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Cong sends warning day before In New Delhi, George

Pilot protest: ‘Anti-party activity’ Soros is old, dangerous
and on a watchlist — at
Any issue with Gehlot govt can be discussed in party forum: AICC in-charge

UN, he isn’t a problem

AtapressconferenceSunday, There was no immediate re-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE PilotsaidCongresscolleagueand sponsefromPilot.Gehlottoohas
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok refrained from any comment on
Gehlot was sitting on corruption the latest row involving his for-
SETTING THE stage for a con- cases against the previous mer deputy.
frontation with senior Rajasthan VasundharaRaje-ledBJPgovern- Monday night's statement is India fourth highest donor to UN Democracy Fund,
BUSINESS AS USUAL leader Sachin Pilot, the Congress ment, and said he would hold also a warning to Pilot loyalists
which funds at least 68 projects worldwide linked to
high command made it abun- the fast to demand action on who might have been planning
BY UNNY dantlyclearonMondaynightthat these cases. to join his protest. George Soros’s Open Society Foundation
hisproposedfastwouldbeagainst In a surprise late-night state- Sources in the high com-
the interests of the party and be ment on Monday, AICC in- OnSunday,Pilothadaccused mand said Randhawa spoke to
Pilot has announced a day-
charge of Rajasthan Sukhjinder
Singh Randhawa said: “Sachin
CMGehlotof sittingon graft
Pilot over the phone on Monday,
and asked him to come to Delhi
long fast on Tuesday, and the Pilot’s day-long fast tomorrow is Rajegovernment. File to discuss issues he had raised at & SHYAMLAL YADAV was created in 2005 to support democratisation
Centralleadership’slettertohim againstpartyinterestsandis(an) Sunday's press conference. CHENNAI, NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 efforts around the world.
is a clear signal that the protest anti-party activity. If there is any Initially, Randhawa planned to
may result in initiation of disci-
plinary action against him.
issue with his own government,
it can be discussed in the party
forums instead of in the media
and public.”
travel to Jaipur to meet Pilot and
IN SYDNEY in February, External
Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar, $32mn 276 68
when asked about George India’s projects of the projects
Soros’s criticism of Prime contribution received UNDEF are executed by
Minister Narendra Modi and the to the Fund funds since organisations
government, called him “old, since 2005 2015 linked to Soros
Dalai Lama AAP gets national rich, opinionated and danger-
ous.” A man “sitting in New
says sorry York,” investing in “shaping nar-

after outrage party tag, but NCP, ratives” about a government he

didn’t like. That sharp rebuff
went viral, like quite a few of
Scan for the full list
of 68 organisations
and their affiliation

TMC, CPI lose status

with Soros’s OSF, its regional

over video
Jaishankar’s recent retorts. subsidiaries and partners
Here’s a paradox.
India is among the top con-
featuring child DAMINI NATH
tributors to the UN Democracy
Fund (UNDEF) whose mission is
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 Nothing less to promote democracy across
VARINDER BHATIA than a the world through local and in-
CHANDIGARH, APRIL 10 IN A boost for the Aam Aadmi miracle: ternational NGOs and civil soci-
Party (AAP) ahead of the Lok Kejriwal etyorganisations(CSOs)—many

THE DALAI Lama on Monday is- Union Home Minister Amit Shah inspects the ITBP border Sabha elections next year, the of these are linked to Soros’s
sued a public apology after a outpost in Arunachal Pradesh on Monday. PTI ElectionCommission(EC)recog- philanthropic empire, an inves-

video clip featuring him and a nised it as a national party on tigationbyTheIndianExpresshas

child triggered outrage and crit- Monday. The Trinamool National revealed.
icism over his “inappropriate”
behaviour.Intheclip,theTibetan As China objects to visit, Congress (TMC), Nationalist
Congress Party (NCP) and
● benefits
Since UNDEF’s inception in
2005, Indiahas contributedover
In 2016, India put Soros’s OSF on a watchlist. Reuters file

Shah in Arunachal: Can’t

spiritual leader purportedly Communist Party of India (CPI), $32 million to it and remains its
asks him to “suck my tongue”.
however, lost their national
party status. THE STATUS of a national
fourth largest contributor.
Last year, when it con- UN fund launched in 2005 on
“A video clip has been circu-
lating that shows a recent meet-
ing when a young boy asked His
take an inch of our land The EC's decision was based
on a review of the parties’ poll
performances — the 2014 and
party ensures that its
symbol is reserved for its
candidates across the
tributed $150,000 to the fund –
the 4th highest among 45
donors, after US, Sweden and
sidelines of India-US N-deal
Holiness the Dalai Lama if he “Our policy is clear. We want 2019 Lok Sabha polls and 21 country, it is entitled to Germany — India’s Permanent berof UNDEF,hasnoob-
could give him a hug. His EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE peace from everybody. But no state assembly polls since 2014. land for a party office in Mission to the UN proudly an- NIRUPAMA jections to the Fund giv-
Holiness wishes to apologise to GUWAHATI, APRIL 10 one can encroach on even an Besides other benefits, the sta- Delhi, double the num- nounced in a statement: “India SUBRAMANIAN ing grants to NGOs
the boy and his family, as well as inch of our territory… The pro- tus of a national party ensures ber of star campaigners acknowledges that sustained CHENNAI, APRIL 10 fundedbyGeorgeSoros,
his many friends across the IN REMARKS directed at China, tection of borders is the protec- that the party's symbol is re- and two copies of the support for UNDEF is particu- while he is put on the
world, for the hurt his words UnionHomeMinisterAmitShah tionof thecountry,whichiswhy served for its candidates across electoral rolls. larly important in this crucial INDIAANDTHEUSwere watchlistinIndiaunder-
may have caused. His Holiness said on Monday that “nobody PrimeMinister(Narendra)Modi the country, and it gets land for EXPLAINED,PAGE15 time for democracy efforts prime movers behind the UN lines a contradiction that’s not
often teases people he meets in canencroachonevenaninch”of has made border infrastructure an office in the national capital. worldwide. India expresses Democracy Fund in 2005, when new.
an innocent and playful way, India's borderlands or cast an a matter of priority,” he said. The country now has six na- steadfast support for UNDEF as they were negotiating the civil- The imperatives of the Modi
even in public and before cam- “evil eye” on its territorial in- Meanwhile, China criticised tional parties — BJP, Congress, Symbols (Reservation and it plays a distinct role in comple- iannuclearco-operationdeal.As government’s high table diplo-
eras. He regrets the incident,” tegrity. He was speaking at the Shah's visit to Arunachal Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), Allotment) Order, 1968, which menting other UN efforts to Joint Secretary (Americas) at the macy and its domestic political
said a statement issued by the launch of the ‘Vibrant Villages’ Pradesh, stating that it violated CPI(M), National People's Party stipulates the criteria for recog- strengthen democratic gover- time, S Jaishankar was a lead ne- ideology diverge noticeably, re-
Dalai Lama's office. programmeinthebordervillage Chinese sovereignty over the (NPP) and AAP. nitionasanationalorstateparty, nance around the world.” gotiator. quiring Delhi to deploy a soft
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 of KibithooinArunachalPradesh. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Acting under the Election CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 That India, a founding mem- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

TN Assembly resolution
seeks ‘time limit’ for
Governors to clear Bills
Hours later,
cleared Bill
ESCALATING THE tension be- on online
tween the DMK government led gambling
by Chief Minister M K Stalin and
Governor R N Ravi, the Tamil
Nadu Assembly on Monday Hourslater,RaviclearedaBill
adopted a resolution in which it pending for 131 days which
criticised Raj Bhavan for stalling seeks to ban online gambling
Bills andasked theCentretofixa and regulate online games.
“specific time limit” for “This august House records
“Governors to give assent to Bills withdeepregrettheactionof the
passed by the Legislatures”. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Days after Ram Navami

clashes in Vadodara,
cops attend Iftar party


IN EFFORTS to gain public trust

and bridge gaps – barely 10 days
after communal clashes broke Six police personnel went
out in Vadodara's old city area for the Iftar party. Express
lice station in a nearby area “Following directions (from
Sunday evening attended an if- superior officers) that there
tar party to spread the message should be peace and communal
of communal harmony. harmony in the ongoing holy
The six personnel from month of Ramzan, the inspector
Navapura police station at- of Navapura police station along
tended the iftar party, organised with other staff members at-
bymembersof theMuslimcom- tended the iftar party in
munity, at Khatkiwaad, which is Khatkiwaadarea...Leadersof the
under their jurisdiction and is communityaswellasthemaulvi
around 2 km from where the were present at the event where
clashes took place on March 30. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2




■ CUSTOMIZABLE The Maliana killings,
NEWS EXPERIENCE TheENQLisourall-agesquizcontesttotestplayers’generalknowledge,commonsenseandabilityto
Indian Express
connectthedots.Topscorerstowinpremiumprizesandanewsfeature! pandemic bails cancelled,
★★★★★ ■4.6 and Idu Mishmi concerns
In 3 Things today, we discuss the verdict in
4G REVIEW SEASON 7 WINNER the Maliana communal violence case, the
decision to cancel all pandemic bails, and
For those who wants a Nayanjyoti Saikia says why some are opposing a proposed tiger
SCANTHISQRCODETO compact laptop with a gaining self-confidence reserve in Arunachal Pradesh
built-in 4G modem was his biggest learning


● Shah in Arunachal Pradesh
area. Responding to a question, ning... Earlier, people would say
● Cong sends warning to Pilot
Gehlot,butchangedhismindand hasneverdiscussedthisissuewith
In New Delhi, George Soros on watchlist Chinese Foreign Ministry
spokesman Wang Wenbin said
in Beijing: “Zangnan (China's
that they went to India’s last vil-
lage. But when I return from
here, I will tell my granddaugh-
called Pilot to Delhi. me,” Randhawa said in a state- Of the 276 projects strength- tradiction and was redirected to for evidence-based decision name for Arunachal Pradesh) is ter that I have come from India’s
In the long-festering row be-
tween Pilot and Gehlot, the high
ever, said he had raised these is-
ening “democratic governance”
thatreceivedUNDEF fundssince
unavailable for comment.
making" in Nigeria, Kenya and
South Africa. ACF lists OSF as a
INDIA CONTRIBUTION part of China's territory... The ac-
tivity of the senior Indian official
first village,” said Shah.
“Before 2014, the entire
command seems in no mood for sues with Randhawa’s 2015, an investigation by The The full list of 68 projects partner. TO UNDEF SINCE ’05 in Zangnan violates China's ter- Northeastern region wasseenas
anyconciliatorygesturestowards predecessorAjayMaken. Indian Express has revealed, as with Soros’s OSF, its regional 2018: Of 46 UDEF recipients, 2005 $5 mn ritorial sovereignty and is not a disturbed area, but because of
theyoungerleader—whofeelshe The high command also vir- many as 68, nearly one in four, subsidiaries and partners is on 12 have a connection with OSF. 2006 $5 mn conducivetopeaceandtranquil- the Look East policy, it is now
was deprived of chief minister- tually endorsed Gehlot’s lead- are being executed by CSOs The Cairo Institute for Human ity in the border areas. We are known for its prosperity and de-
shipaftertheCongress’s2018win ership, while making no men- linked to Soros’s Open Society Following are the key find- Rights Studies that works in the 2007 No contribution firmly against this.” velopment,” he said. He said the
andhasbarelyhiddenhisfeelings tion of Pilot or the issues he had Foundation(OSF)oritsoffshoots ings of the investigation and the West Asia-North Africa region, 2008 $5 mn This comes days after India ArmedForcesSpecialPowersAct
since—withpollsdueinmonths. raised. “The Congress govern- – either as a recipient of its do- topmostrecipientof UDEFfunds received $275,000 for a project 2009 $5 mn slammed Beijing's move to re- (AFSPA)hadbeenremovedfrom
On Sunday too, after Pilot’s ment in Rajasthan with Ashok nations or a partner. linked to Soros’s OSF each year to "empower a new generation name some places in the border about 70 per cent of the
press meeting, Randhawa had Gehlot as CM has implemented ThoughUNDEFhasbeendis- between 2015 and 2021: of human rights advocates." OSF 2010 No contribution state in an attempt to stake its Northeastern states and the day
madeitclearwhichwayDelhiwas a large number of schemes and bursing funds to NGOs linked to 2021: Of 33 projects that got is a donor to Cairo Institute. 2011 $5 mn claim over the area. "is not far" when it will be "en-
leaning when he said Pilot had taken many new initiatives that Soros from its inception, The UNDEF funds, 11 went to CSOs 2017: Of the 48 UDEF recipi- 2012 $4.71 mn “The era is gone when any- tirely" lifted from these areas.
neverraisedtheissueshewasnow have impacted the people pro- Indian Express took 2015 as the linked to OSF. At the top was ents, 15 are linked to OSF. At the one could encroach on our Shahsaidthe'VibrantVillage'
2013 $1.85 mn
putting forth with the party or foundly,” Congress communi- starting point for its investiga- Lebanese Center for Human top is the Kofi Annan lands,” Shah said on Monday, scheme envisages that tap wa-
him. “I have been AICC in-charge cations head Jairam Ramesh tion. Rights. It received a grant of Foundation, which received $ 2014 $2,00,000 adding that nobody can cast an ter,electricity,cookinggas,finan-
for the last five monthsand Pilotji said. This is because it was that $275,000 for a project titled 275,000 for a project to 2015 $2,00,000 “evileye”onIndiabecauseof the cial inclusion, digital and physi-
year when the Modi govern- Safeguarding Human Rights strengthen “Electoral Processes 2016 $50,000 security forces protecting the cal connectivity are available in
ment, which took office in 2014, Amid Crisis in Lebanon. The with Integrity in Sub Saharan country's frontiers. the remote border areas. As part
● AAP gets national party tag began a crackdown on foreign
funding of NGOs introducing
group lists ABAAD as a partner.
OSF is a donor to ABAAD.
Africa with a focus on Côte
d’Ivoire and Cameroon”. The
No contribution
Emphasising Arunachal
Pradesh’s “integration” with
of the 'Vibrant Village' pro-
gramme, 2,967 villages have
the EC’s order said AAP had ful- 2016 to 2018, its vote share was new rules under the FCRA law 2020: Of 30 projects thatgot foundation receives funds from 2019 $1,00,000 India, Shah said: “Whenever I beenidentifiedfordevelopment
filled the requirement of being a 44.91% in West Bengal, 1.41% in for filing of foreign grants and UNDEF grants, 10 were linked to OSF. come to Arunachal, my heart in 46 blocks of 19 districts along
2020 $1,50,000
recognised state party in four or Manipur, and 0.30% in Tripura. In started a weeding out process. OSF. Lebanon-based NGOAbaad 2016: Of the 43 UDEF re- gets filled with patriotism, be- the northern border in
more states. themostrecentpolls,thepartygot Ironically, while UDEF funds Resource Centre for Gender cipients, six are linked to OSF. 2021 $1,50,000 cause no one here greets by say- Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim,
According to Paragraph 6C of 48.02%ofthevotesinWestBengal organisations worldwide that Equality received a grant of The top recipient is Search for 2022 $1,50,000 ing ‘namaste’, they greet each Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh
the order, amended with effect (2021), and did not contest in have links to OSF, in 2016, the $495,000 for a project to engage Common Ground in Central other by saying ‘Jai Hind’. This and Ladakh. According to Shah,
from January 1, 2014, a party will Manipur (2022). Home Ministry put OSF on a with"CivilSocietyOrganizations African Republic which got passion is what has bound a population of about 1.42 lakh
continue to be a national or state A senior TMC leader who did watchlist – means that it cannot and Youths in Gender-Inclusive $242,000 for a project to “pro- Action Associative in Tunisia got Arunachal together with India. people in 662 villages will be
party if it fulfils the criteria laid not want to be named said: “We extend any financial assistance Citizenship and Leadership". mote democracy through the $ 242,000 for a project to build In the 1962 war, whoever had covered in the first phase. He
down in Paragraphs 6A and 6B in are exploring the legal options to toany organisationor individual Abaad receives grants from OSF, establishment of permanent, “Public Participation, Trust and come here to encroach, the rea- saideconomicandemployment
the “next election”, after the one challenge the decision.” in India without prior clearance too. participatory, inclusive and Transparency in Local sontheyhadtogobackwasyour opportunities will be provided
in which it “got recognition”. ■ NCP: The NCP lost its state from the ministry. 2019: Of 32grantees,11were collaborative citizen dialogue”. Government” towards particpa- patriotism. And the country in the villages to prevent migra-
Among other conditions, party status in Goa, Manipur and The Indian Express sent a OSF beneficiaries. A regional It lists an OSF affiliate as a part- tory decision-making. This civil salutesthepatriotismof thepeo- tion.
Paragraph 6A states that a state Meghalaya as its vote share was query to the Indian Permanent NGO called Africa Check ner. society group is a partner of ple of Arunachal.” Shah said enhanced facilities
party must get at least 6% of the 2.28%, 0.95% and 1.61%, respec- Mission in New York, seeking an Foundation got $495,000 for a 2015: Of the 44 UDEF recip- Avocats san Frontieres, which is He said this frontier location forborder-guardingtroopsof the
votes polled in the last Assembly tively, in the Assembly elections explanation for the evident con- project to foster "media literacy ients, three are linked to OSF. funded by OSF. was the “first village of India” Indo-Tibetan Border Police
electionandatleasttwoMLAs;or between 2017 and 2018. It re- and not the last, saying the Modi (ITBP)andArmywillalsobepro-
6% vote share and one MP from mains a state party in Maha- government had brought about vided. “Our policy is that no one
that state in the last Lok Sabha
rashtra, where it polled 16.71% of
the votes in the 2019 Assembly
● UN fund launched in 2005 on sidelines of India-US n-deal a “conceptual” policy change to
can challenge the honour of our
borders and our forces,” he said.
the Assembly or three seats, elections. It was also given state touchintheformerwhileplaying DemocracyInitiative,andsupport was$4.71m.Thefollowingyearit cludeseightlargestMemberState locals living here by providing With PTI inputs from
whichever is more. party status in Nagaland on the hardballathomefordomesticau- to the UN Democracy Fund that was $1.85 million. contributors and six other states basic amenities. KIBITHOO (ARUNACHAL
Similarly, Paragraph 6B states basis of the elections this year. diences. had been set up a couple of From 2014, India slashed its toreflectdiversegeographicalrep- “This village is India’s begin- PRADESH) and BEIJING
that a national party must get at When contacted, an NCP This was evident during the monthsearlier withaninaugural funding. That year, and in 2015 it resentation,includingone“small
least6%voteshareinfourormore spokespersonsaid,“wewillcom- Nupur Sharma blasphemy row contribution of $ 10 million each. was $200,000; in 2016, it was a island” and developing states. It
states in the last Lok Sabha or
Assembly elections and have at
ment after studying the order”.
■ CPI: The EC withdrew its
last year. In UNDEF, India shares
more common ground with
At the World Summit during
the UN General Assembly in
mere $50,000. No contribution
was made in 2017. In 2018 and
and two CSOs.
● Dalai Lama says sorry
leastfourMPs;oratleast2%ofthe status as a state party in West Sorosthanitwouldcaretoadmit. September2005,BushandSingh 2019, India was back with India has been a member of TheincidentisofFebruary28, being childish,” said another
seats in the Lok Sabha, with its Bengal and Odisha, while it re- Multiple Wikileaks US cables co-sponsoredafund-raisingevent $100,000.In2020,2021and2022, the Board since the beginning. whentheDalaiLamamet120col- Tibetan leader.
candidates having been elected mains a state party in Kerala, fromtheearly2000srevealthata for UNDEF. At the summit, 170 it gave $150,000. Among the two CSOs that serve lege graduates and members of The M3M Foundation did not
from at least three states. Manipur and Tamil Nadu. In the crucial part of the India-US con- heads of state agreed to work to- Each year, UNDEF solicits and on the board currently are CIVI- the M3M Foundation, at the respond to queries.
■AAP:BesidesDelhi,Goaand Assembly elections held from versation at the time revolved getherfortheachievementofthe receivesupto3,000proposalsfrom CUSandTransparency,Account- Tsuglakhang temple in In 2015, the Dalai Lama had
Punjab,AAPbecameastateparty 2016 to 2019, its vote share was around how the world’s largest Millennium Development Goals NGOs around the world. An ability and Participation McLeodganj, Dharamshala. facedcriticismforsaying,inanin-
in Gujarat after the 2022 0.79% in Tamil Nadu, 1.45% in democracyandtheworld’soldest by 2015. Democracy was seen as Advisory Board considers these Network.OSFgavegrantstoCIVI- Accordingtosources,theboywas terview,thathissuccessor“canbe
Assembly elections where it se- West Bengal, 0.74% in Manipur, democracy could collaborate to essential to this. proposals, and recommends pro- CUS annually from 2016 to 2021, accompanied by his parents. a woman, but (must) be very at-
cured 12.92% of the votes. and 0.12% in Odisha. spread democratic ideals across The UNDEF was part of the posalsforapprovalbytheSecretary except in 2019. When contacted, a senior of- tractive”orshewould“not(beof)
Delhi CM and AAP national During hearings, the CPI had the world. World Summit’s outcome docu- General.Between30to50arecho- Headquarted in Johanne- ficialattheDalaiLama'sprivateof- much use”. In June 2019, when a
convenor Arvind Kejriwal arguedthatithadcontestedevery During Prime Manmohan ment. sen every year. In 15 Rounds of sburg,CIVICUSisaglobalalliance fice told The Indian Express: “I journalist asked him about his
tweeted:“Nationalpartyinsucha election since 1952 and main- Singh’svisittotheUSinJuly2005, India gave $5 million to the Funding so far, UNDEF has sup- of civil society organisations. The wouldnotliketosayanythingbe- comments,hehadsaidthatif she
short time? This is nothing less tained a presence in Parliament. whenheandUSPresidentGeorge fund in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 portedover880two-yearprojects group, which monitors "civic yond what we have already said wasnotattractive,“people,Ithink,
thanamiracle.Manycongratula- “The Commission finds no merit Bush announced the India-US and 2011. No contribution was inmorethan130countries,accord- space"acrosstheworld,hasrated inthestatement.Thereisnothing prefer not to see her... that face”.
tions to all. Crores of people from in the submission that the frameworkagreementoncivilian madein2007and2010.Thecon- ingtotheFund’swebsite. India as "repressed" on civic free- more to add to that.” His office had then issued a
thecountryhavebroughtushere. achievements and contribution nuclear co-operation, they also tributions began dipping from The Advisory Board, consti- doms since 2019, including in its Another Tibetan leader, how- statement saying that he “gen-
Peopleexpectalotfromus.Today, madebyCPIshouldbetakeninto announced the US-India Global 2012. That year the contribution tutedbytheSecretaryGeneral,in- latest report released last month. ever, told The Indian Express that uinely meant no offence”. “He is
peoplehavegivenusthishugere- consideration,” the EC order said. “itlookedinappropriate,butthere deeply sorry that people have
sponsibility.” “National recognition is of was no bad intention on the part beenhurtbywhathesaidandof-
■ TMC: The EC said the TMC
had ceased to be a state party in
● TN House resolution: Fix time limit for Governors to clear Bills of the Dalai Lama”. “It was only
when the boy told him that he
fers his sincere apologies... The
Dalai Lama has consistently em-
ManipurandArunachalPradesh, the hearts of the toiling masses...,” Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu thePresidentshouldimmediately ing a Bill means that the Bill is BJPmemberswalkedoutoverthe wantedtohughim,thattheDalai phasised the need for people to
though it continued to be a state CPIleaderBinoyBiswamtweeted. in indefinitely withholding many issue appropriate instructions to “dead”. “It is a decent language Governorissue. Lama,maybeoutofinnocence,ut- connect with each other on a
partyinWestBengalandTripura, Meanwhile, the EC granted Bills without giving permission, the Governor to (grant) assent to used instead of the word ‘reject’. The government’s move teredsomewords.Also,itappears deeper human level, rather than
andwasaccordedstatepartysta- state party status to the Lok passedbytheLegislativeAssembly the Bills passed by this Assembly Whenyousay‘withhold’,theBillis came in the wake of 14 Bills, in- that the video that is going viral getting caught up in preconcep-
tus in Meghalaya on the basis of JanshaktiPartyinNagaland,Voice of TamilNadu—onthebasisof its withinaspecificperiod,”itadded. dead,”hehadsaid. cluding the one seeking exemp- mayhavebeeninitiallycirculated tionsbasedonsuperficialappear-
the 2023 elections. of thePeoplePartyinMeghalaya, sovereigntyandthe legislativere- The resolution also criticised Addressing the House, Stalin tiontoTamilNadufromtheNEET bytheDalaiLama'soffice,because ances... However, it sometimes
In its review, the EC found the and Tipra Motha in Tripura. Six sponsibilities enshrined in the Ravi’spubliccommentsaboutBills said Ravi had violating the ambit, awaiting the Governor's cellphones and cameras are not happens that off-the-cuff re-
TMCdidnotcontestthe2019Lok parties lost the tag —Peoples Constitution of India — thereby passed by the Assembly, saying Constitutionforpoliticalinterests. assent. While the Bill seeking to allowed at such events due to se- marks, which might be amusing
Sabha elections in Arunachal Democratic Alliance in Manipur, functioningagainstthewelfareof theywere“notinaccordancewith “Insteadof carryingouthisduties ban online gambling and regu- curity reasons. The Dalai Lama in one cultural context, lose their
Pradesh and Manipur, and got PMK in Puducherry, RLD in UP, thepeopleofTamilNadu,”saidthe the office he holds, the oath he aspertheConstitution,heisbelit- late online games, cleared by Raj shows his love and compassion humourintranslation,”thestate-
0.40% and 43.28% of the votes in BRS in Andhra Pradesh, RSP in resolutionmovedbyStalin. took, and the interest of the state tling the position by making con- BhavanonMondayevening,was for all the people, young or old, ment had said.
Tripura and West Bengal, respec- West Bengal and Mizoram “Therefore, this august House administration”. It accused the troversialstatementsinpublic.He returned by the Governor last who meet him. There could be InAugust2018,theDalaiLama
tively. In the Assembly polls from People’s Conference in Mizoram. urgestheUnionGovernmentand Governor of acting “against the functions like a politician, not a month, the Assembly had sent it nothing more than that,” he said. hadtriggeredanothercontroversy
theHon'blePresidenttoprescribe Constitution and the established Governor,” he said, adding that back to him. “The boy's parents were also when he said that Jawaharlal
aspecifictimelimittotherespec- conventions being followed, and RavihadreducedRajBhavantothe Earlierthisyear,theAssembly present. It is not that the Dalai Nehru’s “self-centred attitude”
tiveGovernorstogiveassenttothe belittling the dignity of this officeof apoliticalparty. had passed another resolution Lamasaidanythingwithanill-in- wasthereasonwhyMuhammad
Bills passed by the Legislatures, House....” WhiletheOppositionAIADMK againstRavi,followingthecontro- tention. He is an old man and AliJinnahcouldnotbeappointed
which are the voice of the people Addressingagatheringof civil wasnotpresentwhentheresolu- versy over his remarks that the musthave utteredsomething in- thePrimeMinisterofIndia.Hisof-

of theState,”itsaid. serviceaspirantsatRajBhavanlast tion was moved as it had staged a name ‘Tamizhagam’ was more nocently... He must not have fice later apologised for his re-
“The Union Government and week,Ravihadsaidthatwithhold- walkout on a different issue, the “appropriate”forthestate. meant anything wrong, beyond marks.

● Days after Ram Navami clashes in Vadodara, cops attend Iftar party said, “It was the idea of the youth Bhupendra Patel on Sunday.
tohaveabigeventforiftarandwe “Even though the clash in the
thepoliceconveyedgoodwishes,” “We received an invite from communitiesandgaintheirtrust... On March 30, clashes broke decided to invite the police be- old city had happened very re-
said a release from the police sta- the organisers and we attended Attendingsuchsocialfunctionsof out following a stone-pelting in- cause we also thought that we cently, the idea was precisely to
tion on Sunday. theiftarpartyaftergettingthego- different communities is helpful cident during the Ram Navami need to reach out to be heard... promote harmony. Whenever
Khatkiwaad is an area dotted ahead from our superiors... It is in bridging the gap and bringing procession in Hathikhana- When we do not reach out, we there is a clash and police action,
with meat shops, where the veryimportanttoincreasefamil- them closer.” Kumbharwada area under the cannotexpectsomeonetounder- thereismistrustandill-feeling...,”
VadodaraMunicipalCorporation iarity between the community “A lot of people question why CityPoliceStation.Thepolicehave stand our grievances.” Pathan said. “Although the clash
(VMC) launched a crackdown in and the police. We conveyed the the police should go to such booked a mob of 500 people in “Even during the crackdown did not happen under this police
January to ensure hygiene stan- message that communal har- events,especiallywhensomeac- connection with the violence. on meat shops by the VMC, the station,thereismisgivingamong
dards, as directed by the Gujarat monyisimportantandthepolice cusedintheincidentofstonepelt- They have arrested 48 people policesupportedus,understand- the youth of the community. The
High Court. are here to protect society... We ing are yet to be caught, but it is from both communities. ing that we had to earn our daily presence of the police officers at
The iftar on Sunday was at- also wished them well for their the prerogative of the police offi- Although there was no com- bread... We extended the invita- theiftarwouldhelpallaythefears
tended by Inspector H L Aahir, holymonth,”inspectorAahirtold cerin-chargeofthearea.Ifhefeels munal tension in the jurisdiction tiontoAssistantCommissionerof to an extent. We are glad the offi-
Assistant Sub-Inspector Parsho- The Indian Express. that by participating in an event of Navapura police station, com- Police Rajpalsinh Rana but he cers spent the evening with us.”
ttam Ranchchodbhai, Constables Vadodara City Joint of the local communities, he can munity members said the idea could not make it and assured us Pathansaidthepoliceperson-
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service Bhupendrasinh Balvantsinh and Commissioner of Police Manoj fulfillhisresponsibilitybetter,itis behindinvitingthepoliceperson- that police officers of the police nel also joined them in breaking
Jagdish Khimjibhai, and Lok Ninamasaid,“Oneofthemostim- a welcome decision... Also, nel was to “promote harmony”. stationwouldattend.”Ranacould roza on Sunday. The menu in-
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 Rakshak Dal personnel Sunil portant aspects of community Navapura is a peaceful police ju- Nasir Khan Pathan, who not make it due to the bandobast cludednylondhokla,samosa,gu-
Kamjibhai and Matra Devabhai. policingistobeinthemidstofthe risdiction,” said Ninama. helped put the event together, dutyforthevisitofChiefMinister lab jamun, fruits and egg biryani.
SC: How can L-G act
without aid, advice of Elderly couple robbed bungalow, pay Rs 18.88 lakh
council of ministers?
tification, which is under chal-
lenge in a separate petition, was
and killed in Gokalpuri but the other accused held him
for ‘unauthorised occupation’
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 issued,” the law officer said, ARNABJIT SUR downtoo...theyeventuallyslitthe
adding that the response by way NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 couple’s throats," said an officer. THE UNION Housing and Urban
THE SUPREME Court Monday of an affidavit will be filed. The officer said after the Affairs Ministry on Monday
orally observed as to how the Senior advocate A M Singhvi, AN ELDERLY couple was killed murder, the accused went to an- asked the Indian Women’s Press
LieutenantGovernor(L-G)canact appearing for the Delhi govern- and robbed of more than Rs 4 other room and broke open the Corps (IWPC) to vacate the gov-
“without aid and advice” of the ment,saidthesubmissionswere lakh by unidentified persons at steel almirah. “After robbing ernment bungalow that had
council of ministers in nominat- “patentlywrong”andtheconsti- their two-storey home in some cash, they went to a room beenallottedtoitearlierandpay
ing10memberstotheMunicipal tutional interpretation of Article Northeast Delhi’s Gokalpuri on the first floor, which had an- Rs 18.88 lakh as damages for
Corporation of Delhi (MCD). 239AA (which deals with Delhi) Monday. other cupboard in which cash “unauthorised occupation” past
Thetopcourt,whichhadear- by the SC cannot be negated by Police said they received in- was kept, broke its lock, stole the the deadline of July 31, 2022.
lier issued notice on the plea of amending a statute. He alleged formation about the incident at Radhey Shyam Verma (R) money and fled.” The IWPC, which is a forum A forum for women journalists, IWPC began in 1994 and has
theDelhigovernment,granted10 that the Delhi government offi- 7.19 am from the couple’s son, with wife Veena TheDCPsaidacaseunderIPC for women journalists, began in been functioning out of 5, Windsor Place. Source: IWPC Twitter page
days to the office of the L-G, rep- cers were “emboldened” as they following which a team rushed sections 302 (murder), 392 1994 and has been functioning
resented by Additional Solicitor were sending the files directly to to the spot and found Radhey (punishment for robbery), 457 out of 5, Windsor Place.
General (ASG) Sanjay Jain, to file the office of the L-G without first Shyam Verma (72) and his wife the probable mode of entry is (lurking house trespass) has Last May, the Directorate of “A total of Rs 18,88,333 is Directorate through a corrigen-
theresponsetothepetitionseek- sharingthemwiththeDelhigov- Veena (68) in a pool of blood on through the rear portion. Ravi been lodged. “Teams have been Estates under the Ministry had payable as damages for unau- dum to carry Monday’s date.
ing quashing of the nomination ernment. “This way, every time their bed on the ground floor. lastsawhisparentsaround10.30 deployed to scan CCTVs. State- issued notices to the IWPC and thorisedoccupationof thehouse “The other contents of the letter
of the 10 members. we have to come to the court for Their throats were slit and cup- last night,” he said. ments of both Ravi and Monica theForeignCorrespondentsClub w.e.f. 01.08.2022 to 10.04.2023. will remain the same,” it said.
“HowcantheL-Gtakethede- relief, and they are enjoying the boards in two other rooms were Senior officers said the cou- have been recorded — they said to vacate the premises allotted It is requested to pay the dam- The government had first
cision without aid and advice of power,”hesaid,addingthatstric- ransacked, said police. plehadrecentlysoldoff theback they were asleep and did not to them by July 31 as their allot- ages and vacate the house at the cancelled the allotment of the
thecouncilofministers?Thishas tures be passed against the Delhi Police said the couple’s son portionof theirplotandreceived hearanysoundsof ascuffle...The ment had not been extended by earliest failing which eviction bungalowin2021,however,sev-
tobeexercisedontheaidandad- government officers. RaviRattan(38),hiswifeMonika anadvancepaymentof Rs5 lakh planning of the murder seems the government. proceedings shall be initiated eral extensions had been given
vice...,” a bench comprising Chief “This MCD is divided into 12 and their son Jayesh were asleep two days ago. “It is suspected meticulous.Theaccusedhadob- In a letter to the IWPC presi- against you under the Public till July 31, 2022. Since then,
Justice D Y Chandrachud and zones and each zone has a ward in their room on the first floor at that the accused persons knew servedthemovementof theeld- dent, the Directorate of Estates Premises (eviction of unautho- the matter remained in
Justices P S Narasimha and J B committee and each committee the time. about the deal and the cash kept erly couple and the location of on Monday said IWPC had been rised occupants), Act, 1971,” the limbo.
Pardiwala said. getsanominatedaldermantosit. AccordingtoDCP(Northeast) in the house. After breaking the their room being close to the requested to find alternate letter said. When contacted for com-
TheASG,attheoutset,saidan So what is there by electoral ma- Joy Tirkey, Radhey Shyam had lock on the back gate, the ac- back gate,” said police. premises and vacate the bunga- The letter, which was sent by ment, an IWPC source said they
amendment to section 44 of the jorityisnullifiedbythealdermen retired as the vice-principal of a cused, most likely two of them, Thecouple’sdaughter,Manju low by July 31, 2022. “However, speed post, carried the date of had received the letter and
Government of National Capital and thus standing committee is Delhi government school. Police entered the room where the (42), said: “I last spoke to them the house has not been vacated “10.04.2022” and was subse- would decide on the next course
Territory of Delhi Act was made chosen. The whole object is said the family had been living couple was asleep. The duo first around8pmyesterday...theydid by you till date,” it read. quently corrected by the of action.

afterthe2018judgmentof acon- patently illegal,” Singhvi said. in the area for the past 38 years. tried to choke Veena and she not have any enmity with any-

stitution bench of the top court. The bench said it will list the “Rs 4.5 lakh and some jewellery tried to resist. Hearing the scuf- one and used to hardly go out of
“Inviewoftheamendment,ano- petition. are missing from the house and fle, Radhey Shyam intervened their house.”

