb and function

Example of prefix

Example of suffix

A promise

A planned action

What is the function of the following ing words in bold?

• sporting: …………………..
• doping: …………………..
• coming: …………………..

What does the underlined it refer back to? …………………..

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