Those with Covid

symptoms should
avoid public places,
says Bharadwaj

Bharadwaj Monday advised
people to not step out in public
placesif theyhaveflu-likesymp-
expected to rise in the coming
days owing to Delhi’s high pop- Those with low immunity
ulation density. should also avoid going out
“I believe that Covid cases in public places, said the
will increase in the city in the capital’s Health Minister
coming days, symptoms of flu
and influenza-like fever, cough
and cold will appear. I suggest On Sunday, out of the four
thatpeoplewithsuchsymptoms Covid-19 patients who died in
should not step out in public thelast24hoursinDelhi,thepri-
places and wear masks if neces- mary cause of death due to the
sarytopreventanyfurtherinfec- infection was reported only in
tion,” said Bharadwaj. one, an 88-year-old patient, ac-
Delhi reported 484 Covid cording to the health bulletin is-
positive cases Monday along sued Sunday evening.
with three deaths in which the The bulletin said the Covid
identificationof theviruswasin- findings in the deaths of the
cidental. The positivity rate was other three patients were inci-
recorded at 26.58 per cent with dental and the primary cause of
1,821 tests. death was not Covid.
TheHealth Ministersaidthat Officials in the Delhi govern-
thosewithlowimmunityshould ment’s health department said
also avoid going out in public that the 88-year-old patient was
places. from UP’s Muzaffarnagar and
“Covid, oxygen and ICU beds had type 2 respiratory failure,
are lying vacant and not many which has not been observed in
are hospitalised. The govern- Covid cases where patients have
mentandthehealthdepartment developed type 1 respiratory
are on high alert. Experts have failure and Covid pneumonitis.
also said that this Covid wave According to experts, type 2
will subside soon,” he said. respiratory failure occurs when
Meanwhile, two Cenre-run the respiratory system cannot
hospitals – RML, Lady Hardinge adequatelyremovecarbondiox-
Medical College — and associ- ide from the body, leading to hy-
ated hospitals on Monday con- percapnia, and can be caused by
ducted mock drills to check for respiratory pump failure and
any gaps in Covid preparedness. increased carbon dioxide
Union Health Minister production.
MansukhMandaviyaalsovisited Type 1 respiratory failure oc-
RML Hospital to take stock of curs when the respiratory sys-
Covid preparedness. tem cannot adequately provide
According to officials, the oxygen to the body, leading to
Centre has also asked to provide hypoxemia, and can be caused
details regarding the number of by alveolar hypoventilation, low
children admitted to hospitals atmosphericpressure/fractionof
due to Covid. inspiredoxygen,diffusiondefect,
At Safdarjung, officials were ventilation/perfusionmismatch,
asked to send data on Covid and right-to-left shunt, they
preparedness. added.

Will lock CM’s home if

notice to Haj committee
not withdrawn: BJP
New Delhi: Accusing the Aam it would not let this happen.
Aadmi Party (AAP) government “If the Haj House is lost, then
of challenging the dignity of the thegovernmentresidenceof the
city’s Muslim population during Delhi Chief Minister will also be
Ramzan, the BJP Monday staged locked.Itwouldhavebeenbetter
a protest outside Chief Minister if Kejriwal had called minority
Arvind Kejriwal's residence over leaders first and discussed the
a vacation notice served to the problem but he has chosen the
Delhi State Haj Committee for pathof confrontationandtheBJP
overdue rent. accepts his challenge,” the LOP
Leader of Opposition in the also said, adding that the party
Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh would hit the streets with citi-
Bidhuri alleged that the AAP-led zens from the Muslim commu-
Delhi government was intent on nity over the issue if the notice
“destroying” the Haj House, was not withdrawn.
which started functioning dur- The Delhigovernment did not
ing the tenure of then BJP CM respond to requests for com-
Madan Lal Khurana, and vowed ment on the issue. ENS

Poor Poor Moderate Moderate
FORECAST: April 11
Partly cloudy sky

274 303 171 134

0 PM 10 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 10 500 0 PM 10 500
(At 6 pm) MAX: 36 MIN: 16
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 1.3°Cabovenormal 3.8°C belownormal

Passenger ‘assaults’ women
transferof ClipfromRamayanaplayedat crew on Air India flight, booked
extortioncase EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Police said an hour
the unruly behaviour, causing
New Delhi: Sukesh NEWDELHI,APRIL10 after take off, he physicalharmtotwoof thecabin
Chandrasekhar,accusedof crewmembers.“Thepilotincom-
extorting Rs 200 crore THE DELHI Police has detained a allegedly tried to open mand decided to return to Delhi
from the wife of a former 25-year-old man for allegedly the emergency exit and the passenger was handed
Fortis promoter, moved a ism happens, they (pub staff) “The DJ is in Chennai at pres- misbehavingwithandassaulting over to the security personnel
Delhi court Monday ac- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE themselves will be responsible entandwillbearrestedsoon.We crew on a London-bound Air upon landing. Safety, security
cusing the judge hearing NOIDA,APRIL10 for it,” read one of the tweets. tookactionasseveralpeoplehad IndiaflightMonday.Theincident sor has been received and legal and dignity of all on board is im-
thecaseofallegedbiasand Reacting to the tweet, the raised objections over the use of tookplaceshortlyaftertheplane action is being taken,” said DCP portant to us at Air India. We are
seeking its transfer to an- THE OWNER of the Noida fran- Police Commissionerate of the clip at the bar. The manager took off from the Delhi (IGI Airport) Devesh Mahla. providing all possible support to
other judge. Sukesh chise of Lord of the Drinks and Gautam Buddh Nagar posted a and owner knew about the DJ International Airport. Whenpolicequestionedhim the affected crew members. We
moved a transfer petition the manager were arrested after tweet saying they have regis- andhisplaylistbutdidn'tdoany- The man, Jaskirat Singh about the incident, he said “he regrettheinconveniencecaused
through his lawyer Anant several purported videos, show- tered a case at Sector 39 police thing to stop it,” said an officer. Padda, hailing from Kapurthala was feeling agitated and upset”. to the passengers and have
Malik before Principal ing a scene from the Ramayana station and made arrests. As per sources, the pub is run inPunjab,wastravellingwithhis The flight left IGIA at 6.35 am rescheduled the flight to depart
DistrictandSessionsJudge TV show playing in the back- Additional Deputy by Manak and his wife. Police parents. Police said an hour after and returned around 8 am. The for London this afternoon,” Air
DharmeshSharma.“Since ground, surfaced online. Commissioner of Police (Noida) said they might arrest his wife take off, he allegedly tried to man was deboarded and his IndiasaidinastatementMonday.
applicant/accusedalleged The incident took place at Shakti Avasthy said, “The video Tuesday morning or ask her to open the emergency exit. Police family also got down and he was The flight later took off with
bias against Presiding the pub in Gardens Galleria went viral on social media join the probe. officers said the cabin crew tried handed over to police. The cabin the other passengers.
Officer/ ASJ, let copy of Mall. While there was no com- The incident took place Mondaymorningandissaidtobe Whencontacted,theMDand to stop him but he allegedly crew members were sent to Meanwhile, the Directorate
present transfer petition plaint, Noida Police said they at the Lord of the Drinks fromLordoftheDrinksrestro-bar CEO of First Fiddle Restaurants hurled abuses. Medanta Medical Centre near General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
besent tohim elucidating took suo motu cognizance see- pub in Gardens Galleria Mall located in Gardens Galleria mall. Priyank Sukhija, whose com- “The man was seen at the the airport for an MLC. Doctors released an advisory for pilots,
his comments... which ing social media posts. Taking cognizance of the matter pany Lord of the Drinks is under, door and was trying to open it. said results are pending. cabin crew and airlines saying:
may be placed before this Police said the two men, immediately, an FIR was lodged told The Indian Express, “I don’t Thecabinsupervisorandhercol- Basedonthecomplaint,acase “Theindividual's/airline'srespon-
courtforfurtherconsider- owner Manak Chaudhary and song. under IPC sections 153 A (pro- run the Noida franchise. We saw league tried to stop him but he has been registered against the sibility for handling incidents of
ation on April 17, 2023,” manager Abhishek, were ar- Several people tweeted ex- motingenmitybetweendifferent the video and are coordinating threatened to hit them and used manunderIPCsections323(caus- unrulybehaviorincludingsmok-
the judge said. The court rested Monday under charges of pressing anger and even threat- groups)and295A(deliberateand with the UP Police. The video unparliamentary language. He ing hurt), 336 (act endangering inginaircraft,consumptionof al-
directed jail authorities to promoting enmity between dif- ening the pub staff over the use malicious acts, intended to out- shouldn't have been played at then became violent and hit the personalsafetyofothers),354(as- coholicbeveragesresultinginun-
produce the accused ferent groups and outraging re- of a clip. rage religious feelings).” the bar. We support legal action cabin supervisor on her neck... sault with intent to outrage ruly behavior, altercations... and
through video conference ligious feelings. “Lord of Drinks, Gardens Soon after the FIR was initiated. However, I think the shefelltothefloor.Healsopulled woman's modesty) and 509 incidentsofinappropriatetouch-
on next date of hearing. The purported videos, up- Galleria Mall @noidapolice lodged, Manak and Abhishek fault is of the DJ because he was her hair and hit the other crew (word/gesture/actinsultingmod- ing or sexual harassment by pas-
loaded on social media, show a @Uppolice@dial112Thisismak- were arrested from the bar. the one who played the video member on her face. He was re- esty of woman) and under the sengers on board... during the
Revampsoon clip from the 1980s Ramayana
show being played on a big
ing fun of Hinduism and all this
is happening openly in Noida.
mentions the name of the disc
that night. The manager and
other staffers were busy work-
strained with the help of other
staff and passengers. The flight
Aircraft Rules, 1937. Police said
flight have been specified under
various provisions of Aircraft
for10bridges screen at the bar while several
people are seen dancing to a
Action should be taken on this
asap. Otherwise, if any vandal-
jockey who played the song and
the video on that night.
had to come back to Delhi. The
complaint of the cabin supervi-
According to the airline, he
culars and manuals of Airlines...”
New Delhi: Ten elevated,
railway and drain over-
bridges in North and
French teacher, lawyer: Residents ‘pet’ To stop art thieves, 10L signatures
Outer Delhi, which pro-
vide connectivity to the
animals at Delhi zoo with adoptions Pragati Maidan tunnel against arrest
gets armed guards
centralpartof thecity,are

of Sisodia,
soon going to get a
makeover, said officials.
According to a senior
Public Works Depart-
ment (PWD) official, GAYATHRIMANI
tempts have been made. Usually,
it is petty thieves who steal small
Jain: AAP
these bridges are old and NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 itemslikealuminumwires,bulbs
in need of repair and re- andlightfittings...But,recently,we EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
development. The 10 AS ONE passes through ITPO- witnessed professional thieves NEW DELHI, APRIL 10
bridges that will undergo Pragati Maidan Tunnel, they are withweaponssuchasknivesand
repair in the coming greeted with an unusual sight: a proper plan in mind.” THE AAM Aadmi Party Monday
months are located in uniformed security guards with In all, six gunmen and 11 un- said that it had collected 10 lakh
Timarpur Crossing, Mall guns manning the pathway. The armedsecurityguardshavebeen signatures during its campaign
Road Crossing, Maurice personnelareherenottocombat deployed to protect the expen- against the arrests of former
Nagar, Gurmandi (Vijay anyhardenedcriminalbutpetty, sive artwork and lights poles. Delhi ministers Manish Sisodia
Nagar Crossing), GT Road albeit professional, thieves with “A few months ago, about a and Satyendar Jain.
Crossing near Shakti aspecifictargetinmind—expen- dozenwomenandchildrencame The AAP had launched the
Nagar, and Bharat Nagar siveartworkadorningwallsofthe in a small truck and tried to steal campaignonMarch13andwent
over Najafgarh Drain in tunnel, parts of which can fetch artwork, paintings and murals door to door in the city, asking
Delhi. anywhere between Rs 25,000 made of steel and iron... We people to sign a petition de-
and Rs 30,000 in the market. somehow managed to track manding their release.
Contempt The guards have been sta-
tioned by the Public Works
ceeded in preventing such thefts
“The Lok Sabha in-charge,
districtin-charge, co-ordinators,
case:DelhiHC Department (PWD) since April 1
on many other occasions. But,
MLAs and councillors of the
party visited around 2,800
discharges Under the scheme, adopters are provided with an adoption membership card with the option of adding three names to it, all
nel, the security of which as-
sumes significance in the light of
the thieves have tried to attack
our guards,” said the official.
polling stations in the 70 Vidhan
Sabha constituencies and got
VivekAgnihotri of whom can visit the zoo during visiting hours once a month on any working day. Archive theG-20Summitsettotakeplace
Inaugurated last June by PM
signatures from people. We set
a goal of collecting roughly 10
NewDelhi: TheDelhiHigh Centre.EventhoughthePWDhas tunnel has several murals and lakh signatures of Delhi resi-
CourtMondaydischarged haven’t been adopted yet. imals. Delhi zoo director deployedunarmedguardsatfoot paintingsdepictingsixseasonsof dents against the arrest of these
filmmaker Vivek ABHINAYA HARIGOVIND AMONG Then there are birds, a popu- Akanksha said: “For a start, it’s a over bridges, subways and a few India and the landscape from two leaders to send to the Prime
Agnihotri in a suo motu
criminal contempt pro-
THE ONES lar choice for adoption among
the city’s residents. The cheaper
gun showing interest. But peo-
curity staff carrying guns have
Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
The PWD official said the
Minister... This stack of letters
that is present in front of you to-
ceeding initiated by the ONHERnexttriptotheDelhizoo, ADOPTED bird adoptions include those of ple should also come forward been stationed at the tunnel. guardsareex-servicemen.“They day has the name, address, sig-
courtafterhetenderedan there’s one place Somya Singh is the Zebra Finch (Rs 700 per year) more, for both bigger animals as According to an official, work round the clock, in eight- nature and phone numbers of
unconditional apology
and expressed his re-
— the house of her ‘adopted’ Red
`6 lakh and the Scaly-breasted Munia
(Rs 1,500 per year), and the
well as the birds.”
While admitting that most
CCTVs inside the tunnel, theft at-
hour shifts. They also work on
holidays,” the official added.
over 10 lakh residents of Delhi
who have expressed their opin-
a year each
morse for allegedly Sand Boa. The special bond was for 2 rhinos more expensive ones Blue-and- people tend to adopt deer or ions and support to the AAP
retweetingapostalleging formed after Singh, an advocate gold Macaw (Rs 6,000 per year) birds, Singh said she made the campaign,” AAP state convenor
bias against former HC at the Delhi High Court, paid Rs and the Great Horned Owl (Rs unusualchoiceafter her eyes fell Gopal Rai said.
judge Justice S 2,000 to the zoo authorities to Indian Elephant `6,00,000 12,000 per year). on two Red Sand Boa at the zoo. Union Minister Anurag
Muralidhar. On Monday, take care of the thickset, Sloth Bear `45,000 The zoo’s most expensive “Red Sand Boa are also known to Thakur hit out at the AAP and
adivisionbenchof Justice non-venomous snake for a year Marsh Crocodile `30,000 adoptions so far is that of two belucky.Andtheideawastoalso tweeted the photo of one such
Siddharth Mridul and under its ‘adoption programme’ Source: Delhi zoo Rhinoceros, by the Indian Oil beabletocontributeinwhatever form, pointing to the section
Justice Vikas Mahajan launched last September. Corporation, and an Indian little way to the welfare of ani- with the phone number, which
took into consideration “I’m very fond of snakes and Elephant ‘Hiragaj’, adopting mals,” she said. was only nine digits long.
the unconditional apol- like to read up about them,” adopters’ names, and in case of each of whom for a year costs For Bhavya Sharma, 23, a He claimed that Delhi Chief
ogyof Agnihotri,whowas Singh said, adding that she had companies their logos, are fea- Rs 6,00,000. French teacher, the adoption of Minister ArvindKejriwalwasin-
present in court. “Vivek earliertriedtovisitthesnakebut tured on the signages near the ‘Hiragaj’ wasadoptedbyShiv ‘Radha’ the sloth bear was spe- dulging in forgery and mislead-
Agnihotri, the alleged wastold tocomebackafter April animals’ enclosures. Kumar Singh, who has been as- cial. Radha, according to zoo of- ing people.
contemnor... is present as it was mating season for the When the scheme was sociated with the Delhi zoo for a ficials, was rescued from a per- Sisodia was arrested by the
beforecourtinpersonand reptiles. launched, the zoo had listed 96 long time on contractual basis. formance in Rajasthan around CBI and the ED in connection
reiterates his remorse as Under the scheme, adopters species for adoption. So far, 41 “I’ve been seeing the elephant 10 years ago. Sharma said she with cases related to alleged
wellastendersanuncon- are provided with an adoption birds and animals have been for21yearsnow,andIknewthat was told that the bear was get- irregularities in the now-
ditionalapologyfortheal- membership card with the op- adopted, not only by individuals this was the animal I wanted to ting older and was advised to scrapped Delhi excise policy,
legedoffensivestatement tion of adding three names to it, but also by companies. These in- adopt," he said. adopt a younger animal, but she while Jain was arrested last
madeby him on Twitter,” all of whom can visit the zoo clude two crocodiles, a sloth Of the Rs 20,47,200 collected chose the rescued animal and In all, six gunmen and 11 unarmed security guards have year by the ED in connection
the bench noted. ENS during visiting hours once a bear, an elephant and a specta- from the adoptions so far, most paid Rs 45,000 for a year for its been deployed at the tunnel. Praveen Khanna with an alleged money launder-
month on any working day. The cled cobra. Only the big cats is being spent on feeding the an- upkeep. ing case.


Jalabala Vaidya, pioneer of capital’s Akshara Theatre, passes away at 86

pendent group of arts lovers, but Aksharateam,whichincludedher the world stage in the years fol- performedthereandhadlongdis- hand, Jalabala could get a full years ago. I wanted to present a
DIPANITANATH the decision to open the doors of daughter Anasuya Vaidya. lowing Independence. The suc- cussions with both of them on house by conceptualising a play.Shesaidnoonewouldcome
PUNE,APRIL10 Aksharawasbytheownersofthe Jalabala was born in London cess of Full Circle resulted in cultureandthefuture.Theywere dramatised reading-cum-per- there, so why did I want to per-
theatre, Gopal Sharman and on August 12, 1936, to journalist, the invitation from the Royal completely immersed in the formance of 50 Shades of Grey, a form there? Those were the hal-
IN2013,whentheNationalSchool Jalabala Vaidya. Sharman passed author and freedom fighter Shakespeare Theatre — among process of creativity. Gopal was a bestselling novel by EL James. cyon days of SRC, Kamani and
of Drama, India’s premier arts away in 2016 and Jalabala on Suresh Vaidya and Marjorie thehighestrecognitionthataplay playwright, poet, musician, the- Jalabala, Sharman and Anasuya Meghdootastheatrehubs...‘Good
organisation, cancelled Pakistan Sunday,bringinganendtoanera Franckeiss Vaidya, a half-English, could get in the sixties. Jalabala atre and television director. He had also presented a political luckwithyouraudience,’shesaid
plays from their international fortheatreinIndia.Shehadbeen half-Italian classical singer. used to narrate how Sharman used to sing, record, sculpt and satireLet’sLaughAgainduringthe and allowed me to re-open
theatre festival, Bharat Rang ill for some time. Jalabalastartedasajournalistand used to lie down on the floor in a write.Jalabalawashislifelongin- Emergency, for six months until Akshara withaproductionof my
Mahotsav, at the last minute due “Akshara means word, and it was interested in acting. A darkened room and let his imag- spiration,”saysDelhi-baseddance the Emergency ended. GermanplayOuch!,”saidSohaila
to tension at the border, at least ismybeliefthattodojusticetoan great storyteller, she used to re- ination run as he narrated The maestro Geeta Chandran. Indira Gandhi was one of the Kapur. Ouch! drew a good audi-
one director did not go back un- author’swork,youhavetorespect count how it was Dr Sarvepalli Ramayana script, and she would What set Akshara’s perform- regulars at Akshara. In 1976, ence. Since then, Akshara has be-
seen. Madeeha Gauhar’s play, his words,” Jalabala used to say. Radhakrishnan,thenPresidentof write it all down. The Ramayana ances apart was that they were when the couple was perform- come a venue of choice for many
Kaun Hai Yeh Gustakh, based on Actor, director and writer, India, who was instrumental in played on Broadway, the fearlessartisticallyandpolitically. ing at Broadway, they received a new and young theatre groups.
the life and stories of Urdu writer Jalabala was the powerhouse be- hertakingtothestageinaserious West End, the United Nations One could attend performances phonecallthatbulldozershadar- Only a diehard theatre lover
SaadatHasanMantowhohadleft hind iconic productions, such as way in 1968 with Full Circle, Headquarters, the Smithsonian of poems from Rabindranath rived to demolish Akshara. They would add a feature to their hall
Mumbai for Pakistan, played to a The Ramayana, which was com- whichwasadramatisationofpo- Institution, and the National Arts Tagore’s Nobel Prize-winning contacted Gandhi, who invited that made a trip there more spe-
full house at the Akshara Theatre missioned by Royal Shakespeare ems and stories by Sharman. Centres from Fiji to Canada, be- work, Gitanjali, in Japanese and them to tea and a conversation. cial — soup. Shows at Akshara in-
at Baba Kharak Singh Marg. Company’sWorldTheatreSeason Full Circle toured Europe, Jalabala was born in London sides Akshara in India. English as a Western string quar- The demolition stopped. cluded a bowl of soup for audi-
Theinitiativetostagetheper- in 1968 and was kept alive with a makingthecoupleamongthefirst on August 12, 1936. PTI “Theirwholeapproachtothe- tet and Indian musicians played “IwenttomeetJalabalawhen ence in the foyer as Sharman and
formance was taken by an inde- changing cast by Jalabala and the players to put Indian theatre on atre was as a way of life... I have background scores. On the other they had shut their theatre a few Jalabala played hosts.




Top court dismisses petitions

challenging Delhi HC order

Appearingforsomeoftheap- Bhushan said “there was written that “promissory estoppel is al-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE pellants, Advocate Arunava exam, thereafter physical test, wayssubjecttooverarchingpub-
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 Mukherjee said he was not chal- medical exam, everything was lic interest”.
lengingtheschemebutonlyseek- done.Thereafteraprovisionalse- Justice Narasimha added that First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
THE SUPREME Court on Monday ingdirectionstocompletethepre- lect list was published showing “this is not a contract matter Emine Dzhaparova and MEA Secretary (West) Sanjay Verma
dismissed petitions challenging viously notified recruitment theranksetc.Thereafterformore where promissory estoppel in in New Delhi on Monday. PTI
the Delhi High Court judgement process to Army and Air Force. thanoneyear,everythreemonths publiclawwasapplied,itisapub-

Kyiv message:
which upheld the Agnipath He argued that “it will make they kept saying that appoint- lic employment” and that “the
scheme for recruitment to the no difference to the Agnipath ment letters were going to be is- question of applying this princi-
armed forces. scheme even if these people are sued, however they were post- ple will not arise in this case”.
COURTESY CALL “Overallthereisnothingforus recruited.BecausetheUnionsays poned due to Covid-19, etc.” Appearing for the Centre,

AT A time when the ties between the leaders of ruling and

Opposition parties are at a new low, some leaders are still
to interfere,” a bench presided by
Chief Justice of India D Y
Chandrachud said after hearing
it will take 15-20 years for
Agnipath to show some effect”.
He submitted that “in the
meantime they did recruitment
Additional Solicitor General
Aishwarya Bhati said the rallies
were held in view of the exigen-
Supporting Ukraine
right choice for
warminguptotheirpoliticaladversaries.FormerTripurachief the petitioners who said the a vested right in matters of em- it was for fast-track recruitments cies of the time.
minister and Rajya Sabha MP Biplab Deb, who is the BJP in- scheme had left those hoping to ployment unless the appoint- to address the demographic im- “There were 11 special rallies.
charge for Haryana, on Sunday called up former Haryana CM apply under the old method ment is made. “Anyway, those balance to recruit tribal people, The recruitment took place dur-

true Vishwaguru
and senior Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda to en- stranded. people came in. Now we are not etc”. He added that these candi- ing Covid times. These were ex-
quire about his well-being after he met with a road accident The bench, also comprising going to displace those dateshadgotjobsinBSFandother traordinarytimesthattheinstitu-
in Hisar district. The vehicle in which Hooda was travelling Justices P S Narasimha and J B people...Youwerepeoplewhohad paramilitary organisations, but tions were grappling with. The
had hit a nilgai but the former CM escaped unhurt. Pardiwala,saidthatitdidnotfind to come through the normal hadrefusedastheyweretoldthat processwhich the defence forces
anything arbitrary in the recruit- process.Andtheyhadcancelledit Air Force recruitment letters will have carried out then is not a lateral relations and exchanged
ment done under the Agnipath or they didn’t proceed with it as be issued. process of pick and choose. We EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE views on the current situationin
FOLLOWER, LEADER scheme or that it was motivated
intervened. There is no vested
“They didn’t say the issue of
letters being postponed due to
wanted to fill up these vacancies
because we needed to fill these
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 Ukraine apart from global issues
of mutual interest.
ELON MUSK created a buzz on social mediaon Monday when “Thereisnovestedrighthere. right unless and until appoint- Agnipath,” he said, adding there vacancies in the defence interest, UKRAINE’SFIRSTDeputyForeign Since the conflict began in
hestartedfollowingPrimeMinisterNarendraModionTwitter. The High Court has said the gov- ment is made.” was the issue of promissory in the national interest,” she sub- Minister Emine Dzhaparova February last year, Prime
Modi is the fourth world leader to be followed by Musk after ernmentcannotactarbitrarily.But Appearing in a related matter estoppel. mitted. MondaymetMinistryof External Minister Narendra Modi spoke
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, former US president Barack it is not really a decision which is involving petitioners who chal- “After a more than 2 year Whiledismissingsomeof the Affairs’ Secretary (West) Sanjay to Russian President Vladimir
Obama, and French President Emmanuel Macron. Musk fol- weighedinbyanyextraneouscir- lengedtheirnon-appointmentaf- process,youhaverepeatedlytold petitions, the court on Bhushan’s Verma – the first senior official Putin as well as Ukrainian
lowsonly193peopleonTwitter,whilehehas134.3millionfol- cumstances or any arbitrary rea- tertheirnamesappearedinapro- me that letters are going to be is- requestagreedtohearthematter fromKyivtomeetIndiangovern- President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
lowers. PM Modi has 87.7 million followers. sons,” the CJI remarked while visional list for recruitment to Air sued…,” said Bhushan. in which he appeared separately, ment officials since the Russia- several times.
turning down the pleas. Force, Advocate Prashant The CJI, however, pointed out on April 17. Ukraine war broke out on Inaphoneconversationwith
CULTURE DIPLOMACY February 24 last year.
“Happy to visit the land that
Modi said there can be “no mili-
AFTER GIVING the diplomatic community in New Delhi a Bar candidates gave birth to many sages, saints tary solution” and that India is
chance to celebrate Holi last month, MoS External Affairs and & gurus. Today, #India wants to ready to contribute to any peace
Culture,MeenakashiLekhi,onMondayeveningexposedthem facing serious be the Vishwaguru, the global effort.Indiahasnot yet explicitly
to Punjabi culture. Among the guests at Lekhi's Baisakhi event teacher and arbiter. In our case, condemned the Russian inva-
were diplomats from Nepal, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Chile, criminal charges: we’ve got a very clear picture: sion of Ukraine and it has been
Peru,BangladeshandMyanmar.Theguestsweregivenatradi- aggressor against innocent vic- maintaining that the crisis must
tional welcome with ‘dhol’ and ‘bhangra’, followed by interac- SC gives Centre tim. Supporting Ukraine is the be resolved through diplomacy
4 weeks to reply only right choice for true
Vishwaguru,” Dzhaparova
and dialogue.
The MEA said India shares
NewDelhi:TheSupremeCourton tweeted Monday. warm and friendly relations and
Monday granted four weeks to Dzhaparova will is also multifaceted cooperation with

‘Meets undesirable theCentretofileitsreplytoaplea

seeking debarment of those
scheduled to call on Minister of
State for External Affairs and
Culture Meenakshi Lekhi and
Ukraine. “Over the last 30 years
of establishing diplomatic ties,
bilateral cooperation between

businessmen’: Azad’s framed in serious offences from

contesting elections.
meet Deputy National Security
Adviser Vikram Misri.
During her meeting with
the two countries has made sig-
nificant progress in the areas of
trade,education,cultureand de-

latest salvo at Rahul and B V Nagarathna also said the

Centre first needed to identify
Verma, both sides discussed bi-


fence,” it said.

BJPseeksanswers;Azadpathetic:Cong Union minister Nitin Gadkari and J&K L-G Manoj Sinha at Zojila tunnel in Ganderbal . PTI fileditsresponseinthematter,the
bench asked Additional Solicitor
General Sanjay Jain to do the BJP may field OBCs in
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 Gadkari inspects work on Zojila needful. “First you need to iden-
tify what are serious offences. It
has to be defined. We will have it
general seats, Muslims in
Party leader and rebel Congress
leader Ghulam Nabi Azad has set
tunnel: Will boost employment in July,” the bench said.
Besides debarring people
minority-dominated ones
offafreshpoliticalslugfest,accus- As of now, 38 per cent of the 6,800crore,isinprogressatZojila. framed,thepetition,filedthrough is to win the trust of the OBCs for
ing Rahul Gandhi of associating EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE work on the tunnel, said to be A7.57metreshighhorseshoe- advocateAshwaniKumarDubey, LALMANI VERMA the next year's LS elections.
with “undesirable businessmen”. Democratic Progressive SRINAGAR, APRIL 10 Asia's longest, has been com- shaped single-tube, two-lane has also sought direction to the LUCKNOW, APRIL 10 “The winnability of the OBC
As the BJP sought “clarifications” Azad Party leader pleted. tunnel,whichwillpassunderthe Centre and the EC to take steps to candidateonsuchseatswillbeas-
from Rahul on the “interests” of Ghulam Nabi Azad. File UNION ROAD Transport and Speaking to reporters at Z Zojila Pass between Ganderbal restrain such candidates as those IN THE upcoming urban local sessed according to popularity in
these businessmen, the Congress HighwaysMinisterNitinGadkari Morh, Gadkari said, “From a district in Kashmir and Drass put on trial for serious offences body polls in Uttar Pradesh, the the area and the social equations
accused the veteran politician of on Monday inspected Zojila tun- strategicpointof view,thisisim- town in Kargil district of Ladakh from contesting elections. BJP may field OBC candidates on in the constituency,” the leader
plungingto“newdepths”. Otherwise I can give ten exam- nel, which will establish all- portant. This area will be devel- is also under construction. Meanwhile,contendingthatit unreserved seats and may also added. According to the party
Azad’s fresh offensive fol- ples of where all he would go weather connectivity between opedsopeopledonothavetomi- The project includes a Smart hasbeenraisingtheissueofcrim- giveticketstoMuslimcandidates leader,itwasalsodecidedtofield
lowed Rahul’s swipe at him and and meet... Even outside the the Union Territories of Ladakh grate. This is going to increase Tunnel (SCADA) System, which inalisation of politics since 1998, in minority-dominated areas. Muslim candidates in minority-
other Congress rebels, this time country, they meet people who and Jammu and Kashmir. employment potential in this re- has been constructed using the the EC has told the SC it has ac- Sources in the ruling BJP said dominated seats.
dragging them into an attack on are undesirable businessmen." Gadkarivisitedtheprojectsite gion as well.” newAustriantunnellingmethod. tively taken steps for its decrimi- that a consensus on these issues “The party may prefer
the Adani issue. Just after NCP Responding to Rahul, along with J&K Lieutenant As part of the project, 19 tun- “The use of modern technology nalisation. In an affidavit, the EC emerged during a meeting of Pasmanda or any other Muslim
chief SharadPawar’sinterviewto JyotiradityaScindiasaidinatweet GovernorManojSinhaandmem- nelsarebeingconstructedatacost in this project has saved the gov- saidfurtherstepstoeffectivelyde- Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on seats that have a significant
NDTVsuggestingthattheallega- that the Congress leader was bers of the Parliamentary ofRs25,000crore—theconstruc- ernment more than Rs 5,000 criminalisepoliticswouldrequire with his Cabinet colleagues and presenceoftheminoritycommu-
tions against Gautam Adani “nowreducedtoatroll”.Hewent ConsultativeCommitteeonRoad tionofa3.14-km-longtunneland crore,” the administration stated legislative amendments which topstateunitleadersonMonday. nity. BJP’s core Hindu voters can
seemed “targeted”, Rahul had on to ask why the Congress was Transport and Highways. approach road, at a cost of Rs on Monday. are beyond EC’s scope. PTI Accordingtoapartyleader,the alsovoteforhim,”saidtheleader.
tweeted that the question was “putting pressure” on the Court. chief minister had called a meet- “The BJP had fielded Muslim
“who the Rs 20,000 crore in Senior BJP leader Ravi ing of BJP leaders to discuss the candidates on a few seats in the
Adani's benami companies be- Shankar Prasad demanded that RESERVATION OF SEATS IN UTTAR PRADESH LOCAL POLLS party’s preparations for the local previous urban local body polls,
longed to”, and posted a picture Rahul respond to the charge. urban body polls, a day after the butthewasresultswerenotsatis-
expanding on each letter of the
ers who had left the Congress.
"Ghulam Nabi Azad has made a
Rahul Gandhi goes on a foreign
Quota rules bypassed to help BJP: Mayawati State Election Commission an-
nounced the poll dates. At the
meeting, suggestions from the
factory,” the leader added.
Meanwhile, from Tuesday,
ministers who have been as-
Asked about Rahul’s tweet, tour, he meets many ‘unwanted ing party an advantage in next vantage in the General Election,” Pal's murder and because ministers and party leaders were signed particular districts for the
Azad told Malayalam news businessmen’. Who are these EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE year'sLokSabhapolls,too. Mayawati told the media. Parveen is absconding after her taken into consideration. BJP's poll preparations will begin
channel Asianet on Monday: “It 'unwantedtraders'andwhatare LUCKNOW, APRIL 10 “People belonging to SC, ST, Mayawati also said that BSP name surfaced in the case. “At the meeting, it was sug- atourof theconstituenciesgoing
is (a) shame... I have never had their interests?” OBC(categories)andwomenare will not field jailed gangster- “In this situation, our party gested that if there is a chance of topollsinthefirstphase—May4.
any association with any busi- Hitting out at Azad, Congress A DAY after UP State Election notcompletelysatisfiedwiththe turned-politician Atiq Ahmed's willnotgiveatickettoAtiq'swife winningunreservedseatsorgen- The Uttar Pradesh State
nessmen, whereas their entire leader Jairam Ramesh tweeted: Commission(SEC)announcedthe quota arrangements made for wife Shaista Parveen or anyone and any other member of their eralcategoryseatsbyfieldingOBC Election Commission (SEC) on
family had associations with “With every passing day, scheduleforurbanlocalbodypolls themintheurbanlocalbodypolls from their family as candidate family from there,” she said. candidates, then it should be Sunday had announced a two-
businessmen including him Ghulam Nabi Azad falls to new inthestate,BSPchiefMayawation because the rules have been by- for Prayagraj mayor in the com- Asked whether Parveen will done.Thiswouldbeseparatefrom phaseUrbanLocalBodyelections
(Rahul).” Azad added: “I still depths to demonstrate his true Monday claimed that rules have passedinreservingseatsforthese ing urban polls. She said the sit- be expelled from the party, the 27 per cent seats reserved for onMay4and11toelectrepresen-
won’t (say anything) because I character and his loyalty to Mr. been bypassed in reserving seats sections.This provesBJPis trying uation has changed in Prayagraj Mayawati said, “A decision will theOtherBackwardClass(OBCs),” tativesfor14,864postsacross760
have great respectfor the family. Modi... I can only say that he for OBCs, SCs and STs with an ob- totargetitsownpoliticalinterests in view of the new facts that sur- be taken soon...our party re- said a party leader on the condi- local bodies in the state. The
I don’t want to speak anything. is PATHETIC.” jective to help BJP, giving the rul- ateverylevelsothatitgetsanad- faced in connection withUmesh spects the law. It is not above it.” tionofanonymity,addingtheidea counting be held on May 13.

Pilot brings up old ghosts for Cong: Singh Deo to Scindia, almost CMs, tough choices
Senior leader Sachin Pilot's Scindiadidnotandthebalancing thepreviousVasundharaRaje-led showed. In that Rahul was Assembly Speaker. But Baghel

MANOJ C G fresh offensive against Rajasthan act came undone. He walked government, the party has not flanked by Chief Minister flatly denies the existence of any
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and awayfromtheCongressinMarch seen peace in the desert state. Bhupesh Baghel and Deo on one such unwritten formula.
Chhattisgarh Health Minister T S 2020, bringing down the Kamal While Scindia was only given side and Tamradhwaj Sahu and In Karnataka, Siddaramaiah Cong brass
IF THE Congress wins the Singh Deo's “I am on the side- Nathgovernmentandleavingthe hopeaboutarosyfuture,sources CharanDasMahantontheother. has already declared that he is ● in a spot
Karnataka Assembly elections lines” jibe on Sunday are power- party red-faced. close to Pilot have been arguing All four were CM aspirants. an aspirant. In a television inter-
nextmonth,thepartyleadership ful reminders to the Congress Butthatwasnottheonlypho- that the leadership — read Rahul The photo was captioned view, he said Shivakumar — too SACHIN PILOT'S latest of-
will find itself caught between a leadership about the unfinished tograph that Rahul tweeted that and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra — with American venture capital- was an aspirant. Then there are fensive against Rajasthan
rock and a hard place as it will business in these two states. winter. The second photograph gave him the commitment that ist Reid Hoffman’s quote, “No others — campaign committee Chief Minister Ashok
havetodecidebetweenLeaderof In December 2018, the showed him with Gehlot and he would be made the Chief matter how brilliant your mind chief M B Patil and former Gehlot has put the
Opposition Siddaramaiah and Congress won the elections in all Pilot by his side and it was cap- Minister in the last year of the or strategy, if you’re playing a Deputy CM and Dalit face G Congress high command
state Congress president D K threestates,triggeringhecticlob- tioned: “The united colours of government’sterm.Thatwasper- solo game, you’ll always lose out Parameshwara — who hope to in a spot of bother espe-
Shivakumar for the Chief bying by senior leaders for the Rajasthan.”Sincethen,thatunity haps the agreement that to a team.” emerge as a compromise choice cially since it is coming at
Minister's post. CM’s post. At the time, Rahul has proved to be elusive. The last prompted Pilot to call off his re- Congress leader Sachin Pilot According to party insiders, in the Siddaramaiah- a time when the leader-
If the party finds itself in such Gandhi tweeted a photo of him fouryearshavebeentumultuous volt. That he did not manage to addresses a press Baghel and Deo joined hands to Shivakumar face-off. ship is engaged in a bitter
asituation,itwillbeathrowback flankedbyNathandScindia,cap- for Rajasthan Congress. From secure the support of several conference at his residence edge out the other two, propos- Ascampaigningbeginsforthe tussle with the BJP-led
to2018.Atthetime,thegrandold tioning it with Leo Tolstoy’s line: Pilot’srebellioninthesummerof MLAs also forced him to smoke in Jaipur, Sunday. PTI ingarotationalchiefministership Karnataka Assembly elections, Central government on
party faced a hard time deciding “Thetwomostpowerfulwarriors 2020 to the abortive bid of the the peace pipe. formulatoRahul.Bagheltookthe theCongressleadershipismind- issues such as the dis-
the CMs of Madhya Pradesh, are patience and time.” leadership to replace Gehlot last Deo’s jibe also illustrates the firstturn,andDeoandSahu—the fulof thecomplicationsthatliein qualification of Rahul
Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh and The message to Scindia was September to the latest tussle unfinished business in more than two contenders in latterwiththecrucialHomeport- storeforitintheeventofavictory Gandhi as Lok Sabha MP
the effect of the decisions it took clear.Thatheisthefuturebutwill whenPilot accused Gehlot of sit- Chhattisgarh.UnlikeinRajasthan ChhattisgarhasRahul’sthirdpho- folio — were appointed Cabinet butcandolittletocleartheairbe- and the Adani affair.
lingers on to this day. have to display forbearance. But tingon“corruption”casesagainst andMadhyaPradesh,therewere tograph of December 2018 ministers.Mahantwasappointed fore the elections.
Rajya Sabha MP’s
son held for AmritpalcloseaidePapalpreet SIT records statement IIT BOMBAY SUICIDE ROW Gyanvapi: SC
to hear plea

arrestedinAmritsarunderNSA Solanki had confided in

negligent driving, seeking ritual
released on bail of another student during Ramzan
KOTTAYAM (KERALA), APR 10 with assistance from the counter lice,PapalpreetandAmritpalwere NEWDELHI,APRIL10
KAMALDEEPSINGHBRAR intelligencewing.Ourteamscar- separatedwhentheirmovement fight between the two.
KERALA CONGRESS (M) leader &NAVJEEVANGOPAL riedoutthesearchoperationover was traced near Hoshiarpur on MOHAMEDTHAVER An officer said they have THESUPREMECourtonMonday
and Rajya Sabha MP Jose K AMRITSAR,CHANDIGARH,APRIL thepastthreedaysafterreceiving March 28 night. Later, Papalpreet MUMBAI,APRIL10 recordedthestatementofthestu- saidit will hear onApril14 aplea
Mani's 19-year-old son was ar- 10 critical information about was spotted in CCTV footage at a dent who was also from a back- byadministratorsof themosque
rested for alleged rash and neg- Papalpreet’s location,” Gill said. dera in Tanauli, 2 km from THE MUMBAI Police Special wardcasteandsharedagoodrap- inGyanvapicomplexinVaranasi
ligent driving that led to an ac- PAPALPREET SINGH, 38, a close Papalpreet's family members Marnaian village, where police Investigation Team (SIT) that ar- port with Solanki. “The student seeking arrangements to carry
cident, killing two members of aide of fugitive radical preacher claimedtheycametoknowofhis hadlaunchedasearchforthetwo. restedIIT-BombaystudentArman saidthatonFebruary11,whenhe out the ritual ablution, wazu,
a family near Manimala two AmritpalSingh,hasbeenarrested arrest from the media. “We had Incidentally, hours before the KhatrionSundayinconnectionto metSolankiinhishostelroom,the during Ramzan.
days ago, police said on Monday. in Amritsar district under the no information of the arrest. We announcementofPapalpreet’sar- the alleged suicide of his batch- latter told him to go away since if The matter was mentioned
According to the police, the National Security Act, police said Papalpreet Singh (right) came to know about the arrest rest was made, Punjab Director mate Darshan Solanki, has Khatri saw them together, he before a bench presided by Chief
accident occurred on Saturday Monday. with Amritpal Singh Express fromthemedia.Policedidnotin- General of Police Gaurav Yadav recordedthestatementofanother would harm him as well.” Justice of India D Y Chandrachud,
evening on the Manimala- Papalpreet had been on the formus,”hiswifeRajwinderKaur was in Amritsar on Monday. student to whom Solanki had al- “When the student asked which said the matter cannot be
Muvattupuzha road when the run along with Amritpal – the told reporters. “Everyone wanted by the law legedly confided that felt threat- Solanki why Khatri would harm takenuponMondaysinceJustice
scooter in which the two broth- chief of Waris Punjab De – since Papalpreet called himself a jour- She said Papalpreet was not willbearrested,”hetoldreporters. ened by Khatri a day before his him,Solankitoldhimthathehad Surya Kant, who was part of the
ers were travelling rammed into March 18, after the police nalist, writer and photographer involvedintheAjnalaviolenceon OnwhetherAmritpalcouldbe suicide on February 12. madeacommunalremark,which bench that had heard the
the car from behind after its launched a crackdown on beforehebecameAmritpal'sme- February 23 when Amritpal and hiding a some religious place, he In his statement to the police, hadirkedKhatri,whothreatened Gyanvapidispute-relatedmatters,
driver allegedly applied a sud- Khalistan sympathisers. Pictures diaadviser.FromMararivillagein his supporters, armed with said, “Religious places should not thestudenthassaidthatwhenhe him,” the officer added. was sitting in another bench.
den brake. of the two escaping from the po- Amritsar district, he was first ar- swords, removed barricades and beusedforpersonalgains.Wewill met Solanki on February 11, the OnMonday,Khatriwasinter- On November 11, 2022, a
The victims, Mathew John lice had surfaced on social media rested in 2015 for alleged links to stormed a police station to de- maintain peace in the state and lattertoldhimto"notbeseenwith rogated by the SIT. Sources said benchoftheCJIandJusticesSurya
(35) and his brother Jins John a few days later. Papalpreet was Pakistan’s ISI after being booked mand the release of an associate, the miscreants will be dealt with him or else Khatri would harm that Khatri told the police that in Kant and P S Narasimha had ex-
(30), were rushed to a nearby also seen posing for the camera alongwithorganisersof the2015 LovepreetSinghToofan,whowas strictness. No one, including him as well". Solanki, who be- the past, Solanki had asked him tended its interim direction, se-
hospital but could not be saved. outside a tyre repair shop. Sarbat Khalsa in a sedition case. arrestedinaseparatecaseof riot- Pakistan and any agency, will be longedtoAhmedbad,issuspected why he carried a paper cutter in curing the area where a ‘Shivling'
The party leader's son, K M He was arrested from Hewasagainarrestedin2016 ing and kidnapping. They took allowedtodisruptpeaceinstate.” tohavejumpedoffthe8thfloorof his bag. “Khatri claimed that in was claimed to have been found
Mani, appeared before the po- KathunangalareaofAmritsardis- whenthepolicecrackeddownon Toofan out of the police station “Today, I have come to pay hishostelbuilding.TheSIThadon banter,hetoldSolankithathecar- during a videographic survey of
lice in Manimala on Sunday trict, Inspector General anattempttoholdasecondSarbat and fled from the spot. obeisance at the Golden Temple SundayarrestedKhatri(19)onthe riedthepapercutterashewasgo- themosqueareawithoutimped-
evening amid protests by local (Headquarters) Sukhchain Singh Khalsa at Takht Damdama Sahib “He was not present in Ajnala for the prosperity and peace of basis of a purported suicide note, ing to harm two people in the ingorrestrictingrightsofMuslims
residents, who alleged that the Gill told reporters. “He at Talwandi Sabo in Bathinda. at the time of clash between po- Punjab. I also want to say that saying “Arman you killed me”, class. But this was much before to access and offer namaz at the
police were trying to protect (Papalpreet)isthemainassociate He formed an organisation lice and protesters. He was in Punjab Police and Punjabis will found in Solanki’s room. the dispute between Khatri and mosque until further orders.
him from the case. ofAmritpalSingh,”theofficersaid. called Sikh Youth Front in 2015 AmritsarandwenttoAjnalainthe not allow anyone to disturb the Sources close to Khatri's fam- Solanki," the officer said. Senior advocate Huzefa
The accused was released on Gill said Papalpreet was de- and later joined Shiromani Akali evening. He did nothing wrong,” state’s peace. Those living in for- ily,meanwhile,saidhehadorgan- The officer added that Khatri Ahmadi,appearingforAnjuman
bail. tained under the stringent Dal (Mann) for a brief period be- Rajwinder said. eign countries and having sup- ised a visit to Mumbai's tourist wasnotopeningupaboutthelast Intezamia Masjid Committee,
The owner of the car was NationalSecurityAct,addingthat fore parting ways. Papalpreet was being ques- port of Pakistan’s ISI are trying to destinationsforagroupofIITstu- few days when there was an al- said the number of people offer-
identified as one Xavier six other cases were also regis- “Papalpreet Singh was ar- tioned on the whereabouts of disturb Punjab’s peace. Their in- dents,includingSolanki,andthere leged dispute between him and ing prayers had increased and,
Mathew, who comes from Pala, tered against him. restedaftermultiplepoliceteams Amritpal, the police said. tentions will not be successful,” was no way he would have been Solanki, after the latter made a thus, adequate arrangements
police said. An alleged Khalistan activist, carried out a special operation Accordingtosourcesinthepo- the DGP said. part of the group if there was a communal remark. should be put in place.


‘Shared with India

how to tackle spy
balloon threat’

that had entered its airspace, the United States spoke to
India on some of the ways it had employed to tackle the
threat, a top US military commander said Monday.
Commander of the US Pacific Air Forces General
Kenneth Wilsbach told a small group of reporters here
that “brief” and “closed-door” conversations were held
the incident.
hindcloseddoorsof someof thesituationthatoccurred
the United States, and how we went about dealing with
it, but it frankly, was not a lot,” he said.
In February this year, the US had shot down the bal-
loon with an AIM-9X Sidewinder missile fired from an
F-22 fighter jet. A similar object was also spotted a year
ago over the strategic Andaman and Nicobar Islands af-
tified objects in sky.
tween the IAF and the United States Air Force. The exer-
cise is being held at Air Force Stations Arjan Singh
(Panagarh), Kalaikunda and Agra and aims to enhance
mutual understanding between the two Air Forces and
share their best practices.
not open to sharing what information we have gleaned
after we shot it down,” he said. However, Wilsbach said
he would discuss something that should concern those
who value, free and open Indo Pacific as well as the sov-
that your airspace here in India is your sovereign air-
space and that you should decide who gets to fly in it.”

Uddhav seeks united

Opp, investigation
into Adani Group

ADVOCATING A UNITED Opposition against the BJP,

Shiv Sena (UBT) president Uddhav Thackeray on
Monday sought a probe into the Adani Group and
maintained that there should be no difference within
opposition parties.
He also ruled out an alliance with estranged part-
nerBJPin2024LokSabha andMaharashtraAssembly
Speaking at Loksatta Samvad organised by
Marathi daily 'Loksatta', Thackeray said, “The coun-
try and the state are witnessing politics of vendetta
as never before. Earlier, Balasaheb Thackersay and
Sharad Pawar used to attack each other (politically),
but they never allowed their political differences to
come in the way of their friendship.”
But now, he claimed, “the Opposition is being tar-
geted. There is rampant misuse of ED, CBI, IT... It ap-
pears they are being directed by those in power...”
Seeking a united Opposition, Thackeray said, “Today,
all opposition parties are fighting the BJP together.”
Maintaining that all Opposition leaders will meet
a PM face should be projected before the polls.
On NCP president Sharad Pawar going against ally
Congress's stand on seeking a JPC probe into the alle-
gations against Adani Group, Thackeray said, “I be-
lieve there should be no differences within the
Opposition. There should be a probe into the Adani
matter. Where has Rs 20,000 crore gone? Whether it
should be through the JPC or Supreme Court recom-
mended panel can be decided.”

''IMPORTANT'' IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, Àff½fʪfd³fIY d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f, ½fÈØf ¶ffSXfa

Whilst care is taken prior to Ii ¸ffaI : 3685 dQ³ffaI : 24/03/2023
acceptance of advertising d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa£¹ff 13/2022-23
copy, it is not possible to verify SfªfÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ ¶fªfMX §fû¿f¯ff 2023-24 IZY A³°f¦fÊ°f ÀfOÞXIY d³f¸ffʯf IYf¹fÊ
its contents. The Indian C´f¹fb¢°f ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ Àff½fʪfd³fI d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f SfªfÀ±ff³f ¸fZÔ ´faªfeIÈ °f Àfa½fZQI ûÔ E½fa Sfª¹f ÀfSI fS/IZ ³ýi ÀfSI fS IZ
Express (P) Limited cannot be Ad²fIÈ °f Àfa¦fN³fûÔ/IZ ³ýie¹f »fûI d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f/OfI E½f¸fÐ QcS Àfa¨ffS d½f·ff¦f/Sm »½fZ B°¹ffdQ ¸fZÔ ´faªfeIÈ °f Àfa½fZQI ûÔ,
held responsible for such
ªfû dI SfªfÀ±ff³f ÀfSI fS IZ EE ßfZ¯fe IZ Àfa½fZQI ûÔ IZ Àf¸fI Ãf Wû, ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ BÊ-´fiû¢¹fcS¸fZ³M ´fidIi ¹ff
contents, nor for any loss or
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transactions with companies, ½f
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or Publications. We therefore ´fS SdªfÀMOÊ Wû³ff Af½fV¹fI W` Ü
recommend that readers WXÀ°ff./-
make necessary inquiries A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
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entering into any agreements
with advertisers or otherwise
acting on an advertisement in
any manner whatsoever.
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, (Govt.of India)
No.1, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru-560 001.
CLOSING 53.47 https://etenders. 01262-243900
TRACK IN GREEN BELT OF SECTOR-37, Coffee Board is a Statutory Organizaton under the Ministry of
BAHADURGARH INCLUDING 3 YEARS LACS Commerce & Industry, Government of India. The organization is in the
LIGHTS WITH ONE YEAR FREE OF COST process of making arrangements for hosting the 5th World Coffee
Conference (WCC) and concurrent sessions of 136th International Coffee
Council (ICC) in Bengaluru, Karnataka from 24th to 29th September 2023.
16971/HRYFOR FURTHER INFORMATION KINDLY VISIT: or The event comprises of conferences and high-level official meetings
attended by around 2000 foreign delegates from 80 countries.
The organization is looking for 'Interpreters' for live interpretation of
the deliberations of ICC/WCC in four languages viz. English, French,
Portuguese and Spanish. The service shall be provided as per the
standard prescribed by International Association on Conference
Interpreters. The interested firms/institutions may post their details
along with experience in providing interpretation to Deputy Director
[(Extn./Admn.(i/c)], Coffee Board, Bengaluru either electronically to or by post.
Last date for receipt of expression of interest is 20.04.2023 by 3.00 PM.
Deputy Director (Extn./Admn.(i/c), Coffee Board.

1. MAINTENANCE OF PARK 06.04.2023 20.83 https://etenders. 8901202433
BAWAL AND 2023-24 (02 YEARS) +
Request for Expression of Interest Proposal (REoI) 16961/HRYFOR FURTHER INFORMATION KINDLY VISIT: or
Name of Project:Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project (HPSRTP)
Loan No./Credit No. 9066-IN
Grant No:
Date: April 07, 2023
The Director (Projects), HPRIDCL, Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002 , Himachal Pradesh India invites the Request for SR. NAME OF NAME OF WORK NOTICE TENDER OPENING DATE AMOUNT/EMD WEBSITE OF THE NODAL OFFICER/CON-
Expression of Interest from national consultants for the consultancy services as detailed in the table below:- NO. BOARD/ CLOSING DATE (APPROX.) IN BOARD CORP./AUTH TACT DETAILS/EMAIL
Sr. No. Description of the consultancy Services Date of availability of Last date/Time for CORP./AUTH (TIME) RUPEES
Expression of Interest (EoI) submission of 1. RENOVATION OF 04.04.2023 133.13 https://etenders. 9992959222
on HPRIDCL web site Proposals
1 Engaging a consultant to address the April 11, 2023 May 02, 2023 LACS
implementation capacity gaps including COUNCIL RAILWAY ROAD MC
contract management and corporate TOHANA TOHANA + 4
governance norms. WORKS
REoI & ToR will be available on the official web site of HPRIDC under link 16955/HRYFOR FURTHER INFORMATION KINDLY VISIT: or
NOTE: Any further addendum/Corrigendum to this Request for Expression of Interest Proposals Documents shall be
available to all interesting firms on the same web site link. Proposal must be delivered in a written form to
the address below (in person, or by post) by May 02, 2023 at 15:00 hours (IST)
Director (Projects) Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, Circle,
HPRIDCL Nirman Bhawan,
0040/HP Nigam Vihar Shimla-171002

e-mail ID :- Ph. No. 0721-2663235/2661873

GUJARAT URJA VIKAS NIGAM LIMITED e-Tender Notice No. 01 for 2022-2023 (2nd Call)
CIN U40109GJ2004SGC045195 Chief Engineer, MJP Region Amravati invites e_Tender
ISO 9001 -2015 Certified Company under all Water Works the following are the supply of Bleaching
Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan, Racecourse, Vadodara 390007 Powder is being invited from Superintending Engineer, MJP Circle,
PBX: (0265) 2310582-86, Amravati in D-1 Tender.
Sr. No Name of Work Tender Cost
GUVNL has filed IA No. 02 of 2023 in Petition No. 2098 of
2022 before the Hon'ble Gujarat Electricity Regulatory 1 Supply of Belaching Powder Rs. 1,08,68,000/-
Commission (GERC) seeking to amend the Petition No.2098 Please visit website
of 2022 for approval of deviations from the Guidelines issued for detailed information. Tender will be available on website from
by Central Government for procurement of power through l0/04/2023 at 12:00 hrs. Sd/-
Tariff based Competitive Bidding Process from Grid connected (Prashant Bhamare)
Renewable Energy Sources, i.e. Wind, Solar and Wind-Solar Superintending Engineer
Hybrid Projects and for approval of revised bid documents for MJP, Circle, Amravati
carrying out bidding process for procurement of power from
Hybrid Power Projects having RE generation with co-located IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff Àff½fʪfd³fIY d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f ½fÈ°f, dÀfSXûWXe
or multi-located Energy Storage Systems. The stakeholders / IiY¸ffaIY:- EIYfCaXMX/d³fd½fQf/2022-23/4106 dQ³ffaIY: 27.03.2023
objectors may file their objections / suggestions in the matter d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa£¹ff 11/2022-23
to the Secretary, Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission, NIB Code PWD2223A4933
SfªfÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ d½fd·f³³f ÀfOÞXIY d³f¸ffʯf IYf¹fÊ IZ d»fE C´f¹fb¢°f ßfZ¯fe IZ Àff½fʪfd³fI
6th Floor, GIFT ONE, Road 5C, Zone 5, GIFT City, and
d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f SfªfÀ±ff³f ¸fZÔ ´faªfeIÈ °f Àfa½fZQI ûÔ E½fa Sfª¹f ÀfSI fS/IZ ³ýi ÀfSI fS IZ Ad²fIÈ °f Àfa¦fN³fûÔ/IZ ³ýie¹f »fûI
Gandhinagar - 382355 in five copies along with affidavit in d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f/OfI E½fa QcS Àfa¨ffS d½f·ff¦f/Sm »½fZ B°¹ffdQ°f ¸fZÔ ´faªfeIÈ °f Àfa½fZQI ûÔ, ªfû dI SfªfÀ±ff³f ÀfSI fS IZ C´f¹fb¢°f
support of their submissions with a copy to GUVNL within 21 ßfZ¯fe IZ Àfa½fZQI ûÔ IZ Àf¸fI Ãf Wû, ÀfZ I f¹fûË WZ °fb BÊ-MZ ¯OdSa ¦f IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ ´fif´°f I e ªff½fZÔ¦feÜ
days from the date of issuance of this public notice. The
IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f ³f¦fSX ´ffd»fIY d³f¦f¸f, ·fû´ff»f public hearing before the Hon'ble GERC is scheduled on
Afg³f»ffBʳf d³fd½fQf Af½fZQ³f OfC³f»fûO E½fa A´f»fûO 05 A´fi`»f 2023 ´fif°f: 9:30 ¶fªfZ ÀfZ
I S³fZ I e °ffSeJ 24 A´fi`»f 2023 Àff¹fa 6:00 ¶fªfZ °fI
¹ffadÂfIY d½f·ff¦f (¸fb£¹ff»f¹f) ¦fûd½faQ´fbSXf (¶fe.E¨f.BÊ.E»f.) 08.05.2023 at 11:30 A.M. The petition along with IA is
d³fd½fQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f d½f½fS¯f ½fZ¶f ÀffBÊM,
uploaded on
d³fd½fQf Af¸faÂf¯f §fû¿f¯ff-´fÂf General Manager (RE)
½f ´fS QZJf ªff ÀfI °ff W` Ü Àf¸´fc¯fÊ d³fd½fQf ´fidIi ¹ff
IiY¸ffaIY 06/¹ffa.d½f./2023 ·fû´ff»f, dQ³ffaIY 10/04/2023 ´fS Afg³f»ffBʳf Àf¸´ffdQ°f I e ªff¹fZ¦feÜ B¨Lb I Àfa½fZQI ûÔ I û A´f³fZ dOdªfM»f
d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f d³f¸ffʯf I f¹fÊ WZ °fb Qû d»fR fR f ´fðd°f IZ A³fbÀffS ¸f.´fi. »fûI d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f ¸fZÔ IZ ³QieIÈ °f ½¹f½fÀ±ff IZ Aa°f¦fÊ°f ´faªfeIÈ °f NZ IZ QfS ´fSÀfZ³MZ ªf WÀ°ffÃfS IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS ´fS SdªfÀMOÊ I S½ff³ff Af½fV¹fI W` Ü
¸fûWS ¶faQ d³fd½fQf¹fZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ´fS Af³f»ffBʳf Afa¸fdÂf°f I e ªff°fe W` Ü I f¹fʽffS ¹fc.¶fe.E³f. Àfa£¹ff d³f¸ff³fbÀffS W`Ô Ü
1 PWD2223WSOB19814
S. Tender No Name of Work Probable Amount Earnest Money Cost of Bid Period of SOR
No of Contract Deposit (EMD) Document Completion 2 PWD2223WSOB19815
(Rs. in lakh) (In Rs) (In Rs) (in Months) 3 PWD2223WSOB19816 WXÀ°ff./-
1 2022_UAD_ EMPANELMENT FOR 1,69,00,826/- 84,504/- 12500/- 06 months MPUADD 4 PWD2223WSOB19819 (IYd´f»f ½f¸ffÊ)
266265_1 UPGRADATION AND (including DISSR A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
MAINTENANCE WORKS IN rainy season) 2021 DIPR/C/5090/2023 Àff.d³f.d½f. ½fÈ°f dÀfSXûWXe
1. Interested bidders can view the NIT on website
2. The Bid Document can be purchased only online from 10:30A.M. (time) 10.04.2023(date) to 17:30P.M. (time) 24.04.2023(date).
3. Amendments to NIT (if any) would be published on website only, and not in newspaper.
4. E.M. Deposit will not be refunded till the end of contract Period.
5. Contract will be awarded to top 05 contractors (L1 to L5) only
6. Minimum Rate Quoted (L1) by any Bidder will be Applicable to all 05 Empanelled Contractors.
7. Site/Place of Construction may be changed as per the requirement.
8. The initial period of 3 (Three) year after completion shall be treated as Defect Liability Period (DLP)
Sd/- In Chief Engineer
Municipal Corporation Bhopal
d³f.Ii . 38/023/024 District Bhopal


GIST of NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-NIT No. 02 of 2023-24 Dated: 10-04-2023
For and on behalf of Lt. Governor of UT of J&K, Executive Engineer Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South (Awantipora), invites fresh e-
tenders from reputed and resourceful Bidders/ Firms/Companies/ Consortiums between bidder/firm and Financier of all classes registered in
JKPWD/CPWD/Railways or any other state Government for “Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of electro-mechanical equipments at various
water supply schemes of Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora”. The bidding process shall be completed online on
in two covers viz. Cover 1st consisting of Pre-Qualification Criteria, General Terms and Conditions and Technical Specifications and Cover 2nd shall con-
sist of Financial Bid on percentage basis, in the prescribed BOQ.
S. Particulars of the work Estimated Cost Tender fee Earnest money Bid Time of
No (Lacs) (in Rs) Deposit Validity Completion of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning Work/Scheme Rs. 02% of the estimat- 90 days As indicate against
of electro-mechanical equipments at various wise details given 500/- for ed cost of each each item in Form-I
water supply schemes of Jal Shakti (PHE) in Form-I of each work work of Tender Document
Mechanical Division South Awantipora. Tender Document
Programme/Position of funds: Approved Under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
The tender inviting authority is Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora.
The awarding authority is District Jal Jeevan Mission (DJJM).
Critical Dates:
I Publish Date on Tender Portal 10-04-2023 (02:00 pm)
II Document Download/sale start Date 10-04-2023 (02:00 pm)
III Date of Pre-bid meeting 17-04-2023 (11:00 am)
IV Bid submission start date 10-04-2023 (02:00 pm)
V Document Download/sale end Date 26-04-2023 (04:00 pm)
VI Bid submission end date 26-04-2023 (04:00 pm)
VII Date and time of Bid opening 27-04-2023 (01:00 pm)
1. Bid documents can be accessed and downloaded from the website
2. The pre-bid meeting will be held in the office chamber of the Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora.
3. The whole bidding process shall be completed online on tender portal The intending bidders can download the bid document
from the tender portal and can submit their bids by uploading them on the tender portal.
4. The bids received shall be opened online in the office of the Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora.
a. Bids must be accompanied by bid security and cost of Tender Document as specified against each item of work.
b. Bid Security to be pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora. Bid Security will have to be in
form of CDR/FDR/BG of any scheduled Bank and shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the last date of submission of bid.
c. The cost of tender documents should be in form of TR/e Challan in favour of Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora.
5. The hard copies of cost of tender document in shape of DD/TR/e-Challan, Earnest money in shape of CDR/FDR/BG and other relevant documents
shall be obtained from the bidder who is declared as L1 after opening of financial cover.
6. The bid shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the last date of submission of bids. If any bidder/tenderer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or
makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited and the bid shall be declared non-responsive.
7. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents from the website
8. Queries by email if any should be made at
No: JSD/MDSA/98 Sd/- Executive Engineer,
Dated: 10/04/2023 DIPK-267/23 PHE Mechanical Division, South Awantipora.



moves Delhi HC
for direction to HC reserves
ECI to update judgment on
amended bylaws
CMsaysBJPsendingprobeteams plea seeking
NIA probe in
Shibpur clash
The AIADMK and its chief, E
Palaniswami)popularlyknownas A SIX-MEMBER “fact-finding” PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
EPS),movedtheDelhiHighCourt team,whichwasstoppedbyWest KOLKATA, APRIL 10 Several shops and vehicles were set ablaze in Sunday’s clash
over Election Commission of BengalPolicetovisittheclash-hit in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. PTI
India's “inaction” in updating its areasofHooghlyandHowrahdis- THE CALCUTTA High Court on
recordswithrespecttotheparty's tricts, on Monday met Governor Mondayreservedjudgmentona
A single-judge bench of
Justice Prathiba Singh, however,
CV Ananda Bose at Raj Bhavan in
report to him.
petition by West Bengal Leader
of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari
58 held in Jamshedpur
recusedherself fromhearingthe
plea and directed that the mat-
ter be listed before another
The six-member, led by for-
mer Chief Justice of Patna High
between two groups of people
at Shibpur in Howrah.
for clash over religious
bench subject to orders of the
Chief Justice. The matter is likely
to be listed on Wednesday.
had come tolook into the alleged
human rights violations during
the clashes that broke out during
petition, the court observed that
a probe by a central agency is re-
flag ‘desecration’
The petitioners have sought a Ram Navami processions last quired if an unconnected third charge Gaurav Kumar said, “We
directiontotheECItoconsiderits week in Rishra (Hooghly) and partyisfoundtobetryingtotake ABHISHEK ANGAD had registered an FIR into
representations and upload the Shibpur (Howrah). advantage of such unrest and RANCHI, APRIL 10 Sunday’s violence and we have
AIADMK's 'Latest Amended Bye- “We have submitted our in- joinsaclashbetweentwogroups. arrested 58 people. We are con-
Laws' dated July 11, 2022 in its terim report to the Governor. He “If that (third) group is in- THE EAST Singhbhum police on ducting raids to arrest the re-
records,asthepartyhastocontest assured us that he will take the volved, then it requires an inves- Mondayarrested58ofthe119ac- maining accused. As of now, the
elections in Karnataka for which necessary steps. We are only giv- Former Chief Justice of Patna High Court L Narsimha Reddy, who is leading the ‘fact-finding’ tigation by a central agency. It is cusednamedinanFIRregistered Internet remains suspendedand
thenominationclosesonApril20. ing importance to restoring nor- team, outside Raj Bhavan in Kolkata on Monday. Partha Paul very difficult for a state police to in connection with the Sunday we are reviewing the situation.”
Aspertheplea,theECI'sstand malcyinthoseareas,”formerchief find as to who has come in to eveningviolenceinJamshedpur's Kumar, however, refused to
that the records of AIADMK are justice Reddy told mediapersons take advantage,” a division Kadmaareaovertheallegeddes- divulge the names of the ac-
notbeingupdatedduetocertain outside the Raj Bhavan. What is the need for BJP workers women rights teams and what statecrimebranch(retired)Rajpal bench presided by Acting Chief ecration of a Ram Navami flag. cused, however, sources said
internal disputes pending in the “The administration is claim- tocarryoutareligiousprocession not. They are telling the media to Singh; former National Justice T S Sivagnanam said. The police said bricks were thatmembersof bothHinduand
partyare“whollycontrarytothe ingthatthesituationisnormalbut with firearms? Why were those parrotBJP'snarrativeandarebusy Commission for Women (NCW) There must be a mechanism pelted and makeshift shops and Muslim communities were
various settled legal principles”. theyarestoppingusfromvisiting in the procession dancing with spreadingfakenews,”sheadded. memberandadvocateCharuWali to put an end to violence during a few vehicles were set ablaze by named in the case.
Argumentsweremadebythe the areas, saying the situation is arms?Whatwastheneedof tak- The chief minister defended Khanna; advocate and former religious functions and to instill themobafterwhichtheyhadde- Although authorities had im-
counselappearingonbehalfoffor- still tense. What is the truth and ingoutrallieswithbulldozersand the police action, saying they National Human Rights fear in those indulging in such tained a few people. Police said posed prohibitory orders under
mer Tamil Nadu chief minister O whatdoesthe(state)government tractors? Who gave these people actedina“tactfulmanner”toend Commission joint registrar (law) acts, the court said. that there were also instances of Section 144 of the CrPC in the lo-
Panneerselvam(popularlyknown want to hide? We were ready to permission to bring bulldozers violence and that there was no OmPrakashVyas;seniorjournal- Asked by the court about the firing during the violence, how- calityonSundayeveningandshut
as OPS), stating that his client go there with police guards but andtractorstoarally?Allthemen “foul play” on their part. ist Sanjeev Nayak; and advocate recurrence of such incidents, ever, no one was injured. the Internet across the town, res-
shouldbeheardinthematter.The that suggestion was also not ac- who were part of the rally were On Saturday, the six-member and former consultant for West Bengal Advocate General S According to the police, ten- idents alleged that the police did
counsel submitted that the valid- cepted,” he added. from outside Bengal, some from team, led by Reddy, tried to visit National Commission for NMookherjeesaiditisnotsome- sionhadbeenbrewinginthearea notactproactivelygiventhecom-
ity of the July 11, 2022 resolution The“fact-finding”team’svisit Munger in Bihar. People from Rishra but had to return after the Protection of Child Rights and thing to be proud of as a state. sinceSaturdaynightwhenmem- munaltensionaweekagoduring
has been challenged before the to Raj Bhavan came hours after Bengalstaytogether,theydon’tdo policestoppedthemfromproceed- NHRC Bhavna Bajaj. Additional Solicitor General bersof alocalorganisationfound theRamNavamiprocession.“The
MadrasHighCourt,whichislisted Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee danga (riots), they are cultural ingaheadcitingprohibitoryorders. West Bengal Governor Bose Ashok Chakraborti, who repre- a piece of meat rolled into a Ram Ram Navami flag was desecrated
forhearingonWednesday. accused the BJP of inciting vio- people,” the chief minister told A day later, Reddy and his team had visited the clash-hit areas of sented the NIA, submitted that Navami flag. Several Hindu or- on Saturday in Shastrinagar. The
The AIADMK in its general lenceduringRamNavamiproces- mediapersons. memberswereagainstoppedfrom Rishra last Tuesday. After visiting according to the petitioners, ganisations protested, demand- Hinducommunityhadprotested,
council meeting on July 11, 2022, sions and alleged that the “AmonthbeforeRamNavami, visitingShibpurinHowrahdistrict. the Rishra, the Governor said, there were several blasts at ingarrestoftheculpritswithin24 seeking action against the cul-
passedresolutionsappointingEPS Opposition party was sending all the planning for the violence Both Howrah and “Bengal has been suffering from Shibpur and Rishra during the hours. PoliceregisteredanFIRun- prits,” a local resident said.
asitsinterimgeneralsecretary,and “fact-finding teams” to West was done at the BJP office. What Chandannagar police commis- suchcriminalincidentsinpolitics Ram navami procession and af- derIPCsections147(rioting),148 East Singhbhum SSP said the
called for election for the post Bengaland“spreadingfakenews”. istheneedforafact-findingteam sionerates said the team was foralongtime,wewillputanend ter. Once there is an occurrence (rioting, armed with a deadly situation was “under control”.
withinfourmonths.Aspertheres- “All the accused who incited when normalcy has been re- stoppedasprohibitoryordersun- to this. The Centre, the state gov- of anexplosionanNIAinvestiga- weapon) 149 (unlawful assem- Jharkhand DGP Ajay Singh told
olution, the general council ex- violence in Howrah on Ram stored?... Now, that the situation der Section 144 of the CrPc were ernment,thepoliticalparties,me- tion is called for as per law. bly)307(attempttomurder)and The Indian Express: “The matter
pelled OPS and three others from Navami were from outside is under control, the BJP is send- stillimposedintheaffectedareas. dia and the public will join hands The NIA is ready to investi- under sections of Arms Act and will be investigated to find out if
the primary membership of the Bengal. The police hadn’t given ing fact-finding teams, human Apart from Reddy, the “fact- to see that the mobocracy is gate the incidents if directed by Public Safety Act. there was any negligence on the
party"owingtomaliciousactions". permission for the procession... rights teams, child rights teams, finding” team included IPS/IG rooted out.” the court, he said. Kadma police station in- police’s part.”

WhatsApp group TMC treatment of tribal women in 10 held for assaulting Minority status
at state level: SC
under police scanner Balurghat inhuman: BJP to Murmu people inside mosque gives states, UT
for Biharsharif clashes at Haryana village EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
women in future,” he said.
The TMC, meanwhile, re-
moved the president of the
‘last chance’ to
respond to plea
videos.Policesaidtheaccusedare party'swomenwingfromSouth lagers also cooperated. I want to
SANTOSH SINGH students or local shopkeepers. STATE BJP president Sukanta Dinajpur district, Pradipta EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE make it clear that the police will
PATNA, APRIL 10 Bihar Additional DGP Majumdar on Monday wrote to Chakraborty.Inapressstatement CHANDIGARH, APRIL 10 take stern action in such cases,” EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
(Headquarters) Jitendra Singh President Droupadi Murmu and issued on Sunday, the party also Balan said. NEW DELHI, APRIL 10
A WHATSAPP group with 456 Gangwar told The Indian Express: chairperson of the National appointedtriballeaderSnehalata TEN MEN were arrested for van- The injured lodged a com-
membersisunderpolicescanner “Alltheaccused,identifiedbythe Commission for Scheduled Hembrom to the post. The party dalising a mosque and assault- plaint against 19 people and 18 THE SUPREME Court on Monday
inconnectionwiththeviolencein cyber cell that falls under the Tribes over an incident wherein said it did not approve of such ing people who were offering werenamed,apoliceofficersaid. gave states and union territories
Biharsharif following a Ram Economic Offences Unit, are four tribal women were al- West Bengal BJP president conduct and asked its district namaz at Sandhal Kalan village Eyewitnesses said people whichareyettorespondtoabatch
Navami procession on March 31. young, without any criminal an- legedly forced to do dandavat Sukanta Majumdar leadershiptobecarefulinfuture. in Sonipat district of Haryana on wereperformingRamzanprayers of petitionsseekingidentification
According to police, 15 of the tecedents. They are all from parikrama(circumambulationin The BJP staged a protest out- Sunday evening, police said on whentheywereattacked;atleast of religious minorities at the state
group’smembersallegedlycircu- Nalanda. They had formed a a prostrate manner) by the rul- sidetheBalurghatpolicestation, Monday.Theaccusedareintheir six of them received injuries. level,inaccordancewiththe2002
lated, reposted or forwarded ob- WhatsApp group a few days be- ing Trinamool Congress leaders parikramaforabout1kmaspun- demanding an FIR against those 20s and belong to the same vil- “Even children and women were TMA Pai Foundation case judg-
jectionablemessages,photosand fore the procession. Our team at South Dinajpur district’s ishment before handing them responsible for the incident. lage, a police officer said. notsparedbythegroupwhowere ment,alastopportunitytodoso.
videos with an intention to incite trackedthesocialmediaactivities Balurghat as “atonement”. over the TMC flag in the party's Later, party workers led by The accused were produced armed with hockey sticks and A bench of Justices S K Kaul
violence. A 16-year-old boy was ofall456membersofthegroup.” He wrote in the letter, “On districtoffice.”Avideoof thefour Sukanta and national vice-pres- before a local court on Monday sword,” said one of the injured. andAhsanuddinAmanullahgave
killed and over a century-old The ADGP said several mem- April 6, about 200 people be- tribal women performing dan- ident Dilip Ghosh, led a protest andthreeofthemwereremanded Another victim said the as- them six weeks to submit their
MadrasaAzizialibrarywasgutted bers either exited the group or longing to tribal families from davat parikrama had gone viral rally in Balurghat demanding inpolicecustodyforadayandthe sailants were “drunk”. “They not reply to the central government,
in the violence. were removed for “being inac- Tapan Assembly constituency of on social media. immediate police action against restsenttojudicialcustody. only attacked us but also dam- failingwhichtheSupremeCourt
NalandaPolicehadonSunday tive”.“Wezeroedinon15persons Balurghat Lok Sabha area joined TheTMCleaders'mindsetto- the culprits. SonipatPoliceCommissioner aged mosque property,” he said. said, it would presume they had
arrested five persons aged be- who had been very active in the the BJP. This did not go well with wardstribalpeopleiswellknown TheTMCslammedtheBJPfor BSatheeshBalanaftervisitingthe A villager Raj Singh said: “The nothing to say on the subject.
tween20and30underseveralIPC groupswithfrequentposts–both a section of the Trinamool lead- fromtheirearliercommentsand allegedlyspreading“falsehoods” affected village said a group of youngsters who went to the The directive came after
sections. Police identified the ac- textandvideos.Allsuchpostshad ership.Thesefamilieswerepres- activities,Majumdaralleged.“But about the incident. “Instead of men barged into the mosque, mosque were drunk. We are co- Additional Solicitor General K M
cused as Manish Kumar, Tushar thepotentialtocreatecommunal sured by TMC goons and were this cannot be tolerated further pointingfingersatus,theyshould beatupthepeople,includingchil- operatinginmaintainingpeace.” Nataraj,appearingfortheCentre,
KumarTanti,JitendraKumarTanti, disharmony.” “Examination of forced to join their party.” when the country is leaded by take action against Leader of dren, who were offering namaz. Saleem Khan, one of the in- toldthebenchthatRajasthanand
Dharmendra Mehta, Bhupendra calls and posts by the five seized The BJP MP from Balurghat Prime Minister Narendra Modi Opposition Suvendu Adhikari “Itwasunprovoked. Nosuchdis- jured, said: “The attackers as- Telangana were yet to file their
Singh Rana aka Chandan Singh mobile phones will reveal more added, “Had it been done demo- whoisalwaysworkingfortheup- andBJPnationalgeneralsecretary pute or tension was reported in saulted my nephew with a response, while Jammu and
and Niranjan Pandey, and said abouttheconspiracy.Asofnow,it cratically, we would not have liftmentofthedowntrodden.The Kailash Vijayvargiya for making the village earlier. There are only sword. He has been admitted to Kashmir had filed a partial reply.
they had seized five mobile looks clear that some vested in- said anything. But inhuman me- intervention of your office is derogatory statements against 15-20 families (of the affected neighbouring BPS Government In the TMA Pai Foundation
phones allegedly used to upload terestgroupswerebehindthein- dieval treatment was meted out highly solicited to prevent such women,” said TMC state general community).Thepoliceimmedi- Medical College (Sonipat). We case,theSClaiddownthatforthe
provocative and inflammatory cident,” said the ADGP. by forcing them to do dandavat atrocities against the tribals and secretary Kunal Ghosh. ately reached the spot. The vil- want peace in the village.” purposes of Article 30 — which
to establish and administer edu-

Meet Nagas leading bid overseas to bring home ancestral remains cational institutions — religious
to be identified at the state level.
The Constitution refers to
Lotha Naga from Dimapur, and “disturbing” to see Naga objects of certain objects as a loss, but onlythefirststepbeforetheybuild “minorities”insomeArticles,but
TORA AGARWALA now a professor in the University being displayed as “exotic and what we are trying to show is a case to make an official claim to doesnotdefinetheterm.Neither
GUWAHATI, APRIL 10 of Melbourne, was drafting an primitive”inmuseumsacrossthe that we aren’t losing anything the University of Oxford (under does the National Minorities
email to Broekhoven. She cut to world. “For more than 100 years, but creating space for more ex- which the museum falls), which Commission Act, 1992, under
ONSEPTEMBER14,2020,thePitt the chase: Could the ancestral museumsacrossEuropehavedis- pansive stories. That is at the is now the legal owner of the re- which the Centre notifies which
Rivers Museum in England’s Naga human remains, displayed playedNagaobjects…Theywere heartof decolonisation,”shesaid. mains, says Kikon. communities are minorities.
Oxford made a landmark an- inthemuseumformorethan100 takenawayassouvenirsandarti- Following the email, the mu- “Our first step was to lay the Citing this, the petitions have
nouncement.Inapost-pandemic years, be returned to her people factsunderduressduringcolonial seum reached out to the Forum truth on the ground, and go back alsochallengedSection2(c)ofthe
overhaulofitscollection,themu- back home? expeditions,” she says. forNagaReconciliation(FNR)—a to our Naga people, and ask them National Commission for
seum—oneofthebest-knownin The rest is likely to become That is what led her to reach collective which, since 2008, has whattheyfeltaboutthis,”shesays. Minorities Act, 1992, which gives
the world for anthropology, history. Kikon’s request has out to Broekhoven in 2020, who been a key facilitator in the Indo- Most Nagas, they found, had theCentrepowertonotifyminori-
ethnography and archaeology — spawnedacommunity-ledinitia- wrote back in two days. The mu- Nagapeaceprocess—tobeginthe noideaaboutthis.ReverendEllen ties,askinghowtheCentrecando
would take its collection of “hu- tive among the Nagas to bring seum director says her “heart re- conversation on repatriation. Jamir,aDimapur-basedprofessor so without a clear definition of
man remains” and other “insen- theirancestralremainshome.Itis joiced” when Kikon reached out Now,thecollectiveisthechief fa- and a psychotherapist, now part what constitutes a minority.
sitive” exhibits off display. the first such effort to repatriate toher.“Withthemuseum’scom- cilitator of the process. oftheinitiative,saysshewas“sur- One of the petitions by
These items, sourced during ancestralhumanremainsofanin- plicatedcolonialhistory,itwasim- TheFNR,incollaborationwith prised” when she was going Advocate Ashwini Upadhyay
the expansion of the British digenous community in India, portant for us not to shy away Kikon and Arkotong Longkumer, through the excel sheet of the contends that after the TMA Pai
Empire,playedintostereotypical possibly even South Asia. The Pitt Rivers Museum, UK, has at least 6,500 Naga objects . fromdifficultconversations,”said another Naga anthropologist, places the human remains were judgment, the October 23, 1993
thinking about cultures across Themuseumhasarichcollec- Pitt Rivers Museum Broekhoven in an email to The based in Edinburgh, formed a sourced from. “I saw a familiar notification,bywhichtheCentre
the globe as “savage” or “primi- tion of 500,000 items acquired Indian Express. Naga research team called name–Wakching…Itwasthevil- hadnotifiedMuslims,Christians,
tive”,saidthemuseum’sdirector, over more than 130 years of The museum is now actively “RecoverRestoreandDecolonise” lage I was born in, and that is Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis as
Laura Van Broekhoven. It was British imperialism. also human ancestral remains view”oftheirpermanentdisplays, reaching out to descendants of (RRaD) in 2020. when it hit me. These are the re- “minority” community, had be-
timeforthemtoberemoved,and Part of it is the largest collec- (skulls and bones), majority of with a bid to “decolonise” their communities to find the most Inthepasttwoyears,theRRaD mains of my ancestors… my come as good as invalid.
possibly repatriated to their tion (at least 6,500 objects) of whichwerecollectedbytwocolo- collections. The decision to take appropriatewaytocareforthese team comprising Nagas from all blood…boxedupinamuseumin In a counter-affidavit filed on
rightful homes. Naga material remains in the nial administrators, John Henry off human remains was part of complex items. In December walks of life have been conduct- somepartof theworld,”shesays. March25,2022,theCentresought
Inanothercontinent,Nagare- world. These include items of Hutton and James Philip Mills in this objective. 2020,Broekhovenmadeatrip to ing interviews, holding commu- “How were they taken away? toputtheonusofgrantingminor-
searcherandanthropologistDolly everydaylifesuchasclothes,agri- the early 1900s. ForKikon,theannouncement Nagaland to meet with the nity-facing meetings, and gener- Don’t they deserve a proper bur- ity status to Hindus upon state
Kikonreadthenewswithasense cultural tools, archery and Since 2017, the museum has hit home. As a tribal anthropolo- stakeholders. “A lot of people ating public awareness about the ial? Suddenly, I felt a huge sense governments, saying “they, too,
of urgency. Hours later, Kikon, a weapons, basketry, ceramics, but been engaged in an “ethical re- gist, she says, it has always been might think about the removal initiativeonavoluntarybasis.Itis of responsibility.” haveconcurrentpowerstodoso”.


ChurchleaderswelcomePMModi’s‘powerful’ BJP first list put off
again, Yediyurappa
Eastergesture,hopemessagenot‘one-time’ makes a sudden
Community worried about state’s
anti-conversion law, church attacks;
be viewed together. “There are
two different contexts. The
return to Bengaluru
Prime Minister's visit on Easter
minister’s speech has spiked concerns – a day that celebrates life – is EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
very positive. But there have BENGALURU, APRIL 10
nity. The community also has been concerns among the com-
LIZ MATHEW concerns about the Karnataka munity and we have voiced EVEN AS the release of the BJP's
BANGALORE, APRIL 10 Protection of Right to Freedom those concerns to the govern- first list of candidates for the
of Religion Act, passed towards ment,” Maben said. Karnataka Assembly elections
WHILE WELCOMING Prime the end of last year, that puts Kanthraj cited the statement has got further delayed, with
Minister Narendra Modi's visit to stringent curbs on conversion. by minister Munirathna – “dia- the party citing the need for fur-
Delhi'sSacredHeartCathedralon Then there is the distrust to- metrically opposite” to Modi's – ther consultation, rumours
Easter Sunday as a “wonderful wardstheBJPoverattacksonthe tosaythatthePM'smessagehad swirled Monday as former chief Veteran leader has denied
gesture”, Church leaders in community in different parts of yet to travel down to BJP work- minister and member of the BJP that he is unhappy. Twitter
Karnataka hope it would see a the country, with governments ers in the state. parliamentary board B S
changeintheapproachoflocalBJP run by the party seen as doing Two church officials who Yediyurappa returned to
leaders towards the community. little to stop them. PM Narendra Modi at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi Sunday. Twitter/Narendra Modi spoke to The Indian Express on Bengaluru. eran has held on the party in
Comprising less than 3 per In fact, Archbishop Of condition of anonymity said the There was talk that the pre- Karnataka for nearly 20 years.
cent of state population, the Bangalore Diocese Dr Peter “hostile”attitude of the state BJP mature departure of “If Yediyurappa is unhappy
communitywieldsconsiderable Machado was part of a petition The Supreme Court had di- leaders in Karnataka said, the one-time message but is taken leadershipcouldkeepChristians Yediyurappa from Delhi indi- and has left in anger, it would be
influence in the state because of filedintheSupremeCourt,along rected the Union Home Affairs PM's gesture in visiting the his- forward,” said J A Kanthraj, the away from the BJP. Another cated the BJP heavyweight's un- linked to rejection of his son's
the institutions it runs in the with the National Solidarity Ministrytogetverificationreports toric Delhi church on Easter day spokesperson for the added that the PM's visit to the happiness over not having his ticket demands more than any-
health and education sectors. Forum and Evangelical fromBihar,Haryana,Chhattisgarh, sent a “powerful message”. Archdiocese of Bangalore. church might not be enough to way with candidate choices. CM thingelse,”BJPsourcesadmitted.
Days before Modi’s church Fellowship of India, against at- Jharkhand, Odisha, Karnataka, “PM Modi's gesture was ReverendDrDexterSMaben, settle these fears. “Bangalore is Basavaraj Bommai and Union Joshi, who was part of the
visit, incidentally, a minister in tacks on churches, institutions Madhya Pradesh and Uttar wonderful as it came on a day the vice president of the Church away from Delhi. So the gesture minister Pralhad Joshi, however, talks, denied anysuchproblems.
the state BJP government was linked to them and members of Pradesh, on steps taken against whenChristianscelebrateEaster, of South India (CSI), Karnataka, in Delhi may not be foremost in insisted that Yediyurappa had to Bommai, who is also in Delhi,
booked for making an alleged the Christian community in dif- such attacks, following the plea. marking triumph over dark- and Diocese, Bangalore, said the people's minds when they de- leave due to personal exigency. said Yediyurappa had partici-
hatespeechagainstthecommu- ferent parts of the country. At the same time, church ness... We only hope it is not a PM's visit and concerns of the cide their representative.” The party leaders have been patedinallthemeetings,includ-
discussing the candidate list ing with Nadda and Shah, over
since Saturday evening in Delhi, the past three days.
‘Arrest minister Munirathna’: Cong to EC: Scrutinise tenders, contracts with one of the reasons for the
delay cited back home being
Earlier, there were reports
that the BJP wanted Vijayendra

state contractors’ outfit says Yediyurappa'sinsistenceontick- to contest from Varuna in

will move Supreme Court issued months before poll date announced ets for as many as 30 of his can-
didates, with the promise to en-
sure victories of each.
Mysuru, the bastion of former
CM and Congress heavyweight
Siddaramaiah, and hence a diffi-
in the state electoral office. pact during the election period worth over Rs 20,000 crore. One of these candidates is cult constituency. Yediyurappa
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ThepartyaskedtheECtoscru- thatwhatevermoneyisreleased The delegation also raised most definitely his younger son publicly rejected the possibility
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE The minister NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 tinise “all actions of the govern- under those tenders would im- the issue of Karnataka State B Y Vijayendra, who of this last week, while indicat-
BENGALURU, APRIL 10 was booked ment,particularly,thetendersand pact and influence people and MediaCertificationCommission Yediyurappa has been keen on ing that in case Vijayendra was
in a hate THE CONGRESS on Monday ap- contractsissuedwithin45daysto therefore, this is something that refusingclearancetosomeof the fielding from the family pocket forced to accept Varuna, he ex-
ALETTERdemandingtheimme- speech case proached the Election three months before the date of they should examine. We are campaign material of the party. borough of Shikaripura. Forced pected a ticket from another
diate arrest of Horticulture last month Commission (EC) seeking the election”. verypleasedthattheECsaidthat “The Election Commission out as CM by the BJP, ostensibly constituency too for him.
Minister Munirathna Naidu in a scrutiny of all tenders and con- “This is more so where the even if it is before the code of said that they are sending a sen- due to his age, Yediyurappa had Back from Delhi,
hatespeechcasemarkedthe be- tracts issued by the BJP-led sole purpose of the tenders and conduct comes into operation, if ior officer to Karnataka tomor- announced in July 2022 that he Yediyurappa insisted he was not
ginning of a new chapter in the Munirathna had filed. Last Karnataka government and the contracts is to issue hugely in- it has an impact on the period of row and that senior officer will was retiring from electoral poli- unhappy with how the talks
row between the Karnataka month, the police booked party-led Central government flated estimates, without appro- the code of conduct, we would make sure there is a review of all tics and that Vijayendra would went. “I am very, very happy. All
State Contractors’ Association Munirathna for his alleged hate for work in the state just before priate assessment of cost of be willing to look at it,” Congress the material that we have made replace him in the Shikaripura the suggestions given by me
and the minister on Monday. speech against Christians. the announcement of polls. work or the need for works by leader Salman Khurshid said af- a grievance about which has not seat in Shivamogga district. have been accepted. I am sure
In December, the The Association on Monday It also raised the issue of de- the sanctioning authority for ter meeting the EC. been approved and that there The move was seen as a pre- we will get a full majority.”
Association’s president D said that it was moving a con- nial of permission for its poll ad- whichnojustificationisavailable The memorandum claimed would be a level playing field of emptive strike by Yediyurappa Monday's postponement
Kempannaandfourotheroffice- tempt petition in the Supreme vertisements and sought the on government file,” read the that the BJP governments at the material, which is permitted to againstrejectionof hisson'scan- means the BJP is uncharacter-
bearerswerearrestedinconnec- Court over delay in arresting the transfer of four officers who party’s memorandum. stateandCentreissuedtenderno- every party in the past as well as didature by the BJP, which is istically the last in deciding its
tion with a defamation case that minister. served for morethan three years “Thetenderswillhaveanim- tificationsinvariousdepartments at present,” Khurshid said. keen to loosen the grip the vet- candidates.

CROSSWORD 5023 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
The dominant In love, it looks
mood of the day very much as if
is still somewhat secrecy is still the
emotional, and order of the day. It
your nesting instinct may may be that other people are
be strong. However, your not yet ready to understand
mood is about to change your feelings, but there
quite substantially so, please could also be a slight lack
realise that, what seems of confidence on your part.
permanent today, may have Mind you, perhaps a few
completely disappeared doubts are a good thing.
before long.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) Set your sights
The best way to high today and
deal with family go for adventurous
members, or with options. However,
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson anyone you live you should keep an eye on
with for that matter, is to authority figures, including
talk to them. The more that employers, who are developing
goes unsaid, the greater strange ideas, especially
the chances that you'll drift if it looks as if they may
into some sort of major pass judgment on your
misunderstanding. And that behaviour. You don't want
ACROSS DOWN would never do. Not after all to miss out.
1 He does nothing but just tick 1 I’m old fashioned; there’s no you've been through.
over? (5) getting away from it (7) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
4 A danger developing in the 2 Offal and joint put together in GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Monetary rewards
Caribbean (7) one vessel (9) Cash, including are no doubt
8 She means to keep prices 3 The length a boxer will go your need for overdue, but if you
down (3) to (5) more with the can possibly get
9 Soldiers in camp - sorry, on 4 Speculation is in the wind about demands on your financial loose ends tied
manoeuvres (4,5) medical man (6) pocket, is one major issue. up today, you'll clear the
10 The case of the broken 5 Once right to cry out However, there's always a decks ready for tomorrow.
latches (7) (7) psychological dimension, What is ultimately more
11 Fly from a ship (5) 6 Look for a cause of inflation (3) and right now this includes important, though, is
13 Itches to change the rules of 7 Pointlessly rate some foolish your own need to be valued recognition of your talents. It's
conduct (6) people (5) more in the future. Start good to have cash in your
15 Morning viva voce is quite
unethical (6)
12 Firm management may assist
in house construction (9)
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong by finding ways to boost your
pocket, but better to feel that
other people honour your
18 Grain coming from a tropic 14 I sing about one Italian achievements, however small.
CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
island (5) drink (7)
There is a great deal CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
19 It often involves unknown 16 Hero-worship was fatal to
to be said for pressing Partnership is
quantities (7) him (7)
ahead with all extremely
21 Some mount eruption can be 17 Promise not freely given (6)
personal hopes and important. This is
earth-shaking (9) 18 Cause of cracks that can bring
ambitions as fast as possible. The not necessarily for
23 Ida is out to help (3) down the house (5)
very best that you can hope for is any wonderfully selfless reason,
24 Upset? Depends how big- 20 Relish some asparagus
that little opportunities will drop but because, for sheer self-
headed one is (7) tonight? (5)
into your lap, unasked for. Your interest, you must link up with
25 Give commands in succession 22 Cleaner but untidy head of
task will be to make the most individuals who think and feel
(5) hair (3)
of them. as you do. You can do without
people who always criticise
SolutionsCrossword5022:Across:1Backhanded,8Scene,9Pitfall,10Borodin,11On LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) you, at least for now.
tow,12Redden,14Stifle,17Canoe,19Assents,21Extract,22Aptly,23Heldoffice. Nothing is quite as it
Down:2Averred,3Knead,4Alpini,5Detroit,6Dealt,7Flawlessly,8Subtracted,13 seems, so don't AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
worry if you can't The dominant daily
think straight at the pattern in your
moment, but do try to separate chart is still work,
fact from fantasy. This is not to but the possible
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel4s
say that one is better than the manifestations are many.

other, just that you should be Even if you're planning to put

Instructions sure in your own mind whether your feet up, you may find that
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, you're dealing with the real the most fulfilling way to spend
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 world or not. the day is performing little

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe favours for others. It's good

___isa____thathathfriendsinthegarrison.-GeorgeSavile(4,.,7) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) to do good.
nineverticalcolumns,in Stress levels tend
eachoftheninehorizontal to build up, but PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
RSAEO AVYLNS rowsandineachofthe that's not necessarily There's an ongoing
nineboxes. a bad thing. A love risk of friction at
affair will work best if you home. In the past,
understand that friendship this has involved
RRIOS AEERPV DifficultyLevel
is more important than simple practical matters but,
passion. You may already right now, there seems to be
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; sense that emotional changes some emotional strain. Use the
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; are on the way, and should opportunity to clear the air, and
5s=VeryHard; realise that they are to be reassure other people that the
Answer: Love is a passion that hath friends in the garrison. - George Savile 6s=Genius positively welcomed. worst may never happen.
Maharashtra: Tree fall claims seven lives Cop booked for murder; didn’t beat up victim, say police
Ataround7.30pm,analmost150- AJCBmachinewasusedtore- dead at a referral hospital in tory of sand smuggling activities he was smuggling sand, what
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE year-oldNeemtree,uprooteddue movethedebrisandrescuethein- ABHISHEKANGAD Garhwa. and one of their vehicles has also right does the police have to take
MUMBAI, APRIL10 to the heavy winds accompany- jured persons, who were later RANCHI,APRIL10 Police,however,havealsoreg- beenseizedrecentlyandkeptata someone’s life? His body had
ingtherain,fellontheshed,trap- rushed to the Government istered a counter FIR against police station. On April 7 cops marksofbeatingandhislegswere
Seven people died and 29 others ping people under it, said Akola Medical College, Akola. APOLICEInspectorinJharkhand’s Wasim and his family members spotted Wasim with a tractor full broken,” Ansari said.
were injured after a large tree fell District Collector Nima Arora. The injured, who are mostly Garhwa district has been booked forsandsmuggling.Policealsore- ofsmuggledsand.Wasimtriedto In the FIR, Ansari stated:
onashedinsidethepremisesof a “Duetothesuddenwindyand from Buldhana and Amravati, in- formurderinconnectionwiththe futedtheallegationthattheybeat flee and sustained injuries. Both “...When I reached the CHC in
temple in ParasvillageinBalapur gusty weather, many trees were clude nine senior citizens and a death of a 25-year-old man, up Wasim, and instead claimed the cases are being investigated.” Dhurki (around midnight),
talukaofAkoladistrict onSunday. uprooted in the district, blocking 15-year-old boy, among others. Wasim Sajjad. The FIR was regis- that he got hurt while escaping AnsaritoldTheIndianExpress Wasim was writhing in pain. My
Theincidenttookplacewhen roads.Becauseofthis,administra- Deputy Chief Minister tered on April 8 on the complaint fromthecopsduringacrackdown that Wasim worked with a son told me that the police beat
a large number of people had Rescue work underway in tivepersonnelfounditdifficultto Devendra Fadnavis condoled the ofWasim’sfatherMumtazAnsari onsandsmugglersinDhurkiarea. pipelinecompanyinMumbaiand him up… with the buttstock of a
gathered at the Babuji Maharaj Akola on Sunday night PTI reachaccidentsite.Fortunately,lo- deaths and announced that the whostatedthatInspectorKrishan Garhwa SP Anjani Kumar Jha was supposed to leave after gun; stomped on his chest with
Mandir for the evening aarti and calresidentsrushedtotheinjured Maharashtra government will Kumarstompedonhisson’schest said: “There is a murder FIR that Ramzan. Rubbishing the police boots. Slowly his voice tapered
the dukh nivaran (grievance re- people’shelpandrescuedmany,” provide financial aid to the fami- and also beat him up with the was registered on the basis of sandsmugglingclaim,Ansarisaid away.”Ansarisaidthatwhenthey
dressal) programme on Sunday. andsomepeoplegatheredunder saidJayantNaiknaware,specialin- lies of those who died in the buttstock of a gun “without any complaintbyWasim’sfather.Our thatonApril7hissonhadgoneto reachedthereferralcentre,hisson
Itsoon startedrainingheavily a shed to avoid getting drenched. spector general, Amravati. mishap. reason”. Wasim was declared versionisthathisfamilyhasahis- hisgrandmother’shouse.“Evenif was declared dead.

SC lets Vedanta open Days after communal

Thoothukudi copper clash, Chhattisgarh
plant for upkeep capital witnesses bandh
Arun Sao, state in-charge for
Supreme Court has permitted EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Chhattisgarh BJP and a Member
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Vedanta Limited to carry out the RAIPUR, APRIL 10 of Parliament, led a group of 200
NEWDELHI,APRIL10 activities at the plant,” it said. supporters to visit Sahu’s family.
A Sumathi, Chief Operating CHHATTISGARH’S CAPITAL Some protesters could be
THE SUPREME COURT Monday Officer, Sterlite Copper, said in a Raipur saw a bandh on Monday, heard chanting ‘Bhuneshwar ke
allowed Vedanta Ltd to carry out statement, “We look forward to daysafterthedeathof a23-year- hatyaaronkogolimarosaalonko
certain physical works at its carryingouttheupkeepactivities old during a communal clash in (shoot Bhuneshwar’s killers)’.
Sterlite copper plant in at the plant. Our stakeholders Bemetara district led to tension “Unlawful assembly is
Thoothukudi,includingtheevac- have expressed hope and cheer in and around the area. The banned in Biranpur, so we did
uation of remaining gypsum, re- abouttoday’sdevelopmentatthe bandh call was given by VHP, not allow them to enter the vil-
moval of leachate or industrial courtandtheyarewaitingforthe BajrangDalandothersdemand- lage. They were stopped in
waste to avoid environmental plan to restart operations.” ingactioninconnectionwiththe Pipargaon, a few kilometers
degradation,andmaintenanceof Whileallowingcertainworks, Bhuneshwar Sahu, with the op- from Biranpur, and taken to Saja
the green belt. theSupremeCourtalsonotedthat positionBJPalsolendingsupport. police station in a police van,
The plant, which Vedanta theDistrictCollectorhadnotper- According to police, protest- from where the crowd was dis-
claims accounted for 40 per cent mitted to undertake Civil And ers from different outfits also re- persed,” said Bemetara district
of domestic copper production, Structural Safety Integrity sortedtostonepelting,including collector Padum Singh Alma.
was shut down in May 2018 fol- Assessment Study in the plant at police personnel. While crowds were stopped
lowinganorderbythestatepollu- premises, removal and trans- Police also said two mud- from entering the village, some
tion control board. portation of spares/ equipment houses of people from the mi- unruly members did manage to
A high-powered committee etc and evacuation of in-process noritycommunitynearBiranpur torch two houses, police said. In
setupbythestategovernmentfor revertsandotherrawmaterialsly- in Bemetara district, where the Raipur,protestersalsotriedstop-
carryingouta‘CivilandStructural ing idle in the premises of the clashes had taken place last ping buses on the roads and
SafetyIntegrityAssessmentStudy plant/ stores. week, were set ablaze. broke windshield of one vehicle.
whichsubmitteditsreportinJuly Ontheactivitiesthathavenot
2022 had “noticed serious struc- beenallowed,SeniorAdvocateCS
turaldefects”.AMarch6,2023,let- Vaidyanathan, who appeared for 2008 JAIPUR BLASTS ACCUSED ACQUITTAL
ter by the Additional Chief Tamil Nadu government said,
Secretary to the Thoothukudi
District Collector permitted the
“The state government will once
again evaluate whether any fur-
Rajasthan police to conduct audit,
moval of gypsum and leachate,
should be issued in that regard.”
analyse HC judgment, says DGP
and green belt maintenance. Senior Advocate Darius Jaipur:RajasthanDirectorGeneral intheSCandthatthereis“astrong
“As regards those actions Khambata who appeared for of Police Umesh Mishra on basis" for the SLP.
whichhavebeenpermittedtobe VedantaLtdsaid,“Havingduere- Monday said that the state police Last month, flagging a
carriedoutbythecommunication gard to the serious deficiencies will conduct an “internal audit” “botchedinvestigation”causedby
dated 6 March 2023, we allow whichwerereportedbytheHigh- and“introspect”posttheacquittal “institutional failure”, the
necessary consequential steps to Powered Committee, there is no of 2008 Jaipur bomb blasts ac- RajasthanHighCourtacquittedall
betaken,”thebenchalsocompris- reasonwhytheotherstepsaspro- cused by the High Court. fourmenwhoweresentencedto
ing Justices P S Narasimha and J B posed by the Committee should Addressingapressconference death in 2019 in connection with
Pardiwala said in its order. not be taken”. Vedanta was will- inJaipur,theDGPsaidthatthepo- the blasts that claimed 71 lives
In a regulatory filing to the ing to undertake those activities licehassentaproposaltofileaSLP and injured 185 people. ENS
BombayStockExchange,Vedanta at its own costs, he told the court.
Ltd, said it had filed applications TheSCaskedthestategovern-
seekingreliefsfromtheSupreme ment to appraise it the “consid-
Courttoensureproperupkeepof ereddecision”onthisonnextdate
the copper smelter plant. “The of hearing scheduled for May 4.

Speeding car mows down

pedestrian in Goa, driver held
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE car behind his residential quar-
PANAJI,APRIL10 ters in Varnapuri Naval Quarters
and had been changing his loca-
A 32-YEAR-old man, employed tion to evade arrest. Old Goa
asadriverintheIndianNavy,was Police arrested him from
arrested for allegedly running Dabolim andseized his vehicle.”
over a 39-year-old pedestrian
Goa, said police on Monday.
as Manoj Shashidharan, a native
ing business and residing in
Merces, Tiswadi. Police said in-
formation was received on April
person, rash driving his car, had
escaping. The injured man was
Police seized some broken
parts of the car and narrowed
down search to a silver colour
Swift Dzire car.
Nidhin Valsan, SP North Goa,
the vehicle was traced. The ac-




I have taken more out of alcohol than
alcohol has taken out of me.
— Winston Churchill

Ministry of Truth

New IT rules create a new
power of censorship


Amul vs Nandini threatens to derail expansion of market and ON APRIL 6, a new power of censorship was The IT Rules, 2023 do not define what tions.” To address criticism, Rajeev
bornwithagazettenotification.TheMinistry constitutes "fake or false or misleading" in- Chandrashekhar, Minister of State, MEITY,
limit choices for consumers in the name of subnationalism of Electronics and IT (MEITY) created the formation, nor do they specify the qualifica- stated on January 25 that they would hold a

Information Technology (Intermediary tions or hearing processes for a "fact check separate consultation on PIB fact-check
HE POLITICAL ROW over Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) unit". On the other hand, the rules contain sometime early next month. However, there
(GCMMF) entering the Bengaluru market, and supposedly threatening the Amendment Rules, 2023 [IT Rules, 2023]. It detailed criteria for self-regulatory organi- was no in-person or virtual public consulta-
localKarnatakaCooperativeMilkProducers’Federation(KMF),isbothunfor- authorises a “fact check unit of the central sationsof gamingplatforms,whichalsohave tion or stakeholder meetings. The Editors
tunate and unwarranted. Unfortunate, because what should be a matter of government”toidentify,“fakeorfalseormis- legal deficiencies. However, these organisa- Guild noted on April 7 that "What is further
economic competition in the marketplace has been turned into an emotive issue and mis- leading”informationinrespectof,“anybusi- tions provide specific requirements for ME- surprising is that the Ministry has notified
ness of the central government”. This ITY-certified self-regulation organisations, this amendment without any meaningful
placed subnationalism, amplified by the ongoing Karnataka state elections. Unwarranted,
Orwelliandepartmentwillscrutiniseanyon- such as qualification criteria and pre-deci- consultation that it had promised."
because, as this newspaper has reported, GCMMF’s Amul brand milk and curd are priced line comments, news reports or opinions sional hearings with written orders contain- It is a fact that the IT Rules, 2021 have un-
20-40 per cent higher than KMF’s Nandini. Even if GCMMF comes to Bengaluru, it is un- about government officials and ministries ing reasons. None of these protections exists dergone an amendment every year. The gov-
likely to really eat into Nandini’s market share. But Amul or any other player shouldn’t be and then notify online intermediaries for its for a"fact checkunit", leaving theUnion gov- ernment notified these changes on February
prevented from trying, just as the Bengaluru consumer must not be deprived of competi- censorship.Suchintermediarieswillnotonly ernment free to prescribe and alter appoint- 25, 2021, extending powers to online video
tionthatcouldtaketheformof betterqualityorproductdifferentiation.Incidentally,Amul include online social media companies but ments by gazette notifications, as well as es- streaming platforms and digital news por-
has been selling in northern Karnataka markets since around 2015 – without inviting any also service providers across a plump layer tablish multiple units.The Press Information tals. These changes faced opposition in the
of the tech stack including ISPs and file host- Bureau'sexistingunitoffersinsightintotheir form of 30 writ petitions, with three high
provincial ire.
ingcompanies.Toensureaccuracy,onlyfacts competence. On December 16, 2020, it la- courts passing stay orders. The Bombay High
Thecurrentbrouhahaisprobablyalsoareflectionof rivalrybetweenIndia'stwolargest will be stated, and the decision on citizen in- The IT Rules, 2023 do not belled an Intelligence Bureau recruitment Court observed on August 15, 2021, that
dairy cooperatives. Amul is, of course, the original big brother. Its unions, in 2021-22, pro- terest will be left to the reader. define what constitutes ‘fake notice as a hoax, but the Information and these changes could "starve people of the
cured an average 264 lakh kg per day (LKPD) of milk, including around 43 LKPD from out- ItisafactthatMEITYuseditssubordinate or false or misleading’ BroadcastingMinistryrefutedthefact-check liberty of thought," while the Madras High
side Gujarat. Nandini's was only about 82 LKPD, much of it from the southern old Mysuru rule-making power under Section 79 of the the following day. This is not an isolated in- Court noted on September 17, 2021, that "a
Information Technology Act, 2000, to create
information, nor do they cident, as various press publications have wink or a nod from appropriate quarters
region districts. But the procurement increase, from a mere 30 LKPD in 2007-08, has been
the IT Rules, 2023. This power is meant to fill specify the qualifications or documented numerous similar cases. may result in the platform being inaccessi-
impressive and largely courtesy of a Rs 6-per-litre incentive given to farmers supplying to
in details within the legislative intent and di- hearing processes for a ‘fact It is a fact that the IT Rules, 2023 were ini- ble to a citizen." The Union government con-
the KMF unions. The incentive, over and above their procurement price, has given a huge rections of the Supreme Court. The Shreya tially released as a draft on January 2, 2023, tested these cases and sought their transfer
stimulus to dairying in Karnataka. Successive governments, whether of the BJP under B S
check unit’. On the other
Singhal judgment of the Supreme Court es- allowing for public comments until January to the Supreme Court. On October 28, 2022,
YediyurappaortheSiddaramaiah-ledCongress,cantakecreditforNandini'sgrowth,which tablished that Section 79 and the IT Rules re- hand, the rules contain 17, 2023, and only contained provisions for the government introduced further amend-
hasalsobeenenabledbycaptivemarkets(Bengaluru,MysuruandMangaluru)notfarfrom quire intermediaries to have actual knowl- detailed criteria for self- regulating online gaming companies. ments, creating grievance appellate com-
its main milk-shed areas. edge from a court order or be notified by the regulatory organisations of However, hours before the consultation mittees that allow social media users to ap-
appropriate government in relation to the gaming platforms, which deadline, MeitY published a new draft that peal content moderation decisions to the
That success only stands undermined by the calls for boycott of Amul products in
unlawful acts — these are reasonable restric- includedfact-checkingpowersandextended government. These committees have re-
Karnataka and “Amul vs Nandini” becoming a major poll issue. Karnataka's dairy farmers, tions under Article 19(2) of the Constitution. also have legal deficiencies. the consultation period. This move raised ceived 37 appeals and disposed of 19, with-
like their Gujarat counterparts, need to find new markets. By blocking Amul in Bengaluru, However, Article 19(2) does not contain the However, these alarm, with the Editors Guild issuing a state- out publishing their decisions or disclosing
politiciansareriskingsimilarretributionwhenitcomestoNandinisellingoutsideKarnataka. phrases "fake or false or misleading". The IT organisations provide ment on January 18 urging itsrecallandstat- the numbers publicly.
In fact, Maharashtra's dairies allege that the Rs 6/litre producer incentive has led to KMF Rules may be read under broader classifica- ing that “determination of fake news cannot These facts will remind us of the Latin
specific requirements for
unions procuring milk far in excess of what can be absorbed within Karnataka. This sur- tions such as public order, security of the be in the sole hands of the government.” maxim “res ipsa loquitur” for things that do
state, and morality. Nevertheless, any inac- MEITY-certified self- Digipubalso criticised theproposed amend- speakforthemself.Thismaychangewiththe
plusis, then,being“dumped”as milkpowder,butter and gheein otherstates.Neither pro-
curate or inaccurate statement will not au- regulation organisations, ments on January 19, stating that they “as- ITRules,2023 authorisingthetruthtobede-
ducers nor consumers benefit from such protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour poli-
tomaticallybecome"fakeorfalseormislead- such as qualification criteria signarbitraryanddiscretionarypowertothe termined by a government ministry.
cies: In this case, it's happening not between nations, but between states in an ostensibly ing," and not all classes of "fake or false or government of India,” while the Indian
unifiednationalmarket.Theconsequencesof evenmilkinganon-issueandcreatingimag- misleading" fit within reasonable restric-
and pre-decisional hearings Newspaper Society argued on January 23 The writer is an advocate and the non-
inary fears can be dire. It also frames a political economy challenge where the government tions, creatingan unconstitutionalpower for with written orders that the amendments would allow the gov- executive director of the Internet
has to consider electoral exigencies before embarking on market reforms. government censorship. containing reasons. ernment to “proscribe any criticism of its ac- Freedom Foundation

Kicking the Pilot can frames Congress challenge:
grandstanding on democracy has to be followed by hard work
ACTIONALISM IN RAJASTHAN has returned to haunt the Congress. On Sunday, Constitution of GST tribunal goes against several rulings of Supreme Court
rebel leader Sachin Pilot held a press conference and accused his party's govern-
previousBJPdispensation.HepointedlysaidChiefMinisterAshokGehlotdidnot Arvind P Datar
THEHISTORICintroductionof aunified,one- isnoreasontoexcludethemfromthisimpor- havefour-membertribunalsconsistingoftwo
months, Pilot's presser — and the fast scheduled for today — threatens to puncture the
nation, one Goods and Services Tax at a mid- tant all-India tribunal. It is illogical to select a judicial members and two technical mem-
Congress'scampaign,highlightingtherighttohealthbillandwelfareschemes.Thiswasonly night session of Parliament was through a district judge who has never dealt with any bers. There is no logic in having one technical
expected since the window for Pilot, who has been waiting for the leadership to deliver on complex web of central and state laws. The tax case but refuse to consider an advocate member for the states and another for the
promisesmadetohim,hasbeenclosing.Ifthepartyleadershipthoughtitcouldbuytimeand CentralGoodsandServicesTaxAct,2017also who has practised tax law. Centre when the Centre and state GST laws
postpone a resolution until elections, it has not worked. The inaction on the part of the cen- createdaGSTTribunal.Itwasunfortunatethat Thesearch-cum-selectioncommitteehas are identical. It would have been far better if
tral leadership, expected to mediate in the Gehlot-Pilot war of nerves, could hurt the party. the composition and structure of this tribu- to recommend two names for each post and each bench had just two members — one ju-
TheCongressleadershiphasbeenbesiegedbyahostofissues,whichithassoughttoturn nal were contrary to settled principles laid the central government will choose one of dicialandonetechnical.Thiscouldhavedou-
down by several Supreme Court decisions. them. A similar provision in the Tribunal bled the number of benches available for the
into rallying points. From the Surat court verdict against Rahul Gandhi to the Hindenburg
Consequently,thistribunalwasheldtobeun- Reforms (Rationalisation and Conditions of disposal of cases. One must also not forget
report that singed the Adani group to the chaos in Parliament, the party has been trying to constitutional by the Madras High Court in Service)Ordinance,2021wasstruckdownby from past experience the extreme difficulty
mobilise cadres. These issues have also created a chimera of opposition unity. However, Revenue Bar Association v. Union of India the Supreme Court. When the search com- in selecting good candidates. With the prin-
thesewon'tadduptoanythingsubstantiveif thepartycannotputitsorganisationinorder. (2019). No appeal was filed by the Union of mittee is headed by a Supreme Court judge cipal bench of four members and state
Rajasthanisoneofthreestateswhereitheadsagovernment,thoughtheelectorateherehas Indiaforaconsiderabletime,presumablybe- and senior secretaries are on the committee, benches of four members each, the tribunals
notrepeatedanincumbentpartyinassemblyelectionsindecades.Gehlotmanagedtosave cause the statutory provisions were patently whyshouldnottheselectionbythecommit- will easily need more than 75 members.
unconstitutional. The result was that there tee be binding on the central government? Theformationof theGSTTribunalshould
his government after Pilot, then his deputy CM, revolted in 2020. But he has refused to ac-
hasbeennoGSTTribunalforthelastfiveyears. From 1985, the Supreme Court has held have been done by a proper bill and referred
commodatePilotinpartyorgovernmentandevenaccusedhimof conspiringwiththeBJP Tribunals are part of the justice delivery that tribunal members should have a mini- to a Parliamentary Committee. The present
todestabilisethegovernment.Theparty'sattemptatregimechangebymakingGehlotthe system and are created as specialised fora to
There is a serious need to mum tenure of five years with an automatic provisionsareliabletobechallenged,trigger-
Congress president and Pilot the CM was defeated when the former rejected the central reducetheworkloadofcourts.Sadly,thenew change the manner in which renewal for another term unless there are ing a fresh round of litigation. The country is
leadership's plan. Gehlot now looks poised to fight the polls on his terms and his record in provisions creating a GST Tribunal were in- our tribunals are created. compellingreasonstodiscontinuetheirserv- unlikely to see a functioning GST Tribunal for
office rather than take the whole party with him. serted on the last day and the amended They are a part of the justice ices. Despite this salutary rule, the 2017 several more months to come.
Finance Bill, 2023 was passed without any amendmentintroducedatermofthreeyears! Thereisaseriousneedtochangetheman-
As for the Congress, Pilot's move to confront Gehlot makes for poor optics. The faction-
delivery system and must be Whenthiswasagainheldillegal,thetermwas ner in which our tribunals are created. They
alisminRajasthancouldresonateinKarnataka,whereDKSivakumarandSiddaramaiahlead disrupted.Thenewtribunalisequallyuncon- independent. The present increased to four years with an option for re- are a part of the justice delivery system and
factions. A similar scenario exists in Chhattisgarh and many other state units that have be- stitutional and several provisions are in the practice of treating them as newal for another two years, stubbornly re- mustbeindependent.Thepresentpracticeof
comeinactiveintheabsenceofastrongleadership.TheCongressneedstorecognisetheim- teethof bindingprecedentslaiddownbythe fusing to accept the five-year norm. treating them as part of the respective min-
part of the respective
portance of organisation if it hopes to do the battle on the ground. Grandstanding on polit- Supreme Court in no less than seven cases: The provision of housing was a problem istries has seriously undermined their func-
Sampath Kumar (1987), L Chandrakumar ministries has seriously thatwasresolvedbytheSupremeCourtfixing tioning.Manytribunalshaveverypoorinfra-
ical morality and democracy cannot be a substitute for committed leaders who work hard
to fix the organisation. (1997)andMadrasBarAssociation(2010,2014, undermined their a house rent allowance of Rs 1,50,000 for the structureanditisextremelydifficulttorecruit
2015, 2020, 2021). It is regrettable that laws functioning. Many tribunals President and Rs 1,25,000 for members. This competent persons as no professional will
continuetobedraftedandenactedindeliber- have very poor is now reduced to the house rent allowance leave his practice at the age of 45 for a period
ate contravention of Supreme Court judg- of central government employees carrying of four years. This results in tribunals being
infrastructure and it is

ments. the same pay, which will be woefully inade- manned mainly by retired officials who get a
ThenewGSTTribunaldisqualifieslawyers extremely difficult to recruit quate in major cities. fewextrayearsofservice.Itisalsoworthwhile
frombecomingjudicialmemberswhensuch competent persons as no The GST Tribunal will have one Principal toconsiderwhetheritistimetohaveanIndian
exclusionwasevenrecentlyheldtobeimper- Bench at New Delhi which consists of the TribunalServicethatwillattractprofessional
Research shows that moderate drinking too is harmful. professional will leave his
missible in the context of the Consumer president, a judicial member, a technical talent and domain expertise.
Forum. Every other tribunal permits advo- practice at the age of 45 for a member (Centre) and a technical member
Let's ignore it

cates to become judicial members and there period of four years. (State). Similarly, the state benches will also The writer is a senior advocate
ODERN LIFE IS too often a mechanical oppression,” Ernest Hemingway
wrote to critic Ivan Kashin in 1935, “and liquor is the only mechanical
relief.” Hemingway likely knew then, as all of us do now, that alcohol in
excess is not the best thing for the body or soul, and it's especially bad
when you “write or when you fight”. But in the current age of scientism and “wellness”,
even moderation isn't enough. Researchers have studied over a 100 studies about alco-
hol consumption over the decades (the report was published in JAMA Network Open)
AKALI-PM ISSUE grains production is anticipated in 1982-83.
According to crop prospects indicated in lat-
places with the army staging flag marches
and security forces fanning out to effectively
and come to the conclusion that there's no such thing as a healthy amount of alcohol. PRIME MINISTER INDIRA Gandhi said the est reports, the total food grains output dur- maintain law and order. Assam chief minis-
Unlike tobacco or other psychoactive drugs, alcohol enjoys a certain social sanction. In question was how far the Akalis should be ing the year is estimated to be between 126 ter Hiteswar Saikia told a press conference
fact, medical “facts” like a couple of glasses of wine, or the odd beer, are actually good for allowedtogoinpursuingtheirdemands.She and 128 million tonnes against the target of inGauhatithateightpoliceofficialsweresus-
wasaddressingtheconcludingsessionof the 139 to 141.5 million tonnes (MT). Even com- pended in the district for negligence of duty
the health have been shared for years now. But now, that solace is gone. Imagine a world
two-day conference of Governors in New pared to the actual performance in 1981-82, during the recent disturbances.
where the tedium of an official dinner, or the boring wedding of a faraway cousin has to Delhi. In an apparent hardening of attitude the production this year will be lower by five
be suffered through without the adequate lubrication. Or one where the quiet glass of
on Punjab, Mrs Gandhi said many of the de-
mands, including the religious ones, had
to eight million tonnes. The Agriculture
Ministry in its annual report blames it all on
has to be measured against the depressing arithmetic of one's impending mortality. been conceded. The exception was the one theunprecedenteddroughtaffecting48mil- THE15-PARTYalliancedemandedanimme-
But perhaps there's another way to look at the research's findings, which is to not look relating to a common legislation on gurd- lion hectares. diate end to martial law, restoration of the
waras, on which the states are being con- 1972 constitution, holding of elections to
at them at all. There is little point in trying to show, for example, that the stress-relieving
effects of a drink or two might end up helping certain conditions. The JAMA paper estab-
ASSAM VIOLENCE Parliament and handing over power to
elected representatives. The alliance which
lishes that earlier studies that claimed health benefits for moderation were flawed. So
be it. Better, then, to say maybe a drink or two does some harm — but sometimes, it feels
Goalpara district was reported to be quiet,
observed ‘‘Demands Day” also announced a
programme to observe a country-wide “de-
good. And that's enough for one more round. A SHORTFALL OF 13 million tonnes in food- though tension continued to prevail in some mands week” from April 21 as the next step.


“But nearly three and half months after becoming prime minister, for the third
time, Pushpa Kamal Dahal seems to have his hands full just to keep his coalition
intact. He also inspires little confidence... If the country ever needed ‘the fierce
one’ to show a sense of purpose, it is now.” — THE KATHMANDU POST

Kerala calling One rule for all

SC’sgrantof bailtoLakhimpur-Kherideaths
PM Modi’s visit to Sacred Heart Cathedral on Easter has to be read in the context of the BJP’s outreach to accusedraisesquestionsabouthowsimilar or
the Christian community in a state that has rejected it all this while lesseroffencesaretreated
the UP police dragged its feet in arresting
him. It was only after a PIL was filed in the
Supreme Court against the inaction of the
police, and after serious concerns were
raised regarding the fairness of theinvesti-
gation, that he was arrested. However, the
accusedsucceededin obtaining bailfroma
single judge of the Lucknow bench of
Valson Thampu Rekha Sharma Allahabad High Court. Once again, the
Supreme Court was approached. The mat-
POLITICAL EVENTS ARE like icebergs, nine- ALMOST HALF A century ago, Justice ter came up before a Bench headed by
tenthsofwhichremainhiddenfromview.The Krishna Iyer said, “Bail, not jail, is the basic Justice Surya Kant. The bench castigated
hidden need not be altogether inscrutable. rule”.Itwaslikeasermonpreachedandfor- thehighcourt,andheldthatitfailedtolook
But,todiscerntheirfacesaright,onemustrid gotten till an industrialist of repute was into aspects such as the nature, gravity and
oneself of prejudices.Asarule,humanbeings granted bail at midnight, and much later, severityof theoffence,andthelikelihoodof
understand emerging events in light of past when it was resurrected again in the case theaccusedfleeingfromjusticeortamper-
experiences. This makes them blind to new of a TV news anchor. The truth is that it has ing with the evidence, as also the impact
beginnings. This aberration can be obviated beenfollowedmoreinbreachthanincom- his release may have on the trial, and soci-
in part by reading events in their contexts. pliance.InNovember2022,theChief Justice ety at large. Holding that the high court
Humanbeings,barringrareexceptions,act of India(CJI)speakingataneventorganised adopted a myopic view of the evidence, it
onlyoutof self-interest.Inthedomainof pol- by the Bar Council of India stated that the cancelled Ashish Mishra’s bail. The order
itics, to be idealistic is to be naïve, even fool- higher judiciary is flooded with bail appli- wentalongwaytowardsdispellingtheim-
ish.Asamatterof fact,leadersof politicalpar- cations due to reluctance at the grass root pression that while the high and mighty
ties come under the obligation to be selfish levels to grant bail. Again, in a matter com- get their way, lesser mortals suffer.
and devious to further the prospects of their ingfromtheAllahabadHighCourt,theChief Thereafter,AshishMishraagainmovedthe
parties.Else,theywillactlikeRahulGandhiin Justicewasconstrainedtoremark,“If wedo high court for bail, but it was dismissed.
tearing up in a fit of impetuous idealism the not act in matters of personal liberty and Hence he moved the Supreme Court.
ordinance meant to alleviate the distress of a grant relief, then what are we doing here?” Though the said application before
political ally. It is assuredly profitable to play While ordinary citizens, human rights the Supreme Court is for regular bail, and
the saint in politics; but, if you try to be one, activists, writers, teachers and even press is yet to be finally decided, Ashish Mishra
youwillbecomealiabilitytoyourparty.That’s reporters languish behind bars, and their has been granted interim bail. The order
thelastthingyou’dexpectof NarendraModi. families suffer outside, the courts, by and comes as a surprise, to put it mildly. The
So, why this calibrated Easter visit to the large, ignore or refuse to follow the basic accused has been granted bail on two
Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi? My rule of bail. As per the statistics provided grounds. First, he has been in custody for
memory goes back to 2014, the year he as- by the National Crime Records Bureau more than one year. Second, the trial is
sumed the reins of India. All colleges, includ- (NCRB), as on December 31, 2021, out of a likely to take a minimum of five years.
ing Christian ones, were instructed to func- total of 5,54,034 prisoners, 4,27,165 are And, to allay the apprehension of the
tion on Christmas day in order to celebrate undertrials. In other words, more than State that if released on bail, Ashish
Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s birthday as “good gov- four lakh accused are languishing in jail Mishra might derail the trial, the court
ernance day”. He could not have been un- without bail, waiting for their trial to ei- said that it was passing the order on ex-
aware of hurting Christian sentiments ther commence or conclude, they don’t perimental basis to judge whether there
thereby.Verylikely,Modihascomealongway know when. All this, despite what was is any substance in the apprehensions ex-
since then. I would think so; given how clearly declared by Justice Iyer half a cen- pressed on behalf of the State and the in-
prompt and perceptive he is in learning from C R Sasikumar tury ago and despite, much later, the formant. The bail was earlier rejected on
experiences. Supreme Court’s elaborate guidelines re- sound and valid grounds by the same
When Alexander Graham Bell was asked CatholicChurch,themostnumerousandrich- tionhavehitthemlikeaseriesofsledge-ham- garding arrest and bail in Satender Kumar bench. They still exist. It is a case where
toexplainwhatthetelephonewaslikehetook est church in Kerala, is in dire straits with its mer blows. The Kerala wing of the Indian Antil v CBI. On March 31, a bench headed allegedly not one, not two, but a number
a metaphoric turn. It is like a dachshund dog supreme leader in serious legal tangles. NationalCongress,whichhasbeentradition- by Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul expressed of persons were killed, and more than one
with its tail in Dublin and head in London. Corruptreligiousleadersareeasypickingsfor allythemainstayofKeralaChristians,isinvis- strong disapproval over magistrates not was injured in broad daylight. Just be-
When the tail is yanked in Dublin, the head political harvesters. Corruption is a political ibledisarray.TheCPMtoohastouchedanall- following its guidelines, and warned that cause the accused has been in custody for
barksinLondon.IseeModi’sEastergestureas goldminefromwhichapoliticalpartycangain time low in the wake of the gold-smuggling if they are passing orders in derogation a year or so does not wash away the valid-
a telephonic event of the dachshund variety. in two ways. It can posture itself as a princi- cases and the slew of salacious revelations in of the law laid down in the said judgment, ity and relevance of the grounds for ear-
Its tail is in Delhi, but its head is in Kerala. It is pled eradicator of corruption. It can also use its wake. A religious and political vacuum then they should be sent to judicial acad- lier rejection of bail. As for the five-year
readbestinlightofhispronouncementinthe the very same thing to coerce individuals of plagues Keralites like never before. emies for upgradation of their skills. So period, with respect, given the back-
wake of BJP’s gains in the Northeast in the re- significance to toe the party line. This two- Add to that the strong pull that the mys- far so good. But, then, with the greatest ground, should that have been a consid-
centassemblyelectionsthattheBJPwillcome prongedstrategyunderliesgoingafterthecor- tiqueof powerandpoliticalmomentumthat of respect, what about the Supreme Court eration at this stage?
topowerinKerala.Itisnosecretthattheparty rupt in the Christian community. Modi has generated. He is nonpareil in the itself where hundreds of bail applica- Secondly, what prevents the Supreme
attachesextremeimportancetoenlargingits Sticks,however,canbecounterproductive political annals of our country in the art of tions, and a large number of habeas cor- Court from ordering day-to-day proceed-
footprint in “god’s own country”. without carrots — sticks for the corrupt, and gainingfrom contradictions and impossibil- pus petitions are believed to be awaiting ings? And as regards the release on exper-
Key to making any progress in this direc- carrots for those who deem them God’s ser- Will Modi’s present ities. Those who criticise Modi for being in- disposal? Given the observations of the imental basis, what if it is ultimately found
tion is wooing the Christian community, vants. Moreover, a ruler stands to gain from conciliatory gesture bring in consistent overlook his genius. The tremor CJI in the Arnab Goswami case that “dep- to have failed? Will the court in that case
which comprises about 18 per cent of the tokenismsof thiskind.Nothingismorehelp- electoral dividends, of ultimate power is not unleashed by act- rivation of liberty for a single day is a day be able to undo the resultant harm?
Kerala population. Efforts to align at least a ful in improvising the impression that the ing consistently and rationally. The aura of too many”, these are huge numbers. Let us hope that the experiment
especially in Kerala, where
sectionoftheMuslimcommunityinthestate ruler,beingreligiousorpious,canbeexpected invincibility is achieved only by acting irra- Inthemidstof thisdepressingscenario, leaves the law better and not bitter. Let us
to the BJP via co-opting Abdullakutty came a to act justly. This helps to dissipate the anxi- they are most coveted? The tionally and profiting from it. I will not be comes the case of Ashish Mishra, son of a also hope that all accused who are in-
cropper. The central leadership of the party etythatisboundtoarisewhenreligiouslead- answer is an emphatic surprised if future historians recognise de- Union minister. Not very long ago, he was volved in similar or in lesser offences than
hasconcludedthatcourtingtheMuslimcom- ers are proceeded against, according to the affirmative. Here’s why I monetisation as the watershed moment in in the eye of a storm for having allegedly Ashish Mishra and are in jail, receive the
munity is a bus ride to nowhere. The alterna- lawof theland.Therankandfileof Christians “the India of our dreams” morphing into run his SUV over a group of farmers who same priority, and no one has to live with
tive is to get the Kerala Christian community arebrainwashedfrombirthonwardsthattheir
think so. The Kerala Modi’s New India. were returning from a protest site in the feeling that they are children of a
on its side. To that end, feverish behind-the- leadersareanointedbyGodandthatitissac- Christian community is It takes very little to mesmerise religious Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh. The inci- lesser God.
sceneeffortshavebeenafootforawhilenow. rilegious to treat them like ordinary folks, no going through a period of leaders, especially of the Christian commu- dent resulted in the death of eight people
The party sees much encouragement in this matter what they do. unprecedented nity. As L K Advani said in another context: while many others sustained injuries. The writer is a former judge of the Delhi
regard, given that a large number of bishops, Bethatasitmay,thequestiontoaskisthis: Ask them to bend, and they will crawl. So, Despite the gruesome nature of the crime, High Court
Christiancharismaticleaders,para-churchor- WillModi’spresentconciliatorygesturebring
disorientation and while dealing with them, Modi runs no risk
ganisationsandinstitutionsaremiredincor- in electoral dividends, especially in Kerala, demoralisation. Shocking of being asked: Are we to believe that the
ruption. Enforcement Directorate investiga- where they are most coveted? The answer is episodes of priestly and Sangh has renounced its ideological dogma
tionsonKPYohannan,PaulDinakaran,Bishop an emphatic affirmative. Here’s why I think episcopal crime and that Christians and Muslims should be ineli-


Dharma Raj, the moderator of the Church of so. The Kerala Christian community is going gible for equal citizenship?
South India, among others, came and went, throughaperiodof unprecedenteddisorien- corruption have hit them
leaving the Damocles’ swords hanging over tationanddemoralisation.Shockingepisodes like a series of sledge- The writer was principal of St Stephen’s
their heads. The Syro-Malabar rite of the of priestly and episcopal crime and corrup- hammer blows. College, Delhi

A broken House
THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘A new THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Rights of
classroom’ (IE, April 10). NEP 2020 is a the Opposition’ (IE, April 10). In the
radical policy that intends to overhaul current scenario, the writer’s empha-
the education system in the country. sis on the need to create a regime of
The curriculum framework will need Opposition rights is timely and calls for
to ensure a smooth transition from the serious attention. A fearless
Parliament secretariatsarenowhelmedbybureaucratswhodoexecutive’sbidding old to the new education policy. The Opposition that asks questions to
existing pool of educators can either those in power is sine qua non for a
be an asset or a roadblock in this tran- healthy democracy. The ruling dispen-
John Brittas and Kashvi Verma sition phase. To help them integrate sation's misuse of law enforcement
better, internet-aided hybrid instruc- agencies to bully the Opposition to si-
IN A LANDMARK verdict last month, a five- they are exceeding their brief. extremely slippery slope and the accounta- its Secretariat to function independently of tion modules should be introduced. lence is detrimental to democratic val-
judge Constitution bench of the Supreme One of the authors of this piece had a bit- bility of the executive to the legislature is al- the executive. Schools should organise workshops ues. The central agencies are not sup-
Court, while raising concerns about the au- ter experience at the hands of this newly- most a thing of the past. Article98of theConstitutionprovidesfor explaining clearly the logistics of the posed to play a partisan role, nor target
tonomy of the Election Commissionof India, emboldened class regarding a proposal for a A large number of questions are disal- the establishment, recruitment, and condi- transition so as to allow the adminis- members of the Opposition — as has
saidthatthepollpanelwillhaveanindepend- Private Member’s bill on federalism to be lowedandrepliestomanyareunsatisfactory. tionsof serviceof theSecretariatthroughthe tration also to adjust to this change. It been the case in the recent past. The
entsecretariatanditsownbudget.Thisjudg- discussed in the Rajya Sabha. Earlier, the Amendmentsandresolutionsarerejectedon channelof parliamentaryconsensus.Thistoo is in the best interest of students to Opposition leaders are now only left
mentbringstotheforeaspectsof ourdemoc- practice was that the secretariat would assist flimsy grounds primarily to keep the execu- stands threatened today. Former Secretary make sure that teachers have enough with the option of going to the masses
racy that are seldom raised even by a member in formulating his or her bill tive happy. As students of political science, General of the Lok Sabha Secretariat P D T time to unlearn the fundamentals of to caution them about the abuse of
Opposition politicians: A supportive and in- based on the draft submitted. It would also we have read about various theories on the Acharywrotein2017thatanyattempttosub- the current system. power that is posing a threat to ideas of
dependent secretariat in both Houses of allow the member to resubmit the resolu- sourceof politicalobligation:Whyshouldwe vertthelegislaturewouldhavetobeginwith Sudip Kumar Dey, Barasat dissent and criticism.
Parliament. tion if there are any incongruities. Instead, payobeisancetothestate?Wheredoesitsle- “dispens[ing] with the independence of the Samiul Hassan Quadri, Bikaner
Politicians make a hue and cry when the the resolution, which was balloted as num- gitimacycomefrom?Powerflowsfrom“We, Secretariat…Thiscanbeachievedbyinduct- THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘A new
Houses are stalled. But they often ignore an-
ber one, was disallowed over flippant rea-
sons. The Secretariat cited that the resolu-
pipeline of accountability. Elected represen-
ing officers of the executive… Being trained
to serve the executive, the concept of inde-
classroom’ (IE, April 10). Hats off to the
ture’s interests. Both Lok Sabha and Rajya tion included more than two subjects. The tatives must be answerable to those who el- pendence of the legislature[‘s] Secretariat is of changes suggested through the THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The
Sabha have their own secretariats. Lately, reality was that both cannot be separated evate them to decision-making positions. In alien to them.” NationalCurriculumFramework.Astu- tri-junction problem’ (IE, April 10).
though,wearefacedwithanunprecedented from each other — any discussion on feder- the absence of this, democracy is a sham. Induction to posts in all departments dent of class XI will now have an array India-Bhutan ties are mounted
trend of both the secretariats serving the in- alism must include the governor’s powers. Alittleover94yearsago,VithalbhaiPatel within the Secretariat is overseen by the of options to choose from all three on mutual trust and goodwill, as our
terests of the executive. Subsequently, no opportunity was given to succeeded in establishing an independent Recruitment Cell, which periodically adver- streams – Science, Humanities, and foreign secretary rightly opined.
We are confronting an erosion of parlia- even resubmit the revised text as desired by Secretariat for the Central Legislative tisesvacanciesandcallsforapplications.The Commerce.Thiswillhaveagreatimpact Doklam or any other border
mentarydemocracybecauseof acancer-like the Secretariat. This is unheard of in the his- Assembly—towhichhehadbeenelectedun- processof recruitmentvariesfordifferentpo- on their future and the kind of knowl- issue ought to bank on leveraging
growth of the executive, intruding into the tory of our Parliament. All this is happening dertheprovisionsof theGovernmentof India sitions but generally involves written exam- edge they are able to gain. But success- these strengths for long-lasting
officesthataremeanttochampiontheinter- because pivotal positions in Parliament sec- Act 1919 and became the first Indian to as- inationsandinterviews.Theselectionof asin- ful implementation across all boards solutions. Connecting with the new
ests of the members of Parliament. Things retariats are held by persons handpicked by sume Speakership (then Presidentship) in gle IAS officer in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat and schools would require thorough generations in Bhutan in their aca-
have come to such a pass now that the par- the executive, who do its bidding. This prac- 1925. It was only after a long battle with the during the Chairmanship of Shankar Dayal planning. All stakeholders, including demic pursuit and the population's
liamentaryupperhandinmatterstodowith tice is a capitulation of the values enshrined colonial administration that he managed to Sharma was massively frowned upon, so schools,needtobeinvolvedinthisexer- spiritual underpinnings could be ex-
policiesandevenwhatoughttobediscussed in the Constitution. securefortheHouseatrulyautonomousstaff muchsothatitledtotheestablishmentof an ciseandtheirviewsshouldbesoughtto plored. Hydropower trade has always
in the House has fallen into the hands of the Even in the pre-Independence era, the tolookaftertheday-to-dayfunctioningof the unofficialconventiontorefrainfromemploy- understand the potential challenges at been a bright spot that we must keep
executive. legislature had the power to be heard irre- legislature. This, he believed, was crucial to ing officers of the central cadre in the service grass root levels. Last but not the least, in mind. Diplomatic efforts to reassure
Rules and regulations are being used to spectiveof whattheexecutivethoughtabout maintainasemblanceof fairnessandimpar- of eitherHouse.Come2023,mostof thesen- rural areas, tier 2 and tier 3 cities must cooperation and ensure strategic
protect the executive, which in a proper and those subjects. There were provisions to in- tiality. Thedangerof thisongoingre-crafting ior posts are now held by those nominated notbeneglected,andallshouldworkon handholding should be New Delhi's
functionaldemocracymustbeheldaccount- sulatethelegislaturefromthelikelyexcesses of theSecretariatwasfirstemphasisedbythe from All-India Services. thesametangentwithoutanydisparity. focus in dealing with Thimphu.
able. Paradoxically, it is the members of the of the executive and its whims. We all agree first Speaker of the Lok Sabha, G V Bal Govind, Noida Anjali Bhavana, Thiruvananthapuram
executive who now occupy the Lok Sabha that the erosion of the legislature’s power Mavalankar. He highlighted how it was of Brittas is a CPM Rajya Sabha MP and
secretariat and Rajya Sabha secretariat. And started long back. But things are now on an paramount importance for Parliament and Verma is a LAMP Fellow


‘Ready to fight’: China after completing passes
Pak House again
Bill to
three-day combat drills near Taiwan curb powers of
Spotted 59 Chinese jets so far: Taiwan’s defence ministry US sails its warship near
SC Chief Justice
US President speaks

Chinese-controlled island

EasterEggRoll. AP

in South China Sea

Bidensayshe’s itary drills around Taiwan on
Monday saying they had tested Reef that are submerged at high

planningtorun integrated military capabilities REUTERS tide in their naturally formed A JOINT session of Pakistan's ● Bill trail
forsecondterm under actual combat conditions,
state are not entitled to a territo-
rial sea,” the 7th Fleet said in a
Parliament on Monday passed a
bill to curb the powers of the THE SUPREME Court
and blockading the island that A US Navy destroyer sailed near statement. chief justice of the Supreme (Practice and Procedure)
Washinton: US President Beijing views as its own.9 one of the most important man- “The land reclamation ef- Court regarding suo motu cases Bill,2023wasapprovedby
Joe Biden said on Monday The Chinese military said it Ships of Taiwan Navy take part in a military exercise in made and Chinese controlled is- forts, installations, and struc- and the constitution of benches, both houses of Parliament
he plans to run for reelec- had“successfullycompleted”the Taiwan in this handout picture released on April 10. Reuters lands in the South China Sea on tures built on Mischief Reef do amidst strong opposition from last month and sent to the
tion in 2024 but was not exercises and “comprehensively Monday, in a freedom of naviga- not change this characterisation Imran Khan-led Pakistan president for assent. The
prepared to announce it tested” the capabilities of multi- tion mission that Beijing de- under international law.” Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. bill was approved by the
yet. “I plan on running ... ple units under actual combat. craftcarrierhadalsotakenpartin nounced as illegal. China’s People’s Liberation “ParliamentinitsJointsession federal Cabinet on March
but we’re not prepared to “The troops in the theatre are combat patrols, and it showed Japan calls for While the United States fre- Army said the US ship had “ille- passes ‘The Supreme Court 28.TheNationalAssembly
announce it yet,” Biden
said in an interview with
fighters taking off from its deck.
Taiwan has been tracking the
peace in strait quently makes such voyages to
gally” entered waters near the
reef without Chinese approval,
the National Assembly or lower
passed it after a few
NBC’s Today show before inganyformofTaiwanindepend- Shandong in the Pacific Ocean. Tokyo: Japan stressed on territorial claims in the strategic and its forces had monitored the house announced in a tweet. the Standing Committee
the White House Easter ence separatism and foreign in- Taiwan’s defence ministry Mondaytheimportanceof waterway, the latest one took vessel and warned it. The development comes on Law and Justice. On
Egg Roll. Biden has saidhe terference,” the Eastern Theatre published a map on Monday of peaceinTaiwanStraitdur- placeas Beijing staged more war “China has indisputable sov- two days after President Arif Alvi March30,itwaspassedby
intends to be Democratic Command of the People’s the previous 24 hours of Chinese ing a meeting of senior games around Taiwan. ereignty over the islands in the returned a bill passed by both the Senate.
candidate in 2024 but has Liberation Army said. air force activities, showing four JapaneseandChineseoffi- The US Navy's 7th Fleet said South China Sea and the sur- houses of parliament for recon-
not made a formal an- Chinese state television said carrier-based Chinese J-15 fight- cials. Tokyo also called on the USS Milius engaged in “nor- rounding maritime area,” its sideration, saying the proposed
nouncement. Top White earlieronMondaythataircraft,in- ers operating over the Pacific China to stop ships enter- maloperations”within12nauti- Southern Theatre Command legislation is beyond the juris- on the solitary decision of one
House advisers are set to cluding nuclear-capable H-6 Ocean to Taiwan’s east. The min- ing Japanese waters, cal miles of Mischief Reef in the said in a statement. diction of the legislative body. man, the Chief Justice”.
make final decisions on bombersarmedwithlivemissiles, istry said that as of mid-morning adding that it was deeply Spratly Islands, once a reef sub- Last month, China and the Law Minister Azam Nazeer Opposition PTI senior leader
launchingBiden’sre-elec- &warshipsstageddrillsto“forma onMondayithadspotted59mil- concerned about Beijing’s merged at high tide and where U.S. sparred over the movement Tarar presented the bill in the FawadChaudhrysaidonMonday
tion campaign, NBC News multi-directional island-encom- itary aircraft and 11 ships around activitynearJapanesewa- China has built an airport and of the same ship, which China joint sitting of the house held thathispartyrejectsthislaw.“The
reported, citing unidenti- passing blockade situation”. Taiwan, and that the Shandong ters and its coordination other facilities. said had entered its territorial withNationalAssemblySpeaker billwilljustgointhetrash.Were-
fied sources. REUTERS The Eastern Theatre carrier group was conducting with Russia. REUTERS “Under customary interna- waters in the South China Sea Raja Pervaiz Ashraf in the chair. ject this law,” he tweeted.
CommandsaidtheShandongair- drills in the Western Pacific. tionallaw...featureslikeMischief near the Paracel Islands. Addressing the joint session, The bill states that every
the law minister said that voices cause, matter, or appeal before
against the chief justice's suo the apex court would be heard
FRANCE Imam stabbed CHARGED FOR PROMOTING ‘NEW CITIZENS MOVEMENT’ Women, families motu (on his own initiative) and disposed of by a bench con-
Guidesamong powerswerearisingfromwithin stituted by a committee com-

while leading
prayers at New
Leading Chinese rights activists in Herat banned
from restaurants
the top court.
On March 27, two judges of
prising the chief justice and the
two senior-most judges.

avalanche the apex court raised questions It added that the decisions of

Jersey mosque handed lengthy jail sentences with gardens by over the powers of the CJP, say-
the committee would be taken
by a majority.
Paris: The death toll from
Sunday’s avalanche in the ruling Taliban
French Alps rose to six, in- LIVIAALBECK-RIPKA& VIVIANWANG
guides, local authorities NEWJERSEY,APRIL10 ASSOCIATED PRESS
saidMonday.Theprosecu- TWO OF China’s most promi- HERAT, KABUL, APRIL 10
tor’sofficeinBonneville,in An imam was stabbed on nenthumanrightslawyerswere
the Haute-Savoie region, Sunday while he was leading sentenced on Monday to 14 THE TALIBAN have banned fam-
said the body of a sixth early morning prayers at a years and 12 years in prison, ilies and women from restau-
person was found after mosqueinPaterson,NJ,byaman some of the lengthiest such sen- rants with gardens or green
searches resumed on who was subdued by wor- tences in recent years and an in- spaces in Afghanistan’s north-
Monday morning. The shipers, the authorities and a dication of how the space for ex- western Herat province, an offi-
prefectureofHaute-Savoie community member said. pression has evaporated under cial said Monday.
said one person was sent The man, whom prosecutors China’s leader, Xi Jinping. The moves followed com-
tothehospitalwithminor identified as Serif Zorba, 32, was The lawyers, Xu Zhiyong and Xu Zhiyong (left), was given 14 years jail term while Ding plaints from religious scholars Police at the scene near Slugger Field baseball stadium in
injuries.Eightotherpeople arrested and charged with first- DingJiaxi,hadbeenchargedwith Jiaxi will serve 12 years. Reuters File and members of the public downtown Louisville, Kentucky, Monday. Reuters
werefoundunharmed.No degree attempted murder, offi- subversion for promoting what about mixing of genders in such

Five dead, eight injured

detailshavebeenprovided cials said. they called a “New Citizens places, he said.
on the identity of the vic- Zorba was “subdued by con- Movement,” which encouraged In his decade as China’s top nounced the latest sentences as It was the latest in a slew of
tims. The avalanche on gregants” by the time the police ordinary Chinese to exercise the leader, Xihasworked,largelysuc- “cruellyfarcical”andcalledforthe restrictions imposed by the
Sunday rolled down the
Armancette glacier. AP
arrived at the Omar Mosque af-
ter 5:30 am, according to a news
release from the Passaic County
at least in theory. They had been
cessfully, to crush any vestiges of
dissent. He has targeted not only
human rights activists but also
men’simmediaterelease. Xuand
Ding were tried in secret, and the
sentences handed down by a
Taliban since they took power in
out of classrooms beyond sixth
after shooting attack in
Prosecutor’s Office.
Mayor Andre Sayegh of
Paterson identified the imam as
detained after organizing a gath-
ering of about 20lawyersand ac-
tivists in the seaside city of
membersof thepartyelite,some
of whomhavebeensentencedto
court in eastern Shandong
Province were not publicly an-
nounced, but were confirmed by
grade and women from univer-
sities, most types of employ-
ment, including jobs at the
downtown Kentucky
injuredinQuetta Sayed Elnakib. Prosecutors said
that the imam, 65, sustained
Xiamen in 2019, where they dis-
nearly 20 years in prison. He has
expanded online censorship and
Ding’s wife, Luo Shengchun.
United Nations.
They are also banned from BRENDAN O'BRIEN
baseball stadium in the city's
explosion “nonfatal stab wounds” and was those goals, and about the future demanded loyalty from media. years in prison, and Ding three- public spaces such as parks and APRIL 10 downtown.
transported to St. Joseph’s ofthehumanrightsmovementin Human Rights Watch, the in- and-a-half, also related to New gyms. Authorities say the curbs At least two police officers
Quetta: Four people were University Medical Center. NYT China broadly. ternational advocacy group, de- Citizens Movement. NYT are in place because of gender FIVE PEOPLE were killed and wereamongtheeightwounded;
killedandfifteeninjuredin mixing or because women al- eight others were wounded in a two of the wounded, including
a bombing targeting a po- legedlyarenotwearingthehijab, shooting attack on Monday at a one of the officers, were in criti-
lice vehicle in a market-
place in the southwestern Math ‘Nobel Prize’ for Indian-American mathematician or Islamic headscarf, correctly.
The outdoor dining ban only
bank in downtown Louisville,
Kentucky, the city's police de-
cal condition at a hospital.
"We will come together as a
Pakistanicity of Quettaon applies to establishments in partment said. community to work to prevent
Monday,ahospitalofficial the Calcutta Mathematical cian David Blackwell), provides Herat, where such premises re- Shortly after confirming the thesehorrificactsof gunviolence
said. "The injured num- PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA Society, Rao demonstrated a means for transforming an es- main open to men.Baz attack, police said the shooter fromcontinuinghereandaround
bers reached fifteen, and WASHINGTON,APRIL10 three fundamental results that timate into a better—in fact, an MohammadNazir,adeputyoffi- wasdead,withoutgivingfurther the state," Craig Greenberg,
four dead,” Wasim Baig, a paved the way for the modern optimal—estimate. Together, cialfromtheMinistryof Viceand details. It was unclear whether mayorof thecityof 625,000,told
spokesperson for the CALYAMPUDI RADHAKRISHNA field of statistics and provided these results form a foundation Virtue's directorate in Herat, de- thedeathtollof fiveincludedthe reporters at a briefing.
Quetta hospital, told Rao, a prominent Indian- statistical tools heavily used in on which much of statistics is nied media reports that all shooter, whopolicedescribed as Kentucky Governor Andy
Reuters.Headdedthatthe American mathematician and science today, the Foundation built, the statement said. restaurants were off limits to either a current or former em- Beshear,onthevergeoftears,said
dead included a woman, statistician, will receive the 2023 said in a statement on April 1. Andthethirdresult provided families and women, dismissing ployee of the bank. he knew victims in the attack.
while two others were in- InternationalPrizeinStatistics,the The first, now known as the insightsthatpioneeredanewin- them as propaganda. Police were still trying to de- Mass shootings have become
jured. Police official equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Cramer-Rao lower bound, pro- terdisciplinary field that has It applied only to restaurants termine whether the shooter recurrent in the United States. So
Shafqat Cheema said that the field, for his monumental CRRaowillgetInternational vides a means for knowing flourished as “information with green areas, such as a park, shot himself or was shot by po- far this year, the nation has expe-
the target was vehicle of work 75 years ago that revolu- PrizeinStatistics,equivalent when a method for estimating a geometry.” Combined, these re- where men and women could lice, Paul Humphrey, a Louisville rienced 146 mass shootings. In
theactingsuperintendent tionised statistical thinking. totheNobelPrizeinthefield. quantity is as good as any sults help scientists more effi- meet, he said. He also denied re- Metro Police Department one of the most recent high-pro-
ofpoliceprobe,whichwas Rao, who is now 102, will re- method can be, it said. ciently extract information from portsthatsalesofDVDsofforeign deputy chief, told reporters. fileincidents,three9-year-oldstu-
parkedinKandahariBazar. ceivetheprize,whichcomeswith Thesecondresult,namedthe data, the statement added. films, TV shows & music are Police said they responded dents and three staff members
REUTERS a $80,000 award, this July at the in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Rao-Blackwell Theorem (be- Rao was awarded the title of banned saying that owners were within minutes to reports of an werekilledbyaformerstudentat
biennial International Statistical In his remarkable 1945 pa- cause it was discovered inde- Padma Bhushan (1968) and advised against selling because it attackeratabout8:30a.m.(1230 a school in Nashville, Tennessee,
UNITED KINGDOM InstituteWorldStatisticsCongress per published in the Bulletin of pendently by eminent statisti- Padma Vibhushan in 2001. contradicted Islamic values. GMT) at a branch of the Old on March 27. REUTERS
London: Elon Musk-
owned Twitter has la-
belled the BBC as a “gov-
ernment funded media”
Not Picassos, still precious: Museums return silver lost to Nazis
onthemicrobloggingsite, guards. He went to England and for seizure by the Nazis. “I started looking for heirs of England, Spain, France and
leadingtoasharpreaction MILTON ESTEROW Montreal, where he lived and Much attention has been fo- looted silver following an exhi- Israel.
from British public broad- APRIL 10 worked until his death in 1986. cused in recent decades on the bition titled ‘Silver for the Reich Karp, who donated with her
caster which on Monday But the cup was not seen widespread looting by the Nazis — Silver Objects from Jewish cousins their great-aunt’s silver
objected to the move. The IT WAS noon on November 10, again by his family until this of fine art owned by Jewish fam- Property in the Bavarian cup,agreedandreadfromthere-
taxpayer-funded licence 1938, when Nazi officers came February when his son, Steven ilies. Lessdiscussed has beenthe National Museum,’ which con- marks she made during the mu-
fee supported UK media to the door of William Bergman, a retired sales execu- pervasive theft of more prosaic sisted of many of the 112 stolen seum’s presentation ceremony.
corporationsaidithascon- Bergman’s Munich home, ar- tive in Maryland, received a valuablesfromJewswhodidnot items stored in the museum,” “Cousins from around the
tactedthesocialmediagi- rested him for being a Jew and package in the mail from a cura- own Courbets or Klimts — but Matthias Weniger, a curator world came together on a
ant over the designation shipped him off to the Dachau tor at a museum in Munich. didownitemslikesilverkiddush and head of provenance re- handful of computer screens to
on its @BBC account to re- concentrationcamp, abouta30- “One box was inside the cups that were confiscated or search at the Bavarian National decide the cup’s fitting home.
solve the issue “as soon as minute drive away. other, all wrapped tightly with pawned for peanuts on orders Museum in Munich, said in an A museum curator in my
possible”. “The BBC is, and Alsotakenfromthehomethat Styrofoam,”Bergmansaid.“They from the Third Reich. email. mother’s hometown recog-
always has been, inde- day was a 19th-century kiddush could have shipped an egg and it Now, several German muse- Since 2019 he has helped re- nized how this little museum
pendent. We are funded cup typically used to sanctify the would not have broken.” ums with collections of such sil- turn an assortment of cups, could keep the legacy of
by the British public Sabbath and Jewish holidays. Inside was the kiddush cup, ver are quietly engaged in a de- candlesticks, spice containers Göppingen’s Jews alive by in-
through the licence fee,” After five months, Bergman, a searing reminder of a time termined effort to return them, A storage cabinet at Bavarian National Museum in Munich and silver teapots to the cluding it in the museum’s per-
BBC statement said. PTI a metallurgist, managed to es- when any precious metals under an initiative started in re- displays silver items that Jews were forced to sell in 1939. NYT Bergman family and a dozen manent exhibition. The stars fi-
cape the camp by bribing its owned by Jews became a target cent years. others in the United States, nally aligned.” NYT

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

Swords to sceptres: What EXPLAINED ECONOMICS

royal regalia will be used for
King Charles’ coronation El Niño and the monsoon
St Edward’s The Sovereign’s Indiahashadgoodmonsoonsfrom2019-22,helpedbyaprolongedLaNiñaevent.ThisyearcouldseeanEl
Ampulla Crown
Sword of Armills with its chances “increasing through the fall
TABLE 1 TABLE 2 (September-November)”.
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology,
AREA-WEIGHTED RAINFALL ALL BUT ONE DROUGHT YEAR too,hasforecast“a50%chancethatanElNiño
Monsoon* Annual** IN INDIA WAS EL NIÑO YEAR may develop later in 2023”. This is “about
2014 781.7 (-11.92) 1044.7 (-12.03) in its March 28 report, adding that “warmer
2015 765.8 (-13.71) 1085.0 (-8.64) Year Drought El Niño than average SSTs have [already] emerged in
Intensity Intensity
Harish Damodaran 2016 864.4 (-2.60) 1083.1 (-8.80)
1957-58 Major Strong
parts of the eastern tropical Pacific in recent
weeks”. The India Meteorological Depa-
2017 845.9 (-4.69) 1127.1 (-5.09) rtment is scheduled to issue its first long-
1965-66 Major Strong
Coronation Sovereign’s FROM 2019 to 2022, India had four consecu- 2018 804.1 (-9.40) 1020.8 (-14.05) range forecast of rainfall for the 2023 south-
Sovereign’s Sceptre 1966-67 Major No El Niño
Ring with Cross Sceptre with Dove tive years of good southwest monsoons and 2019 971.8 (10.36) 1288.8 (9.51) west monsoon on Tuesday.
overall rainfall. 1972-73 Major Strong
2020 961.4 (9.18) 1289.6 (9.58)
Inthesefouryears,thecountryasawhole 1976-77 Moderate Weak The implications
CORONATION RING received an average area-weighted rainfall 2021 874.5 (-0.69) 1236.4 (5.06) Mostglobalmodels are seeingthetransi-
1979-80 Major Weak
REUTERS The Coronation ring, known as “The of 1,268 mm annually and 933.1 mm over 2022 924.8 (6.47) 1257.0 (8.36) tion from ENSO-neutral to El Niño happen-
LONDON, APRIL 10 Wedding Ring of England” and com- the four-month southwest monsoon season 1986-87 Moderate Moderate ing this year. But that would probably affect
Note:*Jun-Sep;**Jan-Dec; Figuresinbracketsare
posed of a sapphire with a ruby cross set (June-September). % deviation from normal long period average.
1987-88 Major Strong the monsoon only in the second half
THE CEREMONY for King Charles’s coro- in diamonds, was made for the corona- Bycontrast,theprecedingfiveyearsfrom Source: India Meteorological Department 1991-92 Moderate Strong (August-September) of the season. Will it
nation at Westminster Abbey in London tion of King William IV in 1831. Worn at 2014 to 2018 registered an average annual 2002-03 Major Moderate translate into deficient rainfall after four sur-
on May 6 will involve historic regalia every coronation since then, it symbol- rainfall of just 1,072.1 mm — and 812.4 mm plus years and, by extension, low or even
rangingfromsceptresandmacestoaring ises kingly dignity. during the southwest monsoon season. 2004-05 Moderate Weak negative agriculture growth?
and a spoon. Here is what will be used, as The surplus precipitation — more than 2009-10 Moderate Moderate Table 2 shows that practically all drought
outlined by Buckingham Palace Sunday. SWORDS AND MACES the normal or historical long period annual 2014-15 Moderate Weak years in India since Independence — marked
Anumberof swordswillfeatureinthe average of 1,160.1 mm (868.6 mm for the 2015-16 Moderate Very Strong by large declines in foodgrain production or
ST EDWARD’S CROWN coronation procession. These include the monsoonseason)—duringthelastfouryears monsoon failures — have witnessed El Niño
Charles will be crowned with the his- SwordofState,whichsymbolisesroyalau- hashelpeddeliverhigheragriculturalgrowth 2018-19 Moderate Weak eventsofvaryingintensity.Thesoleexception
toric St Edward’s Crown, which has been thority and was made in about 1678, and relative to the previous period that recorded was1966-67,althoughtheyearbeforethathad
usedsincethecoronationof KingCharles was used at Charles' investiture as Prince poor rainfall in three (2014, 2015 and 2018)
TABLE 3 recorded a “strong” El Niño. (To elaborate,
following the 10-year republic of Oliver
of Wales in 1969.
Also to feature will be the Sword of
out of the five years (Table 1).
According to national accounts data, the EL NIÑO YEARS THAT WERE NOT DROUGHT YEARS IN INDIA mean SSTs have to be at least 0.5 degrees
Cromwell. The crown, which weighs Temporal Justice, the Sword of Spiritual farm sector has grown by an average of 4.3% fiveoverlappingthree-monthperiodstoqual-
El Niño Intensity M W W W M M W W VS M VS W
about 2.2 kg (4 lb 12 ounces), is made up Justice and the Sword of Mercy, which peryearfrom 2019-20to 2022-23,asagainst ifyasanElNiñoevent.ThepositiveONIvalues
of a solid gold frame set with rubies, werefirstusedinthecoronationofCharles 3.2% from 2014-15 to 2018-19. ■ Weak (W) orSSTdeviationshavetobe1.5-1.9degreesfor



amethysts,sapphires,garnet,topazesand I in 1626. The bejewelled Sword of ■ Moderate (M) categorisationas“strong”,above2degreesfor
tourmalines,andhasavelvetcapwithan Offering, made for the coronation of The La Niña bounty “verystrong”,1-1.4degreesfor“moderate”and
■ Very Strong (VS)
ermineband.Itreplacedanoriginalcrown GeorgeIVin1821,isoneoftheobjectsused The bountiful rainfall over the last four 0.5-0.9 degrees for “weak”).
believed to date back to the 11th century during the coronation ceremony. yearsowessignificantlytoLaNiña,anatmos- Source: Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare and Golden Gate Weather Services While all drought years have invariably
Anglo-Saxonkingof England,Edwardthe Two maces, made of silver gilt over pheric wind and sea surface temperature been El Niño years, the reverse isn’t true.
Confessor. oak and dating from be- (SST) variability phenomenon that occurs Table 3 gives a list of all the El Niño years that

SOVEREIGN’S EXPLAINED tween 1660 and 1695,

will also feature. These
over the equatorial Pacific, but impacts
weather worldwide.
two previous “strong” La Niñas in 2007-08
they could turn into westerlies. As the winds
weren’t bad agriculture years. The best ex-
amples are 1982-83 and 1997-98. Foodgrain
The Cullinan 1 dia- CULTURE are the ceremonial em-
blemsof authoritywhich
La Niña basically refers to an abnormal
cooling of the central and eastern Pacific
2011-12, had done.
blow from the west to east, they cause
masses of warm water to move into the cen-
strong” El Niño years. Agricultural GDP
mond, also known as the are carried before the Ocean waters off the coasts of Ecuador and value — a three-month running-average SST tralandeasternequatorialPacificOcean. The growth was positive in the “moderate” El
Star of Africa, which weighs in at 530 sovereign at events such as the State Peru. Such cooling (SSTs falling 0.5 degrees deviation from the normal in the east-central rise in SSTs there, thus, leads to increased Niño-eventyearsof 1951-52,1963-64,1968-
carats and is the world's largest colour- Opening of Parliament. Celsius or more below a 30-year average for equatorial Pacific — was minus 0.4 degrees rainfall along western Latin America, the 69 and 1994-95.
less cut diamond, was set in the bejew- atleast fivesuccessivethree-monthperiods) CelsiusforJanuary-March2023.SinceLaNiña Caribbean, and the US Gulf Coast, while de- Tosumup,2023couldwellendtherunof
elledgoldensceptrewhichhasbeenused AMPULLA isaresultof strongtradewindsblowingwest is characterised by a negative ONI exceeding priving Southeast Asia, Australia, and India good rainfall years since 2019. The statistical
in every coronation since 1661. The golden ampulla, which dates along the equator, taking warm water from or equal to minus 0.5 degrees, it means that of convective currents. probability of that is high, whether or not
The sceptre, which has undergone a from 1661, is a flask in the shape of an ea- South America towards Asia. The warming the so-called ENSO (El Niño-Southern The ENSO cycle, as already pointed out, there is an El Niño. The El Niño itself can turn
number of alterations over the centuries, glethatholdstheholyoil,whichwascon- of the western equatorial Pacific, then, leads Oscillation)cyclehasentereda“neutral”phase. is currently in the “neutral” state. According out to be “weak”.
representsthesovereign’stemporalpower secrated in Jerusalem in March and will to increased evaporation and concentrated to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Either way, everyone — from policymak-
and is associated with good governance. be used to anoint the king. cloud-formation activity around that region, The El Niño threat Administration’s (NOAA’s) most recent up- erstotractorcompaniesthathavepostedall-
whose effects may percolate to India as well. While La Niña is associated with good date, ENSO-neutral conditions are likely to time-high sales in the past four years — has
SOVEREIGN’S SCEPTRE WITH DOVE CORONATION SPOON The latest La Niña event was one of the rainfall in India, this isn’t the case with El “persist through the Northern Hemisphere to brace for a not-too-great monsoon this
This is the second sceptre used in the Thesilver-giltspoonistheoldestpiece longest ever, lasting from July-September Niño — the opposite “warm” phase of ENSO. early summer [of] 2023”. In other words, at time. In a year leading up to Lok Sabha elec-
ceremony, representing the sovereign’s in the regalia, probably made for Henry 2020 to December-February 2022-23. It During El Niño, the trade winds weaken or least till June. However, “a transition to El tions, this could present interesting political
spiritual role. It also dates from 1661. It is II or Richard I in the 12th century. It was brought copious rain to India — just as the even reverse: Instead of blowing from the Niño is favored by July-September 2023”, challenges.
made from a gold rod in three sections, used to anoint King James 1 in 1603, and

AAP gets tag: How a ‘national party’ is defined

mounted with diamonds, rubies, emer- has featured at every coronation since.
alds, sapphires and spinels. At the top is
an enamelled dove with outspread BRACELETS
wings, which represents the Holy Ghost. Two armills, golden bracelets repre-
sentingsincerity and wisdom, are placed
THE SOVEREIGN’S ORB on the sovereign’s wrists. They are has a presence ‘nationally’, as opposed to a ■it’srecognisedinfourormorestates;or Sabha; or
The Sovereign’s Orb, another item thought to relate to ancient symbols of DAMINI NATH regionalpartywhosepresenceisrestrictedto ■ if its candidates polled at least 6% of to- ■ have at least 8% of the total valid votes
commissionedforCharlesII'scoronation, knighthoodandmilitaryleadership.They NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 only a particular state or region. tal valid votes in any four or more states in in the last Assembly election or Lok Sabha
isaglobeof goldwithacrossmountedon date back to 1661 and have been used at Acertain statureis sometimesassociated the last Lok Sabha or Assembly elections and election from the state.
top, surrounded by a band of diamonds, every coronation from King Charles II’s THE ELECTION Commission on Monday with being a national party, but this does not has at least four MPs in the last Lok Sabha
emeralds, rubies, sapphires and pearls until King George VI’s in 1937, with new recognised the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as a necessarily translate into having a lot of na- polls; or Where does the AAP fit into this?
with a large amethyst at the summit. It is armills specially prepared for Queen national party, while revoking that status for tional political clout. Some parties, despite ■ if ithaswonatleast2%of thetotalseats TheAAPisinpowerwithbigmajorities—
arepresentationof Christiansovereignty. Elizabeth in 1953. theAllIndiaTrinamoolCongress,Nationalist being dominant in a major state — such as in the Lok Sabha from not less than three and very large vote shares — in Delhi and
Congress Party (NCP), and the Communist the DMK in Tamil Nadu, BJD in Odisha, YS- states. Punjab. In the Goa Assembly elections in
Party of India (CPI). RCP in Andhra Pradesh, RJD in Bihar, or TRS Toberecognisedasastateparty,aparty March last year, it received 6.77% of the vote.

Drishti IAS
The Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) in Uttar in Telangana — and having a major say in na- needs: This meant that going into the Gujarat-
Pradesh, Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) in tional affairs, remain regional parties. ■ at least 6% vote-share in the last Himachal elections towards the end of
Andhra Pradesh, PDA in Manipur, Pattali Assembly election and have at least 2 MLAs; 2022, the party had fulfilled the criteria for
MakkalKatchi(PMK)inPuducherry,Revoluti- How is a national party defined? or recognition as a state party in three states.
onarySocialistParty(RSP)inWestBengal,and The ECI has laid down the technical cri- ■ have6%vote-shareinthelastLokSabha It then required 6% of the vote in either
MPC in Mizoram lost state party status. teriaforapartytoberecognisedasanational elections from that state and at least one MP Himachal or Gujarat to be recognised in a
(Prelims + Mains) Apart from AAP, national parties now in- party.Apartymaygainorlosenationalparty from that state; or fourth state, which would qualify it for
(Along with Free Online Facility) cludetheBJP,Congress,CPI(M),BahujanSamaj status from time to time, depending on the ■ at least 3% of the total number of seats recognition as a national party. While the
Party(BSP),andNationalPeople’sParty(NPP). fulfilment of these conditions. or three seats, whichever is more, in the last AAP got only 1% of the vote in Himachal, the
AspertheECI’sPoliticalPartiesandElection Assembly elections; or almost 13% vote in Gujarat was more than
What is a national party? Symbols, 2019 handbook, a political party ■ at least one MP for every 25 members double of what it needed to be recognised
8010-440-440 OR Visit Our Karol Bagh Centre at 21, Pusa Road, Delhi. As the name suggests, a national party would be considered a national party if: or any fraction allotted to the state in the Lok as a state party there.

Why Sri Lanka’s proposed anti-terror law faces widespread criticism

AccordingtotheColombothinktankCentre tutes a terrorist act. reasonable grounds to believe” the organi- be used to target legitimate dissent in the has written.
NIRUPAMA SUBRAMANIAN forPolicyAlternatives(CPA),theBillhasonly “Not only does the definition of terror- sation is engaged in an act amounting to an country”; and the weakening of the safe-
CHENNAI, APRIL 10 one redeeming feature: confessions before ism have to be precise but it must also ad- offence under the proposed law, or is acting guards against detention, which will no Widespread criticism
thepolicecannotbepresentedincourtasev- here to the principles of necessity, propor- in“anunlawfulmannerprejudicialtothena- longer require the consent of the Defence The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL)
LAWYERS, LEGAL scholars, human rights idence, which is allowed in the existing law. tionality and legality... The definition in the tionalsecurityof SriLanka”.Bannedorgani- Minister, and can be ordered by a DIG-rank has urged the government to not ram the
activists, media, and at least one religious Anti-Terrorism Bill is broad and contains sations cannot recruit members or conduct police officer. Billthrough,sayingthereisnoroomforleg-
leader in Sri Lanka have asked the govern- The proposed law undefined elements, such as acts ‘violating programmes and meetings. The ban can be islationthatcurtailsindividuallibertiesand
ment not to take the Anti Terrorism Bill The main criticism of the draft law — territorial integrity or infringement of sov- renewed every year. Powers to military undermines the rule of law.
(ATB) to Parliament, and have demanded published by the Gazette of Sri Lanka on ereignty of Sri Lanka or any other sovereign PresidentRanilWickremesinghe,whoat Satkunanathanhasalsopointedoutthat The international advocacy Human
widerconsultationsontheprovisionsof the March 22 — is that its definition of a terror- country’... Historically, even advocating for this time last year advised his predecessor theATBgiveswidelawenforcementpowers Rights Watch has said the proposed legis-
draft law that one newspaper has called a ist act is not precise, and that it widens the certain constitutional arrangements, such Gotabaya Rajapaksa to listen to the protest- tothearmedforces,includingtopreventof- lation would “empower the authorities to
“remedy worse than malady”. scope of what is terrorism by including of- as federalism, has been ers on Galle Face asking for fencesfrombeingcommitted.“Forinstance, systematically violate fundamental human
The proposed law is meant to replace
the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act,
fences that can be prosecuted under other
national laws.
construed and labelled as
causing harm to the terri- EXPLAINED his resignation, has been
criticised for turning on the
a military officer has the power to arrest a
person if he has ‘reasonable grounds to be-
rights”, and called on the government to
withdraw the Bill.
blanche in detaining terror suspects. It was
Thus, intimidating the public, wrong-
fully compelling the government to act or
torial integrity and sover-
eignty of Sri Lanka,”
GLOBAL same protesters once he
was in office.
This can be interpreted broadly and used to
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, the
Archbishop of Colombo, who has been
widely misused during the three-decade not act in a particular way, preventing the Satkunanathanwrote in an Critics believe that si- arrestpeoplewithnoevidenceandwithout pushingthegovernmenttomakepublicthe
civil war, leading to disappearances and governmentfromfunctioning,violatingthe analysis of the Bill in the citizen journalism lencing the Argalaya, as the protest move- following due process,” she has written. findings of its investigations into the 2019
deaths in custody of both Tamil and Sinhala country’s territorial integrity or infringing website GroundViews. ment is known, and outlawing likely The proposed involvement of the mili- Easter bombings,has called for widespread
youthsinthe1980s,1990sand2000s.There on its sovereignty, propagating war or hate TheBillhasalsomoved hatespeechinto protestsagainstthetougheconomicreforms tary in the new law “contravenes best prin- opposition to the proposed law as it sought
has been immense international pressure, speech and inciting violence, are all terror- the terrorism category from a normal crim- that have to be implemented as part of the ciples on policing, further militarizes law to curb dissent.
including from the UN Human Rights ist acts under the proposed law. inal offence. IMF's bailout package for Sri Lanka, was a enforcement and creates a de facto state of The conservative Island newspaper,
Council,onSriLankato repeal the 1978law. Ambika Satkunanathan, a former consideration guiding the draft legislation. emergency... The military is not trained in which supported the existing anti-terror
However, nothing in the ATB suggests it Commissioner of the Human Rights Executive powers TheCPAhasflaggedprovisionsintheBill law enforcement, uses violence as a first re- law as an effective instrument against the
will be more just or democratic thanthe ex- Commission of Sri Lanka, has pointed out ThePresidentcanproscribeorganisations that allow thePresidenttodeclareanypub- sponse rather than last resort, and histori- LTTE,hasadvisedthegovernmentto“deep-
isting law. It has been widely criticised as a that this definition does not meet interna- on the recommendation of the Inspector lic space a prohibited area for an indefinite cally has been documented to have com- six” the Bill, describing it as a “remedy
potentialtooltosuppressdissentandprotest. tionally accepted norms on what consti- GeneralofPoliceorthegovernmentifhe“has period, adding to the suspicion that it “may mitted grave human rights violations,” she worse than malady”.

I,PARVEEN KUMARI W/o,Late I, Rizwan Khan S/o Sh Mumeen I, Bimla Devi W/o Sh. Jagdish

Shri Rajesh Gautam R/o-69-A, Khan r/o C-35, Back Gali, Raju Chander R/o 185-B, P-A6,
Madan-Park, Gali-No-1, East- Park, Khanpur, New Delhi-62, Jawala Heri, Paschim Vihar,
Punjabi Bagh,New Delhi- declare that from now West Delhi-110063do hereby
110026,hereby state that my- onwards I have changed my solemnly inform that I have
PERSONAL name used in Official son name from Prince to changing my name from Bimla
documents are Parveen Altmash Khan for all purposes Devi to Vimla Devi both are
I Prakash Gupta S/o Kedar Kumari, Praveen Kumari and in future. 0040662872-1 one and same person.
Prasad Gupta residing at Praveen Gautam all-these 0040662914-1
I, Reena Roy, W/o Shishir
Vivekanand Kaloni, names are of one and the
Kumar, D/o Shatrughna I, Ajay Kishore S/O Naresh
Mohammadabad, Ghazipur, same-person. 0040662888-2
Prasad Roy & Geeta Roy, Bahadur Srivastava, R/o C G N
Mohammadabad, Yusufpur,
I,Neena Kumari D/o R C Dharra informs that my name written 116, Phase -2, Shivaji Marg, DLF
Uttar Pradesh-233227, have
W/o Bharat Gautam, R/o D05- as REENA instead of REENA Capital Greens,Ramesh Nagar,
changed my name and shall
102, Sare Homes, Sector-92, ROY in my property West Delhi-110015, have
hereafter be known as Little Gurugram(HR.)122505, have documents no. 8/190, DDA
Siddh. I have changed only my changed my name and shall
changed my name to Neena Flats, Madangir, New Delhi- hereafter be Known as Ajay
name not my Religion.
Gautam for all purposes. 110062, REENA and REENA ROY
both names are one and the
Kishore Srivastava. RZ S BÊ -ªFFWeS d³Fd½FQF (d°FÀFSe ¸FF¦F¯Fe)
0040662878-1 0070836646-1 I F¹FFÊ»F¹FF¨FZ ³FF½F : d¨F´FTc¯F ³F¦FS ´FdS¿FQ °FF. d¨F´FTc¯F, dªF. S°³FFd¦FSe
same person. 0040662815-1
I Mohammad Tahir Hussan S/O, I,Narender Kaur W/o Rattan I, Nishu D/O Sh.Jai Bhagwan R/o
Mohammad Yunus R/o A-177, Saini R/o B-253, Block-A, I, Rashmi Grover W/o Vineet
Patram Nagar Narwana Teh.
BÊ -d³Fd½FQF ¸FF¦Fd½F¯FFSe ÀFc¨F³FF Ii . qx ÀF³F sqst-su
Ambedkar Colony, Chattarpur, Sudershan Park, Delhi-110015, Malhotra R/o House No.1312 ,
Delhi, 110074 have changed my have changed my name to Sector-9, Faridabad, Haryana Narwana Distt. Jind Haryana d¨F´FTc¯F ³F¦FS ´FdS¿FQZI Oe»F BÊ -d³Fd½FQF ÀFc¨F³FF Ii ¸FFaI qx ÀF³F sqst-
have changed my name to
name to Mohammad Tahir for Narender Kaur Saini. (121006) have changed my
Nishu Jain. 0040662877-9
su A³½F¹FZ d¨F´FTc¯F ³F¦FS ´FdS¿FQ Wïe°Fe»F ½F`dVFáë´Fc¯FÊ A³FbQF³F Aa°F¦FÊ°F
all purposes. 0040662862-1 name from Rashmi Grover to
0040662888-5 Rashmi Malhotra for all future I Vikas Kumar S/o Kashiram R/o
qr d½FI FÀF I F¸FF¨Fe RZ S BÊ -d³Fd½FQF ¶F-r ³F¸Fb³¹FF°Fe»F BÊ -d³Fd½FQF ´Fi¯FF»FeõFSm
I,Mohd Asif Khan S/o Mohd Ida D-16 Indra Enclave,
Khan R/o-328 Kohat Enclave 0070836635-1 Govindpuram, Ghaziabad, ÀFd½FÀ°FS °F´FVFe»F, AMe ½F VF°FeÊ ¸FWFSFáÑ VFFÀF³FF¨FZ
Pitampura Delhi-110034, Uttarpradesh-201013 have
changed my name to Asif I, Rajeev S/o Ramashrey Morya changed my minor child name ¹FF ÀFaIZ °FÀ±FTF½FS dQ³FFaI
Khan. 0040662879-2 R/o #52, Block-2, Aashiyana aged 6 years from Viransh to rr.qu.sqst SûªFe´FFÀFc³F ´FFWF½F¹FFÀF C´F»F¶²F I ø ³F QZ¯¹FF°F AF»FZ»Fe
Apts, Sec-62, Ballabhgarh
DELHI-110025,changed my I,MUKESH GARG,R/o D-54,IIND- Faridabad, HR-121004 have
Viransh Tongad AFWZ . d³Fd½FQF ÀFFQS I S¯¹FF¨Fe Aad°F¸F °FFSe£F dQ³FFaI sq.qu.sqst SûªFe
name to MUJEEB UR FLOOR S-1,NEAR CENTRAL changed my name to Rajeev 0070836621-1 ´F¹FË°F ÀFF¹FaI FTe v.qq ½FFªFZ´F¹FË°F SFWe»F.
REHMAN,for all,future PARK GHAZIABAD UTTAR- Morya for all purposes I Suman Sharma W/o Vagish
purposes. 0040662905-6 PRADESH-201010,changed my
0040662877-10 Sharma Issar R/O 65/21 New dQ³FFaI : rq.qu.sqst ÀFWe/-
minor daughter name AASHVI
Rohtak Road New Delhi 110005 ´FiVFFÀFI
Chand,R/O G-1/32-33, Ground- W/O DANISH SHAKIR R/O FLAT
wishes to change my name as °F±FF ¸Fb£¹FFd²FI FSe
0040662877-7 Suman Sharma Issar for all
Floor,Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi- NO- 503, TOWER NO-8D, further purposes.
d¨F´FTc¯F ³F¦FS ´FdS¿FQ
110089,have changed my I,Kiran Prabha SrivastavaW/O CROSSING REPUBLIC,
name to Arun Singh. Devi Dayal Srivastava,R/o Civil SUSHANT AQUAPOLIS, ANSAL 0040662822-1
0040662879-6 line,Behind Vikas Bhawan, API, GHAZIABAD UTTAR I Shashi Bala,W/o-Sh.Laxman
Jagtapur,Bahraich, U.P- PRADESH-201009, have Dass (D/o-Sh.Jai Dayal),R/o-
I,Akshit Kumar Soni,S/o- 271801,have changed my changed my name to AFREEN
Mahender Soni,R/o-1/11 A &11 178-179, U.G.F.,Pkt.E-21, Sector-
name to Kiran Prabha SHAMIM QURESHI 3, Rohini,Delhi-85 have
B,Jangpura-A Opp.-Rama Tent Shrivastva for all,future
House,New Delhi-110014,have 0070836641-1 changed my-name to Shashi
purpose. 0040662878-4 for all purpose.That Shashi
changed,my name,from I, Preeti Pandey w/o Sh, Krishna
I,KM POOJA DEVI,D/O Bala & Shashi is the one and
Akshit Kumar Soni,to Akshit Kumar Pandey. R/o 220,
RAMKISHOR,R/o VILL- same person. 0040662823-1
Soni,for all purposes. Ferrera, Mahagun Mazzaria,
PABARSHA BAPARSA I Rakhi Rangeet D/o Bharat
0040662885-1 Sector-78, Noida, Distt:
MEERUT,UTTAR PRADESH- Choudhury R/o 1606,Tower-N 8,
Gautam Budh Nagar U.P. Have
I, Yoga Sanatkumar Rangatia w/o 250221,HAVE CHANGED MY 16th Floor Jaypee Aman
Changed My Name from Preeti
Kamal Kishore residing at C1/30 NAME TO POOJA SAINI. Sector-151 Noida U.P. Have
Shukla (Preeti Shukla Pandey)
Pandara Park have changed my 0040662905-4 to Preeti Pandey for all future Changed My Name To Rakhi
name to Yoga Rangatia. purposes. Chaudhari For All Future
I,Jaya W/O Arun Singh,R/O G-
0130032885-1 Purposes. 0070836656-1
1/32-33, Ground-Floor,Sector- 0040662816-1
WE, Bhaskar Nand Basliyal S/o 16,Rohini, Delhi-110089,have I Rakhi Chaudhari M/o (Nishant
Jaikishan Basliyal have lost changed my name to Jaya Rangeet) R/o 1606, Tower-N 8,
our Original Property Singh. 0040662879-7 16th Floor Jaypee Aman
Document for the Property, Sector-151 Noida U.P. Have
I,Inderjit Kaur Bhatia,W/o 07,SUBHASH PARK-EXTN,NEAR
Changed My Son Name To
H.No.RZ G42/1, Mandir Marg Prithipal Singh Bhatia,R/o E- MCD SCHOOL,
(Nishant Choudhary) For All
Mahavir Enclave Part-1,Palm 2A,Rajouri Garden,New-Delhi- SHAHDARA,NORTH EAST-
Future Purposes.
Village, New Delhi-110045, If 110027,have changed my DELHI-110032, changed my
anyone finds it kindly return it name to Inderjeet Kaur Bhatia. name to CHANDER 0070836645-1
to above mentioned address. 0040662877-4 SHEKHAR,for all,future I Pranjal D/O, Krishan
0040662817-1 purposes. Bishambernath Yadava R/o
I,Fahmida Khan W/o Asif Khan
0040662877-8 117, Arun Vihar, Ward 11A,
I,Vinod Chawla,S/O-Shri Prem R/o-328,Kohat Enclave
Sector 37, Noida, Gautam Budh
Nath Chawla,R/O-C-33,Second Pitampura Delhi-110034, I, Neha Yadav, W/o Ashish
Nagar , UP, 201303 have
Floor,Ashoka Niketan,Delhi- changed my name to Famida Kundu, R/o H.No.-10A, Hazara
changed my name to Pranjal
110092,have changed my Khan. 0040662879-1 Park, Gali No.-1, West Chander
Yadava for all purposes
minor daughter name from Nagar, Krishna Nagar, Delhi-
Mishti Chawla to Seher 110051,have changed my
Chawla. 0040662905-3 name to Naha Kundu, for all
KUMAR ROHILLA,residing NAME TO MD FIROZ 0040662814-1
at,1380,Nawal-Park DILKASH,FOR ALL PURPOSES. I, Mathew Komayil Varkey S/o GARDEN, TILAK-NAGAR, DELHI-
Alipur,Alipur-North 0040662877-3 Varkey Varghese R/o House 110018. HAVE CHANGED MY
west,Delhi-110036,have No. 2253, Housing Board NAME TO DALJEET SINGH.
changed the,name of my- I,Dinesh Chandra Gupta,S/O-
Colony, Sector-3, Ballabgarh, 0040661874-3
minor son DAKSH aged-11- Mahendra Pal Gupta,R/O-D-
Dist. Faridabad, Haryana
years,and he shall hereafter (121004) have changed my
be known,as JAYANSH.
name from Mathew Komayil
changed my name from
0040662885-4 Varkey to Mathew Komayil
Varghese for all future BUSINESS PREMISES
I,Sona D/o Dhuram R/o,Plot- DINESH CHANDRA GUPTA for
No.251, G/F, Raksha-Enclave, all future purpose.
Mohan Garden, Sainik- 0040662905-2
Enclave, Uttam Nagar, New I, MOHD ANIS, S/o Mohd Rashid,
I,Devi Dayal,S/o Iquabal
Delhi-110059,have changed R/o 4600, Gali Shahtara, Ajmeri
Bahadur,R/o Behind Vikas
my name to Sona Verma. Gate, Delhi-110006, have
changed my name to ANEES,
0040662888-1 Bahraich, U.P-271801,have
for all purposes.
changed my name to Devi
I,Shweta Sahni D/o Dev Trehan
Dayal Srivastava for all future 0040662825-1
R/o J-5/101-L Rajouri Garden
purpose. 0040662878-3 I, Kanak Lata Dhiman W/O
New Delhi-110027,have
changed my name to Shweta I,Bishwajeet Banerjee,S/o-Anil Sachin Dhiman, R/o House No-
Trehan. 0040662879-3 Krishna Banerjee,R/o-F- 335, Pocket- 3, Sector- 19,
403,Indian Oil Apartment,Plot Amberhai Dwarka Sec- 6, Delhi
I,Satya Prakash S/o Anant Cantonment South West Delhi-
Bahadur Tiwari, R/o House 110075, Declare that name of
Noida,G.B. Nagar,U.P.-
No.1483, Maruti Kunj, Near 202301,inform that Bishwajeet Mine has been wrongly
Central Park, Bhondsi(168), Banerjee,Biswajit Banerjee & written as Kanak Dhiman in
Gurugram(HR.) 122102 have B. Banerjee all are one & the my minor Daughter Ishika
changed my name to Satya same person. 0040662905-1 Dhiman, aged about 17 years,
Prakash Tiwari for all In her 10th Class Certificate. PUBLIC NOTICE
purposes. 0040662878-2 I,Bhim Singh,S/o Deep The actual name of Mine is PUBLIC NOTICE
Chand,R/o A-52,Sani-Bazar- Kanak Lata Dhiman, which BE KNOWN TO ALL that my clients Sh.
I,Sandeep Singh,S/O Road,Krishan Vihar,Delhi- Raghu Nath S/o Jagdev Ram and Smt.
Ramashish, F,Niti- may be amended accordingly. Prema Devi W/o Raghu Nath both R/o H.
110086,have changed name to
Khand-2, Indirapuram, 0070836648-1 No. W-102/13 CB, Naraina South West
Bhim Singh Dahiya,S/o Deep Delhi-110028 have severed all their
Ghaziabad,Uttar-Pradesh- Chand Dahiya for all- relation and social ties forthwith from
I, Jyoti,W/o Amit Suneja,R/o J-
201014,have change my name purposes. 0040662877-6 their son namely Laxman Kumar forever
34-35,Third floor, Beriwala and have disowned and debarred him
to Sandeep Kumar Singh,for
I,Arun Singh S/O Khem Chand Bagh,Hari Nagar, Delhi- from inheriting all his movable and
all,future purpose. immovable properties. Any person
R/O G-1/32-33, Ground- 110064,have changed my dealing with him shall be doing so at
0040662877-5 Floor,Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi- name to Jyoti Suneja,for all his/her own risk/cost and, consequences
purposes. responsibilities and my clients shall not
I,Ruchi Chawala W/o 110089,have changed my be responsible for his acts and deals in
Punardeep Singh Sawhney R/o daughter name Angel to Angel 0040662885-3 any manners whatsoever.
Singh. 0040662879-8 Nirbhay Nath Jha (Advocate)
1-B, Ashoka-Apartment 7, I, Harpreet Singh Anand S/O Office:- G14/1 Malviya Nagar Gurudwara
Rajpur-Road, Civil-Lines, I,Arun Singh S/O Khem Chand Harcharan Singh, R/O RP-56, Road, New Delhi-110017
Delhi-110054,have changed R/O G-1/32-33, Ground-Floor, 3rd-Floor, Pitam Pura, Delhi-
my name to Ruchi Chawla. Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi- 110034, have changed my PUBLIC NOTICE
110089,have changed my name to Harpreet Singh. My client Pratap Singh Kadyan s/o
0040662888-4 Sh. Gopal Singh r/o ZP-80,
daughter name Parshansa to
I,Reshu D/o Chandraveer 0070836673-1 Pitampura, Delhi-110034 has
Parshansa Singh. severed relations with his
Singh,R/o Purmafi, I, Gopal Rai,S/o Jagdish Rai,R/o grandson Sh. Priyank Kadyan and
Shamli,Uttar Pradesh- Rz-69A, Dwarka- Grand daughter-in-law Anupma
247773,have changed my I, Vidhi Gupta D/o Vinod Vohra Malik from all his movable and
Vihar,Dharampura Extn., immovable properties due to their
name to Km Reshu. R/o A2A/66, G/F, DDA Flat Najafgarh, New-Delhi- misconduct and intention to grab
0040662877-2 Janakpuri,New Delhi-110058 110043,have changed my his property. My client will not be
have changed my name to name,from Gopal Roy to Gopal responsible for their any acts.
I,Ramesh Kumar Varma S/O Vidhi Vohra. 0040662826-1 Sd/- SHANUL KADIAN
Rai,for all purposes. Enrl.No. D/475/2014, Advocate
Hardyal Varma R/O-12/519, Ch. No. 333, Lawyer's Chamber
I, Sixa Devi W/o Janki Prasad 0040662878-11
Batra colony,sonipat, Block, Rohini Courts Complex,
Sharma, No.1439216F Ex Rank
haryana-131001 have changed I, Gagan Jyot Anand W/O Delhi-110085
my name to Ramesh Kumar Harpreet Singh, R/O RP-56,
R/o RZ-2, Gali no.6,
3rd-Floor, Pitam Pura, Delhi- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE
Gitanjalipark west Sagarpur This is for the information of General Public that
It is notified for the information of
0040662879-4 110034, have changed my my client SHRI SATISH ANAND S/O SHRI
Delhi-46 have changed my the public at large that our Client
name to Gagan Jyot Kaur D.M. ANAND R/O RZ-10-B, GALI NO. 1,

I,RAMKISHORE S/O LATE SRI name to Siya Devi Vide BAJAJ ENCLAVE, KAKROLA, SOUTH M/s Mark AB Capital Investment
Anand. WEST DELHI-110078 had disowned, debarred
India Private Limited is intending to
PITAM,R/o VILL-PABARSHA affidavit date 10.4.23 before and severed all his relations and connections with
0070836674-1 purchase the Property bearing No.
BAPARSA MEERUT,UTTAR Delhi. 0070836665-1 his son MR. NEERAJ ANAND from all his
movable and immovable properties and published B-63, Second Floor and Rear
in News Paper on dated 06.09.2022. Portion of Entire Terrace (being ½
PRADESH-250221,HAVE I, Shitiz S/o Arun Kumar R/o Flat I, Deepak,S/o Harish Now due to good behaviour of
CHANGED MY NAME TO No.2214, Orchid Tower SKA Kumar,R/o-A-3001, IREO MR. NEERAJ ANAND with my client, my
client has decided to cancel that disownment and
of the Entire Terrace), Paschimi
Marg, Vasant Vihar 110057 from
RAMKISHOR. 0040662905-5 Greenarch, Sector-16B, Victory Valley,Sector-67, agree to give all rights of relations to him in his all Mr. Raj Kumar Sabharwal and Mrs. Plot No. G16/3, DLF Phase-I,
Greater Noida West, Uttar Gurgaon,Haryana, have movable and immovable properties.
Poonam Sabharwal both R/o 68, Gurugram (Haryana) admeasuring
I,Punardeep Singh Sawhney changed my name to Deepak
First Floor, Poorvi Marg, Vasant 200 sq yds was registered in the
Pradesh-201318, India have MITHILESH KUMAR JAH
name of Late Dharam Pal Gujral,
S/o,Parlad Singh Arora,for all purposes. Advocate Vihar - 110057 who are the current
changed my name to Shitiz ENR. NO. D-1267/07 owners of the aforesaid property. If son of Late Fakir Chand Gujral
Sawhney,R/o,1-B, Ashoka-
Agarwal. 0070836652-1 0040662885-2
Off. SR-II Disit. Centre- Janak Puri,
any person / institution apart from and Late Kamal Gujral, wife of
Apartment-7,Rajpur-Road, New Delhi-110058
Deutsche Bank (who has the Late Dharam Pal Gujral, Resident
Civil-Lines, Delhi-110054,have I, Sheenu Ahlawat W/o Kuldeep I, Deepak Pal, S/o Mr Virender original title chain) has any of Plot No. G16/3, DLF Phase-I,
changed my-minor son’s Singh Dahiya R/o 659, Chippion Kumar pal [Care of Raj Bala ''IMPORTANT'' interest/right/claim of any sort in who have expired on 27-03-2008
name Aver Sawhney to Aveer wali gali nahri, Nimo Wali the above property and/or has any and 12-10 -20 20 res pecti ve ly,
(mother)] , R/o Plot No.27/A, objection with regard to intended
Singh Sawhney. Chopal, Nahri, Sonipat, Whilst care is taken prior to leaving behind registered wills in
K.H.No.22/13 Pochanpur Ext, B sale / purchase of the aforesaid
Haryana have changed my acceptance of advertising favour of Smt. Ruchi Sardana,
0040662888-3 Block Scheme 23, Dwarka, property by Our Client, then the
daughter of Late Dharam Pal
name to Sheenu 0070836667-1 copy, it is not possible to verify objections, if any, should reach the
South west Delhi-110077, have Gujral and wife of Shree Manish
I,Pooja Saini,W/O Sandeep its contents. The Indian undersigned within 30 days of the
I, Seema Ram W/o Vikash changed my name from Express (P) Limited cannot be publication of this notice. If no such Sardana, resident of 1114, Rampur
Kumar,R/O 28, Mangal ‘Deepak’ to ‘Deepak pal’ for all objection or claim is received Road, Opp. Bihar State Co-
Kumar, Flat-No.-46/B, Sri Sai held responsible for such
Colony,Gali No.3,Near Shani future purposes. within the stipulated time period of op erati ve Ban k, Bah ad urpu r,
Apartment, Sector-73, Noida- contents, nor for any loss or Sampatchak, Patna (Bihar)-800006
Dev Mandir Karnal Haryana- damage incurred as a result of
30 days, then it shall be presumed
201301 have changed my name 0040662689-2 that there is no claim/objection of and accordingly the name Smt.
132001,Have Changed my to after Marriage Seema transactions with companies, any third party in the aforesaid Ruchi Sardana is being noted
Name Pooja. 0040662877-1 Kumari 0070836643-1 I, CHIDDAN KHAN S/O CHHIDDA associations or individuals property and our client shall be free in DLF's record in respect of the
KHAN R/O JAYANTIPUR ROAD advertising in its newspapers to purchase the aforesaid property above- mentioned plot.
I,PRATIBHA GAUTAM,W/O I Yatharth S/o Dheeraj Singh, from the current owners and no
NEAR MOHAMMADI MASJID, or Publications. We therefore If anybody has any objection to
GOPAL SINGH, R/O FLAT NO-94- residing at W P-229 B, Pitam claim/objection thereafter shall this he or she many approach
KARULA,MORADABAD UTTAR recommend that readers
A,LIG FLATS PKT-D,ASHOK Pura, Delhi-110088, have
come in the way of our Client with M/S DLF Ltd. or the undersigned
PRADESH-244001, have make necessary inquiries respect to their title in the property.
VIHAR PHASE-3 DELHI changed my name and shall within 21 days of publication of
changed my name to HIDDAN before sending any monies or Sd/-
110052,HAVE CHANGED MY this notice.
hereafter be known as KHAN entering into any agreements SIDDHARTH KHATTAR
NAME TO PRATIBHA THAKUR. Advocate Amit Sohan (Advocate)
Yatharth Singh. with advertisers or otherwise
0070836639-1 Office at: K-12, Basement, Reg. No.- 819/98
0040662888-6 acting on an advertisement in
0070836618-1 Kailash Colony, 5/A, Phase-II, Srikrishnapuri,
any manner whatsoever. New Delhi-110048 Patna-800001, Ph- 2541999



`60,095 `81.97 $84.96 `73,680
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of April 6

SENSEX: 59,846.51 ▲ 13.54 (0.02%) NIFTY: 17,624.05 ▲ 24.90 (0.14%) NIKKEI: 27,633.66 ▲ 115.35 HANG SENG: 20,331.20 ▲ 56.61 FTSE: 7,741.56 ▲ 78.62 DAX: 15,597.89 ▲ 77.72
International market data till 1900 IST

PETROLEUM CONSUMPTION GREW 10.2% YOY TO 222.30 MT Bill banning online gambling gets
India’spetroleumuseatrecordhigh Tamil Nadu Guv’s nod despite
Centre’s new gaming rules
inFY23onsurgingfueldemand leum products, followed by ous records. At 20.50 million

HOURS AFTER Tamil Nadu’s leg-

■ The Bill prohibits
online gambling and
can only be eliminated by su-
perlative skill; or games involve
on random event generators.
Aside from the state assem-
SUKALP SHARMA petrol at around 16 per cent. The tonnes, overall petroleum prod- islative assembly passed a reso- online games of chance bly’s resolution against the
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 country’s consumption of petrol uct consumption in March was lution against its Governor RN played for money or Governor, the timing of the de-
in 2022-23 was 34.98 million the highest-ever in a single Raviforindefinitelywithholding other stakes velopment is also particularly
INDIA’S CONSUMPTION of pe- tonnes, up 13.4 per cent YoY. month. The same was true in assenttoseveralBills,hegavehis ■ It defines online significant given that his assent
troleum products hit a new India’s LPG consumption in case of diesel and petrol. India assent to the state government’s games of chance as to the Bill comes just days after
record in financialyear 2022-23, 2022-23, although just 0.9 per consumed7.80milliontonnesof Bill banning online gambling. those where both an theCentrenotifiedamendments
underscoringrobustdemandfor cent higher YoY, also hit a new diesel and 3.11 million tonnes of Stakeholders from the online element of chance and to the Information Technology
transportation fuels and some consumption record at 28.50 petrol in March. On a YoY basis, gaming sector – who were ear- skill are involved Rules, 2021, which brought in
otherrefinedproducts,showsan million tonnes. the country’s overall petroleum lier miffed with the Bill – have rules for regulating online real
analysis of data released by the As per PPAC’s projections for product consumption in March said that they will mount a legal money games.
Petroleum Planning & Analysis 2023-24, diesel consumption is was about 5 per cent higher. challenge against it after it is no- “State governments’ regulat-
Cell (PPAC) of the oil ministry. expected to rise to 90.56 million India is the world’s third tified. and urged the Union ing online gambling is not re-
For the year ended March, tonnes. Petrol consumption is largest consumer of crude oil The state’s assembly had Government and the President quiredanymoreaftertheITrules
consumption of major fuels-- seen at 37.80 million tonnes. anddependsonimportstomeet passed the Tamil Nadu to prescribe a specific time limit for online gaming have been no-
diesel, petrol, and liquefied pe- Higherdemandforthesetwofu- over 85 per cent of its require- Prohibition of Online Gambling for governors to provide assent tified,” Minister of State for
troleumgas(LPG)--brokeallpre- els reflects robustness in the ment. The country currently has and Regulation of Online Games to Bills passed by the state legis- Electronics and IT Rajeev
vious records. Petroleum transportation and some indus- arefiningcapacityof around250 Ordinance, 2022 last October. latures. Chandrasekhar told The Indian
product consumption is consid- trial segments. LPG consump- million tonnes per annum However, in early March, the TheBillprohibitsonlinegam- Express when asked for a reac-
ered a measure for crude oil de- Diesel consumption is expected to rise to 90.56 MT. File tion is seen rising to 29.12 mil- (MTPA), and plans are afoot to Governor had returned the ordi- bling and online games of tion on Ravi’s assent to the Bill.
mand, alongside being a proxy lion tonnes in the current scale it up to around 450 MTPA nance for consideration once chance played for money or Theamendmentsnotifiedby
for tracking industrial activity financial year. overthenextfewyears asIndia’s again. otherstakes.Whileitspecifically the Ministry of Electronics and
and domestic consumption lion tonnes in 2019-20. Demand February, the country’s petro- PPAC’s data bank has con- oil demand is expected to be on But a few weeks later, the as- names Rummy and Poker as IT (MeitY) last Thursday require
trends. took a hit in 2020-21 due to the leum product consumption will sumption data from fiscal year theascentfortheforeseeablefu- sembly readopted the Bill and games of chance, the can go the setting up of multiple self-
India consumed a total of pandemic, and posted a modest touch a new high of 233.81 mil- 1998-99. Given consumption ture. sent it to Raj Bhavan once again. much wider in scope – it defines regulatory bodies (SRBs) whose
222.30 million tonnes of petro- recoveryin2021-22.In2022-23, lion tonnes in 2023-24. levels at the time, it is safe to as- As per a projection by the On Monday, Tamil Nadu’s online games of chance as those approval will be required for on-
leum products in 2022-23, 10.2 demand for most products India consumed 85.90 mil- sume that prior to 1998, con- International Energy Agency, legislative assembly passed a where both an element of line games with a monetary ele-
per cent higher year on year breached pre-COVID highs as lion tonnes of diesel 2022-23. sumptionof petroleumproducts India’s oil demand could rise resolution against the Governor chance and skill are involved, ment. Games that involve wa-
(YoY). An analysis of historical various sectors of the economy Diesel is the most-consumed did not exceed the levels seen in from 4.7 million barrels per day for allegedly blocking Bills and the element of chance dom- gering on outcomes of events
data shows that the previous made a full recovery from the fuelinIndia,accountingforclose recent years. (bpd) in 2021 to 6.7 million bpd passed by the assembly. Chief inates over the element of skill; will not be allowed.
consumption record for petro- pandemic’s impact. As per to 40 per cent of the country’s The consumption trends in by 2030 and 7.4 million bpd by Minister MK Stalin expressed gamesarepresentedasgamesof FULLREPORTON
leum products was 214.13 mil- PPAC’s projections released late overall consumption of petro- March also broke several previ- 2040. deep regret over Ravi’s actions chance; the element of chance

World Bank president ‘Institutional investment in $907.6mn Airtel bats for one service-one rate,
raises 2023 global realty rose 37% in Jan-Mar’
Institutional investment inflows
in the office sector wants Trai to end differential pricing
growth outlook slightly Global investors dominated the total investment inflows
at 76% share, as per Colliers study
Inflows in residential assets RISHI RAJ
a channel price at Rs 19. For an
entry-level Cable TV bouquet a
price and there should be pric-
ing parity irrespective of tech-
ingtheUSandinEurope,arealso NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 consumer needs to pay around nology,” Bharti has written to
Bank anticipated in January,
Industrial and Warehousing
THE FREE telecast of Indian
Rs 325 per month and if it does
not have Disney-Star, an addi-
Trai. “Apply the legal frame-
work of cross-media ownership
MalpasssaidastheWorldBank's Premier League matches by tional Rs 19 needs to be paid for (vertical integration) to all plat-
WORLD BANK Group President and International Monetary
assets saw 20% growth Reliance Jio on its app the channel to be added. forms (including the digital
David Malpass said on Monday
that the lender has revised its
Fund's Spring Meetings week
kicked off. $15.1mn
Inflows in mixed-use projects
JioCinema, has led Bharti Airtel
to approach the Telecom
Bharti basically, wants the
differential tariff regulation,
platforms) irrespective of un-
derlying technology,” it has
2023 global growth outlook ButthedepartingWorldBank Regulatory Authority of India which currently applies on tele- added in its submission.
slightly upward to 2 per cent chief warned that turmoil in the fell 80% for putting in place a regulatory com service providers for their Under differential tariff reg-
fromaJanuaryforecastof 1.7per banking sector and higher oil ● Inflowsstoodat$1.2billionin mechanism prohibiting differ- apps to be made applicable if ulation for the telecom sector, a
cent but the slowdown from pricescouldagainputdownward thesameperiodlastyear ential pricing by telecom oper- telecom operators choose to telecom service provider can-
stronger 2022 growth will in- pressure on growth prospects in ators for content on their apps broadcast any content which is not have different charges for
● Foreigninvestorspreferred
crease debt distress for develop- the second half of 2023. if the same is also available on available on DTH and Cable TV. any of its apps for its own sub-
ing countries. A bank asset maturity mis- DTH and Cable TV channels. The Meaning, the telecast of IPL scribers and users of other serv-
Malpasstoldamediabriefing match will take some time to company is batting for one serv- matches should be done at the ice providers, if the app is avail-
● Delhi-NCRandBengaluru,
19% 33%
thattheupwardrevisionwasdue work through and banks are Two-wheelers Commercial ice-one rate in this regard. same price by a Cable/DTH and able on the web.
to an improved outlook for likelyto pullbackcredit for busi- attractedone-thirdofthetotal JioCinema, has digital rights a telecom operator. To illustrate, Bharti Airtel has
retail sales to vehicle retail investmentsduringthequarter.
China's recovery from Covid-19 nesses, slowing growth, he said. 1,59,95,968 units sales increased for IPL matches, and the broad- “Regulatory framework to maintain same charges for its
lockdowns, with growth now Malpass said that technical Source: Colliers India/PTI casting rights for the same is must include all modes of deliv- entertainment app, Wynk for
pegged at 5.1 per cent this year meetingsthisweekwithChinese with Disney-Star TV channel. ery of broadcast content across its own users and users of other
compared to 4.3 per cent in the officials can help “break the ice” “Inthecoming quarters,weshallseesomelargequalityassetstraded inoffice While the matches can be all platforms irrespective of un- operators, since the app can be
bank's January Global Economic onpotentialmovementonbadly and selectlogisticsassets” viewed on JioCinema for free, derlying technology used. Same downloaded from the web. The
Prospects report. neededdebtrelief forpoorcoun- PIYUSH GUPTA, MANAGING DIRECTOR, CAPITAL MARKETS & INVESTMENT SERVICES, AT COLLIERS. Disney-Star cannot do the same content should be available same principle applies to
Advancedeconomies,includ- tries. as the Trai's tariff order has fixed across all platforms at same JioCinema. FE

Electric 2-wheeler sales in India Mutual funds invest Rs 1.82 lakh crore in equities in FY23
rise to 8,46,976 units in FY23 PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA
Securitiesand ExchangeBoardof
India (Sebi).
Going ahead, equity outlook
vestment led growth (Capex
Push) and improved balance
for mutual funds investment in
equities, including valuations
by mutual funds into equities,”
the best investment avenues of
salesof1.2lakhlow-speed(LS)e- Niti Aayog and various research for the current financial year growthinthenearfuture.ThePLI ingtoapositivesentimentamong generating inflation beating re-
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA scooterswithtopspeedlessthan organisations”. MUTUAL FUNDS remained bull- (FY24) will start improving in a (Production-linkedIncentive)pol- institutional investors. turn. The performance of NSE's
NEW DELHI, APRIL 10 25 km/hr. The industry body said with- ishontheIndianequitiesin2022- couple of quarters once inflation icyandtheChina+1drive,islikely The Indian retail investors benchmark Nifty over the last 22
“In the electric two-wheeler holdingof subsidiesunderFAME 23andinvestedRs1.82lakhcrore startscomingdownintheUSand to boost India's manufacturing havewarmeduptoequitymutual years depicts that equity is not as
ELECTRIC TWO-wheeler sales in segment, the industry sold II for not complying with Phased largely due to a strong interest its central bank -- US Federal sector and contain our trade funds and in fact, these have be- risky as it is perceived by the in-
Indiaroseovertwo-and-halffold 7,26,976 high-speed E2W (top Manufacturing Programme from retail investors and the cor- Reserve -- will change its policy deficit. This is the reason why come their preferred investment vestorswhileitprovidesinflation-
to8,46,976unitsin2022-23over speed more than 25km/hr) in FY guidelinesundertheschemehas rection in the market that led to stance from hawkish to dovish, most of the investors are bullish option in volatile times. SIPs beating return, Feroze Azeez,
the previous fiscal, Society of 2023,”itadded.In2021-22,sales had an impact on the sales of reasonable valuation. Rajiv Bajaj, Chairman and on India's growth story and what (Systematic Investment Plans) Deputy CEO at Anand Rathi
Manufacturers of Electric of low speed e-scooters were at E2Ws. This comes following a simi- ManagingDirectorofBajajCapital, better to play it except through continue to be a popular invest- Wealth, said. History shows that
Vehicles said on Monday. 75,457 units, while those of high Another Rs 400 crore of the laramountofRs1.81lakhcrorein- said. Indian equities,” he said. ment method among retail in- there have been only four in-
Totalsalesof e-two-wheelers speede-scooterswereat2,52,443 OEMsoperatinginthepremium- vested by mutual funds in the In the longer-term, India's According to the Sebi data, vestors. stances in the last 22 years when
(E2W) were at 3,27,900 units in units. endalsogotstuckduetothealle- stock market in preceding finan- growthprospectishigheramidst mutualfundshaveinvestedanet “The correction in the equity Niftyhasdeliverednegativeaver-
2021-22. Citing data sourced SMEV said in FY23 E2W gation of under invoicing to by- cial year 2021-22 (FY22). Before concernofslowinggrowthinma- amountofRs1.82lakhcroreinthe market has also helped. This has age return for the respective cal-
from manufacturers, Society of adoption ended “with an annual pass the FAME norms leading to that, they had pulled out Rs 1.2 jor developed economies. just concluded financial year. led to an increased inflow in eq- endar years and the CAGR return
Manufacturers of Electric shortfallofmorethan25percent crippling of their business oper- lakh crore from equities in 2020- “Thegovernment'sfavourable Shruti Jain, CSO at Arihant uity funds, and consequently, we hasbeen12.86percentinthelast
Vehicles (SMEV) said FY23 saw over the minimum target set by ations, SMEV added. 21, according to the data with the policies along with a focus on in- Capital,attributedahostoffactors are witnessing increased buying 22 years, he added.

BRIEFLY Debit cards face threat over UPI preference Tender No : E-Tender No 02/2023-24/SE/PHC/CHN

Govtstarts (PIN) while making discre- “I would say debit card is a

KIIFB-TRAN_II - WRD025-31 Drinking WSS to Paingottoor Panchayath ln Ernakulam
district-Package I-General CivilWork. Construction of 6 m dia intake well at Panamkara,
Supply and laying RWPM, Construction of 4 mld WTP,Construction of 3.50 Ltr, 1.20 Ltr


tionary spends. They will end up much inferior product to UPI to-
capacity OH tank. Providing distribution system in various zones. EMD : Rs. 5,00,000/-,
Tender fee : Rs. 19518, Last Date for submitting Tender : 24-04-2023 03:00:pm,

using a prepaid payment instru- day because debit cards still re- Phone : 0484-2360645, Website :,
Superintending Engineer
ment instead,” Tyagi said. quire a point of sale machine at PH Circle
DEBIT CARDS may struggle to Effective April 1, the NPCI has the merchant whereas UPI only KWA-JB-GL-6-32-2023-24 Kochi
New Delhi: The govern- retain their utilities intact at a enabled payments at quick re- requires a quick response code.
ment is planning to come time when the preference for sponse codes through prepaid I would say that the UPI interop-
out with an initial share the Unified Payments Interface payment instruments (PPI) like erability rules are another nail Tender No : : e-Tender No 01/2023-24/ SE/PHC/ALP
sale offer for up to 25 per (UPI) platform across India has mobile wallets. While NPCI’s an- in the coffin for debit cards,” AMRUT-2.0-Kayamkulam Municipality-Pipeline Work EMD : Rs. 500000
cent stake in Indian been on the rise. The recent nouncement came as a boost to Rajat Deshpande, chief execu- Tender fee : Rs. 19518, Last Date for submitting Tender : 02-05-2023
Renewable Energy move of the National Payments the UPI ecosystem, it has raised tive officer and co-founder, 02:00:pm Phone : 0477-2237954 Website :,
Development Agency Corporation of India (NPCI) to al- questions over the relevance of FinBox, said. Superintending Engineer
(IREDA) and is looking for low prepaid payment instru- debit cards. While UPI has certainly up- PH Circle
merchantbankerstoman- ments to become a part of the Unlike debit cards, users are staged debit card payments, it KWA-JB-GL-6-40-2023-24 Alappuzha
age the process. PTI interoperable UPI ecosystem Debit card transactions have fallen 20% YoY. File able to make all their transac- remains to be seen as to
will bolster UPI payments, say tions through the PPI without whether the former will actually
JSWSteelQ4 experts.
“Earlier, debit cards were the per cent year-on-year to 7.5 bil- more choices while making
those showing up in their sav-
ings accounts.
replace the latter, say experts.
According to the latest NPCI
crudesteel only channel for you to spend
money online if you wanted to
lion in February, data from the
NPCI showed. Transactions on
payments. Hence, they can opt
to scan their phone while mak-
In addition to being conven-
ient, payment through PPI helps
circular, an interchange fee of 1.1
per cent will be levied on mer-
outputrises spend using your bank account.
Now that there is UPI, those ac-
the platform witnessed a size-
able growth in March as well.
ing payments, instead of carry-
ing a wallet everywhere, say ex-
keep the bank balance away
from the risk of fraud, since
chant transactions of above Rs
2,000 done through a PPI.
New Delhi: JSW Steel on cess channels are changing with On the other hand, debit card perts. users do not have to enter their In addition, the issuer of the
Monday posted a 13 per additional data security avail- transactions have fallen 20 per “UPI has taken a big chunk of debit card PIN each time they PPI will have to pay a loading fee
cent growth in its consoli- able on these channels. I think cent YoY to 220 million, data debit card transactions. As we make a payment, say experts. of 15 basis points to the account
dated crude steel produc- debit cards usage will definitely from the Reserve Bank of India move to a save-now, pay-later More importantly, PPI inter- holder’s bank for loading a
tion at 6.58 million tonne be on the downslide,” said Amit showed. culture, the customer will not operability enables users to transaction value of more than
(MT) during the fourth Tyagi, chief executive officer, The fall in debit card transac- want to get their bank account make payments in smaller retail Rs 2,000. Total transactions that
quarter of FY23. PTI Payworld. tions can be attributed to the exposed or type their debit card outlets where a point of sale ma- are above Rs 2,000 in value are
UPI transactions rose 66.4 fact that customers now have personal identification number chine may not be available. less than 5 per cent. FE
THE INDIAN EXPRESS, TUESDAY, Special Project (P.W.) Divison, Kolhapur ¸FWXFSXFáÑX ¾FFÀF³F

APRIL 11, 2023 Phone No. 0231-2666855

Web:- Email:-
File No. (1)/WCD/DAU/ABJY/2023-24/3780 Date: 01.04.2023 COMPETITION for integrated Development Plan for providing Infrastructure facilities in
NOTICE INVITING BID and around Jotiba (Wadi Ratnagiri) Hill for Pilgrims visiting Jotiba as well as in the area
NIT No. 01/2023-24, 02/2023-24 & 03/2023-24 of Jotiba Pradhikaran,Taluka-Panhala, District- Kolhapur.
Bids for NRM Works under Atal Bhujal Scheme in Block Baswa, Dausa & Nangal
Rajawatan, District Dausa of estimated value INR of Each Projects as below table, are
Executive Engineer, Special Project (P.W) Division, Kolhapur, invites Expression of
inivted from interested bidders. Other particulars of the bid may be visited on the interest (EOI) for Appointment of experienced & registered consultancy firms for
procurement portal ( or ) of Architectural. Structural Conceptual designs & drawing of landscape, Infrastructure
the state, and website.
S. No. NIB No. Name of Block Estimated Value UBN No.
facilities & related work.
1 WSC2324A0002 Baswa 792070 WSC2324WSOB00002 Name of Project Approximate Area of Jotiba Pradhikaran
2 WSC2324A0003 Dausa 15951863 WSC2324WSOB00003
3 WSC2324A0004 Nangal Rajwatan 21002410 WSC2324WSOB00004 Integrated Development Plan for providing 314
WÀ°ff./- Infrastructure facilities in and around Jotiba This area is indicative which covers Jotiba
(WXdSXIZYVf ¸fe³ffX) (WadiRatnagiri) Hill for Pilgrims visiting hill and nearly 18 Villages (These village are
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff E½fa ´fdSX¹fûªf³ff ´fi¶f³²fIY Jotiba as well as in the area of Jotiba indicative in numbers) surrounding Jotiba
½ffMXSXVfZOX ÀfZ»f IY¸f OXfMXf ÀfZ³MXSX Pradhikaran, Taluka-Panhala, District- hill. which are included in Jotiba
dªf»ff ´fdSX¿fQ, QüÀff
Kolhapur Pradhikaran.
The eligibility criteria for Participation and procedure of selection is as per the EOI.
The EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) document can be downloaded From
11/04/2023 to 26/04/2023 during office Hrs. Working day from the e-Tendering portal of
Public Works Departments, Govt. of Maharashtra after
entering the details, payment of Rs.590 (Rs. 500+18 % GST)/- (Rs. Five Hundred
ninety Only) should be paid online using payment gateway.
The complete EOI Covering eligibility Qualification cum experience criteria stated and
Conceptual design of the stated area must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly
marked "EOI for the Construction of" Integrated Development Plan for providing
Infrastructure facilities in and around Jotiba (Wadi Ratnagiri) Hill For Pilgrims visiting
Jotiba as well as in the area of Jotiba Pradhikaran,Taluka-Panhala. District- Kolhapure"
in the office of the Executive Engineer, Special Project (P.W) Division, Kolhapur.
Tarabai park. Kolhapur oflice on or before 12/06/2023 at 11.00 AM. The EOI should
be submitted with self-assigned 9 (Nine) digit code number without revealing the
self identity. All drawings revealing identity shall be disqualified.
Details of Project Concept will Be explained in the office of Superintending
Engineer, Public Work Circle, Tarabai park Kolhapur, on 19/04/2023 At 11.00 hrs The
"BOARD OF ASSESSORS" reserve the right to reject any/all of the "EXPRESSION
OF INTEREST (EOI) " submission without assigning any reason.
Sanjay Babruwan Katkar
Executive Engineer,
dgipr 2023-24/119 Special Project (P.W) Division, Kolhapur.
Giants up to the challenge EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER
LSG overcome disastrous start and thrilling finale as RCB bowling fails to defend big total

Amit Mishra took the wicket of Virat Kohli. AP

Daal diya Jalebi! Kumble on Mishra

When Amit Mishra came to bowl to Kumble would then narrate a lovely
Virat Kohli, Anil Kumble was on air story about Mishra and himself. “Just
on Jio Hindi commentary and he before this IPL, I told him, ‘Mishy you
called it correctly. “It will all be about ended my Test career’. Kumble re-
the length”. And it was, Mishra minded him of his last Test when
slipped in a front-of-hand delivery Mishra told him to “come closer at
that skidded on from back of length mid-on” and next ball Matthew
and Kohli holed out in attempting Hayden smashed one so hard at
the big hit. Then came a lovely tossed Kumble that he hurt his hand, and
up, really slowed up, ball to the new required 11 stitches. That was my last
batsman Glenn Maxwell, who nearly Test, I joked to Mishy.” Then came
holed out with an aerial square drive. Mishra’s quip. “The story isn’t over.
“Daal diya Jalebi,” Kumble would add, Mishra replied, ‘you lost me a wicket,
“hit that”. bhai!’”

Ravi Bishnoi celebrates after Lucknow Super Giants’ last-ball win over Royal Challengers Bangalore at M Chinnaswamy Stadium on Monday. AP
‘One (more) hell of a Avesh to Virat, almost
But more twists were left in the tale. MILESTONE shot’ Kohli vs Wood three years in a row

SYNOPSIS With seven needed in the penultimate
over, Ayush Badoni’s swept six over deep Mark Wood vs Virat Kohli has been a box- Last year, Avesh Khan dismissed Virat
Nicholas Pooran & Marcus Stoinis backwardpointwasnullifiedafterheabsent- office hit for a while, in favour of Kohli. Kohli with a bouncer, he stood there and
heroics help Lucknow script mindedlyknockedoverhisownstumps.Five Coupleof yearsago,Kohlihadbashedhim clapped vigourously. He would have
historic run chase as Bangalore’s were needed from the last over as Harshal for a 6,6,4. The first one was spectacular. hoped for a similar result this year as he
bowling disappoints again Patel helped himself to two wickets, leaving Number of 50-plus Virat Kohli has Kohli backed away to the off side and slipped another bouncer. Pretty well-di-
one run to get off the last ball. scored in the IPL, the joing most by thumped a shortish ball over midwicket. rected one at that and Kohli was in trou-
High drama ensued as Harshal looked to an Indian batsman - with the other “Goodplayersareallowedtodothat.Isaid blewiththeattemptedpull.Butitflewoff
knock the bails off at the non-striker’s end as being Shikhar Dhawan. Kohli has tohimattheendof theoverthat,thatfirst the top edge to the boundary for a six.
NAMIT KUMAR he ran up, to catch Ravi Bishnoi out of his also scored a 50 against every sixwasonehellofashot,”Woodwouldsay Next ball, a length delivery, was lifted up
APRIL 10 crease, but missed the wicket entirely. The active franchise he's played in the then. Today, Kohli backed away first ball and over wide mid-off. In Avesh's next
finalballwouldthenmissthewicketand the league, as per Opta. again,butthistimeoutsidelegstump,and over, Kohli smashed a length ball on the

MARCUS STOINIS walked out into the mid- bat, and Dinesh Karthik would fumble as creamedhimtothestraightboundary.The up and through covers. In 2021 IPL too,
dle at 23-3 in the fifth over as the Lucknow Lucknow would run a bye to seal, just about, ‘onehellof ashot’thistimewasthesix,off Avesh had removed Kohli, who chopped
SuperGiantschasedamammothtotalof 213. the fifth-highest run chase in IPL history. thesecondball.Itwasashortoflengthpacy on a delivery on the stumps. At theend of
KL Rahul failed to find connection or timing ball,butKohliseemedtobereadyforit:He thegametwowouldmeetandlaterAvesh
– managing a disappointing 18 from 20 balls Kohli’s early blitz Number of times top three batsmen stayed still and crunched it on the up over would say, “he told me that I bowled well
that will not ease the questions around his Two uncharacteristically mistimed early of a team have scored 50-plus each wide long-on. and should continue doing this.”
form – and most of Lucknow’s top order had shots defined Virat Kohli’s innings on Ayush Badoni hit a six that could’ve got in an IPL game after Virat Kohli (61),
been eaten up by the new ball. Monday. The first, on the second ball of the LSG closer to the target but was instead Faf du Plessis (79*) and Glenn FAILED ‘MANKAD’ ATTEMPT
And then, Stoinis, in tandem with
Nicholas Pooran, tore up the script.
innings — a charge down the wicket and
heave over extra cover from the toe end of
out hit-wicket off the shot. Sportzpics Maxwell (59) scored half-centuries.
Harshal misses the trick
TheAustraliandisplayedthefullstrengthof the bat — landed safely. The second, in the
hiseasypower.Hestormedtoa35-ball60with secondover,pullingashorter-lengthdelivery Lucknow captain Rahul knew he needed decade. Pandya dropping him before he hit With 1 run needed from two balls, and
11 boundaries, five of which sailed into the from Avesh Khan square of the wicket, re- totameKohliafterthePowerplay,andhisuse an additional three sixes in the 18th over, did Bangalore needing one wicket to push
stands,andutterlyshockedBangalore,whose sulted in a lucky top edge for six. Off the next ofspinnersdidthetricktosomeextent.Pandya not help Lucknow’s case. the game into superover, Harshal Patel
bowling proved to be as frail as their batting ball, Kohli hit a perfectly-timed cover drive wasjoinedbyBishnoitoturntheballfromboth However, even Maxwell’s brilliant late pulled out before releasing the ball just
had looked dominant in the first innings. for four, and never looked back. ends as Kohli, and Du Plessis in particular, flurrywasnotenough.Ultimately,Bangalore as he approached the stumps. The non-
Stoinis’ wicket came at a time when Alotof thecriticismof Kohliasamodern- struggled to maintain the early momentum. cannot help but rue the errors they made. striker Ravi Bishnoi had run out of the
Bangalore were still in a commanding posi- day T20 batsman has been centred around Therewereonlythreeboundariesbetweenthe The target of 212 was a huge one, but they crease, backing up too quickly. But
tion, but Pooran picked up where the Aussie hislackof aggressioninthePowerplay,where sixth and 12th overs, when Kohli eventually would have probably felt 20-odd runs short Harshal missed flicking the bails off - he
left, and began walloping the ball to all parts only two fielders outside the circle allows departedatthehandsofAmitMishra(theIPL’s due to a mid-innings lull overseen by Kohli had tried but he didn’t make contact and
of the ground. greater risk-taking. It has been a trend evi- ultimate ‘he’s still around?’ player). andDuPlessis.Theirbowlingwassimplyun- he kept running ahead with the momen-
Stoinis had helped himself to a quickfire dent in each of the matches in the IPL so far – Thanks to mammoth back-to-back sixes, convincing from all quarters, only David tum. His bowling arm hadn’t passed the
half-centurylargelythankstothegreatpower according to ESPNCricinfo, 28.7% of first-in- one of which went a jaw-dropping 115 me- WilleyandSirajmanagedtokeeptheirecon- perpendicular, which would construe he
hewields,butPooran’sinningswasallabout nings runs in the first 10 matches of this sea- tres, against Bishnoi in the 15th over, Du omy rate under 10. had completed the action and can’t run
timing and manipulation of the field. The son have come in the first six overs. Plessis,whohadlabouredto 33from31balls With six of RCB’s first eight matches at out a non-striker who has backed up too
West Indian could bend his back leg to posi- Kohlidulyobligedthe trend. His typically at the time, came to life to hit an unbeaten home (due to the Karnataka elections), a so- far. But another strange thing would oc- Harshal Patel tried to run out Ravi
tion himself well outside off stump and eye-pleasing drives raced to the off-side 46-ball 76. But it was Glenn Maxwell’s 59 of lution for their problems with the ball, espe- cur. He had kept running on the wicket a Bishnoi but missed the stumps.
sweep a fuller length delivery for six over boundary, and his strength on the backfoot, 29 that proved to be the most vital innings. cially at the death, is desperately needed. bit too far. Bishnoi was still out of the
backwardsquareleg,andthensliceabound- slapping the spin of Krunal Pandya, and TheAustraliandisplayed his wide variety BRIEF SCORES: Royal Challengers crease by a distance. Harshal turned gested Harshal had to complete the run-
ary off his back foot over third man on the againstoutrightpaceof MarkWoodfor sixes of shots – hitting six sixes by slicing wide Bangalore 212/2 in 20 overs (Virat Kohli 61, around, and fired down the stumps with out (the mankading) in smooth action
next one. Balance met power met a wide ar- over mid-on, was evident. Even as skipper yorkersovercover,aswellasslappingballsin Faf du Plessis 79 not out, Glenn Maxwell 59) a throw and appealed. In the distance, where you abort the bowling action but
ray of shot-making to hit one of the all-time Faf du Plessis failed to get going, Bangalore his arc over long on – that has made him one lost to Lucknow Super Giants 213/9 in 20 Virat Kohli came running as well with his swiftly remove the bails. Harshal had run
greatIPLinningsinarunchase,beforePooran raced to 56-0 in the Powerplay thanks to of the most sought-after international mid- overs (Marcus Stoinis 65, Nicholas Pooran indexfingerup.Theumpire,though,sug- too far down the track.
departed after hitting 62 from 19 balls. Kohli’s early flourish. dle-order batsmen in the IPL over the last 62) by 1 wicket


How a father and family rallied behind Dayal’s ‘nightmarish’ IPL night
for the next game in Mohali on the 13th. “I
told him I am coming there to you, I will be
with you … he will bounce back. This was a
Rinku borrowed Rana’s bat for miracle knock;
CHANDARPAL DAYAL starts his day with the
darknight,andIhope thisneverrecursagain
in his life. He will definitely come back
‘didn’t want to give him initially’, says captain
morning newspaper. But, on Monday, for strongly.” Ahmedabad: The bat with which
the first time in his life he hasn’t touched Yash was six when Chandarpal saw the Kolkata Knight Riders' Rinku Singh hit
the newspaper as he is fearful of seeing his cricketing talent. Chandarpal’s cricket future five successive sixes against Gujarat
son Yash Dayal's tearful images from last hadn’t turned out the way he had dreamed Titans actually belonged to his captain
night. He hasn’t checked social media ei- ashisfatherwasagainstit.“Myfatheralways Nitish Rana, who reluctantly gave it to
ther. As soon as Yash’s final ball was wal- used to say there is no future in cricket, I am his teammate.
loped for a six to trigger celebrations in wasting my time, I should prepare for gov- The left-handed Rinku hammered
Rinku Singh’s household in Aligarh, Yash’s ernment examinations,” recalls Dayal, who consecutive sixes off Yash Dayal from
father Chandarpal had switched off the tel- works in the AG office.” That day when a six- the last five balls of KKR's run chase to
evision in Allahabad. year old Yash played cricket with his cousins hand his side a miraculous three-wicket
Soon, however, he learned from his close outside the house, something stirred in win in their IPL match here on Sunday.
ones that Dayal was seen in tears on televi- Chandarpal, the father. Rana said he had been using the bat
sion. Chandarpal decided to step in to help “What struck me the most is that I saw during the whole of Syed Mushtaq Ali
out his vulnerable son “who doesn’t talk or him throwing the ball with his left hand. He trophy, the domestic T20 championship. Rinku (in pic) asked me for my
show emotions much”. started bowling left-handed, and to my sur- "This (the one Rinku used) is my bat
He would call his son in a while but first prise, he turned out to be a fast bowler,” the and I played both matches (this season)
bat. I didn’t want to give him my
sentYash’saunt,uncle,andcousinsister,who father says. He began training with Yash. At with this bat. I have played the entire bat initially, but somebody
were at the ground watching him live, to the 12, Yash was enrolled at the Madan Mohan Syed Mushtaq Ali trophy and the last brought this bat (from dressing
team hotel. Malviya Cricket Stadium in Allahabad. four to five matches of last year with room). I had a feeling that he
“Itoldthemtogoandmotivatehim. Pick- “There’s a saying, catch them young, and this bat," Rana said after the sensational would pick this bat because it
up his morale. He would be understandably in Yash’s case, his father started grooming win late on Sunday. has a very nice pickup and
depressed. Please go,” Chandarpal told The Gujarat Titans’ Yash Dayal conceded five consecutive sixes in the final over against him very early. It helped him a lot,” Amit Pal, "Today (Sunday) I changed my bat.
according to my weight this bat
Indian Express in the morning after a brutal Kolkata Knight Riders on Sunday. AP Yash’s childhood coach, told this newspaper. Rinku asked me for my bat. I didn't want
night. “He speaks very little. He is an intro- Amit too is confident that Yash will to give him my bat initially, but some- is light. So (now) this bat
vert, and in such situations, he can become a bounce back. "Itwasjustone off-day.Hewill body brought this bat (from dressing belongs to Rinku, not me.”
touch numb.)” of his aunt and uncle when Chanderpaul Broad have gone through the situation.” work hard and I can guarantee you that he room). I had a feeling that he would pick
Chanderpaul,whowasafastbowlerwho called him. What can a father say to a young In his mind, an old cricketing reel ran. will become a better bowler after those five this bat because it has a very nice pickup
played in the Vizzy Trophy in the late 80’s, boy, who aspires to play and star for India, Chandarpal, a fast bowler who played in the sixes. He is a better bowler than that, he and according to my weight this bat is
too had to recover first. “I have been a crick- butwhosevulnerablenightmarishnightwas Vizzy Trophy in the late 80’s, was once knows it, and the world will see," Pal says. light. So (now) this bat belongs to Rinku,
eter but being a father, mother is something a viral video around the cricketing world? smashed for three consecutive sixes. “It was Yash’s father meanwhile is packing his not me," said the captain in a video cricket and international, I've previously
else.Ididgetabitdepressed,‘kyunhua,kaise “Ghabraana nahi (Don’t get scared),” he a a semi-final game here, not international bags to be with his son. His own cricketing posted on KKR's Twitter handle. seen two innings. One is Ravi Shastri
hua … (why it happened, how it happened), told Yash. “I then said: ‘This is not some new like the IPL. But still … An ordinary batsman dream might not have materialised but he is KKR head coach Chandrakanta scoring six sixes in the Ranji Trophy, and
the mind was in a loop, worried for my son,” thing in cricket. Bowlers getting hit. It has had hit me for 3 sixes. I have told Yash many sure that he won’t let his son’s journey stut- Pandit also heaped praise on Rinku second was last ball sixes by Javed
he says. He decided he will be with his son happened to big bowlers. Just do hard work, times that story. We had lost that semi-final ter. “He has always bounced back from bad Singh for his sensational batting. Miandad in Dubai (Sharjah) and after
in this trying hour and watch the next game see where you made mistakes, but remem- game. I reminded him again last night when situations. He couldn't do it yesterday but "In 43 years of my cricket career, be- that I'm seeing you (Rinku)."
from the ground. He then called up Yash. ber this is not the first time it has happened I called,” Chandarpal says with a laugh. you will see that he will do a wonderful job ing coach, playing cricket, first class PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
Yash had recovered a touch from the visit in cricket. Big players like Malinga, Stuart He then told Yash that he would be there whenever he plays next."


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Worst game in history of Worlds
Astana:VikaspinnedJainTanof China
8-0 by technical superiority in the
72kg Greeko-Roman category to
clinch a third bronze medal for India
in the ongoing Asian Wrestling A World Championship takes a huge mental toll on a person but I’ve
Championships here on Monday. never seen a competitor play amateur moves. The World
Ontheseconddayof thetournament,
Championship match between Nepo and Magnus Carlsen was one-
fell by the wayside in their bronze sided in favour of the Norwegian, but it’s not like Nepo just gave up.
medal matches, but Vikas took just
one minute and 41 seconds to knock
out his Chinese rival.Sumit lost to already in a decisive stage and it was clear very passive and cramped position by
MaitaKawanaof Japan14-6afterpick-
ing cautions in his bout. PTI Pravin thipsay that this was the worst possible play by any
player in any World Championship.
move 11 which itself is an alarming factor.
I think it is time for him to really recover
A World Championship takes a huge and look for a different approach toward
HIplanningtorevive LET ME just put it in black and white. Game
2 of the 2023 FIDE World Championships
mental toll on a person but I’ve never seen
a competitor play amateur moves. The
this match and to his chess.
He needs to be more confident and as-
HILin2024 between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding
Liren was the worst game played in the his-
World Championship match between
Nepo and Magnus Carlsen was one-sided
sertive with regard to his position. He
played very passively. He was shuttling his
Mumbai: The lucrative Hockey India tory of the championships. The game in favour of the Norwegian, but it’s not like bishop without really hitting any target. He
League(HIL)islikelytobere-launched ended in favour of Nepo, who was playing Nepo just gave up. was making moves without really
early next year as the national federa- with black, in just 29 moves. The first six games were draws. analysing.Ding seemed very scared and as
tion on Monday announced its exclu- The play by Ding was very strange. His Viswanathan Anand vs Carlsen in 2013 was though he has not prepared for this match.
sive commercial and marketing part- behaviour too has been bizarre. He was dominated by Carlsen but even there, both One has to be more professional at this
nerfortheevent.HILwasstoppedafter very nervous during the first game as well the players had come up with a well- level. There’s a lot of buzz in China regard-
the2017editionduetofinancialissues and in the interview after the game, he re- thought-out plan and strategy. ing this match as he is the first Chinese GM
and Hockey India (HI) is now looking vealed that after reaching Astana, It seems that this match is going to be to be playing in the Championship and per-
newpartnerstorevivetheleague."The Kazakhstan where the championship is be- very one-sided because Nepo hasn’t even haps the enormity of the occasion has got-
HILwasabigsuccessforthegameand ing held, he actually changed his hotel had to try very hard. In the first game, he ten to him.
we are now in the process of reviving room a day before the start. Something is didn’t try at all. I think he was just judging It’s no secret that he is a very reserved
the league early next year," a HI source wrong with him at the moment. He’s very his opponent. And the second game, he just person and doesn’t like attention, which is
said. PTI underconfident and lacks self-esteem. played some initial moves and by move 11 exactly what is happening. But it’s up to
Perhaps it’s because everyone in he found he had the opportunity of seizing him to deal with it.
Kazakhstan talks Russian. He may be in- the initiative.
BaganstartSuper timidated by it. He was constantly holding
his head in both his hands. That’s definitely
Then, of course, he played like a lion. He
sensed that his opponent had already got-
The day off
If anything has to change in this match
Cupwithbigwin not a sign of a confident player. Something
is affecting him and it’s imperative he deals
ten into a bad position. He developed a
sense that something was missing in his
it has to change on this rest day. Ding has
the game to back himself but needs to have
Kozhikode: ATK Mohun Bagan began with it immediately. opponent’s preparation or mental tem- the mental strength to brave this challenge.
theirSuperCupcampaignwithanem- Ding LirencongratulatesIanNepomniachtchiaftertheRussianwonthesecond perament and so decided to play the most This rest day will prove vital to the remain-
phatic5-1drubbingofGokulamKerala Ding’s poor start matchof theChessWorldChampionshipon Monday. FIDE/Anna Shtourman aggressive game he has played in recent der of the Championship. It’s his day for in-
FC at the EMS Corporation Stadium You could know Game 2 was going to times. What’s important to note also is that trospection.
here on Monday.The home team fans end badly for Ding the moment he played Nepo really didn’t make any mistakes. Ding will be aided by the fact that his
watchedinstunneddisbeliefastheISL the fourth move. He played h3, a move move played in a club match, I would say knight to a5 (Na5), thereby deciding to be Nepo’s strategy that he would outplay parents are there with him in Astana. He’s
champions toyed with their defence played by only two amateurs in the past. It that the player is not a good one. aggressive. It was by that move that Nepo his opponent in simple positions rather very close to his mother and has spoken
withwingerListonColacobeingthestar is a waste of precious time and achieves The game still needed Nepo to take the showed that he has prepared well to take than going for complex positions seems to about how she helps him whenever he is
oftheshow,scoringtwoearlygoalsthat nothing in return. initiative. Though Ding didn’t make a great on Ding. be working because Ding is somehow go- down. Mothers, I believe, have healing
put the Green and Maroon in a com- It’s a very strange move that gives away move, Nepo still had to make a move sig- By move 18, Nepo had already put Ding ing through his worst patch, at least here. power and it’s something that Ding needs
fortable position within the first 30 all the advantage and position to the oppo- naling intent that he was ready to take on in a position to resign though the Chinese In Game 1 Ding didn’t do particularly more than anything. Right now he seems
minutes. PTI nent, rather than gaining an advantage white. And it was on the 11th move that did well to pull on the game to move 29. badly because his opening was such. In self-defeated.
while playing with white. If I had seen this Nepo made the decisive call. He played his After playing for two hours, the game was Game 2 however, his entire play got into a (AS TOLD TO ANIL DIAS)

Vol XCI- 129 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05 R.N.I. No.506/1957

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